Pocketcat (F&H2)/Dialogue

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This is Pocketcat's dialogue in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, for the dialogue in Fear & Hunger, see Pocketcat/Dialogue

For the character, see Pocketcat.

First encounter

If the player is male

  • Pocketcat: “Oh... Oh~! Here I am busy with my own business, completely ignoring this beautiful chap!

If the player is female

  • Pocketcat: “Oh... Oh~! Here I am busy with my own business, completely ignoring this beautiful chapette!

For all characters

  • Pocketcat: “All apologies, pleased to meet you! You can call me Pocketcat. ...You have one of those familiar faces. I feel like we've met before somewhere before. Perhaps in a past life?”
    • Player: “Maybe...?”
      • Pocketcat: “Things sure have changed since then, haven't they? We live in peculiar times. The world has gone through true darkness. The world has been at a standstill. In a deep rest. People stocked up on toilet paper and hid in their homes with their loved ones. They were waiting for that glimpse of light just because they knew that even the darkness has a breaking point.”
    • Player: “I don't think so...”
    • Player: “You're mistaking me for someone else...”
  • Pocketcat: “Say old sport, what do you think follows such intense darkness?”
    • Player: “It has to be light. More peaceful times.”
      • Pocketcat: “Oh yes I remember you're the eternal optimist. That is the reason I loved you.”
    • Player: “The darkness isn't quite over yet...”
      • Pocketcat: “Well ain'tcha a killjoy! But I understand. I understand. Dark times create dark minds.”
    • Player: “Chaos and confusion.”
      • Pocketcat: “Yes. Not light or darkness, but grey. Very insightful indeed.”
    • Player: “Growth into something new.”
      • Pocketcat: “Yes. Change is the only thing inevitable.”
    • Player: “I can't be bothered with this.
      • Pocketcat: “Oh pardon me. I am sorry if I took your time. I don't mean to delay you any further.”
  • Pocketcat: “From personal experience, I'd say a true darkness is followed by chaos. The mind, or the common consciousness we all share strives for something new. When one is truly done with the darkness, one strives for new with such vigor that growing pains are inevitable. But there lies the danger, you see chaos can ragdoll us into any one direction... The direction is not always the light. Sometimes one can find themselves lost in a limbo that is the chaos. When you enter the limbo from a dark place, there is a big chance that you contaminate the chaos with your darkness and just create a new pitch black place. Maybe even darker than the one before? ... I guess I'm just rambling here. 'Letting my mind wander and mouth slander' as they say. You know me. When I get excited, I can go on and on and on... I didn't mean to take your time. From what I understand you've got your hands full with the festival already. So I'll get straight to the point. Not only a wandering gentleman, but I am also a heads salesman of sorts with deep, deep pockets. What is a heads salesman you ask? Well it is exactly what it sounds. I'm willing to part from my valuable collection if the price is right. And the price is severed heads of those participating in the festival. Macabre, I know. But you get used to it. God knows I did. This is what I have to offer. It is quite a nice collection even if I say so myself.”
    • Player: “Nevermind"
      • Pocketcat: “Happy to do business with you~!”
        • Pocketcat: “It truly was a pleasure to meet you once again, but I fear I must go for now. The tower you were heading towards... It's to the east of here, just beyond the church's hidden passage. Let us meet again there. Perhaps I'll even have a special deal for you. My pockets are VERY deep you see... But until that time old sport, take care, take care.”

When found in the Museum

If the player met him beforehand

  • Pocketcat: “Ah~ old sport! Fancy seeing you here as well.”

If the player has not met him yet

  • Pocketcat: “Ah well hello there stranger~! Have we met yet? There is something familiar about you, so surely we have. You have one of those faces. A face one does not simply forget. You glow and lift up everyone around you. I hope you are enjoying the ball.”
    • Player: “It's...strange.”
      • Pocketcat: “Aint it so, aint it so. People are strange when you are a stranger. If you want a break from the sea of party people, luckily there are plenty of distractions to examine. I can't but help to wander this lovely building and admire the works of art they've gathered here. There truly are remarkable pieces here.”
    • Player: “Just what is going on here?”
      • Pocketcat: “It is quite peculiar. The atmosphere is festive and dare I say - Quite infectious. If you want a break from the sea of party people, luckily there are plenty of distractions to examine. I can't but help to wander this lovely building and admire the works of art they've gathered here. There truly are remarkable pieces here.”
  • Pocketcat: “Art falls into two categories-- No, not the art. My bad. Artists fall into two categories. There are the ones who see something taking place in the world. Maybe it's wrongdoings of their fellow pedestrians, maybe its abuse of power by those sitting on top of the pyramid scheme... Whatever it is, it feeds their inspiration and creativity and they desperately want put their own spin on it. It must be very spontaneous I imagine. Painting a picture in an inspired frenzy or composing a piece of music that beats in sync with the world. I call these people extroverted artists. Then there are the other half of poor sods. The ones who dwell in their own thoughts and insight. They want to paint a picture of their inner world. Maybe in hopes that someone else would understand them a little better... Or maybe to connect with the few like minded individuals? Maybe these artists would want to depict the picture of times as well? But only if the event taking place would strike a chord with the monolouge they are having with the world. I call these people introverted artists. Both sound selfish in their own right. The extroverted artists who benefit from the sufferings of others. Whhile introverted artists on the other hand sound wuite self-centered, only wanting to talk about themselves. ... Now that I think about it... There might be a third kind as well. My favourite kind actually. Authors who don't even have a clear picture in mind when they start their creative process. They let the story right itself, let the brush strokes dictate the direction of the story instead of trying to force their own will on it. Such chaotic process can lead to unexplored directions. Inspiration can be a creative process, don't you think? Say old sport... the one who dreams all this... The dreamer buried deep underground. Which type do you think she is?
    • Player: “An extroverted type.”
      • Pocketcat: “Interesting. Perhaps, perhaps. I'm not one to argue. Or give answers for that matter. But I do think you got a point there.”
    • Player: “An introverted type.”
      • Pocketcat: “Right? It does sometimes feel like that. I do wonder though. Things are rarely so straightforward.”
    • Player: “The third type.”
      • Pocketcat: “Ah, I let my bias shine through and you followed on it. Still, I think you might be right there my friend.”
    • Player: “'She'? I thought you were talking about someone else?”
      • Pocketcat: “And who would that be? The big yellow face looming in the sky? Or someone else entirely? I fear our signals are getting tangled here. Maybe we do not share the kind of connection I first imagined... It is a sad day. To realize you've grown apart from days gone.”
  • Pocketcat: “... But enough about that. Are you here to do business perhaps? This is what I have to offer. It is quite a nice collection even if I say so myself.”
      • Player: “Nevermind”
        • Pocketcat: “Happy to do business with you~! Walk around. Mingle a little. You never know what you learn and who you might meet. Maybe if you get lucky... Well you get lucky and don't have to leave here alone.”

If Pocketcat is talked to again

  • Pocketcat: “Have you met anyone interesting? I am impressed by the stamina of these party people. They've been going at it for days now. They did not lie when they told to party like there is no tomorrow.”
    • Player: “Do you know what is going on here?”
      • Pocketcat: “The rich and noble of Bohemia gathered here. It's a real posh party. I was worried that I was a little underdressed when I arrived here. Tell me it isn't so my friend.”
        • Player: “Your clothes look fine.”
          • Pocketcat: “...Fine won't really do here. I used to think that you can never be overdressed and always wore my best suit and the best set of boots... But clearly I've let myself go. What happened to me? *Sigh* Live and learn my friend. Next time I will do better. Just wait and see. I already know what I'll wear.”
        • Player: “Your clothes look fabulous.”
          • Pocketcat: “You're not just saying that? Well. I do feel fabulous. But I'll let you in on a secret. These pants of mine - They are waaayyy too tight. Too tight where it matters the most if you get my drift. Wink wink.”
        • Player: “A little underdressed maybe.”
          • Pocketcat: “I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. I used to think that you can never be overdressed and always wore my best suit and the best set of boots... But clearly I've let myself go. What happened to me? *Sigh* Live and learn my friend. Next time I will do better. Just wait and see. I already know what I'll wear. ”
        • Player: “...”
          • Pocketcat: “... Well at least you look really smart.”
            • If the player is Levi
              • Pocketcat: “The whole overalls look - Mmmm - Chef's kiss old chap!"
            • If the player is Marina
              • Pocketcat: “I love the whole casual / sheek / sophisticated combination. You could rock that outfit at the office or at the afterparty."
            • If the player is Daan
              • Pocketcat: “I love the checkered pants especially. You wouldn't mind sharing the information of your tailor, would you?"
            • If the player is Abella
              • Pocketcat: “The work overalls are a strong statement. They show you are a woman with a backbone with a capital B. No one tells you what to do or what to wear."
            • If the player is O'saa
              • Pocketcat: “The yellow really is the colour of the coming season. You are a trend setter. Not one to follow."
            • If the player is Olivia
              • Pocketcat: “Cute, smart and formal when need be. Love it!"
            • If the player is Marcoh
              • Pocketcat: “You clearly are not a man who is afraid to accessorize! Did I already mention how much I looove that belt!"
            • If the player is Karin
              • Pocketcat: “But why hide that rocking body under such loose and oversized jacket? You've got the curves, don't be afraid to show them!"
    • Player: “Just who are you exactly?”
      • Pocketcat: “Oh my! You let me ramble on like that without introducing myself!? I'm Pocketcat - The wandering heads salesman. Lovely to meet you~!”
    • Player: “Can we do business?”
      • Pocketcat: “Oh absolutely! This is what I have to offer. It is quite a nice collection even if I say so myself.”
      • Player: “Nevermind”
        • Pocketcat: “Happy to do business with you~!”
    • Attack him
      • Pocketcat: “Oh friend. It has come to this?”
    • Leave
      • Pocketcat: “Remember to pace yourself out there~!”

Outside of the museum if on day 3 and Daan and Olivia are still alive

  • Pocketcat: “O'hello there! Fancy seeing you here. Oh my, how the party at the museum is getting wild. Feels like everyone's enjoying the ball while they still can! Let the champagne flow until the morning hours! Embrace the decadence and let your true self on the loose!”
    • Player: “What's going on?”
      • Pocketcat: “The Festival of Termina is hitting its peak. This is the last farewell party.”
    • Player: “Just who are you?"
      • Pocketcat: “Who am I? Oh, I'm taken by your interest! Surely! But there's not much to tell. You get what you see pretty much.”
  • Pocketcat: “This wheelchair? Just took miss Olivia to the party... She was feeling a bit left out. As much as I'd love to stay here and chat, I have a job to do. I still need to invite some other people, so I'll see you later old chap. Bye~”
    • Attack him
      • Pocketcat: “The party is inside, but we can have our own private session right here too.”

In combat

Battle start

  • Pocketcat: “Is that a way to treat a fellow gentleman? Oh behave!"

Gentle dismemberment

  • Pocketcat: “We've got quite a pickle here. You see my master has made it very very VERY clear that I shall not let my dirty little paws affect the course of events during the festival... But what is a gentleman duel without the adrenaline rush of an excitement? I cannot just stand here idle, now can I old sport? So~ I came up with the most perfect solution! If YOU tell me what to do, I'm just following your wishes, right? Right!? So tell me - Which limb would you have me remove? Do not worry, my touch is gentle yet firm."
    • Player: “Rip my arm.”
      • Pocketcat: “Arms it is~! Your wish is my command.”
      • If the player chooses arms too many times
        • Pocketcat: “I just can't be choosing your arms all the time. There are no loopholes in this little game of ours. Now be a good sport and choose something else. No one likes a bad loser or a cheater.”
    • Player: “Rip my leg.”
      • Pocketcat: “Legs it is~! Your wish is my command.”
      • If the player chooses legs too many times
        • Pocketcat: “I just can't be choosing your legs all the time. There are no loopholes in this little game of ours. Now be a good sport and choose something else. No one likes a bad loser or a cheater.”
    • Player: “Behead me.”
      • Pocketcat: “Head it is~! Your wish is my command.”
    • Player: “I don't want you to do anything!”
      • Pocketcat: “Oh what poppycock! Sure you do. Don't be shy!”

Whisper (targets a random party member)

  • Pocketcat: "You. Oh you're my chosen one. Let's have a little one-to-one, shall we?" Pocketcat is whispering his secrets to <Name>. <Name> is looking shocked and paralyzed over every minute detail.

Rare dialogue option, unknown chance of appearing

  • Pocketcat is whispering his secrets to you... Oh no... It can't be! Outrageous! You feel sick! No more! Please! All manner of emotions and knee jerk reactions tingle your spine as Pocketcat's secrets invade your mind. Not much unlike his fingers that invaded your privacy last night. You are shocked and paralyzed. Of fear or confusion? No one knows.


  • Pocketcat: “I've given these past few days some thought and... I can't really put my finger on it. There's something awfully familiar about all of this, don't you think old sport? I've got this weird sense of déjà vu from the most random of things. Like please do stop me if you've heard this before - There is an ominous moon staring down on us, this term 'Termina' thrown around awfully lot... ...The accidental inclusion of Bremen army to all this, the three day time limit... And did you get to see those lovely owl cultist chaps yet? It's all just so--”
    • Player: “...Familiar!”
      • Pocketcat: “Right!! I'm so glad to have met you! There is some sssserious brain leakage going on between the two of us!”
    • Player: “I don't know what you're talking about.”
      • Pocketcat: “Oh...? You're not seeing what I'm seeing? Hm. Ain't that a pickle to suckle on?”
    • Player: “...”
      • Pocketcat: “It's all just so familiar, isn't it?”
        • Pocketcat: “That has lead me to think how myths and legends are born in the first place. Everyone knows the classics that originate from mere fairy tales told to children before their bedtime. I would be one to know them better than many, if you catch my drift my dear friend. Time took those tales and kept telling them again and again. Like a good broken telephone, the stories took new forms depending on who was telling them. The living pictures we see on the silver screen would barely be recognizable to the sweet little children folk who first heard the tales hundreds of years ago, told by their mothers. It's a wild ride for sure. What do you think will happen to modern tales crafted straight to the silver screen in this day and age? Are we going to take elements from those stories and keep honing them to perfection as well? Let the good old broken telephone keep the good bits while we selfishly craft new meat around them? Are we going to see this ill-tempered (rightly so), pale old moon threat mankind time and time again with his strict three day limit? Are we going to dress into these silly masks and act the parts meant for the people that came before us? What do you reckon, love? I genuinely don't know myself...”
          • Pocketcat: (Player has Mind read skill) You read his mind... “I did it! I dropped the 'L' bomb! What a rush! I'd tap my back if my tapping hand wasn't so deep in my pocket... Maybe you can do it in my stead, you little eavesdropper? Or you rather dig into my pocket while I tap myself? I jest. I jest. Don't worry, we both share the same gift of eavesdropping. Let us get back to our subject.”
            • Player: “The stories will keep on changing with times...”
              • Pocketcat: “Hmm... It's food for thought, that's for sure.”
            • Player: “We will stick to the originals.”
              • Pocketcat: “Hmm... It's food for thought, that's for sure.”
            • Player: “There will always be someone to rip off popular stories.”
              • Pocketcat: “Hmm... It's food for thought, that's for sure.”
            • Player: “The stories will only briefly live in this day and then vanish.”
              • Pocketcat: “Hmm... It's food for thought, that's for sure.”
            • Player: “I don't care.”
              • Pocketcat: “Hmm... It's food for thought, that's for sure.”