Moonless Guard

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An act of love between a cave wolf and a guard.
- The New Gods when asked about Moonless Guards.

The Moonless guard is an enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger. They are a stronger version of the Guard.


A Moonless guard is a Marriage of Flesh formed between a Guard and a cave wolf, or Moonless as they are commonly called. For the marriage to work, both of them have to be willing participants. How a Guard managed to convince a Moonless wolf to mate with him is unknown (the influence of the old god Sylvian is strongly suspected) but they have become malformed creatures wandering the very bottom of the body that is the God of the Depths.


Can be found at the very bottom of the Thicket and in the bottom of the body of the God of the Depths at the Gauntlet.

Additionally, upon starting a new game, there is a slim 10% probability of encountering extra Moonless guards patrolling the Cavedweller village, having slaughtered its entire population.

They behave like regular guards and run up to the player immediately after spotting them.

Moonless guards can be devoured without consequence and skinned for Guard Skin.


Body part HP (Fear & Hunger) HP (Terror & Starvation) Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherworldly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Torso 650 775 100% 115% 100% 100% 100% 5% None None
Arms 20 each 300 each
Legs 20 each 20 each


Moonless guards take 115% damage from the Slashing damage type.

Fought like the usual Prison Guards, remove his cleaver arm before going for the other body parts, unless one wants to risk limb loss.

Instead of using his right arm for a grabbing attack its uses its gaping maw, extending from the head and all the way down to where the stinger used to be making it only one body part, can use a similar coinflip attack that deals roughly the same amount of damage as the mad rush attack, but you can just guard it as usual.

Also the gaping maw can attack dealing more damage than the usual cleaver attack each turn, but if you cut all of his limbs it could switch this attack for tackle, that deals less damage instead.

Overall, it should be simple to defeat.


In combat:

  • If talked to:
    • You try talking some sense to this monstrosity...
      • Player: "What is your origin?"
        • Moonless Guard: "Grrrggrrrlll!"
        • The creature makes gurggling sounds without any sign of intelligence...
      • Player: "Wait. We don't have to fight!"
        • Moonless Guard: "Grrrggrrrlll!"
        • The creature makes gurggling sounds without any sign of intelligence...
      • Player: "Please don't!"
        • Moonless Guard: "Grrrggrrrlll!"
        • The creature makes gurggling sounds without any sign of intelligence...
      • Player: "Prepare to die."
        • Moonless Guard: "Grrrggrrrlll!"
        • The creature makes gurggling sounds without any sign of intelligence...
  • First round, if Nas'hrah is in the party:
    • Nas'hrah: "Well aren't you an ugly bastard!"






