Mastery over vermin

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Mastery over vermin is a God affinity Skill from The God of Fear and Hunger skill tree Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Gain the ability to talk to those who are often left unseen.


  • Can be learned at the Hexen using a Soul stone if the player has at least 2 affinity with the God of Fear and Hunger.
    • Requires Rot to be learnt prior.
    • Can't be learned by party members.


Mastery over vermin is a passive skill that allows you to understand rats, crows and frogs.


Mastery over vermin dialogue:
  • The Crow: "The crow is talking to you..."
    • "So you are the new master kaw kaw."
    • "The vermin insisted we'd give this to you kaw."
    • "Have it you filthy human!
  • The Rats in Outskirts of Prehevil - Train and Old Town - Gate: "You hear faint sounds coming from the crack on the wall..."
    • "It is not safe master. You should leave. Or crawl into a tiny hole."
    • "Maybe this will keep you safe!"
  • The Rat in Old Town - Slums: "You hear faint sounds coming from the crack on the wall..."
    • "Master... There is a great treasure. We have secured it for you."
    • "The crow is watching over it. Ask her."
  • The Rat in the Orphanage: "You hear faint sounds coming from the crack on the wall..."
    • "Master! I hope you don't mind we eat human."
    • "The child in chains, very tasty."
    • "We saved you some."
    • "Master, go make a nest after the meal. Here. Material for the nest."
  • The Rat in Sewers - Southern Tunnels: "You hear faint sounds coming from a hole in the dirt..."
    • "Oh master. You understand us? That is incredible indeed."
    • "It reeks here. We hear people think we vermin like it down here. Not true."
    • "But at least there are no murderous humans here."
    • "We stole these from some of the humans. Take them. You might need them more than we do."
  • The Frogs in the Deeper Woods:
    • Frog1: "The frog makes faint sounds..."
      • "You're on our turf now 'master'."
      • "Better watch your back."
    • Frog2: "The frog makes faint sounds..."
      • "What? What do you want?"
      • "You expect me to bow down to you?"
      • "Frogs bow to no man."
    • Frog3: "The frog makes faint sounds..."
      • "'Master this' and 'master that'. That's what the others say, right?"
      • "Well don't expect that same courtesy from us, the frogs!"
      • "We bow to no one!"