
From Fear and Hunger Wiki
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Template documentation
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This template is from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Fandom Wiki and has been modified to apply to this wiki.

To use this template, copy the following code and fill in the appropriate fields.


  • Only support for adding ten images per main category now, if you need to add more please ask the admins or add them yourself.
|Name = 
|Name2 = 
|Ref = true (Do not use this parameter if no reference exist.)
|Generaltitle = 
|General1title = 
|General1 = 
|General1width = 
|General1caption = 
|General2title = 
|General2 = 
|General2width = 
|General2caption = 
|General3title = 
|General3 = 
|General3width = 
|General3caption = 
|General4title = 
|General4 = 
|General4width = 
|General4caption = 
|General5title = 
|General5 = 
|General5width = 
|General5caption = 
|Battletitle = 
|Battle1title = 
|Battle1 = 
|Battle1width = 
|Battle1caption = 
|Battle2title = 
|Battle2 = 
|Battle2width = 
|Battle2caption = 
|Battle3title = 
|Battle3 = 
|Battle3width = 
|Battle3caption = 
|Battle4title = 
|Battle4 = 
|Battle4width = 
|Battle4caption = 
|Battle5title = 
|Battle5 = 
|Battle5width = 
|Battle5caption = 
|Overworldtitle = 
|Overworld1title = Static
|Overworld1 = 
|Overworld1width = 60px
|Overworld1caption = 
|Overworld2title = Corpse
|Overworld2 = 
|Overworld2width = 60px
|Overworld2caption = 
|Overworld3title = Animated
|Overworld3 = 
|Overworld3width = 60px
|Overworld3caption = 
|Overworld4 = 
|Overworld4width = 
|Overworld4caption = 
|Overworld5title = 
|Overworld5 = 
|Overworld5width = 
|Overworld5caption = 
|Extratitle = 
|Extra1title = 
|Extra1 = 
|Extra1width = 
|Extra1caption = 
|Extra2title = 
|Extra2 = 
|Extra2width = 
|Extra2caption = 
|Extra3title = 
|Extra3 = 
|Extra3width = 
|Extra3caption = 
|Extra4title = 
|Extra4 = 
|Extra4width = 
|Extra4caption = 
|Extra5title = 
|Extra5 = 
|Extra5width = 
|Extra5caption = 
|aliases = 
|relatives = 
|affiliation = 
|phobias = 
|birthPlace = 
|deathDate = 
|gender = 
|age = 
|species = 
|god = 
|soul = 
|search = 
|steal = 
|overworld-hp = 10
|overworld-note = 112233445566
|music = 



O'saa portrait.png


O'saa (Player).png


O'saa (Enemy).png


O'saa overworld.png


Aliases Magician
Relatives Unnamed mother
Unnamed father (deceased)
Unnamed siblings
Affiliation Yellow mages (member)
Nas'hrah (master)
Inflicted phobias
Phobias Rhabdophobia
Biographical information
Date of death 1942 (determinant)
Place of birth Abyssonia
Physical description
Gender Male
Age 32
Species Human
Spiritual Information
Worshipped God Gro-goroth[1]
Soul Enlightened soul
Item drops
Search (Soul stone, Yellow mage robes and Beheaded wizard)
Steal (Soul stone)
Overworld data
HP 10
Note 112233445566
Battle Theme
  1. (due to his connection to the yellow mages)

|Name = O'saa
|Name2 = O'saa
|Ref = true 
|zh = 奥撒
|Generaltitle = 
|General1title = Portrait
|General1 = O'saa portrait.png
|General1width = 180px
|General1caption = text
|Battletitle = 
|Battle1title = Battle (Player)
|Battle1 =  O'saa (Player).png
|Battle1width = 100px
|Battle1caption = text
|Battle2title = Battle (Enemy)
|Battle2 = O'saa (Enemy).png
|Battle2width = 200px
|Battle2caption = text
|Overworldtitle = 
|Overworld1title = Static
|Overworld1 = O'saa overworld.png
|Overworld1width = 60px
|Overworld1caption = text
|Overworld2title = Corpse
|Overworld2 = 
|Overworld2width = 60px
|Overworld2caption = text
|Overworld3title = Animated
|Overworld3 = 
|Overworld3width = 60px
|Overworld3caption = text
|Extratitle = 
|Extra1title = 
|Extra1 = 
|Extra1width = 60px
|Extra1caption = text
|aliases = Magician
|relatives = Unnamed mother <br />Unnamed father <small>(deceased)</small> <br />Unnamed siblings
|affiliation = [[Yellow mage]]s <small>(member)</small><br>[[Nas'hrah]] <small>(master)</small>
|phobias = Rhabdophobia
|birthPlace = [[Abyssonia]]
|deathDate = 1942 <small>(determinant)</small>
|gender = Male
|age = 32
|species = Human
|god = [[Traces of Gro-goroth|Gro-goroth]] <ref>(due to his connection to the yellow mages)</ref>
|soul = Enlightened soul
|search = (<font color="orange">Soul stone, Yellow mage robes</font> and <font color="orange">Beheaded wizard</font>)
|steal = (<font color="orange">Soul stone</font>)
|overworld-hp = 10
|overworld-note = 112233445566
|music = <div align="center">“[[Soundtrack F&H2|Breath Of The Moon]]”</div> [[File:Breath Of The Moon.ogg]]