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Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

"Despite being a place for children, you sense no joy..."

St. Domek's Orphanage is a major Location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. It is a large, imposing building where many of Prehevil's children were raised and educated.


St. Domek's Orphanage was founded by Father Domek as a place where Prehevil's clergy could watch over the city's orphaned youth, while also functioning as a regular school for those that still lived at home. Levi grew up here after being taken away from his parents. Marina, being Father Domek's daughter, also has troubling ties to the location.

Though the orphanage was used to house and educate children, it was also the center of extreme abuses levied at the orphans by its priests. Not only were the orphans (and students) treated badly by the staff, there were rumors that some of the orphans disappeared without a trace.[1] Chained shackles, blood-stained bowls and even a child's skeleton can be found in the building's basement, suggesting these orphans were murdered or sacrificed. One of the head priests, Father Hugo, was rumored to be a vampire due to his long life and apparent affinity for blood, which was likely used in rituals to the Old Gods.[2] Even the children who grew up and left the care of this place did not escape the watchful eyes of the priests, who kept extensive, intrusive documentation about their lives.[3]

After the events of the Termina festival, both the children and the priests at the orphanage have presumably moonscorched, transforming them into Fallen cherubs and Decrepit Priests, respectively. Shadowy figures haunt the hallways, presumably being the ghosts of children who had previously died under the orphanage's roof.


The orphanage can be found in the north of Prehevil - North-West. If trying to get there while coming from Prehevil - West (News Agency), there will be a locked gate in the way that can only be opened if destroyed or unlocked from the other side. If entering the area from the Department Store's west exit, you will be able to unlock the gate and reach the Orphanage.


The Orphanage has a lot of fragile floorboards, and the player is at risk of falling through the crumbling floor. When certain floorboards are stepped on (indicated by their cracked texture), it will trigger a Coin flip, which when failed will drop the player into the basement.

The yard in the middle of the Orphanage can be accessed from the northern section, and can be exited from the south, opening a shortcut to the orphanage's entrance. The yard contains a shed with a pre-made Asymmetric circle leading to the Orphanage (Rher Dimension), where the Hunger effigy can be found. Accessing the shed will require either accessing the room with the Talking board and losing the Hangman game, or by using a Purifying talisman on the door's seal.


  • Levi (Found on Day 2 after being saved from Caligura in Prehevil - West (News Agency), can be recruited here)
  • Marina (If she is in the party and is aware of what happened to Father Domek, she will appear in a short cutscene at the entrance. She can also be found investigating Weeping scope in the north of the orphanage if he is present, with Karin)
  • Karin (If Weeping Scope is present, she will be investigating him in the north of the orphanage with Marina)
  • Ghost
  • Rat (Requires mastery over vermin)


  • 15 Fallen cherubs
    • 4 Fallen cherubs in the first level (1 Fallen cherub is alone)
    • 4 Fallen cherubs in the second level (1 Fallen cherub is alone)
    • 4 Fallen cherubs in the basement (1 Fallen cherub is alone)
    • 3 Fallen cherubs in the upstairs section
  • 1 Decrepit Priest
  • Father Hugo
  • Shadowy figure
  • Weeping scope (Appears on Day 2 Evening, if Levi is not recruited)
  • 1 Poe (Appears if active, from either touching the lamp in Dr. Kefer's tricks and magic, or in Masoχ-S/M mode)
  • Gull bros (Only in Masoχ-S/M, will become active and chase you around Prehevil after using the Hexen table)


  • Imperfect ritual circle (In the basement)
  • Three pre-drawn Asymmetric ritual circles (Rher circle in the shed, Gro-goroth and Sylvian circles in front of Hugo's room)
  • Tes'tich table (Grants access to the Hexen, usable in Easy(er) and Masoχ-S/M modes only)
  • 1 Rusty nail (In the basement, Masoχ-S/M mode only)
  • Many resting places (All of the beds can be slept in safely, as long as the entire area is clear of Fallen Cherubs)





Party Talk (Orphanage):
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • (Outside Orphanage)
      • Marina: "The school..."
      • Marina: "Not a fan of this place..."
    • Marina: "This place gives me serious creeps..."
    • (In front of Father Domek's portrait)
      • (Before Domek's death)
      • Marina: "This painting..."
      • Marina: "..."
        • Player: "You know him?", "What's wrong?", or "..."
          • Marina seems to be lost in her thoughts...
          • Marina: "This is my father..."
          • Marina: "He's kind of a big deal in this scrubby old town..."
          • Marina: "He runs the church of Alll-mer... The orphanage is sponsored by the church, so I guess that makes him the boss of this place too."
          • Marina: "The church also runs the whole city to some degree... So yep, a pretty big deal around here for sure."
          • Marina: "Just like his father and the dark priest before him..."
      • (After Domek's death)
        • Marina: "This painting..."
        • Marina: "..."
          • Player: "You know him?", "What's wrong?", or "..."
            • Marina seems to be lost in her thoughts...
            • Marina: "This is my father..."
            • Marina: "He's a kind of a big deal in this scrubby old town..."
            • Marina: "Or he was anyway..."
            • You read her mind... "He's really gone..."
            • Marina: "He ran the church of Alll-mer and the orphanage was sponsored by the church, so that too."
            • Marina: "The church also runs the whole city to some degree... So yep, a pretty big deal around here for sure."
            • Marina: "Just like his father and the dark priest before him..."
            • Marina: "I guess this is the end of that miserable lineage."
            • Marina: "..."
              • Player: "I'm sure he'd be proud of you."
                • Marina: "..."
                • You read her mind... "Couldn't be more wrong. I was a disgrace from day one."
                • (If "marina_scene" ≥ 1)
                  • Marina: "Ha ha! I'm sure he is. Nothing would make him more proud..."
                  • Marina: "..."
                  • Marina: "That was sarcasm by the way. Just in case you couldn't tell."
                • (If "marina_scene" ≥ 2)
                  • Marina: "Ha ha! I'm sure he is. Nothing would make him more proud than his cross-dressing son..."
                    • (If playing as O'saa)
                      • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "I knew there was something off about this lass!"
                  • Marina: "..."
              • Player: "Does the lineage have to end?"
                • Marina: "..."
                • Marina: "It really does. I don't want any of this shit."
                • Marina: "This is a miserable place. Even if you exclude all the nightmarish stuff we've seen so far."
                • Marina: "I'm glad it's over now."
                • Marina: "There's nothing for me in this place anymore..."
              • Player: "Sounds like a respectable man."
                • Marina: "Ha ha ha! Sure. Thing."
                • Marina: "..."
                • Marina: "That's what was always so dear to him. The appearances..."
            • (If playing as O'saa)
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "DADDY ISSUES, CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IT!?"
              • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "What's her problem? She had to gag on father milk when growing up or what?"
            • You read her mind... "..."
            • You read her mind... "I can't believe... Am I really feeling sorry for that bastard...?"
            • Marina: "Let's just keep on going."
      • (After Domek's death, if playing as Levi)
        • Marina: "This painting..."
        • Marina: "..."
          • Player (Levi): "You know him?", "What's wrong?", or "..."
            • Marina seems to be lost in her thoughts...
            • Marina: "This is my father..."
            • Marina: "He's a kind of a big deal in this scrubby old town..."
            • Marina: "Or he was anyway..."
              • Player (Levi): "I knew father Domek too. I used to live here in this orphanage."
                • Marina: "Oh right! You're from Prehevil too!"
                • Marina: "But I didn't know you were from... here? From this orphanage?"
                • Marina: "Sucks to be you."
                • Marina: "Must have been horrible."
                • Marina: "I only saw this place once or twice, but everyone talked how bad it really was..."
                • Marina: "You're probably not feeling very nostalgic right now, are you?"
                  • Player (Levi): "It's not a big deal."
                    • Marina: "..."
                    • Marina: "That so?"
                    • Marina: "..."
                    • Marina: "Oh man... This place looks depressing."
                    • Marina: "And here I thought I had it rough."
                    • Marina: "No need to go into details. The sooner we're done here, the sooner we get out."
                  • Player (Levi): "Right..."
                    • Marina: "..."
                    • Marina: "Look at the two of us."
                    • Marina: "My father sure had a great legacy. He ruined the lives of everyone who were unfortunate enough to be in contact with him."
                    • Marina: "Let's just forget that horrible man. The sooner we're out of here, the sooner this is all over."
                  • Player (Levi): "It doesn't matter... you just lost your father..."
                    • Marina: "..."
                    • Marina: "I'm obviously not the only one whose life he managed to mess up."
                    • Marina: "But you know what? He's gone now."
                    • Marina: "No more of his bullshit."
                    • Marina: "Let's just forget that horrible man. The sooner we're out of here, the sooner this is all over."
              • Player (Levi): "If he was your father, I feel sorry for you."
              • Marina: "Hm?"
              • Marina: "What makes you say that?"
                • Player (Levi): "I'm from this orphanage. He visited the place often..."
                  • Marina: "Oh really?"
                  • Marina: "How didn't this come up sooner?"
                  • Marina: "That makes sense actually. You looked grim when we first stepped inside."
                  • Marina: "Sucks to be you."
                • Player (Levi): "I knew him too. I knew him too well..."
                  • Marina: "??"
                  • Marina: "You're a man of mysteries alright..."
                  • Marina: "But how did you know him...?"
                  • Marina: "..."
                  • Marina: "Don't tell me... You looked so grim when we first stepped inside this place..."
                  • Marina: "You're from here!?"
                    • Player (Levi): "...Yes..."
                      • Marina: "Wow... Sucks to be you."
            • Marina: "Let's just keep on going."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "So this place used to be an orphanage...? And a school?"
      • If Levi is in the party:
        • Levi: "...That's right..."
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "I grew up here..."
        • Abella: "This must be emotional to you. Seeing the place like this..."
        • Abella: "Just tell us if you need a break."
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "I'm fine."
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "That's right."
        • Marina: "Most people who grew up in Prehevil went to school here..."
        • Marina: "Even though I'm a native Prehevilian... I was actually homeschooled and took some lessons at the church."
        • Abella: "I see."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • (School - Level 1)
      • Karin: "Some school lessons ring true, no matter the age."
      • Karin: "If someone bullies you in school, you answer with extreme force. Throw a chair at them. Kick their teeth in. That'll stop the bullying."
      • Karin: "We wouldn't even have this shitshow called 'The Great War' if the bullies had their teeth kicked in when it mattered the most!"
      • Karin: "Another lesson that rings true to this day - No one liked this one teacher in our class. So one day we all skipped the class, what could he have done? Flunk everyone?"
      • Karin: "I don't think so. That would only make himself look bad."
      • Karin: "Again, we wouldn't have this shitshow if everyone from the armies just went home and stopped listening to their superiors."
      • Karin: "What are the old men at the top gonna do!? Fight the wars themselves?"
      • Karin: *Pft* "I wish, would have a few lunatics less in this world."
  • (Outside Orphanage)
    • Karin: "This school building seems to remain scot-free in the midst of all this destruction..."
    • Karin: "I've travelled across Europa these past few years and no matter where I go there are orphanages like these that are booked full..."
    • Karin: "They've come to represent war to me."
    • Karin: "So many war orphans."
    • Karin: "It's not enough that many of them lose a parent on the frontline, but they also have to deal with the mental burden that comes with these times."
    • Karin: "They are the true scars of war."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "..."
    • Daan: "I... I briefly stayed at an inn like this when growing up..."
    • Daan: "That didn't last long... I say kids are better off on the streets than in facilities like these."
      • If Karin is in the party:
        • Karin: "That's a crazy thing to say."
        • Karin: "At least the children got a roof over their head, they get an education and something to eat."
        • Karin: "How is that worse than living on the streets?!"
        • Daan: "These places often attract the worst kind of people. People whose main priority definitely isn't to help children."
        • Daan: "I'm sure there are some decent places too, but for every one of those there are probably ten bad apples around as well."
        • Karin: "..."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "This place is full of melancholy and sadness..."
    • Olivia: "The feeling is so vivid..."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • (Outside Orphanage)
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi is staring at the orphanage with a grim look on his face.
    • Levi: *Sigh*
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "Everything alright?"
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "...I'm just having mixed feelings about this place..."
        • Marina: "Makes sense."
      • If Abella is in the party:
        • Abella: "Why the long sigh Levi?"
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "...I'm just having mixed feelings about this place..."
        • Abella: "What kinds of feelings do you have then?"
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "Dunno..."
        • Abella: "..."
      • If Olivia is in the party:
        • Olivia: "Are you okay Levi?"
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "...I'm just having mixed feelings about this place..."
        • Levi: "Don't worry about it..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "The western world spoils their children too. Where I come from, the younglings start working the moment they can hold a hoe in their hands."
    • O'saa: "When you spend every waking hour wondering where your next meal comes from you don't have time form troublesome patterns of thought."
      • If Abella is in the party:
        • Abella: "Isn't that a bit too harsh? It's the children we're talking about after all..."
        • O'saa: "Hardship creates strength and limitations breed creativity."
        • Abella: "..."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "It was close that my sister would've ended up in an orphanage like this too..."
    • Marcoh: "They said I was too young to take care of her..."
    • Marcoh: "I often wonder if it was the right call... Maybe she would've been better off without me..."
      • If Olivia is in the party:
        • Olivia: "Oh I didn't know you had a sister..."
        • Olivia: "Come to think of it, you barely mention your previous life."
        • Marcoh: "..."
        • Marcoh: "It's nothing interesting."
        • Olivia: "I'm having trouble believing that."
        • Marcoh: "..."
Party Talk (Orphanage Basement):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "What is this horrible smell...? What's going on here?"
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "Yup. That's the smell."
    • Daan: "Smell of death."
    • Daan: "In a place like this... It's messed up."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Is that... Is that blood on the floor...?"
    • Olivia: "I can't even begin to imagine what has gone down here..."
    • Olivia: "How can humans be so cruel...?"
    • Olivia: "This kind of stuff makes me want to become a hermit and move to a lone shack in the middle of nowhere..."
    • Olivia: "Just me and the nature..."
    • Olivia: "No humans."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "Can you hear that...? I hear someone, or something slowly walking in the darkness..."
    • Marcoh: "Sounds like bare feet."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi looks visibly shaken by the basement.
      • Player: "Are you okay Levi?"
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "It's nothing."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
Party Talk (Schoolyard):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Why is there a hanging platform in a schoolyard!?"
      • If Levi is in the party:
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "They say the orphanage used to be a courthouse back in the day..."
        • Levi: "It's supposed to be a leftover from those times."
        • Levi: "But no one really believed that..."
          • If Marina is in the party:
            • Marina: "Oh right!"
            • Marina: "I remember seeing some old photographs of the courthouse and the hanging took place in front of the building..."
            • Marina: "So that makes no sense really..."
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "If I remember correctly, there used to be a courthouse here or something before the orphanage..."
        • Marina: "Although I remember seeing some old photographs of the courthouse and the hanging took place in front of the building..."
        • Marina: "So that makes no sense really..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "..."
    • Karin: "A hanging platform... In the schoolyard?"
    • Karin: "Of course there is one. Wouldn't expect anything less from this hellbent town..."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "W-why... Why is there a hanging tree here?"
    • Olivia: "Was this hanging tree ever used?"
    • Olivia: "God I hope not..."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "I was relieved to get some fresh air... But..."
    • Daan: "The gallows kind of ruin the moment of respite..."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh is lost in his thoughts while looking intensely at the gallows.
    • You read his mind... "Something always comes to remind me of what I've done. There's no escaping it, is there?"
    • Marcoh: "..."
      • If Daan is in the party:
        • Daan: "Don't look too intesely, just so you don't get any ideas."
        • Marcoh: "Huh, what?"
        • Daan: "You were really staring at the thing."
        • Marcoh: "Oh. Don't worry."
        • Marcoh: "My mind is as sharp as ever."
        • Daan: Good. Just checking up on everyone..."
        • Marcoh: "Ay."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "Can we just get this over with? I don't want to stay here any longer than necessary."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "What a curious place for this contraption."
    • O'saa: "It's not typical for Europa to have gallows in a schoolyard, right?"


  • One of the Fallen cherubs in the first level of the orphanage can be infinitely beheaded. (Bug)



  1. Levi's Character Creation info
  2. Marina's dialogue
  3. File cabinets in the orphanage