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The dungeons of fear and hunger are ancient, otherwordly ruins used to house war criminals by the Kingdom of Rondon. The dungeons serve as the setting of Fear & Hunger. Lore

The dungeons of fear and hunger boast ancient origins, rumored to rival the age of Ma'habre, the legendary city of the Gods. Over countless ages, these dungeons have served as a nexus connecting various realms of existence. The layers of its structure suggest a history of continual rebuilding and expansion across different eras.

The dungeons hold a profound connection to the God of the Depths, an obscure Old God whose presence manifests as a dormant, gigantic creature with organs scattered throughout the lower levels; in truth, the deepest levels of the dungeons might just be the physical embodiment of the Old God itself. This ancient being influences the layout of the dungeons, constantly altering its shape to confound new arrivals. Moreover, the God of the Depths inflicts otherworldly effects upon those who spend extended periods within the dungeons' confines. Exposure to this so-called "darkness" drives individuals and creatures alike to utter madness, while also inducing grotesque mutations with varying effects.

Within the dungeons, a variety of followers pay homage to the God of the Depths. Among them, many are insectoid beings lacking self-awareness or higher intelligence. Additionally, there are outcasts who found themselves stranded in the darkness, like the Cavedwellers. These humanoid figures, once trapped by a cave-in, transformed a section of the dungeon's mines into a primitive village. They erected an altar near the body of the Old God, revering them as their deity.

The lower levels of the dungeons imply that numerous ancient cultures once explored it long before the current civilization. Evidence of this includes numerous totems and pillars representing unknown entities and colossal Lizardman statues. These findings hint at the possibility that the dungeons were inhabited by this species even before the existence of mankind.

Location and behaviour

If the player has not angered the Cavedwellers, the player will be able to buy useful items from her. She has two different item selections, one of which will be selected at the start of the player's run with 50% chance each. She will also engage the player character in battle if angered.

Character Day Action
Cahara portrait4.png
Day 1
  • Give one of the answers during the lesson: "There is no continent there." or "It's Jettaiah."
  • Go to The Prisons (lv.2) and find a Dirty magazine.
Day 2
  • Show him a Dirty magazine, but don't let him have it.
Day 3
  • Give answer about Moon God during the lesson.
  • Agree to prank teacher; go to bed and choose to wait for Cahara.
  • In the end, say it was a date.
D'arce portrait4.png
Day 1
  • Talk to Le'garde and ask what's his goals.
  • Get a Claymore (30) and Plate mail (15) at the Armor shop.
Day 2
  • Give Le'garde a Claymore and a Plate mail. Сonvince her that you have nothing for the captain but a friendship.
  • Go and get a Withered rose in The Dungeon (lv.1).
Day 3
  • Give her the Withered rose.
Day 4
  • Go on date.