Iron Shakespeare

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Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

As things started to succumb to chaos in the dungeons of fear and hunger, he was sent from the Kingdom of Rondon for aid. In short time he too lost his mind. Now he tries to guard the area to his last breath from anyone who sets foot to the fortress.
- New Gods, about Iron Shakespeare

Iron Shakespeare is a unique enemy in Fear & Hunger.


From what can be gleaned from the little information given to the player in the game, the armor used to be a man called Iron Shakespeare. Shakespeare was most likely the name, and 'Iron' must be an epithet or title given to him, most likely because of how heavily armored he was.

Although the battle graphic shows bloody wounds from severing body parts, examining the body afterwards has the body make a hollow noise, suggesting the human within the armor is gone.


He is found relatively early in the game, roaming Level 3 - Basement. Upon seeing the player, he will give chase. However, he is slow and will not follow behind pillars or inside small rooms.

The Iron Shakespeare is immune to out-of-battle damage. Arrows will fail to penetrate his armor, and triggered Bear traps will also neither wound him nor restrain him.

Using a Soul stone on his body will guarantee the player the Iron Shakespeare soul, an accessory that multiplies the player Defense by x1.3.


Body part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherworldly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 500 100% 100% 115% 100% 100% 55% 40% Blindness, Confusion
Torso 575 (2300) 5% None
Left arm 1300 5% None
Right arm 1300 5% None
Left leg 150 5% None
Right leg 150 5% None
Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Right Arm Lantern Smash Deals 28-42 Blunt damage, guaranteed to apply the Fracture status effect. Always 100% 90%
Right Arm (Ignited) Cinder Deals 40-60 Fire damage, 60% chance of applying the Burning status effect. Always 100% 100%
Left Arm Lantern Smash Deals 28-42 Blunt damage, guaranteed to apply the Fracture status effect. Always 100% 90%
Left Arm (Ignited) Cinder Deals 40-60 Fire damage, 60% chance of applying the Burning status effect. Always 100% 100%
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.


He fights with his arms, which cause high damage and broken bones. He will ignite his right lantern arm at the end of the first turn, and his left lantern arm at the end of the second. His ignited lanterns will no longer cause the Fracture status effect - but they deal more damage and gain a 60% chance to apply the burning status effect.

It is only advised to fight him once the player's party can deal at least 400 damage in 2 turns, where they only target the torso due to it's lower health.


In combat:

  • Intro:
    • Iron Shakespeare stumbles from the shadows!
  • Intro 2:
    • A giant armor marches from the shadows.
  • When talked to:
    • You try talking some sense to this monstrosity...
    • Player: "What is your origin?"
      • Iron Shakespeare takes a step towards you.
    • Player: "There is no need for killing."
      • Iron Shakespeare swings it's lantern sideways.
    • Player: "Prepare to die."
      • Iron Shakespeare prepares for your attacks.
  • First turn, if Iron Shakespeare still has his right arm:
    • Iron Shakespeare's arm ignites!
  • Second turn: if Iron Shakespeare still has his left arm:
    • Iron Shakespeare's arm ignites!


  • The player receiving writing-related items after stealing from Iron Shakespeare during battle could potentially be a reference to the renowned real-life poet and author, William Shakespeare.
