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A woodsman stands tall before you!

Woodsman rot.png

A woodsman stands tall before you!

Woodsman overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Nosophobia, Erotophobia
Physical description
Species Human (Moonscorched)
Item drops
Search (Basement key and Axe)
Steal (2 Tobacco) (Axe)
Overworld data
HP 4 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
Bear trap Loses legs in Battle and Overworld
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Note Can be made non-hostile
Battle Theme
Warning! Nudity ahead!

This page contains depictions of genitals and / or sex.

Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

- After brutally killing sickle villager.

The Woodsman is a Unique Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


A woodsman from Prehevil who resides in the Abandoned House. Though little is known about his past, it is implied he had some part in the exile of Prehevil's destitute population to its Old Town district, which the Wretched Being in the Old Town - Slums wants revenge on him for.

The wall writings in the basement of his house, and the Woodsman's letter shows he had a bad relationship with his wife, to the point where she cheated on him with a goat. At some point, he murdered her, ultimately planning suicide before he was interrupted by the beginning of the Termina festival.

By the event of the game, the Woodsman has flown into a murderous rage, attacking anyone who approaches on sight. At some point, his phallus has morphed into some sort of parasite, which is able to detach from his body and attack independently.

Talking to the Woodsman while in a fight will reveal that the Woodsman is not as crazy as the rest of the villagers, but is still hostile.

Location & Behaviour

Can be made non-hostile by jumping into the Well and being rescued by him, requires Tanaka to be alive.

Once made non-hostile, he will sit down and can be talked to or fought again. Talking to him twice will make him hostile again and he will chase the player.


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 120% 80% 130% 80% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 720 (1800) 50% None None
Torso (Rot) 200 (500) 120% None None
Right Arm 300 None None
Left Arm 20 None None
Right Leg 20 None None
Left Leg 20 100% 100% 120% None None
Appendage 20 120% 80% 80% 5% None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.



Fear & Hunger Mode

The woodsman can be an extremely dangerous enemy to fight early on. The main source of damage from the is his axe-wielding arm, which has a relatively high amount of HP and can cut off limbs with ease. He uses his other hand to bash, and also has a unique, parasitic appendage on his crotch, which has a chance to fly off and place itself on the player character's face if they fail a coin flip. The player character will be immobilized and the woodsman will be left with free turns to defeat the player.

It is recommended to avoid the Woodsman entirely at start, and only encounter him with enough party members or useful items and spells. However, some starting abilities such as magic attacks are more effective to hit the Woodsman's head.

Masoχ-S/M Mode



Battle start

  • The woodsman approaches you ominously. There is silent rage in his eyes. A sense of terror fills the air.
    • Player: “Hold on! I don't want to start a fight!”
      • Your words are in vain. The woodsman is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “"What is going on here!?”
      • Your words are in vain. The woodsman is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “I'm ready to defend myself, just so you know.”
      • Your words are in vain. The woodsman is clearly out for blood.


  • Woodsman: “Leave stranger. The town has got enough vermin...”
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “I have no intentions of staying. Just stay back and I'll leave.”
      • Woodsman: “... Leave! Now! Before I bury this hatchet in your skull...” The woodsman seems to be waiting for your initiative... (+Hesitation)
      • If repeated:
      • Woodsman: “You had your chance... You had your chance you fool!” (-Hesitation)
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “Where I go is none of your business.”
      • Woodsman: “I have warned you, you miserable weasel...” You seem to have made the woodsman furious. (+Furious)
    • Player: “I'd love to leave but don't know how...”
      • Woodsman: “Leave - now! Don't you understand!?”
        • Player: “I told you, I'd leave if I could!”
          • Woodsman: “Filthy outsider! You'll leave in a body bag then!”
        • Player: “Understand what?”
          • Woodsman: “It's... the festival of Termina! No one here is going to see the morning sun!”
        • Player: “...”
    • Player: “I won't leave without your head.”
      • Woodsman: “Miserable rat. My hatchet will settle this.” Your threats don't seem to work on the woodsman...
    • Player: Nevermind


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “The body gives no indication of life anymore. The frame of the woodsman feels incredibly muscular, despite not looking like it at the first glance.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
Player with Diagnosis:
“The malformations on woodsman's face look violent and recent. It doesn't look like any sickness you'd be familiar with. Some kind of outside force has altered his looks and strength. The genitalia is especially curious case. From a first glance the obvious conclusion would be that a parasite attached itself there, but on a closer inspection it might actually be some kind of an unnatural growth malformation. Despite the appearance, the physique of this man is pretty close to a normal, rather large person. His body seems to be weak against piercing, blunt and otherwordly attacks.”
If Daan is in the party:
“The malformations on this man's face look violent and recent. It doesn't look like any sickness I'm familiar with... Some kind of outside force must have altered his looks and physical strength. The genitalia is especially curious case. From a first glance the obvious conclusion would be that a parasite attached itself there, but on a closer inspection it might be some kind of an unnatural growth malformation. Part of the woodsman himself. Madness, I know... Interesting, but yeah, madness. Despite the appearance, the physique of this man is pretty close to a normal, rather large person. His body seems to be weak against piercing, blunt and otherwordly attacks.”
Search (Basement key and Axe) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Woodsman head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”

A special event will trigger if the player character jumps into the well while both the Woodsman and Tanaka are alive.

While usually a game over, screaming for help will result in Tanaka rushing over to help, which will get him beheaded and thrown into the well by the woodsman. However, in an unexpected turn of events, the Woodsman throws down a rope to help the player ecape. After exiting, he will be seen laying by the tree, staring in the distance. He will not chase or attack while in this state.

At this point, he can be interacted with once with no consequences, but he will give a warning to "leave, or die". Further attempts to interact with him will result in him turning hostile again. Sleeping in his bed will also prompt him to attack as usual.

No attempts will be made to help the player out of the well if either Tanaka or the Woodsman are dead.


  • The phallic shaped parasite and the way it functions via forcing tentacles down the player character's throats are reminiscent of Facehugger aliens from the Alien series.
  • In the data files, the parasite is labelled as a crab. Miro states that it is named after the Headcrabs from the Half-Life series.

