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For their Fear & Hunger 2: Termina counterparts, see Headless Hound. Template:New-Infobox Template:SpoilerWarning

"The hounds are coming!"
- The hounds chasing the player.

The Jaggedjaw is an enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger.


"Francóis the dominating one has trained the hunting hounds to harass all those who trespass his domain. Those mindless beasts only taste the blood of their victim in their mouth. That is all they know."
- The New Gods when asked about Jaggedjaw.

以神话中的野兽‘Jaggedjaw’所命名的这些狗,它们绝非所谓的“人类最好的朋友”。 而也是猎犬的它们,在Dungeons of Fear and Hunger的周围地带所徘徊,并吞噬掉任何它们可以得到的东西。以及一种独特的Jaggedjaw在地牢的深处所长大,它们只效忠于The Dominating One,因为他亲自负责饲养与训练它们。








  • 通往秘密花园的入口 灌木丛。
  • 玩家在 马哈布雷中的无尽之塔 进行睡觉行为后,那些处于过去时间的城市。
  • 位于马哈布雷中的黄金神殿。



弗朗索瓦也有受过专门训练的猎犬,因为饲养它们是他的爱好。而在当前版本的马哈布雷中与他进行交谈时,他会释放出他所饲养的猎犬们。而如果玩家没有足够快地进一步进入神庙,那么猎犬就会开始追逐并最终杀死玩家。[1]如果纳什拉 这时也在队伍中,那么他会杀死弗朗索瓦,并因此阻止这位新神去释放出由自己饲养的猎犬。


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 100% 100% 100% 115% 100% 55% 40% None
Torso 350 (1400) 5% None
Front paws 20 5% None
Hind paws 20 5% None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.


The Jaggedjaws always attack in pairs, and are quite difficult to defeat early on. The head is generally the best target if solo (unless the player can easily do ~400 damage to the body within 2 or 3 turns).[2] Their bites cause bleeding and have a small chance of causing infection, meaning that having cloth fragments and green herbs is preferable before fighting them.

Every three turns, starting on the second turn, one of the hounds will do a leaping attack, which relies on a coin flip (they will also bark a turn before as a warning). If the coin flip is failed, the hound jumps at the player character and mauls them to death in a unique death cutscene.

Damaging the legs will not affect their speed in the overworld, meaning that there is little to no reason to target them. Since the hounds are also faster than the player, even with the skill Dash, trying to outrun them or trying to escape from combat is extremely difficult.

The player can throw a Stick through Talk to distract the hounds from attacking (except for their coin flip and barking attacks) for the rest of the battle.



  • You try talking some sense to the hound...
    • Player: “Sit!”
      • The hound seems to take no orders from you. It stays determined at ripping your throat open.
    • Player: “No! Bad boy!”
      • Your pleads go to deaf ears. You fail to calm the beast.
    • Player: “Prepare to die.”
      • You feel more courageous for saying that.
    • If player has Rotten meat:
    • Offer Rotten Meat
      • You give Rotten meat to the hound, but it rejects it.
    • If player has Stick:
    • Throw Stick
      • The hound tries to restrain itself, but with no avail. The hound fetches the stick with great enthusiasm. For a moment it seems to forget it is in a middle of a fight.


“A wild hound lies dead on the ground.”
Action Result Flavour text
Beat him Nothing “The hound is definitely dead.”
Search Nothing “The hound doesn't appear to have anything.”
Leave Success Nothing
Using a Soul stone (Lesser soul) “The Soul stone changed it's appearance. The stone is radiating faint blue light.”
Devour Success “You devoured the remains.”
Demon seed Demon baby recruited “A baby sprouted out of your seed!”
“You take the baby with you.”




  1. Fear & Hunger Guide: How To Fight Jaggedjaw Dogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIZez5MaeRc&t=4s&ab_channel=Frapollo94
  2. How to win against Jaggedjaw Hounds in Fear and Hunger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaKwwQ2V3Qw&ab_channel=All-bonesJones

