Prehevil (Inner City)

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The Inner City is a major location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. Being located in the Bohemian city of Prehevil, it consists of the town's newer districts. The Termina contestants are able to enter the city proper after traversing the Old Town.


Though it contains buildings and facilities more fitting of the modern era, the Inner City still reflects the twisted practices of the Old Gods. Behind Prehevil's grand façade, the city hides terrible secrets...

By the events of Fear and Hunger 2: Termina, the Inner City has come under the influence of the Moon God, Rher. The streets are patrolled by Bobbies, Bellends and Inquisitors, while even darker entities lurk within its older buildings.

How to get into the City

There are currently 6 possible ways to get into the city:

  1. Obtain the Lion brass key and Eagle Brass Key to open the main gate in Old Town - Gate.
  2. Enter through the Sewer Door, located at the North of Lake. You need the Sewer Key or Lockpicking to do this.
  3. Use the Asymmetric Circle at the Broken shack south of The Woodsman house to draw a Vinushka Sigil, granting you access to the Deep Woods, which lead to the City. You would need a Skin Bible: Vinushka and a piece of Chalk to do this.
  4. Using the 3 Asymetric Circles in Old Town (The Ruined Shack, The Woodsman house, The Mayor Manor) you can get Tier 3 affection to Rher, making you able to learn the Skill Golden Gates. This can be used from the Rher Circle in Mayor's Manor or the premade Circle at the bottom of Tunnel 7 to travel to the St. Domek's Orphanage, White Mold Apartments or Church of Alll-mer, effectively placing you inside of the city. You would need a Skin Bible: Rher a piece of Chalk and 3 Soul Stones to do this.
  5. If you are playing as Abella or Olivia, recruiting her or getting the Short Circuit Skill, you can reach the Sewers - West Junction by unlocking, lockpicking or knocking down a door at the end of Tunnel 5, which lead into the City.
  6. You can get Bolt cutters as a random drop from shelves or a grass patch near the train, which you can use to cut the gate open.
  7. Shooting the gate lock with a 12-gauge Trenchgun in the overworld will destroy the lock, giving you access to the city.


Party Talk (Staircase):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • (First time entering city)
      • Abella: "This is the actual city of Prehevil?"
      • Abella: "Wow... I didn't realize how big it was."
    • Abella: "So many abandoned homes and houses. Where did all the people go?"
    • Abella: "Just thinking about it... It's scary..."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • (First time entering city)
      • Olivia: "This place looks massive... How do we even know where to go?"
    • Olivia: "The city feels very eerie with no one around..."
    • Olivia: "The mist lingers and twists into shapes that almost look like humans, but no... It's just us... and the nightmares that roam here..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • (First time entering city)
      • Karin: "Finally we're in the city! Let's find the local authorities and get some help."
    • Karin: "I try to check the windows and lone alleyways in hopes of catching just a glimpse of someone sane, but no..."
    • Karin: "I'm starting to think we really are the only ones left."
    • Karin: "The world needs to know about this! A tragedy of these proportions can't be swiped under the rug!"
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "Running can be good exercise, but you can never run fast enough to escape your troubles and sadness. That's why I picked up boxing, you can face your adversaries head on."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • (First time entering city)
      • Daan: "Finally some civilization."
      • Daan: "I really need a drink. There has to be a bar nearby, right?"
    • Daan: "I got a feeling that these alleyways will haunt my nightmares for years to come..."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • (First time entering city)
      • Levi: *Sigh*
        • If Marina is in the party:
          • Marina: "Why the long sigh?"
          • Levi: "..."
          • Levi: "It's nothing."
          • Marina: "You mentioned Prehevil being your hometown, right?"
          • Levi: "Right..."
          • Marina: "How does it feel being back here?"
          • Levi: "..."
          • Levi: "Mixed feelings I guess..."
          • Levi: "Dunno..."
          • Marina: "Yup, I can relate to that. I'm having very mixed feels about this nowheresville too."
          • Marina: "I bet everyone who got away from this backwater town regrets coming back."
          • Levi: "..."
          • Levi: "But the regret is mixed with some weird nostalgia..."
          • Marina: "Right!?"
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "It's weird... Seeing your hometown turn into a ghost town..."
    • Levi: "..."
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "Quite literally a ghost town... Only those nightmarish husks wandering the streets..."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "..."
    • Marina: "It's weirdly nostalgic to be back here..."
    • Marina: "I grew up playing on these stairs. Jumping from stair to stair..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "This city does have a certain charm to it..."
    • O'saa: "It's rare to find places where ancient rites of the old world would be as prevalent as here."
    • O'saa: "Rare in Europa at least."
      • If Daan is in the party:
        • Daan: "I'm not sure if that's a good thing as far as we are considered..."
        • O'saa: "The world doesn't center around select few lost souls like us. It is good for the greater scheme of things. Some things should not be forgotten."
Party Talk (Central Prehevil):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "Looks like Prehevil was a warzone just a while before we got here."
    • Karin: "I've seen huge riots, a coup d'état or two and none of them left behind this much destruction..."
    • Karin: "How could something like this happen to the city without the rest of the world knowing about it!?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "The streets are all cluttered... What happened here!?"
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "This looks horrible..."
    • Abella: "I can't feel but sorry for all the poor souls that had to suffer through this calamity..."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "I wonder if we could take one of these automobiles and just drive away..."
    • Olivia: "Leave all this behind..."
      • If Marcoh is in the party:
        • Marcoh: "The streets look too cluttered for that..."
        • Marcoh: "It looks like the army has barricaded some of the streets as well."
        • Olivia: "Mm. You're probably right."
        • Marcoh: "Lets keep our eyes open. Maybe we'll find something that gets us out of here."
      • If Karin is in the party:
        • Karin: "You saw how the army had created blockades over the railroad tracks."
        • Karin: "Looks like the same applies to regular roads as well."
        • Karin: "I think our best bet would be to just hike through the woods."
        • Karin: "But I'm not sure how safe that would be either.... It looks like this whole area is filled with those... monsters."
        • Karin: "In the forest we'd be out in the open without any real shelter."
        • Olivia: "Right..."
      • If Daan is in the party:
        • Daan: "I wish it was that simple."
        • Daan: "But looks like Bremen army threw a wrench to our plan and blocked all the roads leading in and out of Prehevil."
        • Daan: "We'd have to continue walking through the countryside... I'm not sure how safe that exactly would be..."
        • Daan: "... Might be worth a shot though."
        • Olivia: "Maybe if we don't find any other way..."
        • Olivia: "I'm not too keen on slowly inching away from the city with my wheelchair..."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "There is a saying where I come from: 'Unni persi i scarpi u Signuri'."
    • Marcoh: "Meaning 'Where the lord lost his shoes'. That's what you call towns like this."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "..."
    • Daan: "The city seems to be in worse shape than the old town..."
    • Daan: "I don't think this is all thanks to the Bremen army..."
    • Daan: "This looks far more recent..."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
      • If Abella is in the party:
        • Abella: "Everything alright Levi?"
        • Abella: "You are always so quiet."
        • Abella: "I hope you're not hating us or anything like that?"
        • Levi: "Huh, what?"
        • Levi: "Oh no, not at all."
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "I'm just not that talkative I guess... Dunno..."
        • Abella: "Oh, well good!"
        • Abella: "Don't worry about that. This whole situation... It's completely understandable to be at a loss of words."
        • Abella: "Just making sure you're alright, that's all."
        • Abella: "You're one of the party, ay?"
        • Levi gives Abella a faint nod.
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "People of Prehevil... They seem to have reveled in chaos."
      • If Abella is in the party:
        • Abella: "What a horrible thing to say."
        • O'saa: "How so?"
        • Abella: "People of this town, they have obviously suffered a great deal!"
        • O'saa: "..."
        • O'saa: "Perhaps... Or maybe they embraced the chaos. We do not know."
        • O'saa: "Chaos itself is not a negative force. Where the chaos leads determines its alignment."
        • O'saa: "Sometimes mankind is stuck in a rut and the only thing that can break the contrived routine is a shock to the system, a pure chaos."
        • O'saa: "It's too early to tell where the chaos that fell upon Prehevil lead."
        • Abella: "..."
        • Abella: "Well that's one way to look at things..."
Party Talk (Back Alleys):
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "Great... Narrow backalleys..."
    • Marcoh: "Are we sure this is the right direction?"
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "Do you hear dogs barking...?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "These alleys are a good shortcut between the city centre and the old town..."
    • Marina: "Although the mist makes them a little more intimidating than how I remembered them..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "I got cold shivers..."
    • Abella: "Maybe it's just because of the wind."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "Do you feel it too?"
      • Player: "What's that?" or "Yes..."
        • Olivia: "Eyes peeking from the windows?"
        • Olivia: "Someone's watching us..."
      • Player: "..."
        • Olivia: "..."
        • Olivia: "I don't like it here..."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "I prefer the open streets. At least we can see what's ahead."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "I know these streets pretty well... If you need directions, you can just ask..."
      • Player: "Where is the tower?"
        • Levi: "It's to the north-east from here."
        • Levi: "..."
        • Levi: "You could get there pretty easily following the main roads... At least you could before all this happened. I'm not sure if the roads are still open..."
      • Player: "Where could we find the church?"
        • Levi: "It's to the east."
        • Levi: "If we stick to the big roads, we should get there pretty easily..."
      • Player: "Where's the city centre?"
        • Levi: "North from here is the shopping district... That could be called the centre of Prehevil..."
        • Levi: "Depends who you ask..."
      • Player: "Which direction is the old town?"
        • Levi: "We need to go south for that..."
        • Levi: "The stairs lead us out of the city to the old town..."
        • Levi: "Not sure why we'd go there... but there it is in any case..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
Party Talk (Prehevil West/Business District):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "How horrible..."
    • Abella: "This side of Prehevil is completely demolished. I'm guessing this happened when the Bremen army took this city from the Eastern Union."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "It's disgusting!"
    • Karin: "There are no excuses for these horrors! Absolutely none!"
    • Karin: "I've heard some bullshit justifications like how Bremen Empire had to pre-emptively attack just to break up the Eastern Sanctuaries -Voroniyan alliance from forming."
    • Karin: "As if it was just an act of self-defence that ended up escalating."
    • Karin: "Does this look like self-defence to anyone? Killing people within foreign borders."
    • Karin: "Not that the newly-formed Eastern Union fared any better. They turned out to be nothing but murderous, pillaging, raping and looting neantherdals."
    • Karin: "There are no excuses in modern times that would make killing hundreds, thousands, even millions of innocent people justified."
    • Karin: "We just live under fucking psychopaths who fight for their spot in the history books."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "I barely recognize these streets!"
    • Marina: "This used to be a business district I think..."
    • Marina: "At least I used to see lots of suits walking around here."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "No one's cleaned up any of this..."
    • Daan: "Does that mean the city has been under this plague since the war ended?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "How awful... It's always so depressing to see the scars of war so vividly."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi is just looking around in what looks to be a mix of awe and shock.
Party Talk (Business District Warehouse):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Looks like a warehouse... Wonder if there's anything useful in these large crates?"
    • Abella: "..."
    • Abella: "Ja, probably not worth the effort."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "So much useless junk... Do people really need so much for living?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "Anything useful here?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "I really don't like this city. Whether we are indoors or on the streets... It never feels safe."
    • Olivia: "I'll never leave the countryside once we get out of here."
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "We are getting out right?"
      • If Marcoh is in the party:
        • Marcoh: "We'll get out. Don't worry."
        • Marcoh: "I promise."
        • Olivia: "Don't make promises you can't keep..."
Party Talk (Prehevil West/Outskirts of Deep Woods):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "How horrible..."
    • Abella: "This side of Prehevil is completely demolished. I'm guessing this happened when the Bremen army took this city from the Eastern Union."
    • (Near Deep Woods)
      • Abella: "Are we going to the forest or to the city?"
      • Abella: "Honestly I'd prefer forest..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "I've been to similar war-torn areas before. You have to be careful of the collapsing buildings."
    • Karin: "Try to walk in open areas only."
      • If Daan is in the party:
        • Daan: "We are happy to have your expertise. Having 'covered wars' sure comes handy in situations like these."
        • Karin: "What's that supposed to mean?"
        • Karin: "If you have something you want to say, I suggest you do it right here and right now."
        • Daan: "Eh. Just having small talk. That's all."
    • (Near Deep Woods)
      • Karin: "You can really smell it here at the city borders..."
      • Karin: "The whole city smells like rot and putrid. The forest is not much better, but it's an easy pick if I'd have to choose."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "This area is completely unrecognizable..."
    • Marina: "This used to be a business district I think..."
    • Marina: "At least I used to see a lot of suits walking around here."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "No one's cleaned up any of this..."
    • Daan: "Does that mean the city has been under this... plague since the war ended?"
    • (Near Deep Woods)
      • Daan: "No matter if you're in the city, in the slums or at the outskirts... Everything looks dead here."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "How awful... It's always so depressing to see scars of war such as this place..."
    • (Near Deep Woods)
    • Olivia: "The forest looks so much more inviting than the city."
    • Olivia: "I can't be the only one who think that, right?"
      • If Abella is in the party:
        • Abella: "Oh I definitely agree with you love."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi is just looking around in what looks to be a mix of awe and shock.
    • (Near Deep Woods)
      • Levi is staring the city and its tall buildings that rise beyond the city walls.
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
    • (Near Deep Woods)
      • O'saa: "What a depressing sight. The city really looks miserable from this angle."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: *Sigh* "Sights like these are a bit too familiar..."
    • (Near Deep Woods)
      • Marcoh: "Are we going to the city?"
Party Talk (Shopping District):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "The heart of the city. Even an archaic religious city like Prehevil has its materialistic side."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "It's funny. I used to really like the shopping district when I was young."
    • Marina: "Seeing it turn into this eerie place... Feels bad."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "This looks like a place that could have once even been fun..."
    • Abella: "Now I only see tons of places for monsters to hide."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "This is the first time Prehevil gives me some big city vibes."
    • Daan: "Impressive."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "I wasn't expecting Prehevil to have districts like this..."
    • Olivia: "It's interesting..."
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "Would it be wrong if we took a closer look at the shops?"
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "Olivia you're not thinking what I'm thinking?"
        • Olivia: "Uh, what's that?"
        • Marina: "If you're not going to say it, then neither am I."
        • Olivia: "..."
        • Olivia: "Ummm... looting?"
        • Marina: "Looting it is."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi is looking around. Observing different shops and their windows...
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "Up for some window shopping?"
        • Levi: "...Huh? What?"
        • Marina: "We can go inside the shops too. I doubt anyone would mind if we took a thing or two..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "I see we are in the material district. The decline of the mankind is the most visible in areas like these."
    • O'saa: "It really is quite disgusting."
      • If Daan is in the party:
        • Daan: "Aren't you a positive one? You must be fun at parties."
        • O'saa: "..."
        • O'saa: "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."
        • Daan: "Ouch."
        • Daan: "No arguments there. You got me."
        • O'saa: "It can be funny though."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
Party Talk (Prehevil Northwest):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "A lot of shops in this area... Despite being an old fashioned little town in the middle of nowhere, there are a lot of modern boutiques here."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "It's funny. I used to really like the shopping district when I was young."
    • Marina: "Seeing it turn into this eerie place... Feels bad."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Is that an ice cream shop?"
    • Abella: "You don't suppose we could take a look?"
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "Is that such a good idea?"
        • Marina: "Seeing how everything else is in this miserable place, I bet even the ice cream would find a way to kill us."
        • Abella: "Yup. It's probably mutated into a killer cone by now."
        • Marina: "100% sure."
        • Marina: "Could we still lick it though?"
        • Abella: "Marina!"
        • Marina: "Hee hee, what?"
        • Abella: "That's disgusting."
        • Abella: "And yes. Of course you could lick it. It's ice cream after all."
        • Marina: "Makes sense."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "..."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "D-did you see something moving in the mist?"
    • Olivia: "... Didn't look like normal human..."
      • If Marcoh is in the party:
        • Marcoh: "I didn't see anything."
        • Marcoh: "No matter. Stay behind. I'll go first."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "...Do we really need to be in this part of the town?"
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "I see we are in the material district. The decline of the mankind is the most visible in areas like these."
    • O'saa: "It really is quite disgusting."
      • If Daan is in the party:
        • Daan: "Aren't you a positive one? You must be fun at parties."
        • O'saa: "..."
        • O'saa: "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."
        • Daan: "Ouch."
        • Daan: "No arguments there. You got me."
        • O'saa: "It can be funny though."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "Ups and downs are just part of everyday life. Much like in a fight you take hits and give hits. Without the bad bits it would just become plain and we couldn't appreciate the good parts."
Party Talk (Temple District):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "This district feels almost archaic... The modern buildings don't fit the scene."
    • Abella: "The tower feels intimidating as well..."
    • Abella: "As if something's constantly watching down on us from the top."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Is this the city center?"
    • Olivia: "I mean the tower is right over there... So we finally made it?"
    • Olivia: "What a hike from the train. Too many stairs to my liking..."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "This is the temple district. The number one sight of all the tourists - Not that there are many... Sights or tourists."
    • Marina: "The hollow tower over there looming tall above the buildings being the main attraction..."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "How come the religious sites of this town are way better preserved than anthing else around here?"
    • Karin: "If you saw only this place in a tourism ad, you might be fooled into thinking this town is actually worth a visit."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "We are at the heart of the city and we still haven't seen many sane folks around. At least ones that were alive..."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "That tower... It instills fear and respect, huh?"
    • Marcoh: "No wonder people around here are so religious with that monolith watching over them."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "We are close to the tower."
    • O'saa: "I can feel its draw. The most curious thing..."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "The temple site... This used to be where parades and speeches took place."
    • Levi: "Otherwise it was closed to public."
Party Talk (Prehevil East Outskirts):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "This religious district gives me the creeps."
    • (Near the water)
      • Karin: "A pile of burnt corpses... That's grim..."
      • Karin: "Do you mind if I take quick photos?"
    • (On the pier)
      • Karin: "Is that a small island in the mist?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "I used to visit this little shore all the time... There's something soothing about the dark horizon that opens up here."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "You can hear the waves hitting the shore from here..."
    • Abella: "It would be nice to live this close to the water.\. In any other circumstance that is."
    • (Near the water)
      • Abella: "W-what... What has happened here?"
      • Abella: "I can't even bear to look at the bodies..."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "It's getting windier the further east we go..."
    • Daan: "I should've packed a proper jacket with me."
    • (Near the water)
      • Daan: "The burnt bodies... They seem to have malformations and mutations on their faces and bodies."
      • Daan: "You don't suppose they burnt the first victims of this 'disease' in hopes of stopping its spreading?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "I hope I'm not too much trouble with this wheelchair and everything? You'd say if I became a burden, right?"
    • (Near the water)
      • Olivia: "Imagine if you couldn't feel any pain associated with drowning, \.and your suffocation reflexes wouldn't kick in...\. It would be so peaceful to just sink to the bottom of this lake..."
      • Olivia: "Watch up to the surface and see the waves play with the dimming daylight..."
      • Olivia: "Uh, nevermind. That sounded worse than how I intended."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "I haven't been to this shore since I was baptised in the water..."
    • Levi: "Not that I'd remember that, but yeah..."
      • If Marina is in the party:
        • Marina: "Oh right! This is the official baptism beach!"
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "It doesn't matter how much you get punched, what matters is how many punches you can take. And how hard you can punch back. And how many times you get back up to punch again."
    • Marcoh: "Or something along those lines... That's what my coach used to say."
Party Talk (East Outskirts Shack):
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "Looks like someone stashed all their belonging here."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "What a bizarre place to store all your valuables..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Suitcases look all packed and ready to go... I wonder if this person was preparing to leave Prehevil before all this went down?"
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "The shack is in pretty isolated part of the city. Not a bad hiding spot."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "See the red carpet? That's supposedly a traditional carpet design used by the noblemen of Bohemia."
    • Marina: "A completely useless tidbit, I know, but I decided to share it anyway."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "Why is all this junk here?"
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "I'll guard the doorway... You know... Just in case."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
    • O'saa: "Nothing interesting here. Let's move on to the next shack."


Name Location Duration Music track
Ashes Of War At the Western Street/Northwestern Shopping District section 03:04
Alone Prehevil At the Main Junction/Alleway/Southeastern Temple District section 04:07
Echoes Of Cruelty At the Temple District section 04:35
Night At the Inner City in night time 05:48
Remaining Routine At the Shopping District section 03:33
