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This article is about the Fear & Hunger playable character. For the ritual of the same game, see Marriage of Flesh. Not to be confused with Marriage (Fusion).

Warning! Nudity ahead!

This page contains depictions of genitals and / or sex.

Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

"You have become a materialization of the love you two shared. Intervined forever. What will you call yourself from now on?"
- The message that the player receives after becoming a Marriage.

The Marriage is a playable character in Fear & Hunger. They are the union of two individuals into one being, a materialization of the love shared between the protagonist and another party member.


The Marriage is the result of a Marriage of Flesh between the protagonist and another willing party member. Just like all other marriages, they are a result of Sylvian's power, also known as Love Magic and the goddess' twisted interpretation of love.

They were born after an act of love was shown at one of the dungeon's many ritual circles.

Warning! Speculation ahead!

Information below is hinted on, but wasn't directly confirmed in-game.

Considering that most character-specific endings in the game have been confirmed to be canon, it is unlikely that any of the four protagonists ended up performing a Sylvian Marriage. This is especially true for Enki and Ragnvaldr, since they both have a high amount of evidence about their fate after the events of the first game.

Gameplay traits

Stat Starting value
Attack 50
Defense 16
M.Attack 16
M.Defense 16
Agility 10
Luck 32
  • Replaces the original protagonist if the ritual is performed successfully, also effectively erasing the second character used in the ritual from gameplay.
  • Starts with Body and Mind at 100, no status ailments, and 4 limbs intact, regardless of the state of the original protagonist before the ritual.
  • Has 50 Attack instead of the regular 30.
  • Can use all weapons but the Dagger and the Skeletal arm.
  • Has no Equipment/Armor restrictions.
  • Has no assigned Phobia.
  • Will have the exact same soul and abilities as the chosen playable character.
  • Performing a second Marriage of Flesh will turn them into Marriage (Fusion).

The Marriage is likely the best playable character in the game. They have no equipment/armor restrictions, can use almost any weapon, and have a higher attack stat than any of the four main playable characters. It can be advantageous to form a Marriage, unless the player cannot or is not willing to sacrifice one of their party members, or if the player is seeking to acquire an S-ending. (Special endings are not available to The Marriage).[1]

Performing a Marriage

To become a Marriage, the protagonist will have to choose the option "Show love" at one of the unused ritual circles found within the dungeons. It is important to note that if the player has a negative affinity to Sylvian, then the ritual will fail. Failing to perform the act successfully will turn the participants into an incapacitated creature and result in a Game Over. The act itself, if successful, will also increase the player's affinity with Sylvian by one tier and exhaust the ritual circle.[2]

Potential participants for the Marriage:

A player-controlled D'arce performs a Marriage ritual with Cahara while having negative affinity to Sylvian. It results in a game over.
  • Cahara - Can be chosen by any of the other 3 playable characters. However, doing so with Enki will crash the game. (Bug)
  • D'arce - Can be chosen by Cahara or Ragnvaldr, will refuse if the player is Enki.
  • Enki - Can be chosen by any of the other 3 playable characters. However, doing so will crash the game. (Bug)
  • Ragnvaldr - Can be chosen by Cahara or D'arce, will refuse if the player is Enki.
  • Ghouls - Can be chosen by any of the other 4 playable characters.

All other potential companions will not agree to "Show love" for various reasons:

  • Girl - "The girl is NOT willing."
  • Le'garde - "Not gonna happen."
  • Demon Kid - Lacks reproductive organs and will be clueless to the player's intentions.
    • Baby Demon - The proposition will enrage the Gods for such a vile act, which results in a game over.
  • Skeletons - "Skeleton has no flesh to make love to."
  • Moonless - Not selectable.
  • Nas'hrah - Will set the player on fire, since he is a sadistic psychopath who finds pleasure in the smell of burnt flesh, which results in a game over.

It is worth noting that the Penance armor prevents "Show love" from working as the player's genitalia is mutilated inside the armor, so it is important to perform the ritual before equipping the armor to get its benefits. It is also important to remember that one should remove all equipment before performing the ritual as any equipment either participant was wearing before the act will be lost forever.

Becoming a Marriage on Hard Mode will make character-specific endings impossible to complete, unless the requirements for the endings had been met before the Marriage was formed. Becoming a Marriage will also prevent the player from triggering any interactions with Buckman or Trortur: these characters' events would use separate scripts in case the player was a Marriage or a Fusion, but were never implemented.


  • Leftover code suggests that the Marriage mechanic would originally rely on an affection-building system for its functionality. However, in the final version of the game, this mechanic was simplified, resulting in fixed Marriage options that are character-specific and cannot be altered.
    • Moreover, the same leftover codes imply that Le'garde may have been envisioned initially as a selectable protagonist, featuring specific dialogues from the characters he would potentially invite to a Marriage.
    • The character-specific Marriages pertain particularly to Enki, as it prevents him from "showing love" to D'arce and Ragnvaldr. Game creator Miro Haverinen has stated that both are likely unwilling to form a Marriage with him, as "Enki's first impressions might not be that positive".
  • While not confirmed, the fact that the Marriage's soul type is identical to that of the original protagonist, seems to indicate that the protagonist's mind is the dominant one. Assuming that when two people form a Marriage, both of their minds continue to exist within the resulting being, creating a multiple consciousnesses.


