Levi (Dialogue)

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Engaging in combat

Attack inside PRHVL Bop

  • Levi: "W-what...?"

Attempt to sacrifice to Gro-goroth

  • Levi: "W-what!? You want to sacrifice me? I don't think so!"

In combat

Battle start

  • Levi takes a low stance with his rifle...
    • Party member: (Line about not wanting to participate in a fight, each character has a unique line) (+Hesitation)


  • Levi: "... Do we really have to do this?"


  • Levi: “...” Levi doesn't seem interested in talk.
    • Player: “Just hold it! I'm sure we can find an understanding here!”
      • Levi: “...” Levi doesn't seem to hesitate.
    • Player: “Prepared to die, soldier?”
      • Levi: “...” Levi doesn't show any signs of fear.

Run (will always fail)

  • Levi: “I can't let you go...Not anymore."

Party Talk

Location Dialogue
Train – Inside
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is checking the windows and the exterior of the train.
  • Levi: "Those things... They don't seem to follow us here..."
  • Levi: "Why's that?"
Train – Outside
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is observing the surroundings with a keen eye.
Deserted Cottage
  • Levi: "..."
Abandoned house – Outside
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The house could work as a decent vantage point..."
Abandoned house – Inside
  • Levi: "The woodsman used to live here... All the kids were scared of him back in the day..."
Tunnel 7
  • Levi: "…"

(Near Tunnel 7 Hatch)

  • Levi: "That truck... Bremen army uses this model..."
  • Levi: "That means the army must be close by..."
Tunnel 6
  • Levi: "..."
Maiden Forest
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking rather calm.
Maiden Forest – Path to Prehevil
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is observing the surroundings with a keen eye.
Maiden Forest – Path to River
  • Levi: "Hmmm... These woods... I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

(Near hidden stash)

  • Levi: "Oh... This place... I entirely forgot about this!"
  • Levi: "When I was a kid, when I lived around here, I stashed some... erm... Well I hid some items here. Inside a fallen dead tree."
  • Levi: "I don't remember the exact spot, but it should be somewhere here…"

(After finding hidden stash)

  • Levi: "I can't believe my stash was still left untouched..."
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is observing the surroundings with a keen eye.
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "When I was a child..."
  • Levi: "They found a body of another orphan washed ashore..."
  • Levi: "He was all bloated and... Well yeah..."
Lake – Shack
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I'll guard the doorway... You know... Just in case."
D'ábel's island
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "If we really wanted to... We could just stay here on this island and wait for things to ease up..."
  • Levi: "But I guess there's no way to tell how long exactly that would be..."
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Nevermind I said anything..."
  • Levi: "This place... It looks a bit worse than how I remembered..."
  • Levi: "There used to be more proper buildings here, similar to the old town... Did they get torn down over the years?"
Slums – Severed Head Hut
  • Levi: "This man... (Shouldn't we just put him out of his misery...?)"
  • Levi: "(He's obviously mad.)"
Tunnel 5 – Entrance Hatch
  • Levi: "It might be safer underground...? Or what do you think?"
Tunnel 5
  • Levi: "I would've known if something like this was being made under our feet when I was a kid."
  • Levi: "I wonder... How new are these tunnels really?"
Old Town – West
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Maybe it's just rose-tinted glasses, but I remember the old town being in a lot better shape just 5 years ago before I left Prehevil."
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "No, you remember right."
      • Marina: "Things are a lot more... shabby. I have no idea what could've caused the deterioration..."

(In front of cross)

  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I've never seen this cross in use before..."
Old Town – East
  • Levi: "The alleys are getting tighter..."
  • Levi: "Do you think... We could set a fire...?"
  • Levi: "It would spread pretty easily... And get rid of all the..."
  • Levi: "Uh. Nevermind."
Old Town – Bandage Man Shop
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The other kids at the orphanage used to have this plan on how to shoplift some candy from this kiosk..."
  • Levi: "One would order something that required the clerk to reach the top shelves, while he was occupied with that the others would shove as much candy as possible to our pockets..."
  • Levi: "It worked pretty well for a while... until it didn't."
  • Levi: "The clerk hammered a nail through the palm of the kid who was caught still gouging the candy jar..."
Derelict house
  • Levi: "..."

(In television room)

  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is quietly looking at the television screen. He looks to be lost in his thoughts.
  • Player: "See anything interesting?"
  • Levi: "Oh?"
  • Levi: "It's nothing. Just my reflection on the TV..."
Mayor's Manor
  • Levi: "..."
Mayor's Manor – Basement

(Near pulsating sacks)

  • Levi: "What... are... these?"
  • Levi is poking at the pulsating sacks.
Old house
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The people who lived in these poor houses... They insisted that they were better than us who grew up at the orphanage..."
  • Levi: "... It doesn't look that fancy here."
Old house – Basement
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is moving forward with extra caution.
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is holding his breath to the best of his ability.
Outhouse – Bottom of pit
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is quietly looking for a way to climb up.
Two-story house
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "... I... I don't really feel bad for these people..."
  • Levi: "Should I?"
  • Levi: "I know it's a terrible thing to say... But things were not nice when I lived here."
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I think many of them deserved this."
Two-story house – Basement
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is moving forward with extra caution.
Inner City – Staircase

(First time entering city):

  • Levi: *Sigh*
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "Why the long sigh?"
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "It's nothing."
      • Marina: "You mentioned Prehevil being your hometown, right?"
      • Levi: "Right..."
      • Marina: "How does it feel being back here?"
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "Mixed feelings I guess..."
      • Levi: "Dunno..."
      • Marina: "Yup, I can relate to that. I'm having very mixed feels about this nowheresville too."
      • Marina: "I bet everyone who got away from this backwater town regrets coming back."
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "But the regret is mixed with some weird nostalgia..."
      • Marina: "Right!?"

(On subsequent visits):

  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "It's weird... Seeing your hometown turn into a ghost town..."
  • Levi: "..."
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "Quite literally a ghost town... Only those nightmarish husks wandering the streets..."
Inner City – Central Prehevil
  • Levi: "..."
    • If Abella is in the party:
      • Abella: "Everything alright Levi?"
      • Abella: "You are always so quiet."
      • Abella: "I hope you're not hating us or anything like that?"
      • Levi: "Huh, what?"
      • Levi: "Oh no, not at all."
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "I'm just not that talkative I guess... Dunno..."
      • Abella: "Oh, well good!"
      • Abella: "Don't worry about that. This whole situation... It's completely understandable to be at a loss of words."
      • Abella: "Just making sure you're alright, that's all."
      • Abella: "You're one of the party, ay?"
      • Levi gives Abella a faint nod.
Book store
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is browsing through the gothic horror section...
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "Find anything interesting?"
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "Just browsing..."
      • Marina: "You've been browsing that particular book for a good while now..."
      • Levi: "Oh...?"
      • Marina: "What is it?"
      • Levi: "It's nothing, nevermind..."
      • Marina: "'The Count Dragul of Lyyra'?"
      • Levi: "..."
      • Marina: "Nice pick."
      • Levi: "..."
Old hotel
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "There was talk about the owner of this hotel when I was young..."
  • Levi: "Apparently they found seven skeletons from his basement. They were all children he had murdered."
Restaurant Bílý Vůl
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Maybe I should guard the door, while you check the building?"
Church of Alll-mer – Outside
  • Levi: "... Do we have to visit the church?"
Church of Alll-mer – Inside
  • Levi: "..."
Church of Alll-mer – Rafters
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is walking on the beams pretty casually. The heights don't seem to be a problem for him.
Church of Alll-mer – Rooftop
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "This could be a good vantage point without the fog..."
Church of Alll-mer – Basement
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: Levi looks tense, as if he's preparing for an encounter…
Church of Alll-mer – Secret Passageway
  • Levi: "... This pathway... I feel sick."
Inner City – Prehevil East Outskirts
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I haven't been to this shore since I was baptised in the water..."
  • Levi: "Not that I'd remember that, but yeah..."
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "Oh right! This is the official baptism beach!"
Inner City – East Outskirts Shack
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I'll guard the doorway... You know... Just in case."
Inner City – Back Alleys
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I know these streets pretty well... If you need directions, you can just ask..."
    • Player: "Where is the tower?"
      • Levi: "It's to the north-east from here."
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "You could get there pretty easily following the main roads... At least you could before all this happened. I'm not sure if the roads are still open..."
    • Player: "Where could we find the church?"
      • Levi: "It's to the east."
      • Levi: "If we stick to the big roads, we should get there pretty easily..."
    • Player: "Where's the city centre?"
      • Levi: "North from here is the shopping district... That could be called the centre of Prehevil..."
      • Levi: "Depends who you ask..."
    • Player: "Which direction is the old town?"
      • Levi: "We need to go south for that..."
      • Levi: "The stairs lead us out of the city to the old town..."
      • Levi: "Not sure why we'd go there... but there it is in any case..."
White mold apartments
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "This place... Do you feel dizzy too?"
Inner City – Business District
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is just looking around in what looks to be a mix of awe and shock.
News Agency
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi seems to relax a little bit. This place doesn't seem to affect him much.
Waste disposal office
  • Levi: "..."
Inner City – Prehevil West
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is just looking around in what looks to be a mix of awe and shock.
Inner City – Outskirts of Deep Woods
  • Levi is staring the city and its tall buildings that rise beyond the city walls.
Deep Woods
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I kind of... like it here actually."
  • Levi: "I wasn't a big fan when growing up... But after spending the majority of my boot camp in a forest and a good amount of my service hiding in one..."
  • Levi: "It's become a second home to me... Or maybe the only home really..."
Deep Woods – Tent
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I didn't think I'd end up in another one of these..."
  • Levi: "It's a military grade tent."
Tunnel 1 – Entrance
  • Levi: "Should someone stay up here in guard...?"
  • Levi: "..."
Tunnel 1
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Wait... There's something there..."
  • Levi is preparing for an encounter...
Inner City – Prehevil Northwest
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "...Do we really need to be in this part of the town?"
Inner City – Shopping District
  • Levi is looking around. Observing different shops and their windows...
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "Up for some window shopping?"
      • Levi: "...Huh? What?"
      • Marina: "We can go inside the shops too. I doubt anyone would mind if we took a thing or two..."
Clothing Store
  • Levi: "..."
Department store – Ground floor
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking up nervously.
Department store – Ground floor (After seeing top)
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking up nervously.
Department store – Stairs
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking up nervously.
Department store – Stairs (After seeing top)
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is cautiously looking up to the people hanging on the hooks.
Department store – Top floor
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Are they doing this... voluntarily?"
    • If Daan is in the party:
      • Daan: "Looks like that, right?"
Dr. Kefer's Tricks & Magic
  • Levi doesn't look interested.
St. Domek's Orphanage
  • Levi: *Sigh*
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "Everything alright?"
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "...I'm just having mixed feelings about this place..."
    • Marina: "Makes sense."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Why the long sigh Levi?"
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "...I'm just having mixed feelings about this place..."
    • Abella: "What kinds of feelings do you have then?"
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "Dunno..."
    • Abella: "..."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Are you okay Levi?"
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "...I'm just having mixed feelings about this place..."
    • Levi: "Don't worry about it…"

(Outside Orphanage)

  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is staring at the orphanage with a grim look on his face.

If Abella is in the party:

  • Abella: "So this place used to be an orphanage...? And a school?"
  • Levi: "...That's right..."
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I grew up here..."
  • Abella: "This must be emotional to you. Seeing the place like this..."
  • Abella: "Just tell us if you need a break."
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I'm fine."
St. Domek's Orphanage – Basement
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi looks visibly shaken by the basement.
  • Player: "Are you okay Levi?"
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "It's nothing."
St. Domek's Orphanage – Schoolyard
  • Levi: "..."

If Abella is in the party:

  • Abella: "Why is there a hanging platform in a schoolyard!?"
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "They say the orphanage used to be a courthouse back in the day..."
  • Levi: "It's supposed to be a leftover from those times."
  • Levi: "But no one really believed that..."
St. Domek's Orphanage – Trenches
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is shaking and sweating. Something about this place makes him very uncomfortable.
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "How... did we get here?"
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I-I-I left the front..."
  • Levi: "The war ended!"
  • Levi: "Right...?"
    • If Abella is in the party:
      • Abella: "Don't worry Levi. This is not real. We are still in the school... somehow..."
    • If Daan is in the party:
      • Daan: "Take it easy Levi."
      • Daan: "The war ended. You're not on the battlefront anymore."
      • Daan: "Just... Stay strong."
      • Daan: "We'll be out here in no time."
    • If Karin is in the party:
      • Karin: "Try to have a clear mind Levi!"
      • Karin: "This is not real. There has to be some kind of gas leak that causes these hallucinations..."
      • Karin: "Don't give the Bremen army the satisfaction of breaking you down!"
    • If Marcoh is in the party:
      • Marcoh: "Kid, we're all on the edge here..."
      • Marcoh: "Just try to hold it together."
      • Marcoh: "I promise we'll be out here in no time."
      • Marcoh: "..."
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "Levi..."
      • Marina: "Try to take it easy."
      • Marina: "This is not a war zone... Even if it might look like one..."
      • Marina: "This is somekind of an illusion, or something otherworldly at least..."
      • Marina: "I'm not entirely sure..."
    • If Olivia is in the party:
      • Olivia: "Levi it's alright."
      • Olivia: "We are here to help you."
    • If O'saa is in the party:
      • O'saa: "..."
  • Levi: "This place... It's one of the few positive memories I have of this town..."
  • Levi: "I snuck here occasionally. The staff were happy give me a brief respite from the life at the orphanage..."
  • Levi: "..."
PRHVL Bop – Basement speakeasy
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "There's a rack full of rifles here... They're similar to Eastern Union models, but slightly different..."
Renka Cafe
  • Levi is looking around the cafe. He seems to be reminiscing something.
Mausoleum Alley
  • Levi: "...So this was behind the locked doors all along?"
  • Levi: "The common people were not permitted to enter this side of the town... Only the high priests were allowed to set foot on this holy ground..."
Mausoleum Alley – Statue of Alll-mer
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is just staring at the giant statue with his mouth open.
    • If Marina is in the party:
      • Marina: "I'm guessing you've never seen this before?"
      • Levi: "No, never seen it..."
      • Marina: "This altar was closed from the public back in the day. I'm not sure why."
Inner City – Temple District
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The temple site... This used to be where parades and speeches took place."
  • Levi: "Otherwise it was closed to public."
The Hollow Tower
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The temple site... This used to be where parades and speeches took place..."
  • Levi: "Obviously it didn't use to be like this..."
Donnovan's house
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I don't really know this part of the town all that well..."
  • Levi: "They didn't want my kind loitering around..."
Museum – Outside
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The temple site... This used to be where parades and speeches took place."
  • Levi: "Otherwise it was closed to the public."
Museum – Outside (After seeing inside)
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Is it safe inside or... not?"
  • Levi: "I couldn't quite tell."
Museum – Inside
  • Levi: "They're like puppets."
  • Levi: "Blank expressions... The repeating movements..."
  • Levi: "It's like this whole party is just a facade?"
Museum – Ballroom
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I could scout ahead and see what's down there... If you wanted me to that is..."
Sewers – First Visit
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking at you with a questioning expression on his face.
    • Player: "Are you okay?"
      • Levi: "Oh...?"
      • Levi: "Yes, sure. I was just wondering if you are sure about this path..."
    • Player: "What's the matter?"
      • Levi: "Oh...?"
      • Levi: "I was just wondering if you are sure about this path..."
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "Not that I have anything against it."
Sewers – Subsequent Visit
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is observing the sewer waters very keenly.
Sewers – Alternate Conversation
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is trying to seal his mouth and nose with his hands.
Sewers – Moonscorched Encampment
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi looks like he's trying to soldier through the bad smell.
Sewers – Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking back constantly.
  • Levi: "I think I heard someone or something move there..."
Tunnel 4
  • Levi: "..."
Foundations of Decay
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "The kids at the orphanage told rumours of caves like these, but we never actually found our way down here..."
  • Levi: "That's probably for the better. We would've just gotten lost."
Foundations of Decay – Crypt
  • Levi: "..."
Golden Gates – Doll Room
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking at his surroundings in awe.
Golden Gates – Crime Scene Room
  • Levi: "..."
The Dream (Workshop)
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi is looking around. He seems to recognize the place.
White Bunker – Entrance
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I think this look similar to some bunkers I saw at the Eastern Union..."

(After opening vault doors)

  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I'm ready. Whatever awaits inside."
White Bunker – Inside
  • Levi: "The door..."
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Not good."
White Bunker – Cable Bridge
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "We are talking about what to do after all this is behind?"
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "Dunno. I guess I need to come up with something..."
  • Levi: "For so long I've been nothing but a scope behind a rifle... Just looking for the next moving target..."
  • Levi: "I don't want to go back to that. That much I know for sure."
White Bunker – Cable Bridge (repeat)
  • Levi: "..."
  • Levi: "I would like to have a regular life too... That's not too much to ask, is it? Maybe I will pick up piano once more..."