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This is Pocketcat's dialogue in Fear & Hunger, for the dialogue in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, see Pocketcat (F&H2)/Dialogue

For the character, see Pocketcat.

When found in Level 4 - Cavern

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello stranger~!How are you doing on this wonderful day?”
    • Player: “What is so wonderful about it?”
      • Pocketcat: “New day brings new challenges. What is life without challenges?”
    • Player: “Depressed as always.”
      • Pocketcat: “...Well ain'tcha a killjoy?”
    • Player: “I want to die.”
      • Pocketcat: “Don't we all? Don't we all?”
    • Player: “What are you doing here?”
      • Pocketcat: “Hm. Straight to business, huh? Enough small talk? Fair enough.”
  • Pocketcat: “Life sure is peculiar like that, huh?”
    • Player: “Life is peculiar when you're peculiar.”
      • Pocketcat: “Got that right! I'm liking you already! I know we just met, but I feel the connection forming here already! I hope you don't mind if I ask this straight... Living humans are divided into two groups, yes? There are children of light. Those destined to walk under the bright sun. Those people do well in all hardships of life. They have dear humans who they want to return to. Even in the darkest hour, they can feel the warmth of their loved ones in their heart and gain extra courage from that. Then in the opposite end of spectrum, there are people of darkness. Those humans are often driven to depression and sorrow because of life's peculiar ways.But they have learned how to live with those feelings. In fact, they have grown to love the ever-pressing darkness within. Those humans are able to draw energy from darkness, they are not dependent on other people. They only need darkness, their old friend.So, humans of light and darkness... Which one are you?”
        • Player: “Light”
          • Pocketcat: “I see I see. I am surprised to hear that to be honest. I hope you don't let these dungeons affect you in that case.”
        • Player: “Darkness”
          • Pocketcat: “Yes~! They all are. I suspected as much. I am glad you were able to be so honest with me. Tell me - do you love me by chance?”
            • Player: “Yes”
              • Pocketcat: “Right...So you really aren't a human of darkness. You just said so, because you thought that's what I wanted to hear. But that's alright. Really. However, you must always remember to be yourself in every situation. Even if you love someone. Because if you base your love on a lie like that, it won't end well for you. Well it probably won't end well anyways. But that's life. Peculiar as always.”
            • Player: “No”
              • Pocketcat: “Hooo~! Very good very good. I love honest words, even when they hurt me. I say that now... But I'm probably going to feel really awful later on. But don't you worry about that. Really. I have grown to love this feeling of being rejected.”
  • Pocketcat: “Well anyways, I'm a merchant of sorts. I sell precious items and weapons for those in need. The funny thing is though; I don't want your gold or silver.I will trade items for human children. Bring them to me and I'll make it worth your while. My pockets are very deep, you see~”

If you speak to Pocketcat again

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello stranger~!...I'm not seeing any children with you...”

If you speak to Pocketcat with the girl in the party

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello stranger~! And hello~ little one!! What a pretty little face you are! I like your hips and ankles especially!”
  • Girl: “...”'

The girl seems to be scared of Pocketcat.

  • Pocketcat: “How about I make an offer you cannot refuse! Just for you, my special customer~ I will trade the little girl to an item of your choosing!”
    • Player: No deal.
      • Pocketcat: “O-oh. How disappointing. Y-you sure about this? The offer lasts! come back if you change your mind!”
    • If you select an item
      • Pocketcat: “Excellent!”

You trade the little girl for [item]!' If you speak to Pocketcat with demon kid in the party as D'Arce

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello~ little one!! What a peculiar little creature you are! Am I imagining things or do you share features with this caretaker of yours? Is she your momma by any chance?”
    • Kid Demon doesn't seem to react to Pocketcat in any way.

If you speak to Pocketcat with demon kid in the party as Cahara, Ragnvaldr, or Enki

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello~ little one!! What a peculiar little creature you are! Am I imagining things or do you share features with this caretaker of yours? Is he your daddy by any chance? I'd like to be your daddy too...”
    • Kid Demon doesn't seem to react to Pocketcat in any way.

If you speak to Pocketcat again after trading a child

  • Pocketcat: “I'm enjoying our little deal. I really am, believe me~ If you find any other children, please let's make business again, yes? My pockets are real deep, you see.”

If you speak to Pocketcat again after trading two child

  • Pocketcat: “You drive a hard bargain my friend. But so do I. So do I~ I'm enjoying our little deal. I really am, believe me~ If you find any other children, please let's make business again, yes? My pockets are real deep, you see.”

When found in Level 6 - Mines

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello again stranger~! It hasn't even been that long, has it my friend? There has been something bothering me lately. You wouldn't mind if we had a little one-on-one time together,would you?”
    • Player: “Not at all. What is bothering you?”
      • Pocketcat: “I have been thinking about happiness.Tell me - Are you happy?
        • Player: “Yes” (+Happy)
          • Pocketcat: “Hooo~ you do? This is the most surprising! I feel like so many people lose the sight of happiness once they grow out of their naive little views of the world they had as younglings. But perhaps it is possible to feel like that, even as someone as old as you.”
        • Player: “No” (+Depressed)
          • Pocketcat: “Hmmm... Yes. That is unfortunately the typical answer. Every day we strive to make our lives better, but almost as a curse, we are destined to repeat the same cycle of doom and gloom.I don't want to sound too cold or anything, my friend,but...I would like to say I feel sorry for you. I would LIKE TO.But that's what everyone keeps saying so no use going that path.”
      • Pocketcat: “Personally I find happiness almost unreachable.As depressing as that may sound haha. Hah - that's just my nervous laughter. Please ignore it. I just mask my true feelings with it. Kinda like with this wooden mask of mine as well.Happiness sounds like a state that stays with you. It's not just a fleeting moment. If you are truly happy - You should feel it lingering in the background, even in your darkest hour. At least that's what I believe really. Many mistake happiness with joy. Joy is something you might feel briefly when you kiss a boy or a girl for the first time. You can feel joy when you are spending an evening with a close friend - drinking wine in the candlelight. Slowly one of you reaches out with his leg under the table...But joy is just temporary. It's just a faint light in the darkness to remind you that not everything is necessarily surrounded by bleak emptiness. That is the difference between happiness and joy.”
        If the player chooses the Light in Level 4 - Cavern
        • Pocketcat: “Since you were a child of light, I imagine that you might actually be able to feel true happiness too.I envy you. Believe me, old chap. I really envy you.”
          If the player chooses the Darkness in Level 4 - Cavern
        • Pocketcat: “Since you were a child of darkness, I imagine you agree when I say that we don't get the luxury of happiness.We only know brief joy every now and then, but even that is getting more rare every day.”
      • Pocketcat: “But yeah! That's just my two cents. It's good to say these things out loud every now and then.Makes it easier to process all these mixed feelings and voices inside the head, you know? Anyways, let's get back to business! This has been very unprofessional of me, I apologise!”
    • Player: “Actually I would rather not.”
      • Pocketcat: “Oh I see! It's totally fine!I mean, even if I already feel this deep connection between us - It doesn't necessarily mean you share the same emotions. Don't worry, I'm not hurt or anything. It's good you're so straight and honest with me.”

Then the dialogue is the same as the Trading part in Level 4 - Cavern.

When found in Ancient City - Center Square with the girl in the party

  • Pocketcat: “Well hello again stranger~! We meet again in such a picturesque enviroment. You must be the one who opened the door to this lovely place. I came to a sudden realization that you happen to have that lovely little human girl with you and I've been asking for such a thing for a while now...I think you should serioouussly consider my offer.....And just hand over the girl. How is it going to be, old chap?”
    • Player: “Fine...”
      • Pocketcat: “Well this went just lovely, didn't it~? *giggle* I'm so happy! We are going to be heading off soon. It was really nice meeting you. I am sure to remember you for the rest of my life. Hope you do the same~”
    • Player: “No...”
      • Pocketcat: “No...” Pocketcat is purring loudly. “Y-You see a large chap like myself asking nicely for a small little offering... Something so insignificant. You barely even know this little creature. Y-You just met her a few fleeting moments ago... Y-Yet you decline me this tiny pleasure~ My only pleasure~” Pocketcat is purring louder and louder... “I'll ask once more... W-Will you politely give me the girl!?”
        • Player: “Fine...”
          • Pocketcat: “Well this went just lovely, didn't it~? Gotta admit - I was already getting kinda upset haha! We are going to be heading off soon. It was really nice meeting you. I am sure to remember you for the rest of my life. Hope you do the same~”
        • Player: “No...”
          • Pocketcat: “N-No...This one says no...M-master what do I do...? *sigh* You don't always get what you want, huh? I did think you loved me. I really did...I mean how else do you explain all those long gazes we shared? And how we always used to talk to the long hours of the night... Just the two of us. Maybe our feet gently touched each other when no one else was watching... I thought there was something there. I'm not going to lie - this breaks my heart. I think it's best for me to go. Just leave this place. If you ever-- No... Some things are better left unsaid. I'll leave while I still have my dignity. Good bye.”