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Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

A test subject being affected by moonscorch, resulting in a transformation into a Bobby.

Moonscorch, also known as moonlight cancer [1], is a cruel and bizarre condition that the Moon God Rher can inflict upon humans in the universe of Fear & Hunger.

The affliction is used as a form of punishment for one's refusal to participate in the festival of Termina and for not dispatching one's fellow contestants quickly enough.[2] Over the course of Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, the player character will have to deal with a variety of moonscorched beings, of those likely including some of their fellow contestants.


An unfortunate moonscorched victim.

"I-I can feel it inside me! It crawled under my skin! T-take it off! TAKE IT OFF PLEASE!"
- A villager from Prehevil afflicted with moonscorch.

Moonscorch has presumably been a known illness among humanity ever since its inception, being already documented in the 9th century under the name of moonlight cancer. Typically, people afflicted with the condition display the following symptoms: severe discoloured burns, dry cracking skin, unnatural growths and scarring. As the condition progresses, it leads to severe warping of the body, often beginning with one's facial features being stretched and contorted, which eventually ends with the victim feeling an intolerable sensation of something crawling inside their body before they fully transform into a "Moonscorched being".

Victims of Moonscorch are often driven homicidally insane, attacking those perceived as outsiders on sight. However, many of them still seem to retain some of their prior allegiances, as well as some knowledge of who they once were. While most Moonscorched beings are just ordinary humans with a deformed appearance and varying degrees of insanity, some are noticeably monstrous or even animalistic in their appearance and possess supernatural abilities as a consequence of their transformation, these abilities can range from superhuman strength to spell casting.

In the year 1942, the entire population of Prehevil, along with the occupying Bremen army, succumbed to the effects of moonscorch as punishment for their failure to finish the Termina festival. The transformations of the townspeople appear to have been gradual, happening over the course of several hours or days; by contrast, the transformations of the new contestants are often extremely rapid, likely because of Rher's growing impatience.


"You are feeling horrible... Your body aches like never before... Something is moving inside you... Something primal is trying to get out of your hollow shell... Your body... It's bursting at its seams!"
- Game over text for trying to sleep to Day 4.

Over the course of the game's 3-day timeline, the moonscorch will start to gradually infect the contestants of the festival, turning them into violent and powerful monsters. On Day 3 Night, every remaining contestant except for the player character will be moonscorched (with the exception of August and Pav, who die instead) and any contestants currently in the player's party will also disappear, having fled to their respective moonscorch locations. To find the moonscorched contestants, the player can use the Reveal Aura skill to display their current location on the city's map. Touching the Hollow Tower's door will cause all contestant party members to immediately mutate into their moonscorched forms, initiating a battle and removing them from the party permanently.

If the player tries to sleep to Day 4, their character will succumb to the moonscorch and undergo a transformation, resulting in a game over. This is the only way that the player can moonscorch and it is worth noting that if the player gets restrained after killing a contestant, the game will automatically advance to Day 3 Night (meaning that they will moonscorch once they advance to the next day).

According to Daan's Diagnosis skill, the bodies of the moonscorched are weak to slashing, fire, and otherworldly attacks.

Note that the moonscorched contestants have the following properties:

  • Will not have their face crossed out in the dreams with Per'kele unless they are dead.
  • Will not show up in the Ending A train scene (with the exception of Abella, who is currently bugged).
  • Will not count towards the progression of Endings B and C until they are dead.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

In Masoχ-S/M mode, the entire game takes place on Day 3 Night, meaning every contestant will be moonscorched by default and the player will not be able to sleep, as doing so will start Day 4 and result in a game over. Spending 67 continuous seconds outside will also cause the player to moonscorch, resulting in a game over.

Known Moonscorched beings

Contestant Moonscorching

Contestant Name Moonscorched Name Moonscorched visual Moonscorch Date & Location
Daan Pocketcat (Daan)
Pocketcat (Daan) overworld.png
Day 3 Morning: Will have turned into Pocketcat (Daan) in the Museum if not recruited into the player's party.
Abella Chaugnar
Chaugnar overworld.png
Day 1 Morning: Will be moonscorched in Tunnel 7 and Tunnel 6 if the player visits the Mayor's Manor first or tries to enter Tunnel 7 through Tunnel 6.

Day 1 Evening: Will be moonscorched in Tunnel 7 and Tunnel 6 if the player sleeps on Day 1 Morning without interacting with her first.

Day 1 Night: Will be moonscorched in Tunnel 7 and Tunnel 6 if interacted with on Day 1 Morning but not recruited into the player's party.

Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in Tunnel 7 and Tunnel 6.

Will not appear until Needles leaves Tunnel 7.

O'saa Mastermind
Mastermind overworld.png
Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in the Mausoleum Alley.
Olivia Mechanical dance
Mechanical dance overworld.png
Day 3 Morning: Will be moonscorched in the Museum if not recruited into the player's party and Daan has turned into Pocketcat (Daan).

Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in the Museum.

Karin Valkyrie
Valkyrie overworld.png
Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched on D'ábel's Island.
Marcoh Giant
Giant overworld.png
Day 3 Morning: Will be moonscorched in the Rher dimension of the White Mold Apartments if not recruited into the player's party.

Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in the Rher dimension of the White Mold Apartments.

Levi Weeping scope
Weeping scope overworld.png
Day 2 Evening: Will be moonscorched near or in the Orphanage if not recruited into the player's party.

Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in the Orphanage.

Marina Cocoon
Cocoon overworld.png
Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in the secret passage of the Church of Alll-mer leading to the Mausoleum Alley.
Tanaka Judgement
Judgement overworld.png
Day 2 Night or later: Will be moonscorched in the Rher dimension of the White Mold Apartments if Tanaka and Marcoh finish their training near the Train and the player currently has the Fellatio effigy, decides to recruit or kill Marcoh, and then returns to the Rher dimension.

Day 3 Night: Will be moonscorched in the Museum.

Henryk Gentleman
Gentleman overworld.png
Henryk will disappear from the Mayor's Manor on Day 1 Morning if the player interacted with Abella first near Tunnel 7.

Day 1 Evening: Will be moonscorched in the Mayor's Manor if not saved on Day 1 Morning.

Day 3 Morning: Will be moonscorched in the Mayor's Manor after he snaps and poisons the other contestants at PRHVL Bop club.

Samarie Dysmorphia
Dysmorphia overworld.png
Will succumb to the moonscorch unless she is saved in the Rher dimension on Day 1 Morning.

Day 1 Evening to Day 2 Night: Will moonscorch in the Rher dimension in the Church of Alll-mer if interacted with.

Day 3: Will be moonscorched in the Rher dimension in the Church of Alll-mer.

Caligura Monster
Monster overworld.png
Day 2 Night: Will be moonscorched in the Sewers - Southern Tunnels, Sewers - Mid Tunnels or Sewers - West Junction.


  • Pav and August are the only two contestants lacking Moonscorched forms.
    • Miro Haverinen has mentioned on the Fear & Hunger Discord[3] that he has had an "underwhelming" Moonscorched Pav design in mind for a while, but that he likes August's current fate and would likely only add a Moonscorched form if he were to become playable.




  1. [1] Valtei's answer about the Rher's question.
  2. Moonscorching in Fear & Hunger Termina: Becoming Your Worst "You"
  3. Miro Haverinen on the Fear & Hunger Discord: "I've had Pav's underwhelming moonscorched design ready for the longest time. Maybe I should put it in use. Dunno about August. I honestly like his fate in the game. I guess when/if August becomes playable, I'll have to come up with a form for him..."
