D'arce (Dialogue)

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Reason: {{{REASON}}}

For the character, see D'arce.

When found in Level 6 Cave

  • Knight: "Ah thank goodness! D-do you know what they d-did to ME!? Ah... I cannot talk about it. No..."
  • Knight: "... Thank you for your help for a thousand times! Without you I'd be dead by now!"
    • Player: "What happened here?"
      • D'arce: "I found this underground village full of those-- things! They live in savage ways. They are but a pack of heretics. ... The things they did to me... ... When I got to see one of their primitive rituals, I had to step in! I cut down a couple of them and they chased me here..."
    • Player: "Glad I could help."
      • D'arce: "I'm so relieved there are still good people in this world. To be honest I'm just surprised to see a sane person in these dungeons! If there is anything I can do for you, let me know! I'm in a debt to you."
    • Player: "I just wanted to kill those dwellers."
      • D'arce: "Oh... Well thank you... You did well. Those MONSTERS deserve to be massacred!"
  • D'arce: "... The things they did..."
    • Player: "Who are you?"
      • D'arce: "My name is D'arce Cataliss. I am part of the Knights of the Midnight Sun!" Her face starts to radiate the moment she started talking about the knights. "I apologize in advance. My manners might seem a bit strict for lowly commoners. I originally had an uprising in the Kingdom of Rondon as a royal knight, before leaving with the Knights of the Midnight Sun.
    • Player: "What gods do you serve?"
      • D'arce: "I serve Alll-mer as my primary god. Like most people that come from Rondon. I tried to teach Alll-mer's teaching to those cave dwelling savages too, but they didn't seem to understand a thing I said."
    • Player: "What are you doing down here?"
      • D'arce: "I stepped down to this darkness to save my captain. The captain of the Knights of the Midnight Sun. Maybe you've heard his name. It's L'garde. If you ever met him, you would surely remember him."
    • Player: Attack her.
      • D'arce: "What-- Where is this coming from!?"

If you speak to her again

  • D'arce: "My name is D'arce. Do you think you can remember that?"
    • Player: "Would you like to travel together?
      • D'arce: "Y-yes please! Uh, I mean that would be the wisest thing to do obviously. I would gladly join your party until I can fulfill my mission here."

If Le'garde Is in the pary when you find D'arce

  • D’arce: “Le’garde! Oh my god! You are still alive!”
  • Le’gare: “Uh… do I know you?”
  • D’arce: “What do you mean!? It’s me D’arce!”
  • Le’garde: “Sorry… I can’t remember a thing…”
  • D’arce: “Ah!”
  • D’arce: “…”
  • D’arce: “I’m a part of your army. The Knights of the Midnight Sun. Does that ring any bells?”
  • Le’garde: “Sorry.”
  • D’arce: “…” D’arce faces you. “Where did you meet?”
    • Player: “I found him from imprisoned.”
      • D’arce: “Ah I see! I’m glad you helped him out! I knew the Kingdon of Rondom kept him here. He was sentenced to death, so I hurried for him as fast as possible.”
      • Le’garde: “…”
    • Player: “Can we trust you?”
      • D’arce: “Wha– What!? Of course you can! Le’garde, you must remember me! We’ve been through so many failures and triumphs together!”
      • Le’garde: “…” Le’garde faces you. “She does seem sincere. I don’t remember or know her, but I don’t suspect her from anything.” Le’garde smiles to D’arce. “No worries. I’m sure my memories will come back.”
      • There is a tear drop in the relieved face of D’arce.
    • D’arce: “Listen, I’ve promised to protect him with my life, just as he has done for me in the past. I want to join your party.”
  • Player: “Yes.”
    • D’arce: “Great! I will be a valuable asset to your party, rest assured!”
  • Player: “Not right now.”
    • D’arce: "Ah, right. Well… …I’ll be waiting here if you need me."

If you speak to her again

  • D’arce: “Hi Le’garde! You’re still fine.”
  • Le’garde: “Likewise.”‘’Le’garde smiles to D’arce.’’

In combat

  • D'arce: "There is no other way!"
    • Player: "What is your purpose?"
      • D'arce: "I'm here to protect a special someone. I won't let anyone stand in my way!"
    • Player: "Wait. We don't have to fight!"
      • D'arce: "Give me a reason to forgive you."
        • Player: "Please forgive me!"
          • D'arce: "... Tch. Fine. I will show you mercy."
      • Player: Keep fighting.
        • Next turn D'arce: So you are not ready to give up? Have it your way!"
        • Player: "Just surrender and I'll give you a swift death."
    • Player: "Please don't!"
      • D'arce: I'm not understanding this situation at all... What's going on?"
    • Player: "Prepare to die!"
      • D'arce: "Likewise."

Low Mind

D’arce has an empty stare and bags under her eyes… She is not looking very good.

D’arce seems to be shivering. You are not entirely sure if it’s because of the cold or the fear…

  • D’arce: “I apologize, but… But… Ummm…” You can see tears forming around D’arce’s eyes.
  • D’arce: “... I just can’t… I just can’t anymore…”
    • “What’s wrong?”
      • D’arce: “You just know what’s wrong! This place! Every nook and cranny reeks of death! This place is the epitome of vile… I just can’t do this anymore… I just want to sit down and close my eyes. I just want this to end…”
        • “You know you can’t do that. It’s a suicide.”
          • If Le’garde is not in the party
            • D’arce: “... I know… You are right… Nevermind. I’m okay. I’ll manage…”
          • If Le’garde is in the party
            • D’arce is looking for confirmation from the eyes of Le’garde.
            • Le’garde: “There is bound to be light at the end of all this. Please. We need you D’arce.”
            • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
            • D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better. I should know better.”
        • ““Let’s just try to keep on going…”
          • If Le’garde is not in the party
            • D’arce: “You are right… Nevermind. I’m okay. I’ll manage…”
          • If Le’garde is in the party
            • D’arce is looking for confirmation from the eyes of Le’garde.
            • Le’garde: “There is bound to be light at the end of all this. Please. We need you D’arce.”
            • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
            • D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better.”
        • ““Maybe you can rest just for a little while…”
          • If Le’garde is not in the party
            • D’arce: “Right… I can do that…”
          • If Le’garde is in the party
            • Le’garde: “With all due respect, I disagree. It’s not safe. It’s a guaranteed death wish to stay behind. Please D’arce. We need you.”
            • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
            • D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better.”
    • “Maybe you need to take a small break…”
      • If Le’garde is not in the party
        • “D’arce: “Right… I can do that… I’ll just… sit down…”
      • If Le’garde is in the party
        • “Le’garde: “With all due respect, I disagree. It’s not safe. It’s a guaranteed death wish to stay behind. Please D’arce. We need you.”
        • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
        • “D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better.”
    • “Pull yourself together! This is not a good place to stay!”
      • If Le’garde is not in the party
        • “D’arce: “... You are right. I’ve been in this same state of mind many times on the battlefield… Sorry… I just need to soldier through this. It’s just a momentary weakness…”
      • If Le’garde is in the party
        • “D’arce: “...”
        • “Le’garde: “D’arce… You can do this. We’ve survived everything that’s been laid before us so far. And according to you, we’ve fought against impossible odds against the horrors of war as well. We have gotten too far to give up now.”
        • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
        • “D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better.”
    • “Let’s push just a little bit further…”
      • If Le’garde is not in the party
        • “D’arce: “Just a little bit more, huh…? Do you promise? It’s just a little bit further?”
          • “I promise.”
            • D’arce: “Okay. I can do this. I can do this!”
          • “I can’t give promises like that…”
            • D’arce: “... I am just so tired… You don’t understand…”
          • “What do you want me to say?”
            • D’arce: “... Anything but that…”
      • If Le’garde is in the party
        • “D’arce: “...”
        • “Le’garde: “D’arce… You can do this. I can’t promise that we’d be through the worst just yet, but I’m sure you, if anyone, got the fortitude to survive this darkness. We’ve got a tight and talented party here. It works for as long as we all stay together.”
        • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
        • “D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better.”
    • “You’re dead if you stay behind.”
      • If Le’garde is not in the party
        • “D’arce: “... Yes. You are right… Sorry. Nevermind me… My head is just not in the right place at the moment. I’ll psyche myself back up!”
      • If Le’garde is in the party
        • “D’arce: “...”
        • D’arce is looking for confirmation from the eyes of Le’garde.
        • “Le’garde: “There is bound to be light at the end of all this. Please. We need you D’arce.”
        • D’arce closes her eyes and steadies her breath.
        • “D’arce: “Yes… You are right. I’m sorry for such weakness. I’ve been trained better.”

If she leaves the party

  • D’arce: “...Oh. It’s you…” D’arce seems to be at the ends of her sanity. Just one push away from total breakdown… She isn’t very good at hiding this fact.
    • Give her a bottle of ale
      • D’arce: “What is this…?” D’arce cautiously takes the bottle and sips some of it.
      • D’arce: “This is the second time of you saving me already! I owe you the deepest gratitude! Thank you! I don’t know how deep I would’ve succumbed without you looking after me.”
    • Nevermind

Show love

D’arce: “No way. NO WAY! What are you thinking!? That’s disgusting!”

D’arce: “...Yes… let’s do this. But please be gentle. I have not laid with anyone before…”

When found in the Void

  • You find D’arce laying down here… She seems to be unconscious…
  • D’arce: “Ah… What… I seem to have passed out… You saved me once again… I’m once again the damsel in distress… What am I doing wrong? I’ve given my all to rise above such petty roles, but every time the fate mocks me yet again. I’ve tried to stick to my beliefs and high morals through all this nightmare, but what for!?”
  • D’arce: “…”
  • D’arce: “If that’s what it takes, I’ll embrace the darkness. Nothing matters to me anymore but survival. I’ll play the game with its rules.”
    • “Are you ready to continue?”
      • D’arce: “Let’s go!”
    • “Don’t let the dungeons get to you!”
      • D’arce: “They have had their way with me already. I don’t care anymore. Let’s go!”

When found as a New God in the Void

  • ???: "[Player]... We've been submissive long enough. Can't you hear our soul yearn for more? We can dominate. You can dominate. Just leave your earthly body behind and let us ascend. Let me dominate those that need herding."
  • A new god greets you.
  • New god: "What is true domination? There is no domination if there are no weak. That is the law of the nature. There is no shame in admitting that you want power over the poor and the weak. You, yourself have sought domination by getting this far. You wanted to prove the others that you got what it takes. You wanted to dominate the oppressive and hopeless darkness."


Locatiion Dialogue
Starting Area
D’arce: “O-oh how I hate this unholy hellhole! The things I’ve gone through here…”
Level 1 Entrance
D’arce: “O-oh how I hate this unholy hellhole! The things I’ve gone through here…”
Level 1 Courtyard
D’arce: “For some reason even the outside air stinks of death and deprivement…”
Level 1 Inner Hall
D’arce: "I'm sorry, but I'm too tired to talk right now..."
Level 1 Backyard
D’arce: “For some reason even the outside air stinks of death and deprivement…”
Level 1 Stairway (To Basement)
D’arce: “These dungeons are just relentless! Death follows where ever you go!”
Level 2 Basement
D’arce: “These dungeons are just relentless! Death follows where ever you go!”
Level 3 Basement
D’arce: “These dungeons are just relentless! Death follows where ever you go!”
Level 1 Hidden Backyard
D’arce: "What in the christ's name is this tree?"
Level 2 Thicket
D’arce: ”There are some monstrous insects crawling inside the walls here! I think we should get out as fast as possible!”
Level 3 Thicket
D’arce: ”There are some monstrous insects crawling inside the walls here! I think we should get out as fast as possible!”
Level 4 Thicket
D’arce: ”There are some monstrous insects crawling inside the walls here! I think we should get out as fast as possible!”
Level 5 Deeper Thicket
D’arce: ”There are some monstrous insects crawling inside the walls here! I think we should get out as fast as possible!”
Level 2 Blood Pit
D’arce: “In the name of our christ! What has happened here!! This is beyond nightmares!!”
Level 3 Prison
D’arce: “Just the idea that you’d be imprisoned here…”
Staircase (Prison-Catacomb)
D’arce: “O-oh how I hate this unholy hellhole! The things I’ve gone through here…”
Level 4 Cave
D’arce: “The darkness… Do you feel eyes following your every move as well?”
Level 5 Mines
D’arce: “I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to talk right now…”
Level 6 Cave (Cave dweller village)
D’arce: “I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to talk right now…”
Level 6 Mines
D’arce: “I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to talk right now…”
Level 7 Catacomb
D’arce: “I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to talk right now…”
Ancient City - The Tomb Of The God
D’arce: “There is something sinister about this place…”
The Tomb Of The Gods Level 2
D’arce: “There is something sinister about this place…”
Ancient City Passageway (From Tomb Of The Gods)
D’arce: “There is something sinister about this place…”
Ancient City - Inside (From Tomb Of Gods Entrance)
D'arce: "I'm sorry, but I'm too tired to talk right now..."
Ancient City - Center Square
D’arce: “That giant statue looks somewhat familiar. I’ve seen it depicted somewhere.”
Ancient City - Downtown (To Tower)

D’arce: “It’s curious. Seems like nature is slowly taking over this place.”


D’arce: “I-is this a dream? Why does everything feel so real?!”

Ancient City - Tower of Endless
D’arce: “You can see the cityscape from this high! It’s kinda breathtaking in a way… I don’t like the cold sun though.”
Tower of Endless

D’arce: “The darkness surround this city seems to go on endlessly”


D’arce: “You can see the cityscape from this high! It’s kinda breathtaking in a way… I don’t like the cold sun though.”

Ancient City - Old Passage
D’arce: “There is something sinister about this place…”
Ancient City - Downtown (From Old Passage)
D’arce: “It’s curious. Seems like nature is slowly taking over this place.”
Ancient City - The Bridge
D’arce: “It’s curious. Seems like nature is slowly taking over this place.”
Ancient City - Temple District
D’arce: “I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to talk right now…”
Grand Library

D’arce: “So many books…”


D’arce: “I’m feeling fear beyond anything I’ve witnessed before!”

Grand Library - Inner Sanctum

D’arce: “I’m feeling fear beyond anything I’ve witnessed before!”


D’arce: “So many books…”

Ancient City - Back Alleys
D’arce: “Did you hear that noice?! I’m sure I heard something. Feels like there are beings looking at us from the windows too!”
Ancient City - Inside
D’arce: “Did you hear that noice?! I’m sure I heard something. Feels like there are beings looking at us from the windows too!”
Ancient City - Underground Cave
D’arce: “I’m sorry, but I’m too tired to talk right now…”
Temple Of Torment - Level 1
D’arce: “I’m feeling fear beyond anything I’ve witnessed before!”
Temple Of Torment - Level 2
D’arce: “I’m feeling fear beyond anything I’ve witnessed before!”
Golden Temple
D’arce: “That giant statue looks somewhat familiar. I’ve seen it depicted somewhere.”
Golden Temple - Inside
D’arce: “So pretty! How can something so pretty exist in the heart of all this?
Level 8 Gauntlet
D’arce: “… I can’t help it… I’m almost shaking because of this macabre thing.”
Level 9 Gauntlet
D’arce: “This place makes me anxious! I can barely breath here!”
Level 9
D’arce: “This place makes me anxious! I can barely breath here!”

Dungeon Nights