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Dialogue that occurs at the start of every non-Masoχ-S/M run, after the player exits the train. Note that you can skip the meeting by selecting the second dialogue option when prompted (say you need to get going).

The following characters present at the meeting have aliases until they are introduced to the player:

  • Daan = "Man with checkered pants" (*)
  • Abella = "Red-haired mechanic"
  • Olivia = "Girl with the glasses"
  • Karin = "Woman with the brown jacket"
  • Marina = "Girl with pigtails"
  • Henryk = "Blonde man"
  • August = "Older gentleman"

(*) Daan does not introduce himself at the train, and only does so if he is interacted with elsewhere.

If the player is Daan

  • Woman with the brown jacket: "...I don't think there's much use just waiting for someone to come..."
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. The patches woke up!"
    • Player: "Don't let me bother you, I'll be on my way."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...?" (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "What is going on here?" / "..."
      • Girl with pigtails: "The train just stopped in the middle of nowhere. None of us really know why..."
        • Player: "Are we far away from the city of Prehevil?"
          • Girl with pigtails: "I don't think it's too far away. Some other passangers already left towards the town, so I guess we are pretty close. Maybe? I wouldn't trust myself with these kinds of things. We are still thinking what's our next move..."
        • Player: "Well fuck. That's strange."
          • Girl with pigtails: "Yes. Very strange. We are still thinking what's our next move..."
        • Player: "..."
          • Girl with pigtails: "We are still thinking what's our next move..."
          • Red-haired mechanic: "Bad news. Something's not right with the engine. I mean there isn't anything obviously wrong with it, but it simply won't start. Maybe if I had some spare parts I could still try a thing or two... Oh. You're awake too. You were the last one to wake. What's your name?"
            • Player: "It's only polite to introduce yourself first."
              • Abella: "Tee-hee, fair enough. I'm Abella, nice to meet you. And good morning!"
            • Player: "..."
              • Abella: "... Well... well I'm Abella in any case."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • Red-haired mechanic: "Nice to meet you. And good morning! I'm Abella."
              • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
              • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. And that mystic gentleman in the lotus pose is O'saa. It was O'saa, right?"
              • O'saa: "..."
              • Henryk: "... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
              • Karin: "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
              • August: "The city is north from here."
              • Karin: "You know the place? Or is this just a hunch?"
              • August: "Kids these days... I was navigating the seven seas as a wee lad already. Let's call it a very educated hunch. Se that tall tower looming in the mist? That is what we call 'a landmark'. You use one to orient yourself with the surroundings. In this case orienting is a fairly easy task even for a city-dwelling metropolitan like you. That tower stands in the middle of the city. Just head towards it and you're there in no time."
              • Karin: *Deep sigh* "Thank you for these condescending instructions. They tell you to respect your elders, but sometimes you guys make it very difficult."
              • Olivia: "Before you go... Should we go over the dream discussion with the new one too?"
                • Player: "The dream...?" / "Did you see the dream too?"
                  • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream before waking up in the train! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                  • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                    • Player: "Sounds plausible..."
                      • Karin: "... In any case. I'm going to be heading out now. I suggest you do the same. Or don't It's not my concern really. But if I do find some people, I'll let them know you're around." (Ends meeting)
                    • Player: "Sounds a bit far-fetched..." / "What rubbish."
                      • Karin: "I didn't ask for your opinion now did I? I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some queer eyepatched foreigner telling me what's plausible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years. I don't know why I'm still wasting my time with you people."
                        • Player: "I've had enough. I need to be going now."
                          • Karin: "Tsk." (Ends meeting)
                        • Player: "Let's agree to disagree."
                          • Karin: "Hah, I don't remember agreeing with you even on that. In any case. I'm going to be heading out now. I suggest you do the same. Or don't. It's not my concern really." (Ends meeting)

If the player is Abella

  • Woman's voice: "...So you're saying we're stuck here...?"
  • Man's voice: "Pretty much..."
  • There's something going on there...
  • Man with checkered pants: "...The engine won't start. There must be something wrong with it... "
  • You overhear a discussion...
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. The pretty lady got up!"
    • Player: "Don't let me bother you, I'll be on my way."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...?" (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "Who are you? What's going on?" / "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "Oh? There were still people inside the train? We don't really know what's going on... The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations. I tried to check up the train, but couldn't get it to move an inch... Now I'm no train driver, but I'd say the thing is busted."
        • Player: "Maybe I can help, I know a thing or two about trains."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Oh? Well aren't we in luck."
        • Player: "Let's see it."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Oh? The train? Sure thing. Have a look."
            • Player: "Let me change to my working overalls first." / "Just give me a sec. I don't want to dirty up my clothing."
              • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing."
              • You change your outfit back to the working overalls. You just had these in your dream. Was the dream an omen?
              • Girl with pigtails: "Looking sharp!"
              • You are ashamed to admit it, but you feel the most at home in this attire.
              • You examine the engine....... Yet you find nothing wrong with it.
              • Man with checkered pants: "So how does it look?"
                • Player: "Everything looks fine to me."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Oh? Well then... It's a mystery alright."
                • Player: "Must be the regulator or superheater tubes." This of course is all made up. You're just too embarrassed to admit that you don't have the faintest idea.
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Regulator and superheater? Got it. ...Can you fix it?"
                    • Player: "If I had spare parts, I could..."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Hmm... So nothing we can do about it right now. If our mechanic got no clue, maybe it's better we just wait for the train personnel to return then. If you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
                    • Player: "No, sorry."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Hmm... Well you tried. If our mechanic got no clue, maybe it's better we just wait for the train personnel to return then. If you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
                • Player: "I really don't know what's the problem..."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Ah, that's too bad... No helping it. Maybe it's better we just wait for the train personnel to return in that case. If you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
                  • Girl with the glasses: "Maybe we could introduce ourselves?"
                    • Player: "..."
                      • Girl with the glasses: "... Oh! You don't have to of course! Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to be too nosy."
                        • Player: Introduce yourself
                          • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
                          • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
                          • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
                          • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
                          • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. If you need any help with anything. Let me know! And this mystic gentleman over here is O'saa... It was O'saa, right?"
                          • O'saa: "..."
                          • Henryk: "... Silly man... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
                          • Man with checkered pants: "..."
                          • Olivia: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... You saw a peculiar nightmare as well, didn't you?"
                            • Player: "What dream?"
                              • Olivia: "You didn't see it? Everyone of us saw the same dream before waking up in the train!"
                            • Player: "I did have a weird nightmare, yes..." / "You saw a dream too?"
                              • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream before waking up in the train! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                              • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                              • Man with checkered pants: "I wish I had your capacity and feist, but... I really have a hard time believing every conspirancy theory floating around."
                              • Karin: "I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some flaky eyepatched foreigner telling me what's possible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years."
                              • Man with checkered pants: "I've covered wars too you know. All men and women for the past decade or two have covered wars. What's your point again? I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. Especially visions that are identical with this many people."
                              • Karin: "..."
                              • You can feel the tension rising between these two people...
                              • Karin: *Deep sigh* "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
                              • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                              • Karin: "Alright then. If I see anyone, I'll let them know you guys are waiting here."
                              • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun finding a scoop from that sleepy town. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                                • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                                  • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                                • Player: "I need to be going too."
                                  • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. Don't let us slow you down." (Ends meeting)

If the player is O'saa

  • Man with checkered pants: "...So that must be the best course of action for now--"
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "What's this shitshow now?"
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. the sleepy one got up!"
    • Player: "Excuse me, don't mind me. I'm on my way."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...?" (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "Is something wrong?" / "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "You must be just as clueless as the rest of us. The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations."
        • Player: "I'm sure it's nothing serious."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Mm. Maybe so."
          • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "These fools. They have no knowledge of things to come. Kueh kueh..."
        • Player: "I see. That's troublesome."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Yeah that's one way to put it."
          • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "These fools. They have no knowledge of things to come. Kueh kueh..."
        • Player: "..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "In any case, we decided to stay and wait for a while. Someone has to come for the train sooner or later. So if you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
          • Girl with pigtails: "Your outfit... it looks interesting. Who are you?"
            • Player: "..."
              • Girl with pigtails: "... Or just stay as a mystery person, that's completely fine too."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "You are their doom and torment. An embodiment of chaos. A pupil to the terror of the modern man."
              • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "But a child trying to play with magic. Pathetic."
              • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "A poor sod, a measly librarian waiting to be devastated."
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "Keep an eye on this one."
              • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "I already sense this bitch is an arrogant piece of filth."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk."
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "A weakling with no remarkable features whatsoever."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "This maggot carries filthy secrets. Dig them up!"
              • Marina: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... You saw THE dream too, right?"
                • Player: "..."
                  • Olivia: "You didn't see it?"
                • Player: "Yes I did see the dream."
                  • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream! Can you believe that? The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                  • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                  • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "Miserable fool. When people are this dim-witted, they don't even deserve to learn the truth."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I wish I had your capacity and feist, but... I really have a hard time believing every conspirancy theory floating around."
                  • Karin: "I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some flaky eyepatched foreigner telling me what's possible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I've covered wars too you know. All men and women for the past decade or two have covered wars. What's your point again? I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. Especially visions that are identical with this many people."
                  • Karin: "..."
                  • You can feel the tension rising between these two people...
                  • Karin: *Deep sigh* "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                  • Karin: "Alright then. If I see anyone, I'll let them know you guys are waiting here."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun finding a scoop from that sleepy town. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                  • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "Enough of this nonsense! We need to get going! Or start killing, either is fine by me kueh."
                    • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                      • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                    • Player: "I need to be going too."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. Don't let us slow you down." (Ends meeting)

If the player is Olivia

  • Man with checkered pants: "...So that must be the best course of action for now--"
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. the sleeping beauty woke up!"
    • Player: "Oh I'm sorry, but I really need to be going..."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...?" (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "Thank goodness there were some people still around!"
      • Girl with pigtails: "Yup, still around! We were kinda waiting for you actually."
    • Player: "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "You must be just as clueless as the rest of us. The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations."
        • Player: "This sounds like a mystery movie."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Mm. It's a mystery alright"
        • Player: "Am I still dreaming?"
          • Man with checkered pants: "No, I'm pretty sure you're wide awake now. You could always pinch yourself to make sure though."
        • Player: "..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "We decided to stay and wait here for a while. Someone has to come for the train sooner or later. So if you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
          • Girl with pigtails: "What's your name anyway?"
            • Player: "..."
              • Girl with pigtails: "... Or... You can always stay as a mystery. That's cool too. Well in any case my name is Marina."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. And this mystic gentleman over here is O'saa... It was O'saa, right?"
              • O'saa: "..."
              • Henryk: "... Silly man... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
              • Marina: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... You saw THE dream too, right?"
                • Player: "That's right..."
                  • Marina: "Yup... I figured as much. Get this - We all saw the same nightmare! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... Really creepy, isn't it!?"
                • Player: "You saw a dream too?"
                  • Marina: "Not only me... Get this - We all saw the same nightmare! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... Really creepy, isn't it!?"
                • Player: "Um, I rather not talk about it..."
                  • Marina: "Oh, don't worry about it... The reason why I brought it up is... Well - We all same the same nightmare before waking up at the train. The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... Really creepy, isn't it!?"
                  • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I wish I had your capacity and feist, but... I really have a hard time believing every conspirancy theory floating around."
                  • Karin: "I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some flaky eyepatched foreigner telling me what's possible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I've covered wars too you know. All men and women for the past decade or two have covered wars. What's your point again? I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. Especially visions that are identical with this many people."
                  • Karin: "..."
                  • You can feel the tension rising between these two people...
                  • Karin: *Deep sigh* "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                  • Karin: "Alright then. If I see anyone, I'll let them know you guys are waiting here."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun finding a scoop from that sleepy town. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                    • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                      • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                    • Player: "I need to be going too."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. Don't let us slow you down." (Ends meeting)

If the player is Karin

  • Man with checkered pants: "...So that must be the best course of action for now--"
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. The pretty lady got up!"
    • Player: "No time for chit-chat, I got work to do."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...? Okay then..." (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "Just what is going on here?" / "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "Good question. We're pretty puzzled about this situation too. The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations."
        • Player: "There's something fishy going on..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Mm. It's a mystery alright"
        • Player: "It's got nothing to do with the war, does it?"
          • Man with checkered pants: "Not that I'm aware of... It's been dead silent since we got outside."
            • Player: "So just because it's silent means there's no army around?"
              • Man with checkered pants: "... Like I said - At least I'm not aware of any army presence. You're free to check the surroundings yourself too..."
            • Player: "I see..."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
        • Player: "..."
          • Man with checkered pants: In any case... We decided to stay and wait here for a while. Someone has to come for the train sooner or later. So if you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
          • Girl with the glasses: "Maybe we could introduce ourselves?"
            • Player: "Not interested."
              • Girl with the glasses: "... Oh! You don't have to of course! Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to be too nosy."
                • Player: "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first anyway?"
                  • Girl with the glasses: "Right... That's true."
            • Player: "We probably won't be seeing each other again, so what's the use?"
              • Girl with the glasses: "... Well you never know ..."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
              • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. If you need help with anything. Let me know! And this mystic gentleman over here is O'saa... It was O'saa, right?"
              • O'saa: "..."
              • Henryk: "... Silly man... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
              • Olivia: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... Did you happen to see a peculiar nightmare before waking up?"
                • Player: "That's a weird thing to ask..." / "What nightmare?"
                  • Olivia: "It's just that everyone else saw the same dream! Like the exact same. The dream had a moon, a girl in a pink dress... The Festival of Termina... Does this sound familiar? It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                    • Player: "Now that you mention it..."
                      • Olivia: "So you did see it!"
                    • Player: "I didn't see any dreams, okay?"
                      • Olivia: "Oh... Okay then..."
                    • Player: "..."
                      • Olivia: "..."
                • Player: "As a matter of fact I did."
                  • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream! Like the exact same! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                    • Player: "You don't say...? / "..."
                      • Marina: "I was saying that it must have been a premonition of some kind. The moon and that servant dude wanted to inform us of something important. Too bad the dream ended just before it got to the juicy bits..."
                      • Olivia: "A premonition? Like a fortune-telling?"
                      • Marina: "Eh- I guess you could put it like that."
                      • Olivia: "Hmmmmmm...."
                      • Henryk: *Pfft* "That's absurd. You can't really believe superstitious crap like that!"
                      • Marina: "Well let's hear out your theory then!"
                      • Henryk: "I don't know. Maybe everyone was in a stupor after waking up... You guys started to babble about this stuff right away, so you just thought you had the same dream. Now that I think about it... I'm not so convinced I saw the dream anymore."
                      • Marina: "You saw the dream, you said it before! Don't go backpedaling here!"
                      • Olivia: "You really did say so."
                      • Henryk: "It's my word. I can backpedal all I want. I say it was nothing. We should just move on."
                      • Marina: "Whatever."
                      • Olivia: "Hmmmmmm.... I also had an idea... But... It's a little grim. Um, nevermind. Nevermind I said anything... It's stupid."
                      • Marina: "Grim? Now you got me curious."
                      • Olivia: "Well... Everything has this surreal quality to it... It's almost as if we are still in a dream. What if... What if the train crashed... And we all died? What we are experiencing is the afterlife. Or the purgatory... Or maybe our sub-conciousness is going through our lives, like our lives flashing before our eyes before the darkness..."
                      • Marina: "..."
                      • Henryk: "..."
                      • August: "..."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "..."
                      • Marina: "Yeah. Maybe."
                      • Olivia: "... I knew I shouldn't have said anything! Forgot it. Please."
                      • Marina: "Ha ha, Don't worry. I like where you're head's at. I doubt that's the case though. I don't know about you, but I feel pretty alive."
                        • Player: "I agree that it was probably nothing..."
                          • Henryk: "Finally some level headed people. Thank you!"
                          • Man with checkered pants: "So nothing it is then. I'm glad we found the answer."
                        • Player: "'We're all dead' theory sounds eerily plausible..."
                          • Olivia: "Right! This hazy fog clouding out environments... The complete silence... Nature should never sound this quite."
                          • Man with checkered pants: "So we are all dead then? I'm glad we figured that one out so easily."
                        • Player: "The premonition theory sounds plausible..."
                          • Marina: "Glad you agree. I'm actually an occultist. I've studied this stuff for years. I recognize from miles away when there are higher powers at play."
                          • Man with checkered pants: "So premonition it is then. I'm glad we found the answer."
                        • Player: "I say that the Bremen army tested hallucinogens on us!"
                          • Olivia: "Oh...? That sounds interesting..."
                          • Henryk: "Bremen army, huh? Shouldn't the war be over already?"
                            • Player: "The war might be over, but they still need their guinea pigs." / "I've seen similar cases before. I'm a journalist you see." / "This has Bremen written all over it."
                              • Man with checkered pants: "Sounds like a poor conspiracy theory to me. I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. As a journalist, I hope you do a bit more research before writing those thoughts down."
                                • Player: "I know what Bremen is capable of. I know what I talk about."
                                  • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. It takes one to know one, if I'm not mistaking your dialect."
                                    • Player: "Don't ever compare me to a Bremen pig!"
                                      • Man with checkered pants: "... Right. That was a bit much. Sorry about it."
                                    • Player: "What's with the attitude?"
                                      • Man with checkered pants: "..."
                                • Player: "How about sharing your theory instead of criticising mine?"
                                  • Man with checkered pants: "..."
                                • Player: "Is that supposed to be an insult?"
                                  • Man with checkered pants: "... Honestly I don't care enough to start insulting people. We could spend the afternoon guessing what's going on but we wouldn't get any wiser. I agree with Henryk in that we should just move on."
                                    • Player: "I need to be going anyway, which way is the city? / "I'm done with this chit chat, where can I find Prehevil?"
                                      • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                                        • Player: "Got it." / "If I see anyone, I'll let them know of you guys waiting here."
                                          • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                                            • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                                              • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                                            • Player: "I'm going now. Bye."
                                              • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing." (Ends meeting)

If the player is Marcoh

  • Man with checkered pants: "...So that must be the best course of action for now--"
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. The big chad got up!"
    • Player: "Don't let me bother you, I'll be on my way."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...?" (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "Who are you? What's going on?" / "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "You must be just as clueless as the rest of us. The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations."
        • Player: "That's odd..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Mm. It's a mystery alright"
        • Player: "That's troublesome..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "No kidding."
        • Player: "..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "We decided to stay and wait here for a while. Someone has to come for the train sooner or later. So if you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
          • Girl with the glasses: "Maybe we could introduce ourselves?"
            • Player: "..."
              • Girl with the glasses: "... Oh! You don't have to of course! Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to be too nosy."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
              • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. And this mystic gentleman over here is O'saa... It was O'saa, right?"
              • O'saa: "..."
              • Henryk: "... Silly man... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
              • Olivia: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... You saw a peculiar nightmare as well, didn't you?"
                • Player: "What dream?"
              • Olivia: "You didn't see it?"
                • Player: "I guess. What of it?" / "How did you know that?"
                  • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream before waking up in the train! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                  • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I wish I had your capacity and feist, but... I really have a hard time believing every conspirancy theory floating around."
                  • Karin: "I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some flaky eyepatched foreigner telling me what's possible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I've covered wars too you know. All men and women for the past decade or two have covered wars. What's your point again? I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. Especially visions that are identical with this many people."
                  • Karin: "..."
                  • You can feel the tension rising between these two people...
                  • Karin: *Deep sigh* "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                  • Karin: "Alright then. If I see anyone, I'll let them know you guys are waiting here."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun finding a scoop from that sleepy town. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                    • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                      • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                    • Player: "I need to be going too."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. Don't let us slow you down." (Ends meeting)

If the player is Levi

  • Man with checkered pants: "...So that must be the best course of action for now--"
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • Girl with pigtails: "Oh. The sleepy one got up!"
    • Player: "I...I need to be going, sorry."
      • Girl with pigtails: "Oh...?" (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "... What is going on here?" / "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "You must be just as clueless as the rest of us. The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations."
        • Player: "Does this have something to do with the war?"
          • Man with checkered pants: "Your guess is as good as mine."
        • Player: "I don't understand any of this..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Mm. It's a mystery alright"
        • Player: "..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "We decided to stay and wait here for a while. Someone has to come for the train sooner or later. So if you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
          • Girl with pigtails: "What's your name anyway?"
            • Player: "..."
              • Girl with pigtails: "... Or just stay as a mystery person, that's completely fine too."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • Girl with pigtails: "My name is Marina."
              • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. And this mystic gentleman over here is O'saa... It was O'saa, right?"
              • O'saa: "..."
              • Henryk: "... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
              • Marina: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... You saw THE dream too, right?"
                • Player: "I don't know what you're talking about..."
                  • Olivia: "You didn't see it? Everyone of us saw the same dream before waking up in the train!"
                • Player: "...I did see a nightmare." / "You saw a dream too?"
                  • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream before waking up in the train! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                  • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I wish I had your capacity and feist, but... I really have a hard time believing every conspirancy theory floating around."
                  • Karin: "I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some flaky eyepatched foreigner telling me what's possible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I've covered wars too you know. All men and women for the past decade or two have covered wars. What's your point again? I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. Especially visions that are identical with this many people."
                  • Karin: "..."
                  • You can feel the tension rising between these two people...
                  • Karin: *Deep sigh* "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                  • Karin: "Alright then. If I see anyone, I'll let them know you guys are waiting here."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun finding a scoop from that sleepy town. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                    • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                      • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                    • Player: "I need to be going too."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. Don't let us slow you down." (Ends meeting)

If the player is Marina

  • Man with checkered pants: "...So that must be the best course of action for now--"
  • You interrupt a discussion...
  • Girl with the glasses: "Oh hi! You finally woke up!"
    • Player: "Don't let me bother you, I'll be on my way."
      • Girl with the glasses: "..." (Ends meeting)
    • Player: "What is going on here?" / "..."
      • Man with checkered pants: "You must be just as clueless as the rest of us. The train left us all here, at the outskirts of the city. All the train personnel, everyone, gone. No explanations. "
        • Player: "Is this still a nightmare?"
          • Man with checkered pants: "No, we are all awake now. You could always pinch yourself to make sure though."
        • Player: "This is crazy..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "Yes. It's a mystery alright"
        • Player: "..."
          • Man with checkered pants: "We decided to stay and wait here for a while. Someone has to come for the train sooner or later. So if you're not in a hurry, I recommend just taking a seat inside and trying to relax."
          • Girl with the glasses: "Maybe we could introduce ourselves?"
            • Player: "..."
              • Girl with the glasses: "... Oh! You don't have to of course! Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to be too nosy."
            • Player: Introduce yourself
              • Girl with the glasses: "My name is Olivia. Lovely to meet you all!"
              • Older gentleman: "You can call me August."
              • Woman with the brown jacket: "Karin Sauer - a journalist on duty."
              • Blonde man: "Hey! I'm Henryk. And this mystic gentleman over here is O'saa... It was O'saa, right?"
              • O'saa: "..."
              • Henryk: "... I'm pretty sure it was. We were the first to wake up."
              • Man with checkered pants: "..."
              • Olivia: "Before you came out, we were talking about this... You saw a lifelike nightmare before waking up, right?
                • Player: "What dream?"
                  • Olivia: "You didn't see it?"
                • Player: "The weird moon dream, yes." / "You saw THE dream too!?"
                  • Olivia: "Everyone saw the same dream before waking up in the train! The moon, the girl in a pink dress, the Festival of Termina... It all felt too real to pass off as just a dream!"
                  • Karin: "Not this talk again. We should've asked that army pig! That Bremen pig! He was in a way too much of a hurry to leave. I bet he knew something! This smells like a sadistic army experiment! Sounds exactly like something Bremen army would be part of! They had similar hallucinogens experimented on war prisoners. Now that the war is over, they have to get their guinea pigs elsewhere!"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I wish I had your capacity and feist, but... I really have a hard time believing every conspirancy theory floating around."
                  • Karin: "I'm a journalist, I've covered wars you know! I don't need some flaky eyepatched foreigner telling me what's possible and what's not. You haven't seen what I've seen during these past few years."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "I've covered wars too you know. All men and women for the past decade or two have covered wars. What's your point again? I've seen my fair share of hallucinogens as a doctor and I can tell from a first hand experience that there are no known chemicals that create visions that vivid. Especially visions that are identical with this many people."
                  • Karin: "..."
                  • You can feel the tension rising between these two people...
                  • Karin: *Deep sigh* "I take it that we're done here? As much as I'd like it, I don't have time to play happy campers with you people. I have a job to do. Which way is the city?"
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Look, up there over the forest top... Can you see the tower standing erect in the mist? That tower marks the center of Prehevil. You can hike through the forest to get there. It's not that far away."
                  • Karin: "Alright then. If I see anyone, I'll let them know you guys are waiting here."
                  • Man with checkered pants: "Have fun finding a scoop from that sleepy town. You know where to find us if anything comes up."
                    • Player: "What are you going to do?"
                      • Man with checkered pants: *Shrugs* "Wait here I guess. I'm not in a hurry." (Ends meeting)
                    • Player: "I need to be going too."
                      • Man with checkered pants: "Sure thing. Don't let us slow you down." (Ends meeting)


  • Interestingly, the events of the meeting seem to change both slightly and drastically depending on which character the player is. Certain characters can act quite differently towards each other, sometimes showing a humorous side of hostility and/or banter that is not shown elsewhere in the game. Though not confirmed as such, certain dialogue options given to the player seem to be more tailored towards how the character acts canon to their in-game personality and how they behave in the train meeting as a non-player character.
    • The most notable example of this is when Karin is chosen as the player character. Regardless of the player's choice of dialogue, Olivia theorizes that the passengers are still dreaming and in the afterlife, Marina theorizes that the dream is a premonition for something, and Henryk is in denial and believes the dream never happened. Daan is also more sarcastic here, and he turns down Karin's theory in a mocking manner if she brings up her own theory of the Bremen army using hallucinogens. This does not occur while playing as anyone else.
  • If the player is Olivia and they un-equip her wheelchair before exiting the train, she will stay prone on the ground for the entire meeting.