Tunnel 5

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"The tunnels lead into ever-pressing darkness..."

Tunnel 5 is a Location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. It is a small underground complex built underneath Prehevil's Old Town.


The tunnel is located between the Old Town - Slums and Sewers - West Junction. The Old Town entrance can be reached by entering a hatch within one of the small shacks. The sewer entrance is located past a locked grate door, which must be unlocked, lockpicked or knocked down.


Tunnel 5 is one of many possible routes to enter the main city of Prehevil. It contains two doors with electronic locks at both entrances/exits, requiring the Short Circuit skill from either playing as or recruiting Abella, obtaining Abella's Caressing soul, or playing as Olivia and choosing to study science in her backstory.

The player can also wake up inside this location after losing to Needles for the first time, resulting in each of their party members being killed and placed somewhere in the city.


  • Red Shadow (Found in the cutscene after losing to Needles for the first time)


  • Projector (Can be used to watch the recording on the Film reel)



Party Talk (Tunnel 5 Entrance):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "A hatch... Prehevil sure is a place of many mysteries..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "How curious. Another one of these. I wonder if there is a purpose to their placement..."
    • Abella: "Silly me, I mean of course there has to be. But what exactly?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "We're not going down there, are we?"
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "I'm pretty sure this hatch hasn't been used by the locals."
    • (While Daan is temporary companion):
      • Daan: "What an unexpected sight. This hatch doesn't look like it belongs here."
      • Daan: "Might be worth checking out. Although first I want to check up on the locals outside..."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "I definitely didn't know this existed here..."
    • Marina: "It's weird. You'd think you'd know your own hometown after 18 years, but ever since we got here on that train I've discovered a new side of Prehevil."
    • Marina: "I don't particularly like that new side."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "A hatch."
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "Interesting..."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "It might be safer underground...? Or what do you think?"
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "Hmmm... The tunnel network spreads wider than I imagined."
Party Talk (Tunnel 5):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • (First time visiting)
      • Karin: "A hidden bunker... This got me curious."
    • Karin: "I was thinking that these tunnels could be a possible mission silo, or a construct for some other kind of weapon..."
    • Karin: "But I haven't seen any evidence that would support that theory. At least not yet."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • (First time visiting)
      • Olivia: "What could this place be? Such a strange place for a tunnel like this..."
    • Olivia: "I'm sorry if I'm just slowing you down..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • (First time visiting)
      • Abella: "Another tunnel? There's something more to these things I'm sure."
    • Abella: "These tunnels go surprisingly far. It's almost as if there is a whole network of these things underground."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • (First time visiting)
      • Marina: "Yep. This bunker definitely wasn't here before."
    • Marina: "It's crazy to think that all this exists under Prehevil..."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "I would've known if something like this was being made under our feet when I was a kid."
    • Levi: "I wonder... How new are these tunnels really?"
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "These tunnels were obviously made for military purposes... But what those purposes really are? I guess we'll have to wait and see."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "Don't let all this bad luck get to you. No amount of bad luck should stop you from pursuing your dreams."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "It would be helpful if we got a blueprint of these tunnels, or any kind of map really."
    • O'saa: "I don't care to waste my time in blindly exploring these labyrinths."

