Outskirts of Prehevil - Abandoned House

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The Outskirts of Prehevil - Abandoned house is a Location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


The Outskirts of Prehevil - Abandoned house Can be reached by going North-East from Outskirts of Prehevil - Broken Shack or by going East from Maiden Forest.







Party Talk (Near the Abandoned House):
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Before entering:
      • Daan: "What are the chances that there would be someone nice and normal waiting for us inside?"
      • Daan: "..."
      • Daan: "Yeah, we'd be better off playing lottery."
    • After entering:
      • Daan: "Maybe we could take a small break inside?"
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Before entering:
      • Abella: "Should go knocking on the door? There could be someone who could help us?"
    • After entering:
      • Abella: "The house looks charming enough..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "I can smell the old town from here. What a foul smell that place has."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Let's see what we can find here..."
    • Olivia: "Green herbs often grow in open areas. These cliffs and rocky hills should be optimal environment for them."
    • Olivia: "If we look behind every nook and cranny, we should find more of them..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Before entering:
      • Karin: "Let's check this house out. There has to be someone sane left in this godforsaken little town..."
    • After entering:
      • Karin: "Everyone's gone crazy here, haven't they?"
      • Karin: "No matter how many houses we check. No one with a right mind around."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "I wouldn't mind growing old in a house like this..."
    • Marcoh: "Sitting on the porch in the evening... Maybe sharing that with someone..."
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "Erm, nevermind."
    • Marcoh: "We got more pressing matters."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "The house could work as a decent vantage point..."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "If I remember correctly. An old couple used to live in this house."
    • Marina: "The old lady was always nagging to her hubby. The old geezer just took it all in without a complaint."
    • Marina: "I felt a bit bad for him, not going to lie."
Party Talk (Anywhere else):
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "I should've packed my hiking boots with me... I'm getting blisters from all this walking."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "The silence of these woods... Does it soothe and calm you?"
    • Abella: "Because it surely doesn't do that to me! It's creepy!"
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "I can smell the old town from here. What a foul smell that place has."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Let's see what we can find here..."
    • Olivia: "Green herbs often grow in open areas. These cliffs and rocky hills should be optimal environment for them."
    • Olivia: "If we look behind every nook and cranny, we should find more of them..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "The old town is just north of here... Let's head towards the city center."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "Is it normal to have this much fog around these parts?"
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi is observing the surroundings with a keen eye.
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "If you ever get lost, just head towards the tower of Prehevil. That's the one you see in the north."
    • Marina: "It's there to both guide and judge all the Prehevilian folks. Lovely."

