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Ratkin overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Zoophobia
Item drops
Search (3 Shillings) (Egg) (Rotten meat) (Arm and Leg)
Steal Nothing
Overworld data
HP 3 (+1 extra)
Executable False
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage [Torso] -50 at 2 HP
[Torso] -100 at 1 HP
[Torso] -200 at 0 HP
Bear trap Death
Booby trap Death
Note Trenchgun will kill instantly
Can be made non-hostile
Battle Theme
Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

The Ratkin is a Unique Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Location & Behaviour

Upon getting near, he will run away from the player in a loop. Pushing one of the blue boxes to block a part of the loop will cause him to stop running and engage in battle.

Can be made non-hostile by talking in battle with Mastery over vermin.

Once made non-hostile, he will walk around randomly and can be talked to or fought again.

Several Ratkin make up the Ratkin gang.


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 120% 120% 120% 120% 90% 80% 40% None
Torso 450 (1800) None None
Torso (Rot) 325 (1300) None None
Right Arm 200 None None
Left Arm 200 None None
Right Leg 20 None None
Left Leg 20 None None
Tail 20 5% None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.
The left arm and right arm have 15 Agility, giving the Ratkin an average Agility of 11.25.



Fear & Hunger Mode

Ratkins have very low torso health, with the lone one encountered in the sewers being easily dispatched in a single turn by a party of more than one character, or with a single party member possessing a particularly strong weapon. They can also be pacified into a friendly overworld NPC with the Mastery Over Vermin skill, granting you a valuable Small thing's amulet accessory, but in most cases they'll get off a round of attacks regardless.

However, caution must be taken as Ratkins have greater agility than any playable character without the effects of equipment, causing them to scratch with their paws (causing Bleed and Infection) and bite with their head (causing the same) for up to 3 attacks a turn from unarmed Ratkins. The damage is usually able to be shrugged off, though the debuffs will require you to either spend resources shooting them in the overworld to avoid them entirely or spend Green Herbs and Cloth Fragments in order to combat infections.

Ratkin arms are decently durable and not worth attacking for the most part considering the constant attacks from their head, though their arms will also skip their turn half the time for the Ratkin to scratch themselves, rendering them potentially harmless and furthermore not worth spending turns on. Without arms, Ratkins will tackle much like many other foes.

Masoχ-S/M Mode




  • Ratkin: “*Squeek* *Squeek*” You can't make any sense of ratkin's speech.

Talk (Player has Mastery over vermin skill)

  • Ratkin: “M-master! J-just because you know our tongue doesn't make you our master! W-who do you think you are? Ah-- Ah... I'll tear you to shreds. Hear me! T-tear you to shreds!”
    • Player: “What's your problem with me?”
      • Ratkin: “D-do you know whose domain this is!? It's ours! Ours! L-listen-- We don't care what's going on with the surface. J-just deal with it and don't come barging in on our home!”
    • Player: “Sure thing tough guy.”
      • Ratkin: “A-are you mocking me? A-a-are you!?”
        • Player: “I'm not invested enough to mock you.”
          • Ratkin: “A-acting tough? I know your kind! You're all talk!”
            • Player: “I'm not the one babbling on about here.”
              • Ratkin: “Ack!” The ratkin seems shook. (Skips 1-2 turns)
            • Player: “We'll see about that.”
              • Ratkin: “Ack!” The ratkin seems shook. (Skips 1-2 turns)
        • Player: “What do you think?”
          • Ratkin: “Y-you were! You totally were! Y-you're not as witty as you think!”
        • Player: “Sorry about that.”
          • Ratkin: “D-do you mean that?”
            • Player: “Yes, I mean no harm.”
              • Ratkin: “I-I see... Y-you're not so bad are you?” (Battle end)
            • Player: “No that was sarcasm.”
              • Ratkin: “S-sarcasm is used only by those who fail to impress otherwise! Y-you don't impress anyone! I'll kill you! I will!”
        • Player: “...”
          • Ratkin: “Y-you'll be sorry!”
    • Player: “Give up and you might just survive.”
      • Ratkin: “Pft. A-acting tough! I've killed human before, j-just so you know!”
        • Player: “Even more the reason to deal with you.”
          • Ratkin: “Ack!” The ratkin seems shook. (Skips 1-2 turns)
        • Player: “...”
          • Ratkin: “Y-you'll be sorry!”
    • Player: “Don't you obey your master?”
      • Ratkin: “N-no human has ever been our master! A-and never will!”
    • Player: “...”
      • Ratkin: “Y-you'll be sorry!”
  • If ratkin was shook:
  • Ratkin: “N-no more talking! I'm done with you!”

After battle

  • Ratkin: “I-I'll let you got for this once. B-but listen. Just leave. L-leave us be. I'll even give you t-this. J-just take it. And leave.” (You get Small thing's amulet!)
  • If interacted with again:
  • Ratkin: “And never look back.”
    • Player: Attack it (Battle start)
    • Player: “What are you?”
      • Ratkin: “W-we-- I am a ratkin... That's about i-it.”
        • Player: “What's a 'ratkin'?”
          • Ratkin: “Y-you are looking at one smartass. Y-you human folk aren't so smart after all.”
        • Player: “...”
    • Player: “Why do you want me to leave?”
      • Ratkin: “T-this is our domain. You got the surface, why do you need the underground too? Y-you h-humans destroy everything you touch. The scum of earth.”
    • Player: “Nevermind.”


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction from the frail body of the ratkin.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“This frail and curious creature seems to share characteristics of both human and rat species. You are not entirely sure whether this thing was originally a human that has mutated to resemble a rat or if it once was a rat that has mutated closer to human. Whatever is the case, it's clear that the creature has none of the positive trait of either species. The body seems weak against pretty much everything, except it has properties that make it durable against otherwordly powers.”
If Daan is in the party:
“This frail and curious creature seems to share characteristics of both human and rat species. I'm not entirely sure whether this thing was originally a human that mutated to resemble a rat or if it once was a rat that mutated closer to shape of a human being. Whatever is the case, it's clear that this miserable thing has none of the positive trait of either species. Not exactly a winner in gene lottery. The body seems weak against pretty much everything, except it has properties that make it durable against otherwordly powers.”
Search (3 Shillings) (Egg) (Rotten meat) (Arm and Leg) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Ratkin head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”

Non-hostile interaction

Talking to the Ratkin after making it non-hostile will give the player a Small thing's amulet.


  • The Ratkin concept was based on an idea by Fear & Hunger Discord user Артур.


