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Coded letter big.png

Letter codex1.png

密碼組成的信件.2是一份信件可以在恐懼 & 飢餓 2: 終結之祭找到


  • 可在一號隧道中位於台式磨床附近的桌上搜得


  • 作者: NLU member known as "R"
  • 內容: 一封帶有密碼信息的信...

The letter is encrypted by someone from the Nameless Liberty Underground. It uses the same code language taught to you at the NLU headquarters. You take a closer look...
Eastern Union abandoned the compound like expected. They detonated explosives to cave-in the railway tracks to the compound. But Bremen and Kaiser will find their way inside.
We have to move now. This is our only window of opportunity. Our sources say Kaiser is already on his way to Prehevil. I'm not sure if the project is far enough, but we must hijack it asap.
Kaiser plans to launch the system himself, it looks like the only way to stop this is to do it before him. I know how to set it up, just mobilize whoever is in the area. We must act - now.

