Per'kele (Dialogue)

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For the character, see Per'kele.


  • Mysterious person: "Ah, there you are."
    • (If playing as O'saa)
      The moon... It must be THE moon god, you ponder. You've read some vague tales about it during your time at the Amon libraries.
  • A mysterious person greets you in a monotonous voice.
  • Mysterious person: "Got you pulled out from that nasty place."
  • Mysterious person: "You were going deep into that rabbit hole."
    • (If player lost to Janitor)
      Mysterious person: "To show his good will, my master has mended your wounds and tatters this once. What a joy."
  • Mysterious person: "Now you are safe under the beautiful green hue of the moon. Welcome, to the Moon Tower..."
    • Player: "Thank you for getting me out of there."
      • Mysterious person: "You are welcome."
    • Player: "What is going on?"
      • Mysterious person: "That is what I'm here for. To explain the situation you are currently facing. To explain the great once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that has befallen within your grasp."
    • Player: "Is this a nightmare!?"
      • Mysterious person: "Oh it hardly is a nightmare. You just need to adjust your perspective accordingly and it will be anything but a nightmare."
    • Player: "..."
  • Mysterious person: "Since our words could not possibly reach my master, I speak in his behalf."
  • Mysterious person: "And who might my master be...? Well for now let's just say that he is the delinquent one. Rher - the trickster moon god."
    • (If playing as O'saa)
      You knew it.
  • Per'kele: "And me? You can call me Per'kele. I am just a humble servant of his celestial majesty."
    • (If playing as O'saa)
      Per'kele... Perkele... The name does sound familiar to you, but you are not sure where you've heard it before.
  • Per'kele: "You are the dreamer. He is the dream."
  • Per'kele: "My master has invited you to join us in this jubilee of cosmic proportions."
  • Per'kele: "14 candidates, but only one true victor."
  • Per'kele: "The Festival of Termina is upon us!"
    • (If playing as O'saa)
      Termina? You finally remember where you've heard the name Per'kele before. The deity is often linked with the so-called 'Festival of Termina'.
      Information about the festival is murky, but it is often associated with times of great turmoil. Many massacres in history have been blamed on this deity and the moon. Horrible acts have been committed in the name of lunacy.
      If You can't remember much else. The moon god in general is shrouded in great mystery and his ways are often left unexplained.
    • Player: "What is this 'Festival of Termina'?"
      • Per'kele: "It is a festival to give you - the humans - a peek to grandeur and a chance to reach for illustrious heights."
      • Per'kele: "The festival to end all festivals."
    • Player: "I don't understand any of this..."
      • Per'kele: "It is only natural. All this must have come so sudden to you."
    • Player: "I don't want any part in this."
      • Per'kele: "Ah, but it is not a matter of what you want any longer."
      • Per'kele: "My master doesn't give options, and frankly neither do I."
  • Per'kele: "This must all be very confusing to you. I won't burden you with any more information at this very moment."
  • Per'kele: "Just head towards 'the tower'. That is all you need to know..."
  • Per'kele: "Let us meet again under the moonlight."
  • Per'kele: "Just head towards 'the tower'. That is all you need to know for now..."
  • Per'kele: "I will gladly answer questions once you get there."
  • Per'kele: "But until that, let us meet again under the moonlight."


If playing in Masoχ-S/M mode:

  • Per'kele: "Oh. You are here?"
  • Per'kele: "You think you have the luxury of wasting time like this?"
  • Per'kele: "Cute."
  • Per'kele: "Cute."

If playing in Easy(er) or Fear & Hunger mode:

Upon sleeping for the first time:

  • Per'kele: "Welcome Back."
  • Per'kele: "I take it that you are now acquainted with most of your fellow contestants."
  • Per'kele: "Keep up the pace. The festival won't last forever."
    • Player: "Just what is going on?"
      • Per'kele: "Since the 14 of you are such late additions to the party, your days are already running short."
      • Per'kele: "The festival will its climax in just three days."
      • Per'kele: "That is how long you have time. Use it wisely."
        • Player: "What happens in three days?"
          • Per'kele: "My master has a short attention span. If any of the thirteen other contestants are still around when the midnight hits on day 3..."
          • Per'kele: "..."
          • Per'kele: "Well... I guess you will just have to wait and see."
          • Per'kele: "However it is not advised to wait until that."
        • Player: "Time to do what?"
          • Per'kele: "To gut, scheme and revel in the bloody remains of your contestants."
          • Per'kele: "It is a simple festival at its core."
            • Player: "Do you mean I have to kill other contestants?"
              • Per'kele: "What you do and what you don't is entirely up to you of course."
              • Per'kele: "Do you want to kill your fellow contestants?"
            • Player: "I don't understand this at all."
              • Per'kele: "I assure you your fellow contestants will understand in time."
              • Per'kele: "Early bird catches the worm in this festival."
              • Per'kele: "But enough about that. Let us proceed to the services I can provide."
    • Player: "I don't have time to waste with you."
      • Per'kele: "Oh yes, of course. Please let's get on with your business here."
  • Per'kele: "How best may I aid you in your quest?"

After sleeping for the first time:

  • Per'kele: (Before standing at the base of the Moon Tower) "The tower. Head to the tower. The one under the pale hue of the Moon God." OR (After standing at the base of the Moon Tower.) "Welcome back to the tower."
  • Per'kele: "(X) of you still remain."
  • Per'kele: "How may I best aid you in your quest?"

Talk option: If alive contestants (including the player) ≤ 14:

  • Per'kele: "Still 14..."
    • (If Day 2)
      • Per'kele: "It is the second day already. It does not bode well for you I'm afraid."
    • (If Day 3)
      • Per'kele: "It is the third and the final day already. Show haste in your actions now."

If alive contestants (including the player) ≤ 13:

  • Per'kele: "And so, the fourteen are no more. Splendid."
    • (If Day 1)
      • Per'kele: "And it is only the first day of the festival for you."
      • Per'kele: "Could we actually have one with potential on our hands?"
    • (If Day 2)
      • Per'kele: "The time is running. Do not lull yourself to comfort. You have a job to do."
    • (If Day 3)
      • Per'kele: "It is the third day now. The festival waits for no man."

If player has stood at the base of the Moon Tower:

  • Per'kele: "You've stood at the base of the Moon Tower. To proceed, you know what you must do."

The Moon Tower

If the player has entered the Moon Tower before Day 3 Morning:

  • Per'kele: "Ah, you are finally here."
  • Per'kele greets you in a monotonous voice.
    • (If playing as O'saa)
      "You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard..." "This should be good."
  • Per'kele: "Congratulations of the highest degree."
  • Per'kele: "I bow to your talents. You are the last survivor of the fourteen."
  • Per'kele: "You managed to exceed when others have failed. It is truly a remarkable feat. A herculean task, even."
  • Per'kele: "You - Are - The Champion of Termina - The festival to end all festivals."
    • Player: "I did what I was asked to, now where is my reward?"
      • Per'kele: "Ah yes..."
    • Player: "I didn't do any of this for you or for the festival..."
      • Per'kele: "No matter. I don't question or even care about your motives."
  • Per'kele: "As promised, you are entitled to the grand prize."
  • You are not sure if Per'kele is talking about prize or price here.
  • Per'kele: "A peek to grandeur and illustrious heights."
    • Player: "What does that even mean?"
      • Per'kele: "I think explanations are finally in order."
      • Per'kele: (If the player enters the Moon Tower after Day 2 Night)
        "If that is what you'd like to know... Maybe you are worthy of explanations..."
    • Player: "I don't care. I'm here to kill you and the Moon God."
      • Per'kele: "Hooo? Is that so...?"
      • Per'kele: "Your bloodlust knows no end at this point?"
      • Per'kele: "If that is truly your wish, then sure, go ahead..."
      • Per'kele: "I won't stand in your way. The Moon God is waiting there, looming high in the sky. Swing away with your sword!"
      • Per'kele: "........"
      • Per'kele: "Well...?"
        • Player: "I can still take you down."
          • Per'kele: "If that is your wish..."
            • Attack him
            • Player: "..."
              • Per'kele: "..."
        • Player: "How can I reach the Moon God?"
          • Per'kele: "How can you reach any of the stars and planets sailing across the trails in the sky?"
          • Per'kele: "The void that opens up above our heads remains a mystery to this day."
        • Player: "..."
          • Per'kele: "..."
          • Per'kele: "Do not fret. There is no shame in backing down."
          • Per'kele: "Wildly and blindly attacking anyone at this point would be a fruitless effort anyway."
    • Player: "I just want out. Out of here and this city."
      • Per'kele: "And miss the chance of your lifetime? Please at least hear me out before making any hasty decisions."
      • Per'kele: "You didn't massacre your way up here for nothing."
      • Per'kele: "Let me explain..."
  • Per'kele: "The Moon God Rher is gone."
  • Per'kele: "I apologize for such an unpoetic manner of speech, but..."
  • Per'kele: "What you see in the sky is just a barren rock floating in the space."
  • Per'kele: "The Festival of Termina is Rher's doings, that much is true yes, but those powers are but faint traces left of his existence."
  • Per'kele: "Rher, much like the other older gods left this world a long time ago."
  • Per'kele: "You might still be able to harness some of their powers, but like the festival, it is just a faint voice from the past that grants you those gifts."
  • Per'kele: "Maybe that is evidence of their true strength, that in even their absence, and in some cases death, their powers still linger in this world."
  • Per'kele: "But without the consciousness behind these powers, their traces are nothing more than any other force of nature."
  • Per'kele: "That force is not there to help you, harm you or to be worshipped by you. It just exist."
  • If the Player enters the Moon Tower on or after Day 3 Morning:
    • Per'kele: "So... what is the function of the festival if it lacks a greater purpose?"
    • Per'kele: "We decided to give it one."
    • Per'kele: "You too had a chance to join our ranks... But bloodlust doesn't boil within you quite the way we'd hoped..."
    • Per'kele: "So that's it. No illustrious heights for you."
    • Per'kele: "The only grand prize I can offer you at this point is your freedom."
    • Per'kele: "Only I stand in your way."
  • If the player enters the Moon Tower before Day 3 Morning:
    • Per'kele: "That leads me to you..."
    • Per'kele: "Humans, the common people desperately putting their faith on these obsolete powers, they are ultimately alone in this world..."
    • Per'kele: "There is no one looking after you if you were to return to that world. No one looking after you but plenty of forces ready to exploit you to down to the bone."
    • Per'kele: "The world you came from, where you were driven by where they want you and when they want you."
    • Per'kele: "You were just another pawn in the greater scheme of things. Just another fool led by the so-called new gods, who are nothing more than dirty little sinners like yourself..."
    • Per'kele: "The only difference being that they devoured their way to the top of the pyramid before anyone else had the chance."
    • Per'kele: "What do you call the starvation and poverty the world has faced? Horrible occurrences in history that were inevitable bumps on the path of progress?"
    • Per'kele: "What would you call the last two great wars were hundreds of thousands, no - millions perished?"
    • Per'kele: "They are but part of the greater scheme. The sinners just pulling the strings from the grand hall they reside in to further establish their position."
    • Per'kele: "That is vile if you ask me. I trust no power to any man. Do you?"
    • Per'kele: "Maybe what they say about absolute power really is the absolute truth."
    • Per'kele: "Maybe order and peace really are just a distant utopia."
    • Per'kele: "..."
    • Per'kele: "That is why we have chosen chaos."
    • Per'kele: "What you have gone through since your destined arrival on that fated day, it would see that you are no stranger to chaos."
    • Per'kele: "One could even argue you revel in it whenever possible. My master is certainly pleased with what he has seen."
    • Per'kele: "A peek to grandeur and a chance to reach for the illustrious heights... They are gifts only offered to select few. Those who posses the right traits..."
    • Per'kele: "If you want to continue on this path of chaos, as the Champion of Termina, you are given the privilege to join us as equals."
    • Per'kele: "So... What do you say?"
    • Per'kele: "Join us or return to the world where you came from as nothing more than a side note in untold history?"
      • Player: "I'll join you."
        • Per'kele: "Well isn't that glorious?"
        • Per'kele: "You have chosen well."
        • Per'kele: "However... one last tribulation lies before you..."
        • Per'kele: "All the souls you sent to our master. Now boiling in the presence of his never-ending hatred..."
        • Per'kele: "To finish your transformation I need to send you too to his sulfuric cage."
        • Per'kele: "You have faced death head-on, the only thing missing is facing the death of your self."
        • Per'kele: "Do not fret, it is like the summer and the winter at the same time. Scorching sun burning your skin, while the long tendrils of the cold freeze you from inside out."
        • Per'kele: "Only when you rise back from those dark pits, only then will you be a true representative of the Cult of Sulfur."
        • Per'kele: "The empty man-made morals, that hollow weight stirring deep inside you... All carved out. You will finally know what it means to be truly free."
        • Per'kele: "So as equals we face. I can't wait to tear you to shreds."
        • Per'kele: "Do not die to soon or the ritual will go to waste."
      • Player: "You say the gods are gone, yet you talk about your master..."
        • Per'kele: "My master, yes..."
        • Per'kele: "I know it sounds redundant. To trade the worship of one god to another. Trading snake oil for quack remedy."
        • Per'kele: "But my master... My master promises freedom. Freedom, like you never knew even existed."
        • Per'kele: "I know you yearn that. I can see it in your eyes. You wouldn't be standing here otherwise."
        • Per'kele: "Deep down you know you can never feel fulfillment. There is always something gnawing at the back of your head."
        • Per'kele: "You could have all the riches in the world, a harem of fifty lovers, admiration and respect... Yet that hollow echo would still eminate from within."
        • Per'kele: "Answer me honestly..."
        • Per'kele: "Have you felt true joy since you were but a naive child?"
        • Per'kele: "I do not mean a brief moment of happiness, but real joy. One that shines through even during your darkest hour."
        • Per'kele: "You do not need to answer. I know the answer. Humans were born to suffer. They possess the eternal hunger that will never be satisfied."
        • Per'kele: "To fool themselves, they came up with rules and routine to help pass the time. An artificial sense of achievement. Self-defined attributes to determine who is good, bad, successful or a failure."
        • Per'kele: "Living in a cage of their own making. If you live in a cage, you are never free."
        • Per'kele: "You need to tear that prison down, brick by brick. You must strip yourself of man-made morals and ethics..."
        • Per'kele: "The rules and routine to pass the time. You must stop passing the time and jump straight to the end."
        • Per'kele: "Death awaits at the end. Your only salvation. Witness death, deal death and finally experience death."
        • Per'kele: "That is the only way."
        • Per'kele: "You do not want to go back as a hollow shell."
      • Player: "You haven't answered what it is you do?"
        • Per'kele: "The Moon God... While gone, his traces remain strong. The Festival of Termina is a product of his intense jealousy."
        • Per'kele: "But like said before, an intense power without a consciousness behind it is nothing more than a raging force of nature, not that unlike a hurricane, an earthquake or a volcanic eruption."
        • Per'kele: "Thus the festival itself lacks a purpose. We decided to give it one."
        • Per'kele: "The effect it has on people creates ample opportunity to grow our ranks and shed blood for our master."
        • Per'kele: "For hundreds of years we have followed wherever the Moon God took us and we reaped his harvest instead."
        • Per'kele: "Living and breathing from the chaos that ensues."
        • Per'kele: "Of course we strive for the illustrious heights mentioned many times over. But to get there, we must climb a mountain of slain sacrificial lambs."
      • Player: "I've heard enough, it's time for you to die."
        • Per'kele: "Pity."
      • Player: "I want no part in any of this."
        • Per'kele: "You would return back to live as an earthworm even after learning to cocoon yourself and eventually soar the sky?"
        • Per'kele: "Humans never cease to amaze me. Settling into sub-mediocrity..."
        • Per'kele: "Have it your way."
        • Per'kele: "You have earned your freedom in the eyes of my master, however... One last tribulation lies before you."
        • Per'kele: "You see..."
        • Per'kele: "I have followed your journey since the beginning and I've slowly come to the conclusion that I simply hate your existence. Absolutely detest your guts. I can't stand the sight of you."
        • Per'kele: "This is strictly personal. Between you and me."


perkele_discuss Common Event:

  • Per'kele: "Humans are such funny little creatures."
  • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "Tell me about it."
  • You hear voices echoing from the beheaded wizard... "Although I wouldn't use the word 'funny', more like 'pathetic' and 'miserable'."
  • Per'kele: "Since the dawn of men you've tried to please the sun god to keep you warm and give good harvest..."
  • Per'kele: "You've worshipped destruction and creation, in the delusion that you'd have say in those matters..."
  • Per'kele: "You've given a name to each and every one of these forces, even the nature itself has a name given by you."
  • Per'kele: "It's a strange paradox. You throw yourself as a slave to these gods of your own creation."
  • Per'kele: "Only humans could be this silly. To the others - they are but natural forces."
  • Per'kele: "They are not there to help you, to harm you or to be worshipped by you. They just exist in the greater scheme of things."
    • Player: "But how can you explain the gift of magic?"
    • Player: "But you also said you were a servant of the moon god..."
  • Per'kele: "Just as a sailor harnesses the power of wind, one can harness the power of these forces to our own benefit."
  • Per'kele: "I am a servant of the moon god as I cannot control him and
    • Player: "So you mean to say there are no such things as gods?"
      • Per'kele: "I never said that."
      • Per'kele: "There are plenty of deities that could fall under that category."
      • Per'kele: "Even you've probably heard of some."
    • Player: "..."

Unused Moon Tower dialogue:

  • Per'kele: "But along came silly humans..."
  • Per'kele: "They gave these forces a name, they created an obscure ruleset around their worship only to hope for some kind of a salvation at the end of it."
  • Per'kele: "After this, the kings and sultans seized the opportunity and ruled people with the strength of the older gods."
  • Per'kele: "Some used this strength quite literally, while some only herded the masses with their teachings after tweaking them to better suit the demand."
  • Per'kele: "Time and time again a new power rises to the top. Some call themselves new gods, some puppeteer the nations from behind the curtain, but the ending is always the same."
  • Per'kele: "It is an eternal cycle that has befallen all mankind."
  • Per'kele: "You can go back to that world if you choose so and live a life as a slave to those sitting on top, whoever happens to be wielding the waning strength of the older gods at the moment..."
  • Per'kele: "Or..."
  • Per'kele: "You can embrace the chaos and break free from the cycle."
  • Per'kele: "We - the Cult of Sulfur - We choose to live and breathe in chaos, outside the artificial boundaries created by the society and mankind."
  • Per'kele: "You can either be at the receiving end of the stick or holding it."
  • Per'kele: "We choose to hold it."
  • Per'kele: "We revel in the blood of the sacrificial lambs, the masses are for slaughter, for the fallen god - the Sulfur God."
  • Per'kele: "Before the exodus of the gods... There existed one that was banished from the pantheon."
  • Per'kele: "As he was chained deep beneath the earth's surface... This fallen one, this fallen god - He was never able to leave this world."
  • Per'kele: "He exists beyond the eternal cycle and beyond the greater scheme of things..."
  • Per'kele: "To celebrate the chaos, we gather souls for the fallen one."
  • Per'kele: "As the champion of Termina - You too can join us."
    • Player: "So worship your god instead of mine, because... Why exactly?"
    • Player: "What happened to the Moon God?"
    • Player: "I'd be honored to join you."
    • Player: "I just want out. I want no part in this."
    • Player: "This is enough. Just die already."