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The Train is a major Location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


It was the vehicle that transported the player character and thirteen other passengers to Prehevil, where they unwittingly become participants in the Termina Festival. The train acts as one of the two safe hub areas throughout the game, with the other being PRHVL Bop.


The train acts as a hub throughout the game, providing the player with a bed and a Perfected ritual circle. Party members can be dropped off here. Note that characters' Mind stats will slowly recover at this location.

If the player kills any non-playable characters in this location, the protagonist may be restrained by one of several characters (provided they are present): Marcoh, Abella, Daan or Tanaka. Karin may also hold them at gunpoint to subdue them. Some of these characters may restrain the player character even if they are in the player's party. After being restrained, the protagonist will be tied up, only escaping on Night 3 with severe starvation.


  • Abella, if recruited on Day 1 Morning, will wait the player inside the entrance wagon.
  • Black Kalev, if recruited, will wait the player inside the end of the first wagon.
  • Daan, if recruited on Day 2, will wait the player inside the entrance wagon.
  • Ghouls, if recruited, will wait the player inside the end of the first wagon.
  • Henryk, if saved from his trance in the Day 1 Morning, will take the food supplies from the Mayor's Manor to the train and offer to cook goulash at the party's request during the mornings and afternoons. He will stay inside the entrance wagon at night.
  • Karin, if recruited on Day 2, will wait the player inside the entrance wagon.
  • Levi, if recruited, will wait the player inside the entrance wagon.
  • Marcoh will stay inside the train during Day 1. On Day 2, if not killed by Pav, he will stay outside of the train and can be recruited later on, waiting for the player inside the entrance wagon. However, if Tanaka is still alive, Marcoh won't be available for the recruitment since he will be busy by teaching defense for Tanaka himself.
  • Marina will be inside the train during Day 1, where she will draw a Ritual Circle that can be used by the protagonist. If recruited, she can wait for the player inside the entrance wagon.
  • Olivia will be inside the train during Day 1. At Day 2, she will stay outside, the same place where she will stay if recruited. She moves inside the entrance wagon later.
  • O'saa, if recruited, will wait the player inside the second wagon.
  • Pav, if saved on Day 1 or Day 2 night at the Temple District, will lay at a couch in the entrance wagon.
  • Samarie will sit at the second wagon, if convinced by the player character to leave the Church at Day 1 on morning and go back to the train.
  • Tanaka will return to this location on Day 2 if he manages to survive the previous day and also manages to not die from Pav's stand-off in the morning of the Day 2. If Marcoh is present in the train, the player will witness both of them in the training session.






Party Talk:
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "I tried to book tickets to first class when coming here, but alas they didn't have one."
    • Daan: "That tells everything there is to know about Prehevil and its scrubby train companies."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "This train is really pestering me. What on earth is wrong with its engine?"
    • Abella: "I'll find the problem and fix it. You just wait and see!"
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "Haven't we sat around here long enough?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "This train started to feel like a home already..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "This train works as a pretty good base of operations."
    • Karin: "It's good to have one I suppose."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "I guess no one ever came for the train... No wonder seeing how the city is."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi is checking the windows and the exterior of the train.
    • Levi: "Those things... They don't seem to follow us here..."
    • Levi: "Why's that?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "Make sure you put the ritual circle into good use!"
      • Player: "What are you talking about?"
        • Marina: "The one I carved at the entrance you silly!"
      • Player: "How do I do that?"
        • Marina: "That's for you to find out. If you don't know how to use it, you shouldn't."
      • Player: "Sure will!"
        • Marina: "Great!"


  • In the new game, there is a 10% chance that creepy shadows will appear when you first pass through the train aisles.


Data Map

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