Damage F&H1

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Every weapon falls under one of five types of damage: Slashing, Piercing, Blunt, Fire and Otherworldly.

Player damage formulas:

{[(Player Attack <usually 30> + Weapon Attack) * 4 - Enemy Defence <usually 10> * 2] * Enemy Defence Type Percentage} + - <Random plus or minus Variance> 
{[(Player Attack <usually 30> + Weapon Attack) * 4 - Enemy Defence <usually 10> * 2] * Enemy Defence Type Percentage * 20%<Variance>}<Recalculated values are Variance><Variance = any value within 20% of total damage,In other words,Total Damage Plus or Minus Variance equals Total Damage Max and Min.> = Total Damage Max or Min

For example, the player attacks the Janitor's torso while equipped with a knife: −

{[(30 + 10) * 4 - 10 * 2] * 100%} + {[(30 + 10) * 4 - 10 * 2] * 100% * 20%} = Maximum damage the player can cause: 168 


{[(30 + 10) * 4 - 10 * 2] * 100%} - {[(30 + 10) * 4 - 10 * 2] * 100% * 20%} = Minimum Normal damage the player can cause: 112 
  • The Equipment screen in the game menu will show the Player Attack plus Weapon Attack values.

Player hit rate formula:

100 * (97% + Equipment added hit rate) - 100 * Evasion rate of the enemy = Hit rate

  • The Equipment screen in the game menu will show the Player Attack plus Weapon Attack values.

  • The Enemy Defence Type Percentage can be found on the wiki page of the enemy you wish to count.
  • Critical Damage = Total Player Damage * 300%

Player hit rate formula:

100 * (97% + Equipment added hit rate) - 100 * Evasion rate of the enemy = Hit rate
