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Per'kele bows gently and prepares for the battle.


Per'kele bows gently and prepares for the battle.

Per'kele overworld.png

Aliases Servant of the Moon God
Mysterious person
Inflicted phobias
Phobias Teratophobia
Biographical information
Date of death 1942 (determinant)
Physical description
Gender Male
Spiritual Information
Worshipped God Rher (supposed master)
Sulfur God (true master)
Item drops
Search Nothing
Steal (3 Lucky coins) (3 Light blue vials)
Overworld data
Note Cannot be harmed in the Overworld
Battle Theme
Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Location needs a rewrite. Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

Per'kele is the mysterious servant of the Trickster Moon God, Rher, and a Boss encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


"Per'kele and the group associated with that figure... You might recognize them by the body paint covering their faces and body. They are but leeches. Leeching on the older gods, pursuing their own agenda. Miserable figures."
- The New Gods when asked about Per'kele.

Per'kele supposedly answers to the Trickster Moon God, Rher. He serves as his master's voice since the God is seen from far away. Asking the New Gods about the servant in Fear & Hunger suggests that he is simply serving Rher to pursue his own goals and ideas in mind.

He saves the protagonist from some sort of nightmarish sequence in the introduction that the player can either skip or go through. Regardless of the player's choices, they would still have the dream of being saved by Per'kele and meeting him and the Moon God Rher, who seems to be awake but does not talk, only seemingly stares at the player. Per'kele will then tell the player of the Termina Festival, and how they will play a part in it as one of its contestants, calling it a chance for one of the participants of the Termina festival to have a peek at grandeur and have a chance for 'illustrious reality', and calling it the 'festival to end all festivals'. He will say no more though, stating that his master will answer the player character's questions later on as they progress through the festival. He and his master will talk and meet again with the player under the green hue lit moonlight.

As the events in Termina approach their climax, it is revealed that Per'kele does not serve Rher (for the Old God had departed from this realm long before this moment), but another deity called the Sulfur God as the leader of his cult. Once a mortal human, Per'kele stumbled upon a Termina festival in a bygone era, describing it as the moment when he felt he "was truly born." With an unsettling resolve, Per'kele then challenges the festival's winner to a fight to the death. As he removes his attire in preparation for the confrontation, it is possible to see his deteriorating torso, indicating an advanced state of decomposition.

Location & Behaviour

  • Per'kele can be found on top of The Hollow Tower
    • Can be interacted with via dreams


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 3000 80% 100% 100% 80% 140% 5% None Blindness, Concussion
Torso 4500 (18000) None None
Torso (Rot) 3500 (14000) None None
Right Wing 2900 None None
Left Wing 2900 None None
Right Leg 2700 None None
Left Leg 2700 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Right Wing Lunar Meteorite 36-54 damage Always 100% 100%
Left Wing Feather Rain Deals 5-7 Slashing damage nine times, can cause Bleeding status. Always 100% 90%
Wing Guard 75% of Otherworldly Damage dealt reflected back onto player End of turn 2, then always 100% 100%
Torso Hurting Deals 50 Otherworldly damage, causes Bleeding status and Arm loss. After both arms are defeated 50% 100%
Black Orb Deals 20-24 Otherworldly damage to a single target four times. After both arms are defeated 50% 95%


Fear & Hunger Mode

Per'kele has 2900 hp on his arms, and 3000 hp on his head which has only 5% physical evasion and 0% magical evasion, so in this fight it is not worth attacking anything at all except the head.
You should use Heroin and Masterchef right before the fight when you enter the tower, after beginning the fight you can use a Brown vial if you had one or Bob and weave, after that just keep attacking the head with physical or magical attacks and heal when your hp is low.

  • After 2 turns he will do Wing guard which will give all his limbs a 75% chance to reflect all Otherwordly attacks thrown at them, so after using it you should only attack with physical attacks.
  • If you had a weapon that inflicts Bleeding or Burning or if you had a Condensed hemlock then inflicting his torso with those status effects and then guarding and healing until he dies is a fast and easy way to kill him.
  • If you are fighting Per'kele on day 3 then ending the fight with high amount of Mind and Body is advised since you will start a battle with Rher right after killing Per'kele.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

The same strategy for Fear & Hunger Mode applies.


→ See Per'kele/Dialogue

Battle start

  • Per'kele: “Have you seen the colour blood takes under the moonlight? Such beautiful blend of pale red and sickly green drenched in cold hues of blue.”


  • Per'kele: “The time for words has come and gone. Show me violence.”
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “I thought I won the festival?”
      • Per'kele: “You did. Congratulations for that. Just get past me and you will receive the heavenly gifts you yearn.”
        • Player: “That was never part of the deal!”
          • Per'kele: “The deal is what I make it out to be! Why do you have to be such an annoyance 'till the end!? A pesky little rat!” You managed to infuriate Per'kele. (+Furious)
        • Player: “How can I trust you after you keep moving the goal post?”
          • Per'kele: “Do you have a choice? You can always just die too.”
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “So your decomposing torso is all I need to slaugher anymore?”
      • Per'kele: “That is amusing. I hope you didn't put too much faith in your silly little intimidation antics.” Per'kele doesn't seem easily intimidated.
    • Player: “Just hold it! I'm sure we can find an understanding here!”
      • Per'kele: “Did I just give that lengthy speech on deaf ears? There won't exist understanding between us other than that of violence and blood.”
    • Player: “Why kill me now? You had the chance all this time!”
      • Per'kele: “It is not my place to take part in a festival. The blood must run free for it to be pure. Now that the slaughter is over, I'm free to do what I please.”
    • Player: “I just want to understand why you do this.”
      • Per'kele: “A dim-witted too? You truly have no redeeming qualities. Well what is it that you want to know?”
        • Player: “How long have you been doing this?”
          • Per'kele: “I've lost the count ages ago. Time loses its meaning once you're not tied to mortal existence anymore.”
        • Player: “Can you tell me about the god you follow?”
          • Per'kele: “The sulfur god... The name is all you need to know for now.”
        • Player: “Are you a human?”
          • Per'kele: “I once was, at least according to the loosest meaning of that term. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a festival, just like you... Afterwards was when I was truly born.”
    • Player: “I've been waiting for this since day one.”
      • Per'kele: “Is that so? I guess it makes two of us then.”
    • Player: Nevermind


This enemy doesn't have any interactions since you don't have time to interact with him after his defeat.


  • Per'kele's name comes from the Suomi/Finnish word from the Finnic-Ugric languages, perkele, which means devil or evil spirit. The name is of Indo-European origin, being the name of the Proto-Indo-European god of thunder called Perkwunos. Other gods of thunder are derived from this name, such as Perkūnas (Lithuanian), Pērkons (Latvian), Perkūns or Perkunos (Baltic Old Prussian), Parkuns (Yotvingian), Percunis (German Prussian), Piarun (Belarusian), Fairguneis (Gothic), Perun or Piorun (Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene), and Peko or Pekolasõ (Estonian (the language is of the same language family as Finnish)). It is also related to other words in the Balto-Finnic branch of the Finnic-Ugric language family, such as in Estonian, põrgu, means hell, and in Karelian, perkeleh, means an evil spirit. Because the god of thunder is from a different religion and considered pagan by the Abrahamic religion of Christianity, the name became demonized, which led to the word, perkele, and is now used in the modern day as a swear word by the modern day Suomi/Finnish people.
    • Going by this linguistic root, it is very fitting for him to be a recruiter or leader of the Cult of Sulfur and with the Sulfur God being his master.
  • Per'kele wears facepaint of similar colors as seen in the book of Rher. Another character that has a similar facepaint is the Janitor.
  • With the many references to Majora's mask found throughout Fear and hunger: Termina, Per'kele is likely also a reference/stand-in to the Skull kid in Majora's mask, who similarly to Per'kele, acts as a kind of speaker for the moon in their respective game, also found on the very top of a large tower in the middle of town. Similarly, the skull kid too ushers the moon to the earth after having been defeated, just like Per'kele.

