Enki (Dialogue)

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For the character, see Enki.

When found in the Level 1 Inner Hall

  • Dark priest: "..."
  • Dark priest: "Huh? You are with a sane mind still? Please leave me. I'm not here to make acquaintances and I fail to see what worth chatting with you would bring."
    • Player: “Who are you?"
      • Dark priest: "..." The dark priest seems clearly frustrated by you. "My name is Enki. A priest of destruction. Did that feed your curiosity?"
      • Enki: "Listen I am through with this conversation. It brings no benefit to either of us. Leave." The dark priest doesn't seem to want your company at moment. It might not be a good idea to bother him.
      • Enki: "You just keep on talking to me in hopes of gaining even a smallest advantage in this darkness, do you? Dark priests are generally frowned upon in the suppressed modern societies, but then we suddenly become a valuable asset when you're facing eternal darkness. Well your survival is none of my concern. In fact, you would most likely be more valuable to me, after the horrors of these dungeons have had their way with you. I'm through with you." You seem to have angered the dark priest...
    • Player: "What are you doing here?"
      • Dark Priest: "What does it look like? I can see how a brute like yourself wouldn't understand the meaning of libraries..."
    • Attack him.
      • Enki: "What? You dare attacking me!?"

When found in Level 7 Catacomb

  • Enki: "Oh you again? I'm surprised to see alive to be honest."
    • Player: "How are you?"
      • Enki: "Are we really having this conversation? No we are not."
    • Player: "What is this place?"
      • Enki: "We are at the gateway to the darkness. These are the last man-made walls you are about to see. To delve any deeper would be a suicide."

If the player has the Eclipse talisman.

  • Enki: "Hmmmm. What is that? You seem to carry an Eclipse talisman. Where did you get it?"
    • Player: "I got it from a yellow mage."
      • Enki: "You did huh? Those miserable servants of Nas'hrah are crawling everywhere these days. The religion of Nas'hrah is growing in the west with rapid rate. Since the Eastern Sanctuaries lost the great war in the past, this must be Nas'hrah's way of spreading his rotten roots and influence."
    • Player: "I don't need to tell you anything."
      • Enki: "Hm. True enough. Hope you know what it means to carry one around. It's not something one should take lightly."
    • Player: "What is an Eclipse talisman?"
      • Enki: "It's a symbol that you are an apprentice of the wizard Nas'hrah - the bringer of chaos. The talisman hold great powers on it's own, but it also gives you a plethora of new friends and enemies. You do not seem to be too familiar with the greater scheme, so I imagine the talisman going to waste in the hands of you. Would you mind giving it to me perhaps?"
        • Give Eclipse talisman to Enki.
          • Enki: "Thank you."
        • Player: "What is there for me?"
          • Enki: "What would you say if I offered my services to you? I am done with the libraries here and I'm prepared to venture deeper to the dungeons. Even for me it might prove to be fatal to keep on going alone."
            • Player: "Sounds like a deal."
            • Enki: "Great." You give the Eclipse talisman to Enki
          • Player: "I don't need your help."
            • Enki: "Is that so? Fine."

If Player angered Enki in the Inner Hall (combat will ensue afterwards)

  • Enki: "You..."
  • Enki: "This is not a place for pesky little worms like you."
    • Player: "Ah, sorry I'll leave."
      • Enki: "...No."
      • Enki: "I can't have uncertain elements like you running around."
    • Player: "Whatever."
      • Enki: "That's it. I'll deal with you here and now."
    • Player: "Are you threatening me?"
      • Enki: "..."

In combat

  • Player: "Wait! I didn't intend to insult you!"
    • Enki: "It's too late for apologies."
  • Player: "Prepare to die!"
    • Enki: "Nonsense!"

Low mind

  • Enki is mumbling something on his own…
  • Enki seems to be concentrating in a mantra of his own…
  • Enki is looking even paler than usual. His eyes are distant.

  • Enki: “...” Something seems to be clearly bothering Enki. His eyes seem distressed.
  • Enki: “It’s time for us to part our ways…”
    • Player: “What’s wrong?”
      • Enki: “Nothing is wrong apart from your intrusive inquiries. … Our arrangement was a temporary one from the beginning.”
    • Player: “This is not a good place to stay alone!”
      • Enki: “... Maybe not for you… But that’s none of my concern… Just leave already…
    • Player: “What are you talking about?”
      • Enki: “... … Our arrangement was a temporary one from the beginning. Just leave already…”
    • Player: “You’re dead if you go alone.”
      • Enki: “I’m dead if I stay alone? I thought there was no room for humour in this bottomless hellhole. I’ll remember to spit on your deceased remains when I find them lying on these lone corridors. Just go… I do not need you…”

If Ragnvaldr is in the party

  • Enki: “...” Something seems to be clearly bothering Enki. His eyes seem distressed.
  • Enki: “It’s time for us to part our ways…”
    • Player: "What's wrong?"
      • Enki: "The darkness... it's telling me to stay... It's telling me to become one with it..."
        • Player: "The darkness is messing with your head."
          • Enki: "... I can't say that you'd be completely off in that assesment... My head... it really hurts... Let's just continue. Forget this ever happened."
        • Player: "Okay... I guess it's goodbye in that case."
          • Enki: "… Our arrangement was a temporary one from the beginning."
          • Ragnvaldr: "Dark priest... Are you telling me you cannot contain your fear and dark emotions? I was always under the impression that it was the source of your spite towards the world. The source of your strength."
          • Enki: "... Who is saying I cannot contain my posture? It is simply my time to part ways with your lowley band of motley crew. Travelling together serves no purpose for me anymore--"
          • Ragnvaldr: "För guds skull! Spare us from your words. You are only telling those lies to yourself. No one else buys it."
          • Enki: "Tch. ... Fine. Have it your way... You convinced me of your guts at the very least."
          • Ragnvaldr: "Hah, that's the spirit!
    • Player: "This is not a good place to stay alone."
      • Enki: "... I've been alone all my life. If anything, it's you who needs my assistance in this bottomless hellhole..."
        • Player: "I won't deny that."
          • Enki: "... Fine. I'll continue with you just a little while longer. Out of sheer pity."
        • Player: "You're really stubborn, huh? Have it your way then."
          • Enki: "... I hate drama... Just let me be..."
          • Ragnvaldr: "Dark priest... Are you telling me you cannot contain your fear and dark emotions? I was always under the impression that it was the source of your spite towards the world. The source of your strength."
          • Enki: "... Who is saying I cannot contain my posture? It is simply my time to part ways with your lowley band of motley crew. Travelling together serves no purpose for me anymore--"
          • Ragnvaldr: "För guds skull! Spare us from your words. You are only telling those lies to yourself. No one else buys it."
          • Enki: "Tch. ... Fine. Have it your way... You convinced me of your guts at the very least."
          • Ragnvaldr: "Hah, that's the spirit!
    • Player: "What are you talking about?"
      • Enki: "... I-I'm not entire sure actually... My head... Nevermind I said anything... Let's just continue.
    • Player: "You're dead if you go alone."
      • Enki: “I’m dead if I stay alone? I thought there was no room for humour in this bottomless hellhole. I’ll remember to spit on your deceased remains when I find them lying on these lone corridors. Just go… I do not need you…”
          • Ragnvaldr: "Dark priest... Are you telling me you cannot contain your fear and dark emotions? I was always under the impression that it was the source of your spite towards the world. The source of your strength."
          • Enki: "... Who is saying I cannot contain my posture? It is simply my time to part ways with your lowley band of motley crew. Travelling together serves no purpose for me anymore--"
          • Ragnvaldr: "För guds skull! Spare us from your words. You are only telling those lies to yourself. No one else buys it."
          • Enki: "Tch. ... Fine. Have it your way... You convinced me of your guts at the very least."
          • Ragnvaldr: "Hah, that's the spirit!

If he leaves the party

  • Enki is muttering some mantras… He isn’t paying you much attention. You notice Enki’s glazed eyes staring to the emptiness. His mind is barely intact.
    • Give him Whiskey
      • Enki notices you and gives you a tormented look.
      • Enki drinks up the whiskey.
      • Enki: “That was pitiful of me… Have I underestimated the strength of these dungeons…? No. I’ve climbed up from deeper depths before… … You are not expecting my gratitude, are you?”
    • Nevermind.
  • He… seems dead.
    • Search him
    • Investigate
      • There’s no sign of anyone or anything attacking him. He does have an expression of terror on his face though. His hands seem to be grasping his chest… Was it a heart attack?

Show Love

Enki: "No. There is nothing in this for me."

Enki: "I can't believe what I'm saying, but let's do this."

Miasma event

  • Enki: "..."
    • Player: "Is something wrong?"
      • Enki: "... How curious..."
      • Enki: "I haven't witnessed anything like this before..."
      • Enki: "Blood? ...blood.. Blood. Yes."
      • Enki: "The blade... It wants sacrifices... Right now."
        • Player: "You are starting to intimidate me..."
          • Enki: "Just what is this blade...? Incredible!"
          • Enki: "Maybe this is exactly what I've been looking for!"
          • Enki: "And all I need... Is a sacrifice!" (Battle starts)
        • Player: "Stop the act. Or I'll make it stop."
          • Enki: "Just what is this blade...? Incredible!"
        • Player: "You are not making any sense."
          • Enki: "What do you mean?"
          • Enki: "You hear it too, don't you?"
          • Enki: "It's demanding your blood!" (Battle starts)
        • Player: "..."
    • Player: "We need to keep up the pace."
      • Enki: "No... There are more urgent matters..."
      • Enki: "The blade... It wants sacrifices... Right now."
    • Player: "..."
      • Enki: "What are you saying...?"
        • Player: "I'm not saying anything..."
          • Enki: "Not you, you fool..."
          • Enki: "The blade..."
          • Enki: "The blade... It wants sacrifices... Right now."
        • Player: "What are you talking about?"
          • Enki: "Not you, you fool..."
          • Enki: "The blade..."
          • Enki: "The blade... It wants sacrifices... Right now."
        • Player "..."
          • Enki: "Not you, you fool..."
          • Enki: "The blade..."
          • Enki: "The blade... It wants sacrifices... Right now."

During battle

  • Enki: "Blood... Blood must flow..."


  • "Have you lost your mind!?"
    • Enki: "What nonsense."
    • Enki: "I've never seen as clearly as I do now."
    • Enki: "Is it all thanks to this miserable blade...?"
  • "Prepare to die!"
    • Enki: "Nonsense!"
  • Use elixir of mind
    • You use the Elixir of mind on Enki by throwing the liquid at him.
    • Enki slows down and lowers his weapon...

After battle (Using Elixir of mind or cutting off arm)

  • Enki seems to be coming back to his sense.
  • Enki: "Well... That was curious..."
    • Player: "Are you okay?"
      • Enki: "As if I'd let a mere sword like that break me."
      • Enki: "I'm completely fine now. It was just a small miscalculation on my part."
    • Player: "You were possessed by the sword."
      • Enki: "Obviously. Doesn't take a scholar to understand that much."
      • Enki: "I was just trying to experiment with the blade and you had to come and stop me."
      • Enki: "That blade has got great power sealed within. You have to take some risks to exploit that power."
    • Player: "Let's just continue. No time to waste."
      • Enki: "Agreed."

When found in the Void

  • Enki: "..."
  • Mercenary: "Not my proudest moment..." (Typo)
  • Enki: "This place... It's beyond anything I could have ever expected. It's a true void. A world so hostile it doesn't care if hosts life or not. It's the polar opposite to what one would experience in our world where the nature always nurtures life in one form or another. It's something that I've only witnessed in my astrology studies. But when it comes to the blackness of the space, those hostile worlds are so distant that it's so easy to lull oneself into a feeling of false safety. It's invigorating really. I can't even remember the last time I actually felt something. But this is genuine fear I'm feeling. I want to study the depths of this emotion. Let's continue. I'm sure there is more to this in where we are going."

When found as a New God in the Void

  • ???: "[Player]... For our knowledge to grow. You need to kill your ego and move on. Leave your fleshy shell behind and let me continue your ambitions."
  • A new god greets you.
  • New god: "Knowledge... It suffocates those who are not able to adjust to it. I could not bear the world with everything I've learned with the enlightenment and my ascension. It is said that ignorance is bliss and the knowledge only enhances the pain. The only way for me to continue existing was to change. Knowledge changes one permanently. There is no looking back after a certain point."

When found in dream in Tower of Rondon

  • Enki: "I'm ready Alll-mer. Take me."
  • Enki: "I'm ready to meet my end. This is as far as I got."
  • Enki: "I can't get any satisfaction!"
  • Enki: "There is no fulfilment!"
  • Enki: "I've reached the limits this feeble body can withstand."
  • Enki: "There is no silver lining waiting at the end. The purpose of us all is to sliver under the cold sun the gods have set above us."
  • Enki: "..."
  • Enki: "What's that?"
  • Enki: "These visions..."
  • Enki: "I see..."
  • Enki: "I understand."
  • Enki: "Let me down from here!"


Locatiion Dialogue
Level 1 Entrance
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 1 Courtyard
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 1 Inner Hall
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 2 Shit Pit
Enki: “I can't believe I followed you down here! How miserable of a way is this to die?!”
Level 1 Backyard
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 1 Stairway (To Basement)
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 2 Basement
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 3 Basement
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 1 Hidden Backyard
Enki: “This tree is truly curious. I’m sensing a connection to the God of the Depths, but it’s not quite the same…”
Level 2 Thicket
Enki: “I can sense the presence of the God of the Depths, but it’s not quite the same…”
Level 3 Thicket
Enki: “I can sense the presence of the God of the Depths, but it’s not quite the same…”
Level 4 Thicket
Enki: “I can sense the presence of the God of the Depths, but it’s not quite the same…”
Level 5 Deeper Thicket
Enki: “I can sense the presence of the God of the Depths, but it’s not quite the same…”
Level 2 Blood Pit
Enki: “I can sense a great power residing here. This much bloodbath would enable great blood rituals. I truly envy the wizards who predate here.”
Level 3 Prison
Enki: “When I first came here, I was expecting to find HIM here…

“Who is HE?"

Enki: “There is a man with great potential here in these dungeons. I’m sensing a beginning of a new era following him. I don’t know much about him, other than the brief visions I’ve seen through the mist…”

Staircase (Prison-Catacomb)
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 4 Cavern
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 5 Mines
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 6 Cave (Cave dweller village)
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 6 Mines
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Level 7 Catacomb
Enki: “Can you hear the heartbeat of the god?”
Ancient City - The Tomb Of The God

Enki: “Can you hear the heartbeat of the god?”


Enki: “These are the tombs of the gods… It’s truly interesting.”

The Tomb Of The Gods Level 2
Enki: “These are the tombs of the gods… It’s truly interesting.”
Ancient City Passageway (From Tomb Of The Gods)
Enki: “These are the tombs of the gods… It’s truly interesting.”
Ancient City - Inside (From Tomb Of Gods Entrance)
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Ancient City - Center Square
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Ancient City - Downtown (To Tower)

Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”


Enki: "Ma'habre... It truly was hidden here all this time..."

Ancient City - Old Passage
Enki: “These are the tombs of the gods… It’s truly interesting.”
Ancient City - Downtown (From Old Passage)
Enki: “These are the tombs of the gods… It’s truly interesting.”
Ancient City - The Bridge
Enki: “Ma’habre… It truly was hidden here all this time…”
Ancient City - Tower Of Endless

Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”


Enki: “Ma’habre… It truly was hidden here all this time…”

Tower Of Endless

Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”

Ancient City - Temple District
Enki: Enki is looking around suspiciously, investigating every corner and window…

“Is something wrong?”

Enki: “No… It’s not that. I’m sensing that we are close to a certain place…”

Grand Library
Enki: Enki is looking around suspiciously, investigating every corner and window…

“Is something wrong?”

Enki: “No… It’s not that. I’m sensing that we are close to a certain place…”

Grand Library - Inner Sanctum

Enki: Enki is investigating books and bookshelves. Looks like you shouldn’t interrupt him…


Enki: “This temple… It must be the Temple of Torment. I’m at a loss of words here even… We must go through the procedures! No matter what’s the cost!”

Ancient City - Back Alleys
Enki: Enki is looking around suspiciously, investigating every corner and window…

“Is something wrong?”

Enki: “No… It’s not that. I’m sensing that we are close to a certain place…”

Ancient City - Inside

Past Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”

Ancient City - Underground Cave
Enki: “You should look elsewhere if you are so desperate in conversation.”
Temple Of Torment - Level 1
Enki: “This temple… It must be the Temple of Torment. I’m at a loss of words here even… We must go through the procedures! No matter what’s the cost!”
Temple Of Torment - Level 2
Enki: “This temple… It must be the Temple of Torment. I’m at a loss of words here even… We must go through the procedures! No matter what’s the cost!”
Golden Temple
Enki: “Can you feel it? The energy flowing like a wind, spiraling towards the golden temple.”
Golden Temple - Inside
Enki: “Can you feel it? The energy flowing like a wind, spiraling towards the golden temple.”
The Void
Enki: "..." This place seems to leave Enki speechless.
Level 8 Gauntlet
Enki: “This is the God of the Depths. We are at the Altar of Darkness. Once this was a terrifying place but the god has been sleeping for a long time now… Only traces of the Older gods remain in this world anyway.”
Level 9 Gauntlet
Enki: “This is the insides of a god? This is madness…”
Level 9
Enki: “This is the insides of a god? This is madness…”

Dungeon Nights

Day 1

  • Enki: "..."
  • Enki: "..."
  • Enki: "You're still there?"
  • Enki: "Can't you see I'm reading here?"
  • Enki: "I got no interest in wasting my time with the likes of you."
    • Player: "..."
    • Player: "Isn't that a bit rude?"
      • Enki: "Rudeness is a man-made conception. In the end we are all alone in this world, so naturally I do what I see best."
      • Enki: "Now leave me be."
        • Player: "Isn't that a bit rude?"
          • Enki: "..."
          • Enki: "You are nothing to me from now on."
        • You seem to have angered Enki.
    • Show him the Ancient book.
      • Enki: "W-What's that?"
      • Enki: "That's the rites of madness - The Necronomicon!"
      • Enki: "Where did you find that!?"
      • Enki: "..."
      • Enki: "I hate to see a magnificent book like that go to waste in the hands of someone like you..."
      • Enki: "So... How about leaving it to me, so you don't accidentally hurt yourself using that ancient relic?"
        • Player: "You can have it."
          • Enki: "Hm. Good."
          • Enki: "Believe it or not, but it's better for you too to discard such potentially deadly occult materia."
        • Player: "What is there for me?"
          • Enki: "Tch. I see how where this is going..."
          • Enki: "Well let's make this a simple trade; I can go out with you once if you let me have the book."
          • Enki: "I don't embarass myself like this often just so you know it."
            • Player: "It's a deal."
              • Enki: "Well thank you."
              • Enki: "..."
              • Enki: "I guess I owe you one, as they say..."
            • Player: "No deal."
              • Enki: "Suit yourself."
              • Enki: "Not that I needed that book anyway."

Following Days

  • Enki: "...*sigh*"
  • Enki: "I can't believe I'm going through with this. But a vow is a vow, I'm afraid."
  • Enki: "So we can go on our date whenever you're ready."

The Caverns

Asked on a Date

  • Enki: "...How troublesome."

Spoken to on Date

  • Enki: "...Do we really have to be here?"

The Bloodpits

Asked on a Date

  • Enki: "Hm. I guess I can study some test subjects while I'm there."

Found Hiding

  • Enki: "Childish games... Give me a sport that deals with intellect and I will show my claws."

The Tombs

Asked on a Date

  • Enki: "...How troublesome."

Spoken to During Puzzle

  • Enki: "...Hmmmm..."
    • Enki seems concentrated.
  • Enki: "How about you switch those tiles over there!"

Date Success

  • Enki: "That was actually really fun now that I look back at the experience..."
  • Enki: "I'm not used to all this dating and going out business, so I'm kind of baffled by the effect it has on me..."
  • Enki: "For some reason, my cheecks feel rosier and warm(?)"

Date Failure

  • Enki: "Listen, we had our date. That was the deal. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore."