Black Kalev

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Black Kalev

Black Kalev portrait.png

Default portrait

Black Kalev parasite portrait.png

With Woodsman's parasite

Black Kalev Gro-goroth portrait.png

With Gro-goroth engraving

Black Kalev Sylvian portrait.png

With Sylvian engraving

Black Kalev Alll-mer portrait.png

With Alll-mer engraving

Black Kalev Rher portrait.png

With Rher engraving

Black Kalev Vinushka portrait.png

With Vinushka engraving

Black Kalev Fear and Hunger portrait.png

With God of Fear and Hunger engraving

Black Kalev (Player).png

Black Kalev overworld.png

Man in Black overworld.png

Aliases Kalev
Relatives Man in Black (other form)
Affiliation Woodsman's wife (deceased lover)
Biographical information
Date of death 1942 (determinant)
Physical description
Gender Male

Black Kalev is a potential party member in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


The goat hangs around in front of the Woodsman house, the animal seems to be tied to the man in black in some way or another. Besides that, it is apparently just a regular goat.

Or so you're lead to believe, in the basement there are 2 messages written in blood, written by the Woodsman's wife, one saying "He was more of a man than you could've ever been. Twice the size in fact!".

In the same house you also find the Woodsman's letter which reads: "The beast has entered this house. It is not my property any longer. The beast took my wife, it took my dignity, it took my faith. If it wasn't the full moon, I would let it take my life as well by my own hand."

If a player takes the time to sculpt 12 clay figures that are present in Rher's alternate realms (7 figures in the woodhouse with a bucket near the train and 5 in the level 2 of the Church of Alll-mer), his human form will appear again and share more information about the Sulfur God.

Gameplay traits

  • AI-controlled
  • Cannot use any equipment
  • Has Rampage, a physical attack that does 64-96 Piercing damage
  • Cannot be Poisoned
  • Cannot Rev up
  • Cannot use Heroin
  • Can learn and use usable Skills.
  • Will not develop Panophobia at 0 Mind

Engraving Black Kalev with Gro-goroth does not increase the amount of damage that Rampage does.

As a party member

Black Kalev will have a 20% chance to leave the party after stepping on certain tiles in the following areas:

Upon changing maps, there is a 50% chance that Black Kalev will be available for recruiting again. Does not work for Riverside and Prehevil - East. (Bug)

He can also be recruited again by giving him a Carrot.

Location & Recruitment

Black Kalev can be recruited by drawing and entering a Rher sigil in the basement of the Abandoned House. The player must talk to the Man in Black and choose any dialogue option except "I got no idea what you are talking about.". Then, Black Kalev will be waiting on the porch of the Abandoned House, where he can be recruited. If the player has a full party, then he will not wait on the porch but will still be available for recruitment.


→ See Black Kalev/Dialogue


  • He might be based on the Devil, considering the Devil is often portrayed as a horned goat (a trait from the horned Celtic God Cernunnos), has another mysterious human form that could only be accessed via going to the alternate world of Prehevil, and he likes to mess with mortals like he has done with cuckolding the Woodsman.
  • Marina is supposedly afraid of Kalev because of him being a demon of sorts, further reinforcing the Devil inspiration.
  • Another direct reference to Kalev would be another black goat by the name of Black Phillip, who is the antagonist in the horror movie called The Witch. The black goat himself is actually Satan in mortal form, tormenting a Puritan Christian family, the same way Black Kalev did to the Woodsman and his wife.
  • Kalev's name is of Estonian origin, and it means giant or tall strong man, which Kalev kind of is if the player goes by the wife's words about his 'girth' being twice the size of the Woodsman's 'girth', or if the player refers to his other human form in the other dimension.
  • When the player first encounters the Man in Black in the basement, they are prompted with a dialogue choice asking whether or not they believe in the darkness. The player is given the somewhat comedic option of replying with "I believe in a thing called love," a reference to the song of the same name by Glam-Rock band, The Darkness, both the track and band commonly regarded as a joke. This parallels how the man views the struggle of good and evil as a game, another instance of him engaging in ill-fitting and (sometimes darkly) humorous antics in an otherwise serious setting.
  • The Man in Blacks design is inspired by Yoshitaka Amano's work. Particularly D from Vampire Hunter D as well as the Red Mages from Final Fantasy.

