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Le'garde portrait.png

Le'garde portrait4.png

Le'garde (Player).gif

Yellow King.png


別名 團長
親屬 妮萬 (疏遠的情人)
女孩 (疏遠的女兒)
黃王 (飛升形態)
凱撒 (未來)
隸屬 隆頓王國 (以前)
夜半太陽騎士團 (團長)
迪亞絲 (下屬)
種族 人類


- 勒嘉德解釋尋求飛升之道的原因。

勒嘉德恐懼 & 飢餓故事中一個重要角色和可招募隊友。他是夜半太陽騎士團的團長,同時也是四個主要角色進入地牢的主要原因。


- 當新神被問及勒嘉德時。




Having been captured after the defeat of the Knights of the Midnight Sun, Le'garde was thrown into the dungeons of Fear and Hunger, where he suffered unspeakable torture at the hands of Trortur. Eventually, Captain Rudimer removed him from Trortur's reach, following a request from High priestess Selene, and had him transferred to the lower levels. After months of his imprisonment, four adventurers would delve into the dungeon in search of him, each driven by their distinct motives and objectives.

The amnesia that Le'garde claims to have after being rescued is merely a facade he uses to trick his savior into accompanying him into Ma'habre and helping him reach ascension. Even his own imprisonment was orchestrated as part of a grand plot to ascend to a better type of godhood. Each of the New Gods from the Fellowship has a different type of soul that encompasses their powers and beliefs: The Tormented One's tormented soul, Valteil's enlightened soul, Nilvan's endless soul, and Francóis' dominating soul.

Le'garde attempted to encompass all of these aspects: torment through the torture of the dungeon, enlightenment through the cube, endlessness through meeting Nilvan in his dreams, and domination through his campaign. This puts him in a unique position to become greater than all of the New Gods, in the hopes of becoming the one true god to be worshipped in the coming age. Nosramus describes this as "not necessarily the right path, but...an interesting event to unfold...".

It is evident from the events in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina that Le'garde managed to survive the dungeons and ultimately achieved divinity in attaining the form of the Yellow King. It is unclear how he managed to survive or even escape the confinement of his cell.




Le'garde is a mysterious man, defined by his otherwordly stature and magnetic presence, which is capable of easily swaying others to his cause. He is a charismatic leader, highly skilled at the art of warfare and politics.

In the beginning of his career, Le'garde appeared to be a noble knight, who was disgusted by the corruption of Rondon and who wanted to bring forth a brighter future for humanity. Even during his early days, Le'garde could already be stated to be rather overly ambitious, idealistic or even power-hungry, as he was not satisfied with the idea of being a mere king, believing that any good that he could bring to mankind with such position would not last long.

Despite claiming to not believe in prophecies, Le'garde still sees himself as someone with a "higher purpose" and who is destined for greatness. His belief that he is special in some way, indicates that he is possibly a narcissist or at the very least, someone with egotistical tendencies.

Le'garde desire for eternal prosperity would lead him to a darker path, over time, he became more aggressive and extremist in his approach towards his goals, believing that in order to succeed he needed to become a god and unite the world under his rule, no matter the cost. As he gained more power, Le'garde became more reclusive, arrogant, and manipulative, seeing the growth of his army and political influence as a confirmation of his beliefs that he was the one destined to save humanity.

At times it can be rather unclear if Le'garde's desire to help humanity comes from a place of genuine kindness or if it is just an excuse for him to justify his greed for power. It is also possible that while Le'garde does genuinely want to bring peace, he wants to be the one to do it and would not accept if someone else were to take such duty in his place.

However despite all his faults, Le'garde still is capable of showing kindness to others. If the player doubts D'arce and thinks that she should not be trusted, Le'garde will try to convince the player otherwise, despite such action putting his disguise as an amnesiac and his entire plan to become a god at risk. This might indicate that, while his goals are his top priority, he still has concerns about his subordinates.


統計 初始值
攻擊 30
防禦 16
魔法攻擊 16
魔法防禦 16
敏捷 10
幸運 32
  • 自身自帶金屬板甲
  • 可以使用除了匕首骨瘦如柴的手之外的所有武器
  • 沒有武器/鎧甲限制
  • 無法進行肉體聯姻
  • 無法在儀式環中被獻祭
  • 持有瘴氣時不會觸發瘴氣的特殊事件
  • 自身已經習得割腿技能




特殊事件 - 殺死勒加徳


特殊事件 - 拉格瓦爾德與勒嘉德的鬥毆


特殊事件 - 飛升

如果玩家選擇坐上王座,此時勒嘉德將會搶先選擇坐上王座。之後勒嘉德將會離開隊伍,如果玩家選擇跟隨其進入虛空,玩家將會找到成為黃王的勒嘉德。玩家可以選擇與黃王戰鬥或臣服於他:選擇前者將會開始與黃王的戰鬥,而後者則會進入結局 C-II



Le'garde can be found in the level 7 catacombs in the rightmost area, behind iron bars. Le'garde is the reason that the player's character is visiting the dungeon, and the other main characters and the girl, if present at the scene where he is found, will comment on his condition or speak to him, depending on whether or not he is alive at the time. The conditions that determine whether Le'garde is alive or dead are time-based. Reaching him within 30 minutes of starting a run will result in him being found alive, while taking longer will result in him already being dead.

The best strategy to reach Le'garde on time is to make the protagonist learn the Dash skill, allowing the player to move in and around the levels with ease, as well as run past enemies.

There are 3 ways to reach the level-7 catacombs:

  1. The Cave Dweller Village: Going to the left or front entrance from the start, then descending down to Level 3-Prisons and lowering the elevator to Level 2-Blood Pit. Going left is faster because you can use the switch on your way to Level 2-Blood Pit. The switch for this is connected to a room by a small door. This will take one down to the Level 4-Caverns. From there, proceed to the Level 5-Mines and there is an option to either go left and use an explosive vile on a rubble pile (which opens up a shortcut between the entrance of the mines and the southern entrance of the Level 7-Catacombs). This is the fastest and safest way to reach Le'garde. Or go right and continue on to the Cave Dweller Village. Within the village center will be a wooden platform with a hole leading deeper into the mines. Jumping down this hole will lead one to the Wolf Orgy area, from which you can proceed north and eventually reach the southern entrance of the Level 7-Catacombs. This method is not recommended however, as it is likely to take longer than the allotted time to find Le'garde alive unless one is highly practised. It should be noted though, that it is possible to also get the Cube of the Depths simultaneously while taking this route, but doing so will take even more time that Le'garde does not have.
  2. The Thicket: After picking up the Mock-up Book in the Level 1-Entrance library area, proceed through the courtyard and into the Level 1-Inner Hall. From there, locate the inner hall's library, and against the back wall will be a hidden exit blocked by a bookcase. Interact with said bookcase to place the mockup-book inside, and the way forward will open to Level 1-Backyard. In the eastern corner there will be a pile of rubble, which can be cleared with an explosive vile, giving access to the Hidden Backyard and the Level 2-Thicket. Proceeding through the thicket (by avoiding the Mumblers, finding hidden doorways by interacting with it's walls, and falling down two holes which appear in the Level 2 area and Level 5 areas) will eventually lead one to fall into the Level 7-Catacombs via a hole in the roof. From there it is as simple as proceeding down and right until one reaches the first iron door (which is unlocked), behind which will be Le'garde.
  3. The Prisons: Within the Level 3-Prisons area is a locked bird-cage like section with stairs leading down into the Level-7 Catacombs. Proceeding through this door will require the Player to either A: Use the skill Leg Sweep against the door in combat, B: Break it down by assembling several characters and deal 800 damage at minimum, or C: Use the skill Phase Step ( obtainable only with an Empty Scroll ) in the overworld to go through the door. Once the door is opened, proceed down the spiral staircase until it eventually ends at the Northern entrance to Level 7-The Catacombs. From there, proceed down and then right all the way until the end of the level, where the unlocked iron door leading to Le'garde's cell is. Iron Shakespear's key no longer opens this door, nor does Lockpicking work on it. It can only be opened with brute force or from the inside, so this strategy is probably the least doable.

He will claim to have amnesia if he is alive, although he can remember his name, and will ask to join the party. He will remain in this space until recruited if the player does not recruit him then. D'arce will stay with him until both of them are recruited if she is in the party when the player does not recruit him.

Upon recruitment, he will leave some hints at the city's existence, such as stopping in the hall with the door to say he is sensing something, and refusing to leave with the player's party if trying to get the escape ending, giving the player a choice to either part ways or to stay a little more and continue playing.

Like most other party members, he is unavailable for recruitment on Hard Mode.




Le'garde appears in the secret dating sim mode, Dungeon Nights, as a potential love interest. In this mode, Le'garde takes the role of an aspiring knight who came to the academy in order to learn all of the necessary skills to succeed in his future career. He is more than pleased if the player decides to help him out by giving him the necessary equipment for him to start his journey into knighthood.

To succeed in Le'garde's Route, do the following:[2]

  • 1 Day
    • Talk to him and ask "What are your goals then?".
    • Find a Claymore.
      • Buy it at the Armor shop for 30 silver coins.
      • Or go to the Ancient city and find the sword there.
    • Buy a Plate mail at the Armor shop for 15 silver.
  • 2 Day
    • Give Le'garde the Claymore and Plate mail.
  • 3 Day
    • Go on a date.
  • 4 Day
    • Ask him to be your date (if everything was done correctly, he should say yes).


  • 在遊戲文件中有着一些未使用的動畫,例如勒嘉德自殺、使用弓箭、攜帶幼年惡魔、遭到酷刑的折磨、與兔面人性愛以及被獄警侵犯。這些動畫通常只適用於可玩角色,這意味着從前勒嘉德可能不僅僅只是被視作一個可招募隊友,而是一個可玩主角,但卻不知為何而改變了。
    • 這也被文件中一些未被使用的對話側面證實,比如勒嘉德向迪亞絲或查哈拉提出肉體聯姻後。兩人都對勒嘉德有着特殊對話,迪亞絲在思考和勒嘉德的第一次是否應該在這樣的地牢內進行,查哈拉則表示勒嘉德是自己睡過最美麗的男人。
  • 遊戲製作者米羅·哈維里恩曾表示由于勒嘉德不斷變化的悲劇敘事,因此是他在恐懼 & 飢餓中最喜愛的角色之一。勒嘉德的旅程隨着其他人在通往超越他並抵達神性的道路而展開,只留下他獨自沉思,並不斷思索着不確定的未來。
  • 勒嘉德的主要靈感來源于格里菲斯,他是三浦建太郎的烙印勇士漫畫系列中的主要對手。



Gentleman Dinner Dialogues

