Samarie (Dialogue)

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Marina Sleeping dialogue

(Only happens if you sleep in the Mayor's Manor or the Woodsmans house as Marina)

  • You hear heavy breathing through your sleep...
  • You notice a black-haired girl spying on you!
    • Player: "Who are you!?" / "What are you staring at you creep!?" / "Why not take a picture, it'll last longer!" / "..."
      • Samarie: "K-ka!"
        • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “T-this is it! We finally meet! I-I can't believe it!”
        • You read her mind... “DO NOT MESS THIS UP SAMARIE YOU FUCKING FOOL!”
      • Samarie: "I-I-I don't..."
      • Samarie: "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
        • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “No, no, no! This isn't going well at all!”
      • Samarie: "... You don't recognize me..."
      • Samarie: "..."
        • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “I need to go! Now!”
      • Samarie: "I-I need t-t-to go!"
    • Player: Attack her
      • Samarie: "N-no, you understood it all wrong!"

Train Second Cabin Right Door dialogue

(Only available on Day 1 if the player has left the Train Area at least once without going to the City and is not Marina)

Interacting with right-side door inside of the Train
  • The door to the previous cabin is locked from the other side.
  • Looking through the window, the cabin seems pitch black...
  • Player: Knock on the door
    • Nothing...
  • Player: "Is there someone?"
    • No answer...
  • Player: Investigate
    • You can't see inside.
    • Perhaps the cabin windows have been covered up by someone?
Interacting with right-side door inside of the Train after picking "Is there someone?"
  • The door to the previous cabin is locked from the other side.
  • Looking through the window, the cabin seems pitch black...
  • Player: Knock on the door
    • Nothing...
  • Player: "Don't worry, it's safe here..."
    • No answer...
    • Samarie: "I-I'm not coming out until..."
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "Is Marina still in the other cabin?"
    • Player: "Who is Marina?"
      • Samarie: "You don't know? She is the one one with the light hair, with the bangs. She is..."
      • Samarie: "...Special..."
      • Player: "How do you know her?"
        • Samarie: "A-ah. I don't know her. Nevermind."
      • Player: "Do I go and get her here?"
        • Samarie: "N-no, no, no. Don't! She doesn't know me or anything..."
      • Player: "..."
    • Player: "Yes, she is."
      • Samarie: "Ah... She doesn't care to see me so I'll wait for her to go first..."
      • Samarie: "I mean, it's not like she even knows that I exist..."
      • Samarie: "She hasn't noticed me once..."
    • Player: "No, she isn't..."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "I see."
    • Player: "Who are you?"
      • Samarie: "No one... Just a lonely caterpillar waiting to shed her skin..."
  • Player: Investigate
    • You can't see inside.
    • Perhaps the cabin windows have been covered up by someone?

Church of Alll-mer Main Entrance dialogue

(Only happens when entering Church of Alll-mer through the main entrance in Prehevil - East on Day 1)

  • Samarie: "Please wait..."
  • Samarie: "Please wait!"
  • Samarie: "F-father Domek... You are father Domek, a-are you not...?"
  • Father Domek: "..."
  • Samarie: "Your daughter... That's why I'm here..."
  • Samarie: "Marina..."
  • Samarie: "Because of her... I'm here because of Marina..."
  • Father Domek: "What are you muttering about!? Speak!"
  • Samarie: "I'm here because of Marina!"
  • Father Domek: "..."
  • Father Domek: "That person died in my eyes with his mother and their dirty little secret."
  • Father Domek: "What a disgrace. What a cowardly path to take..."
  • Father Domek: "In any case, Marina is far away. You won't find her-- him here."
  • Samarie: "Ack..."
  • Samarie: "Y-you are the last thing between Marina and... me..."
  • Samarie: "And she is coming here... Anytime now..."
  • Samarie: "You have to vanish, for her to be truly happy!"
  • Samarie: "Before she gets here... I need to do this!"
  • Father Domek: "What did you say? Did you say she is here in Prehevil!?"
  • Samarie: "You've put her through so much hardship..."
  • Samarie: "This is what she'd want too..."
  • Father Domek: "What in the bloody hell are you talking about!?"
  • Father Domek: "Talk you dirty wench!"
  • Samarie: "K-ka! Get your hands off me! Don't touch me!"
  • Father Domek: "Stupid girl. You don't know who you are dealing with!"
  • Samarie: "D-Don't...!"
  • Father Domek: "Are you this dense!? What did you say about Marina?!"
  • Samarie: "Ack!"
  • Father Domek: "Y-you... d-dirty whore... of babylon..."

Rher Dimension Dialogue

(Available up to day 3 noon in the Rher dimension of the Church of Alll-mer basement)

Day 1 Morning interactions

Initial Interaction with Samarie
  • Samarie: "..."
  • (If Mind read is learned)
    • You read her mind... “I-I-I can't believe it happened...”
    • You read her mind... “SAMARIE YOU FUCKING IDOT! YOU'RE CRAZY! CRAZY!”
  • The girl is clearly shaken.
  • Player: "Are you alright?"
    • Samarie: "I-I didn't mean to do it..."
    • Samarie: "I really didn't..."
    • Samarie: "I was just trying to protect her..."
    • Samarie: "If only she knew..."
    • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
    • The girl is crying and hysterical.
    • Samarie: "What if she doesn't understand what I've done..."
    • Samarie: "Aah..."
    • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
    • The girl just keeps on crying.
    • Samarie: "I didn't mean to... to kill..."
    • Player: "This has been a nightmare for all of us..."
      • Samarie: "The nightmare..."
      • Samarie: "You heard him... He wants us to kill..."
      • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
      • Samarie: "B-but... I didn't mean to..."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • She seems to be finally calming down...
    • Player: "You have done nothing wrong... Just calm down."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "B-but... he's dead..."
      • Samarie: "I KILLED HIM!"
      • Player: "We've all had to do terrible things..." / "Try not to think about it."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "It's because of him... That fiend at the top..."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie seems to be finally calming down...
      • Player: "You did it on purpose? What's wrong with you!?" / "Your tears won't bring him back to life."
        • Samarie: "Ka...?"
        • Samarie: "What are you saying!? WHAT!?"
          • Player: "You heard me."
            • Samarie: "WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAAAT!?" (Initiates battle)
        • Player: "Take it easy... I didn't mean to stir up anything."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • She is looking deep into your eyes, trying to measure you.
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie seems to be calming down...
        • Player: "You're completely crazy, huh?"
          • Samarie: "WHAT!? WHO ARE YOU CALLING CRAZY?" (Initiates battle)
  • Initial Interaction with Samarie as Marina
    • Samarie: "..."
    • (If Mind read is learned)
      • You read her mind... “I-I-I can't believe it happened...”
      • You read her mind... “SAMARIE YOU FUCKING IDOT! YOU'RE CRAZY! CRAZY!”
  • The girl is clearly shaken.
  • Player: "Are you alright?"
    • Samarie: "I-I didn't mean to do it..."
    • Samarie: "I really didn't..."
    • Samarie: "I was just trying to protect her..."
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "Marina?"
    • Samarie: "Marina!"
    • Player: "Just stay calm... No one is accusing you."
      • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
      • The girl is crying and hysterical.
      • Samarie: "I... I... I did it all for us... Believe me..."
      • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
      • The girl just keeps on crying.
      • Samarie: "I didn't mean to... to kill..."
      • Player: "This has been a nightmare for all of us..."
        • Samarie: "The nightmare..."
        • Samarie: "You heard him... He wants us to kill..."
        • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
        • Samarie: "B-but... I didn't mean to..."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • She seems to be finally calming down...
      • Player: "You have done nothing wrong... Just calm down."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "B-but... he's dead..."
        • Samarie: "I KILLED HIM!"
        • Player: "We've all had to do terrible things..." / "Try not to think about it."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "It's because of him... That fiend at the top..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie seems to be finally calming down...
        • Player: "You did it on purpose? What's wrong with you!?" / "Your tears won't bring him back to life."
          • Samarie: "Ka...?"
          • Samarie: "What are you saying!? WHAT!?"
            • Player: "You heard me."
              • Samarie: "WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAAAT!?" (Initiates battle)
          • Player: "Take it easy... I didn't mean to stir up anything."
            • Samarie: "..."
            • She is looking deep into your eyes, trying to measure you.
            • Samarie: "..."
            • Samarie seems to be calming down...
          • Player: "You're completely crazy, huh?"
            • Samarie: "WHAT!? WHO ARE YOU CALLING CRAZY?" (Initiates battle)
    • Player: "Do I know you?"
      • Samarie: "W-what are you talking about!?"
      • Samarie: "Of course I know you!"
      • Samarie: "It's me, Samarie!"
      • Samarie: "Marina! You know I did it for you right!?"
      • Samarie: "*Sniff* *Sniff*"
      • Samarie just keeps on crying
      • Samarie: "I didn't mean to... to kill..."
  • Player: "What happened upstairs?"
    • Samarie: "..."
      • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “I took the knife... I had it with me... I wanted this...”
        • You read her mind... “Samarie... Just what did you do...”
        • You read her mind... “There's no going back...”
  • The girl seems to be in shock still...
  • Interacting with Samarie after calming her down
    • Samarie: ..."
    • Player: "What is your name?"
      • Samarie: ..."
      • Samarie: Samarie..."
      • Player: "It's not safe here. Let's return there."
        • Samarie: "No."
        • Samarie: "You don't want me there... If you knew what I've done..."
        • Player: "It doesn't matter. Let's just get to the train."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Ok."
          • Samarie: "I'll go back. If you say it's ok."
        • Player: "Let's go then."
          • Samarie: No."
          • Samarie: Not yet..."
          • Samarie: Train... I'll go back there like you said."
        • Player: "I'll meet you there."
          • Samarie: ..."
          • Samarie: Ok."
        • Player: "Can you get there on your own?"
          • Samarie: ..."
          • Samarie: Yes."
          • Samarie: I got here on my own, didn't I?"
    Interacting with Samarie after calming her down as Marina
    • Samarie: ..."
    • Player: "What is your name?"
      • Samarie: ..."
      • Samarie: "Y-you know me... I'm Samarie..."
      • Samarie: "I-I saw you at the train..."
        • Player: "It's not safe here. Let's return there."
          • Samarie: "No."
          • Samarie: "You don't want me there... If you knew what I've done..."
        • Player: "It doesn't matter. Let's just get to the train."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Are you going there too?"
            • Player: "Uh, sure... Once I'm done here."
            • Samarie: "Ok. It's a promise then."
            • Player: "Why is it so important for me to come too?"
            • Samarie: "..."
            • Samarie: "I'll go there. Ok?"
            • Samarie: "You will come there too. Later. Right?"
        • Player: "Let's hear it then."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "I-I can't..."
          • She is just shaking her head in denial.
      • Player: "How did you get here?"
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "I... don't remember."
      • Player: "What is going on here?"
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie is just looking at you puzzled.
    • Player: "Can you now explain what happened?"
      • Samarie: ..."
      • She refuses to say anything. She is just shaking her head.
    Interacting with Samarie after agreeing to return to the Train
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "I'll go back to the train."
    • Player: "How will you get there?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "I have my ways. If you know the red arcs..."
    • Player: "See you there."
      • Samarie: "Ok."

    Day 1 noon - Day 3 noon dialogue

    (Available if the player makes it to the Rher dimension after day 1 morning and before day 3 night. Doing so will cause Samarie to moonscorch into Dysmorphia.)

    Interacting with Samarie
    • Samarie: "What...? You...?"
    • Samarie: "You're not her!"
    • Samarie: "No, no, no! You're ruining everything!"
    • Samarie: "Why would you come here all of a sudden!?"
    • Player: "Hey take it easy! I mean no harm."
      • Samarie: "Kaka! That's what they all keep saying!"
      • Samarie: "It's all talk! I've seen it too many times!"
      • Samarie: "I know what you want from me! Just admit it!"
    • Player: "Is everything okay...?"
      • Samarie: "No!"
      • Samarie: "Nothing's alright now that you're here!"
      • Samarie: "You're ruining this on porpuse, aren't you!?
      • Player: "Ruining what?"
        • Samarie: "I did all this for her... It was meant to be a surprise..."
        • Samarie: "I created this world for her..."
      • Player: "I didn't mean to ruin anything."
        • Samarie: "Just keep talking!"
        • Samarie: "I see how you're looking at me!"
        • Samarie: "Like I'm unhinged!"
        • Samarie: "You would never trust me, so why should I trust your word!?"
    • Player: "Who were you expecting?"
      • Samarie: "Ma- No... I'm expecting her."
      • Samarie: "You don't know her. You don't know her..."

    (Independent of the player's choices)

    • Samarie: "This brand new world... The boarded walls! The darkness that hangs above..."
    • Samarie: "It's all in ruin now!"
    • Samarie: "This is not a surprise anymore! You've ruined the surprise."
    • Samarie: "You've ruined the surprise!!"
    • Samarie: "You can't leave now. You just can't..."
    • Player: "Don't worry. I'll keep it as a secret..."
      • Samarie: "Lies! All lies!"
      • Samarie: "YOU. CAN'T. LEAVE."
        • [Samarie moonscorches]
    • Player: "Is that a threat?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "YOU. CAN'T. LEAVE."
        • [Samarie moonscorches]
    Interacting with Samarie with Marina in your party
    • Samarie: "Marina! You came!"
    • Samarie: "I knew you'd come for me!"
    • Marina: "Sorry. Don't know you."
    • Samarie: "Kaka! W-what do you mean?"
    • Samarie: "Why are you playing this role?"
    • Samarie: "Can't you see this world? Look around! Look at the boarded walls! Look at the darkness that hangs above!"
    • Samarie: "It's a world created just for us!"
    • Samarie: "This world won't judge us!"
    • Samarie: "We can be one!"
    • Marina: "Still don't know you. I have no idea what you are talking about."
    • Samarie: "M-Marina! It's me!"
    • Samarie: "It's not a coincidence that we both ended up in Prehevil!"
    • Samarie: "You had to see me walk away, before you could understand what you'd miss!"
    • Marina: "I came to Prehevil because of my parents. I got a letter from my father..."
    • Marina: "I don't know what's your deal, but I've never seen you in my life. Sorry."
    • Samarie: "Why are you this difficult all of a sudden!?"
    • Samarie: "It's me, Samarie! We've met each other countless times at the Vatican City! On the long hallways of the Ministry of Darkness!"
    • Samarie: "Y-you know me and I know you! We've shared our most private times together."
    • Samarie: "I've seen your true self. I've seen how you spend hours every morning just to get your makeup right..."
    • Samarie: "I've seen you caress yourself. I know how you wake up every night just to finish the book you fell asleep to!"
    • Samarie: "All these gazes we've shared... I-I know you hate your father. I know you wanted him dead, I killed him, I know--"
    • Marina: "Wait what...?"
    • Samarie: "That's why I crafted all this for you!"
    • Marina: "What did you say about my father!?"
    • Samarie: "I killed him."
    • Samarie: "I didn't want him to taint our new world."
    • Samarie: "This is what remains of him."
    • Marina: "..."
    • Marina: "Just what the hell are you!?"
    • Marina: "You're no different from those things that crawl out there!"
    • Marina: "If you're so fond of this world, you can stay here but for the rest of your short little life for all I care!"
    • Samarie: "B-but..."
    • Samarie: "W-what are you saying...?"
    • Samarie: "I... I don't get this..."
    • Marina: "..."
      • [Samarie moonscorches]
    Interacting with Samarie as Marina
    • Samarie: "Marina! You came!"
    • Samarie: "I knew you'd come for me!"
    • Player: "Sorry. Don't know you." OR "What are you talking about?" OR "..." (same results)
      • Samarie: Ka-Ka! W-what do you mean?"
      • Samarie: "Why are you playing this role?"
      • Samarie: "Can't you see this world? Look around! Look at the boarded walls! Look at the darkness that hangs above!"
      • Samarie: "It's a world created just for us!"
      • Samarie: "This world won't judge us!"
      • Samarie: "We can be one!"
      • Player: "Still don't know you."
        • Samarie: "M-Marina! It's me!"
      • Player: "I have no idea what you are talking about."
        • Samarie: "I-I'm talking about us! US!"
        • Samarie: "That's the only thing that matters! That's the only thing I have left in that past world!"
      • Player: "I want no part of this world!"
        • Samarie: "Y-you just have to see what it has to offer!"
        • Samarie: "We can craft our own world. It can be just how you like!"

    (Independent of the player's choices)

    • Samarie: "We can't waste this opportunity!"
    • Samarie: "It's not a coincidence that we both ended up in Prehevil!"
    • Samarie: "T-this is destiny!"
    • Player: "I came to Prehevil because of my parents..." OR "You call this nightmare destiny?" OR "I don't know you. What part you don't understand?"
      • Samarie: "Why are you this difficult all of a sudden!?"*
      • Samarie: "It's me, Samarie! We've met each other countless times at the Vatican City! On the long hallways of the Ministry of Darkness!"
      • Samarie: "Y-you know me and I know you! We've shared our most private times together."
      • Samarie: "I've seen your true self. I've seen how you spend hours every morning just to get your makeup right..."
      • Samarie: "I've seen you caress yourself. I know how you wake up every night just to finish the book you fell asleep to!"
      • Samarie: "All these gazes we've shared... I-I know you hate your father. I know you wanted him dead, I killed him, I know--"
      • Samarie: "That's why I crafted all this for you!"
      • Player: "You don't know anything about me and my father!" OR "Should I thank you for killing him!? You're crazy!"
        • Samarie: "B-but... I killed him... for you..."
        • Samarie: "I didn't want him to taint our new world."
        • Samarie: "He became one with the only thing he loved - This church!"
        • Samarie: "He never cared for you in the slightest!"
        • Samarie: "D-do you understand now...?"
        • Player: "Just what the hell are you!?" OR "You've completely lost your mind!" OR "Do you understand what you're saying!?"
          • Samarie: "B-but..."
          • Samarie: "W-what...?"
          • Samarie: "I... Don't get this..."
          • Player: "..."
            • [Samarie moonscorches]

    Day 3 night dialogue

    (This dialogue only happens in maso mode or when the player reaches day 3 night. Samarie will be already moonscorched as Dysmorphia at this point and she will attack the player.)

    Interacting with Dysmorphia
    • A towering figure is standing tall in the shadows...
    • "Slowly the figure approaches you."
      • [Battle start]

    To check the dialogue that happens in the fight with Dysmorphia, check her main page, Dysmorphia.

    Returned To Train dialogue

    (Only available when you interact with Samarie inside of the Train after making her agree to return in Church of Alll-mer)

    First Interaction with Samarie
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie is cautiously looking at you behind her bangs.
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "Umm... Excuse me..."
    • Samarie: "Hi."
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "I... I need to explain some things..."
    • Samarie: "I-I didn't mean to kill... Or maybe I did... But I wouldn't have done it in any normal circumstances..."
    • Samarie: "I swear..."
    • Samarie: "But that man... When I saw that evil man, I understood it all."
    • Samarie: "Everything she had been thinking."
    • Samarie: "He was just as bad. If not worse. I read his thoughts too. He was vile."
    • Samarie: "And when he grabbed me... I saw 'that' glimmer in his eyes..."
    • Samarie: "I couldn't... I just couldn't..."
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Player: "..."
    • Player: "You don't need to explain anything..."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "You probably think I'm crazy..."
      • Samarie: "I hope you don't think I'm a monster... That's all."
      • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “...”
        • You read her mind... “He thinks I'm a monster. I knew it!”
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Player: "Are you alright?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "Why are you asking? Because I'm quiet?"
      • Player: "Just asking..."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "I'm fine. What about you?"
        • Player: "I'm okay."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Ok."
        • Player: "Worried about the situation..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Understood."
        • Player: "Very tired actually."
          • Samarie: "Maybe sleep then?"
        • Player: "I feel like I'm losing it..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Your mind doesn't deteriorate here. Did you notice that?"
          • Samarie: "It might be smart to stay at the train for a while."
        • Player: "..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Player: "....."
          • Player: "......"
          • Player: "......."
      • Player: "I'm just concerned..."
        • Samarie: "*Pffft*"
      • Player: "Why are you so quiet?"
        • Samarie: "You didn't ask me anything."
        • Samarie: "That's why."
    • Player: "How did you get to the church?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "I came here on the train like everyone else."
      • Samarie: "Once you people left, I left too."
      • Samarie: "The town was torched by the moon. I wanted none of that, so instead I drew a sigil of Alll-mer, created a blood portal and got there fast. Simple."
    • Player: "Want to tag along?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "No."
    • Player: "See you later."
      • Samarie: "Ok."
      • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “Is he reading my mind?”
        • You read her mind... “Yes you are! Stay out!”
    First Interaction with Samarie as Marina
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie is cautiously looking at you behind her bangs.
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "Um. Marina..."
    • Samarie: "Hi."
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "I... I need to explain some things..."
    • Samarie: "I-I didn't mean to kill... Or maybe I did... But I wouldn't have done it in any normal circumstances..."
    • Samarie: "I swear..."
    • Samarie: "But that man... When I saw that evil man, I understood it all."
    • Samarie: "Everything you had been thinking."
    • Samarie: "He was just as bad. If not worse. I read his thoughts too. He was vile."
    • Samarie: "And when he grabbed me... I saw 'that' glimmer in his eyes..."
    • Samarie: "I couldn't... I just couldn't..."
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Player: "..."
    • Player: "You don't need to explain anything..."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "You probably think I'm crazy..."
      • Samarie: "B-but I really didn't mean this to happen."
      • Samarie: "Marina... You have to believe... That's all I hope..."
      • Samarie: "Please..."
      • Samarie: "Just don't think I'm a monster... That's all."
      • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “...”
        • You read her mind... “She thinks I'm a monster. I knew it!”
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "You really don't remember me...?"
    • Samarie: "I'm from the Vatican, just like you."
    • Player: "I don't remember seeing you before."
      • Samarie: "Ka!"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "Understandable. Maybe."
      • Player: "Did we share classes ever?" / "What do you study at Vatican?"
        • Samarie: "Ah... It's not like that..."
        • Samarie: "N-N-Ninth... Ninth Circle..."
        • Samarie: "I... I was kept at the ninth circle at the Ministry of Darkness."
        • Just hearing the words 'ninth circle' sends a shiver down your spine. You've heard rumours of the place.
        • The Vatican City has desperately been trying to reach the older gods for hundereds of years, all without luck.
        • Supposedly a select group of children who were considered naturally gifted at channeling the otherwordly were locked at the ninth circle where their bodies would wither in an ancient rite to receive any messages from the older gods. All without luck.
        • Samarie: "So... I didn't study with you. It wasn't like that."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Player: "Ninth Circle is real?"
          • Samarie: "Obviously."
          • Samarie: "It exists. The ninth floor of Fiend Petr's Basilica."
          • Samarie: "Marina... I hope you're doing well."
        • Player: "Did you follow me here?"
          • Samarie: "I-I wouldn't say that... You make it sound wrong somehow..."
        • Player: "Is that your excuse? You've had it bad at the ninth circle?"
          • Samarie: "Ka..."
          • Samarie: "But Marina... You wanted this... right? I've seen your thoughts... About your father..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "I did it for you. I don't mind if something happens to me. My body is deteriorating fast because of what they did to me. I don't have long to live."
          • Samarie: "This is the only thing I could do for you. It is my gift for you."
          • Samarie: "I want my remaining life to have meaning. You are my meaning."
          • Samarie: "I don't care how it sounds. I love you Marina."
          • Player: "..."
            • Samarie: "..."
            • Samarie: "But I don't mind if you don't feel the same, yet."
            • Samarie: "I feel that regardless."
          • Player: "Don't throw around such strong words."
            • Samarie: "But I mean it!"
            • Samarie: "..."
            • Samarie: "But I don't mind if you don't feel the same, yet."
            • Samarie: "I feel that regardless."
          • Player: "You don't even know me..."
            • Samarie: "But I do!"
            • Samarie: "I feel like I've known you always! We share a bond!"
          • Player: "You're creeping me out..."
            • Samarie: "..."
            • Samarie: "..."
            • Samarie: "Don't be... I don't want you to be scared of me..."
        • Player: "You're not going to hurt anyone else, right?"
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Marina... You don't need to fear me... Please..."
        • Player: Attack her
          • Samarie: "B-but Marina!" (Initiates battle)
        • Player: "See you later."
          • Samarie: "Ok."
          • Samarie: "Love you."
      • Samarie: "Marina... I hope you're doing well."
    First Interaction with Samarie on the third day but before night
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "It's the third day already. You do know that?"
    • Samarie: "You plan to die here?"
    • Player: "What do you mean? You know something?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "We've seen the same dreams."
      • Samarie: "We are both headed for the inevitable doom."
      • Player: "You are fine with that?"
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "If I were to die the same day as her... There's something poetic about it."
        • Samarie: "It will be alright."
      • Player: "Not if I can do something about it..."
        • Samarie: "..."
      • Player: "..."
    • Player: "Is that what happens after day 3?"
      • Samarie: "Obviously. How thick can you be?"
      • Player: "You are fine with that?"
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "Since she is gone... I have no reason anymore."
      • Player: "Not if I can do something about it..."
        • Samarie: "..."
      • Player: "..."
      • Samarie: "We've seen the same dreams."
    • Player: "What can I do about it!?"
      • Samarie: "I think you only have one option."
      • Samarie: "You probably know what I'm talking about."
      • Player: "Do you mean killing?"
        • Samarie: "That's what he wants. That's what the moon wants too."
        • Samarie: "Do you have what it takes?"
      • Player: "Are you fine with this fate?"
        • Samarie: "If I were to die the same day as her... There's something poetic about it."
        • Samarie: "It will be alright."
      • Player: "There has to be another way..."
        • Samarie: "Maybe."
        • Samarie: "The festival doesn't happen by chance."
        • Samarie: "The moon god chose this area on purpose."
        • Samarie: "If you found out what that 'purpose' is..."
      • Player: "..."
    • Player: "No, I got a plan."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "Good for you."
    • Player: "..."
    First Interaction with Samarie on the third day but before night as Marina
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Samarie: "It's the third day already. You do know that?"
    • Samarie: "You plan to die here?"
    • Player: "What do you mean? You know something?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "We've seen the same dreams."
      • Samarie: "We are both headed for the inevitable doom."
      • Player: "You are fine with that?"
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "If I were to die the same day as her... There's something poetic about it."
        • Samarie: "It will be alright."
      • Player: "Not if I can do something about it..."
        • Samarie: "..."
      • Player: "..."
    • Player: "Is that what happens after day 3?"
      • Samarie: "You must know it too Marina!"
      • Samarie: "But don't worry. We will die together."
    • Player: "What can I do about it!?"
      • Samarie: "I think you only have one option."
      • Samarie: "You probably know what I'm talking about."
      • Player: "Do you mean killing?"
        • Samarie: "That's what he wants. That's what the moon wants too."
        • Samarie: "Do you have what it takes?"
      • Player: "Are you fine with this fate?"
        • Samarie: "If I were to die the same day as her... There's something poetic about it."
        • Samarie: "It will be alright."
      • Player: "There has to be another way..."
        • Samarie: "Maybe."
        • Samarie: "The festival doesn't happen by chance."
        • Samarie: "The moon god chose this area on purpose."
        • Samarie: "If you found out what that 'purpose' is..."
      • Player: "..."
    • Player: "No, I got a plan."
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "Good for you."
    • Player: "..."
    Interacting with Samarie after first interaction
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Player: "Are you alright?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "Why are you asking? Because I'm quiet?"
      • Player: "Just asking..."
        • Samarie: "..."
        • Samarie: "I'm fine. What about you?"
        • Player: "I'm okay."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Ok."
        • Player: "Worried about the situation..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Understood."
        • Player: "Very tired actually."
          • Samarie: "Maybe sleep then?"
        • Player: "I feel like I'm losing it..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Samarie: "Your mind doesn't deteriorate here. Did you notice that?"
          • Samarie: "It might be smart to stay at the train for a while."
        • Player: "..."
          • Samarie: "..."
          • Player: "....."
          • Player: "......"
          • Player: "......."
      • Player: "I'm just concerned..."
        • Samarie: "*Pffft*"
      • Player: "Why are you so quiet?"
        • Samarie: "You didn't ask me anything."
        • Samarie: "That's why."
    • Player: "How did you get to the church?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "I came here on the train like everyone else."
      • Samarie: "Once you people left, I left too."
      • Samarie: "The town was torched by the moon. I wanted none of that, so instead I drew a sigil of Alll-mer, created a blood portal and got there fast. Simple."
    • Player: "Want to tag along?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "No."
    • Player: "See you later."
      • Samarie: "Ok."
      • (If Mind read is learned)
        • You read her mind... “Is he reading my mind?”
        • You read her mind... “Yes you are! Stay out!”
    Interacting with Samarie on the third day but before night as Marina after first interaction
    • Samarie: "..."
    • Player: "Are you nervous about the third day?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "No. Not really."
      • Player: "They teach us at the Vatican City that there's very little we humans can do once the gods decide to act."
      • Samarie: "Why stress something you have no input on?"
    • Player: "How did you get to the church?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "I came here on the train like everyone else."
      • Samarie: "Once you people left, I left too."
      • Samarie: "The town was torched by the moon. I wanted none of that, so instead I drew a sigil of Alll-mer, created a blood portal and got there fast. Simple."
    • Player: "Want to tag along?"
      • Samarie: "..."
      • Samarie: "No."
    • Player: Attack her
      • Samarie: "Ka!?" (Initiates battle)
    • Player: "See you later."
      • Samarie: "Ok."