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Inflicted phobias
Phobias Teratophobia, Rhabdophobia
Physical description
Species Human (Moonscorched)
Spiritual Information
Soul Radiating soul
Item drops
Search Nothing
Steal (Soul devour necklace)
Overworld data
Note Cannot be harmed in the Overworld
Battle Theme
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Dysmorphia is a Boss encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. If not dealt with properly, Samarie will turn into Dysmorphia due to Moonscorch on Day 1 Evening.


In Samarie's moonscorched state, she assumes the form of a towering humanoid figure, whose skin undergoes a profound metamorphosis, functioning as protective armor. The skin from her face has been meticulously peeled off and stretched onto a rim encircling her head, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. This rim takes on a resemblance to a macabre halo. With the absence of skin, her teeth are prominently exposed, revealing a smile-like expression that seems fixed on her face.

As the word dysmorphia reflects a mental health condition centered around excessive self-consciousness about physical flaws, her moonscorched form could symbolize her intense self-loathing, perceiving the monstrous appearance as a distorted "perfect form" in contrast to her true self. Her repeated claims of being "radiating" support this interpretation, suggesting she believes her transformed state exudes a perceived ideal version of herself, despite its grotesque nature.



Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 1400 70% 80% 100% 80% 120% 5% None None
Torso 1750 (7000) None None
Torso (Rot) 1250 (5000) None None
Right Arm 800 None None
Left Arm 800 None None
Legs 600 None None
Ghoul A 800 120% 120% 130% None None
Ghoul B 800 180% None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Torso Tackle Deals 16-24 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair. Arms are destroyed 100% 95%
Right Arm Hurting Deals 50 Otherworldly damage, causes Bleeding status, Arm loss or Leg loss. Always 75% 100%
The dysmorphia's arm is spasming violently... Does nothing. Always 25% N/A
Left Arm Hurting Deals 50 Otherworldly damage, causes Bleeding status and Leg loss. Always 75% 100%
The dysmorphia's arm is spasming violently... Does nothing. Always 25% N/A
Ghoul 1 Nasty bite Deals 11-13 Piercing damage, Chance to cause infected arm. Always 50% 100%
Scratch Deals 14-18 Slashing damage, chance to cause Bleeding, Infected arm and infected leg. Always 50% 100%
Ghoul 2 Nasty bite Deals 11-13 Piercing damage, Chance to cause infected arm. Always 50% 100%
Scratch Deals 14-18 Slashing damage, chance to cause Bleeding, Infected arm and infected leg. Always 50% 100%
Both Arms Necromancy Summons a ghoul. The end of the second and third turns 100% N/A


Fear & Hunger Mode

Dysmorphia requires a decent amount of preparation before the fight starts - it is recommended to get extra turns to take her out faster by reaching 16 agility or by using Pep pills, and getting as much otherworldly damage resistance as possible to survive her devastating Hurting spell, using armor like Yellow mage robes, a Death mask and/or a Soul devour necklace. Using a Purifying talisman before the fight will also give a huge boost to otherwordly resistance, if you're unable to get any of these other equips or if you want to absolutely avoid dying. Limb protection accessories and the Beheaded wizard are also very good if you're able to get them.

The most efficient strategy to kill Dysmorphia is by having the Diplomacy skill, which will make Dysmorphia hesitate and skip 2 turns at the very start of the battle when persuaded. If you have more than 1 party member, extra turns, and/or any relatively good piercing weapon like an Iron spear or Rifle, then you can attack the head several times (since it has very little evasion) - this will not remove her hesitation on the arms so you will be safe focusing on the head.

  • The best ways to deal damage against Dysmorphia are Otherworldly skills or weapons like Black orb and Blood sword, as she takes 20% more Otherworldly damage. If she happens to use Necromancy, the ghouls can be dealt with quickly using Fire damage.
  • The best skills to use against Dysmorphia are Diplomacy and Mischief of rats, to make her skip turns.
  • The cheapest way to kill Dysmorphia is by having multiple party members equipped with weapons that stun like Meat mallet, Pipe wrench and Rusty pipe and then going all out on the arms.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

In Masoχ-S/M mode Dysmorphia is the hardest moonscorched contestant to fight, and it's best to leave her for the end game until you have good skills that can counter her like Diplomacy, Black orb and Mischief of rats. Double turns, limb protection, Otherwordly resistance, good armor and most importantly Ghouls are a must in this fight. If you don't meet these requirements it's better to leave her and return when stronger, as even just one cast of Hurting will inflict bleeding, limb loss, and take out most of your health.

  • Using Condensed hemlock on the torso and stunning Dysmorphia is an easy way to kill her in 2 turns without taking damage.

Alternatively, if playing as Marina, it is actually possible for Samarie to appear in Masoχ-S/M mode when sleeping at the Mayor's Manor, Book Store or Abandoned House. She will interrupt Marina while sleeping in these locations (which will also stop time advancing, preventing moonscorch), and she can be fought here as a human. As Samarie is generally much easier to deal with than Dysmorphia in this mode, it is strongly advised to deal with her in this way whenever playing through Masoχ-S/M as Marina.



  • Dysmorphia: “I did all this for her... I had it all ready... But then you come along...AND RUINED IT ALL!”
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “Let's just talk this through. No harm done yet...”
      • Dysmorphia: “Talk!? TALK!? Why would you want to talk to me!? Just look at me!”
        • Player: “What's so weird about wanting to talk?”
          • Dysmorphia: “...” Dysmorphia is clearly hesitating... “This is just a trick, isn't it...? You don't care about me...” (+Hesitation)
        • Player: “You were just a regular person a moment ago...”
          • Dysmorphia: “What is that supposed to mean!? Why must everyone be regular!? Regular this! Regular that! Be normal! YOU CALL ME REGULAR!?” You managed to infuriate Dysmorphia with your persuasion efforts. (+Furious)
      • If repeated:
      • Dysmorphia: “Enough talking! You're just trying to confuse me!”
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “Turning into an abomination won't save you here.”
      • Dysmorphia: “Abomination!? I'm absolutely radiating! LOOK AT ME!! YOU CALL ME ABOMINATION!?” You managed to infuriate Dysmorphia with your intimidation efforts. (+Furious)
    • Player: “Ruined what?”
      • Dysmorphia: “I cut that man open like a pig that he is! He never realized why I was doing it! He never understood the pain he made her go through!”
    • Player: “You've lost your mind!”
      • Dysmorphia: “You're just one of them! That's what they all say! All but her.”
      • If Marina is in a party:
      • Dysmorphia: “You're just one of them! That's what they all say! All but Marina... Marina, tell them!”
        • Marina: “... I have nothing to say here.”
          • Dysmorphia: “Marina...”
    • Player: “What's happening to you!?”
      • Dysmorphia: “I'm absolutely radiating! LOOK AT ME!!”

Talk (If player is Marina)

  • Dysmorphia: “Marina! Marina!! Can't you see me absolutely radiating! What more can you ask!! Marina!!”
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “Let's just talk this through. No harm done yet...”
      • Dysmorphia: “Talk!? TALK!? Why would you want to talk to me!? Just look at me!”
        • Player: “What's so weird about wanting to talk?”
          • Dysmorphia: “...” Dysmorphia is clearly hesitating... “This is just a trick, isn't it Marina...? Or... You really want to talk...?” (+Hesitation)
        • Player: “You were just a regular person a moment ago...”
          • Dysmorphia: “What is that supposed to mean!? Why must everyone be regular!? Regular this! Regular that! Be normal! You're better than this Marina!” You managed to infuriate Dysmorphia with your persuasion efforts. (+Furious)
      • If repeated:
      • Dysmorphia: “Marina... No. NO! You're just trying to confuse me! Let me show you what I'm capable of!”
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “Turning into an abomination won't save you here.”
      • Dysmorphia: “Abomination!? I'm absolutely radiating! LOOK AT ME!! YOU CALL ME ABOMINATION!?” You managed to infuriate Dysmorphia with your intimidation efforts. (+Furious)
    • Player: “What do you mean 'radiating'?”
      • Dysmorphia: “Like a moth! I'm finally close to bloom! A hairy moth in the night!”
    • Player: “You've lost your mind!”
      • Dysmorphia: “Marina! W-why would you say that!? You must understand me! YOU MUST!”
    • Player: “What's happening to you!?”
      • Dysmorphia: “I'm absolutely radiating! LOOK AT ME!!”


“She is dead now...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat her Nothing “No reaction, the body feels surprisingly sturdy.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“Her body has gone through some kind of a metamorphosis. The skin feels thick and sturdy. It's almost armor-like. Her head has been peeled open. The skin is stretched on the rim that goes around her head.”
If Daan is in the party:
“... What is this even supposed to be? The skin has gone through some kind of a metamorphosis. It's very thick and sturdy. Almost gives her an armor of sorts... The head... It's her face, only peeled open. Charming.”
Search Nothing “She has nothing of value.”
Leave Success Nothing
Devour Failure “The skin is too thick for your teeth to sink in.”
Harvest an organ Failure “The skin is too thick for you to penetrate it.”
Saw off her head (Dysmorphia's head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • Dysmorphia, also known as body dysmporhpic disorder (BDD), or more simply body dysmorphia, is a mental disorder characterized by immense, obsessive dissatisfaction with ones own body, often to such a degree that flaws may even be imagined, rather than actual.
    • This could be in part due to Samarie's own frailty, with her seeing her own body as something weak or disgusting, leading to said dissatisfaction.
  • Dysmorphia's head vaguely resembles a radiating star in shape, similar to Logic.
    • This may be due in part to them both being alternate forms of Radiant Soul bearing humans, being Samarie and Reila respectively.




All Moonscorched Contestants.
