White Bunker

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Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

"The bunker muffles all the outside sound."

The White Bunker is a major Location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. It is the largest of the bunkers buried deep below Prehevil, featuring many winding corridors, rooms full of advanced computer technology, and giant cable bridges that connect sections of the bunker that expose how massive the facility really is.


The White Bunker was constructed by the Eastern Union to research and experiment with advanced modern technology and the otherworldly. It is the center of Project Logic, a mysterious advanced communications experiment which mirrors early computerized information systems - although it has an immense secret, as Logic was intended to be a means for humanity to create a god. It also houses the Eastern Union's attempts to replicate the Cube of the Depths, and a more recent experiment (likely conducted by the occupying Bremen forces) attempting a Marriage of Flesh between a crow and a human.

The bunker noticeably extends extremely far underground, as when crossing the cable bridges it's possible to see immensely huge mechanical structures, concrete walls and pillars in the distance. Towards the end it even seems to defy the laws of physics and space, having a long corridor that leads the player to both The Hall of the Gods and a mysterious room within a void where the centre of Project Logic is located.

Kaiser considered the capture of Project Logic a priority, sparking the beginning of the Second Great War and concerting a massive campaign to seize Bohemia. The Bremen Empire ultimately took over the area, and the experiments within, when they occupied Prehevil at the end of the war. Despite all of the misery and suffering that was caused for him to reach this point, the Kaiser arrived in Prehevil too late and he was unable to become a god like he wished, as thanks to the Nameless Liberty Underground, Reila managed to reach the White Bunker first, activating Project Logic and becoming the vessel for the Machine God. Kaiser simply came to terms with this fate - choosing to remain to guard the White Bunker while Reila was still weak and undergoing her ascension.


The White Bunker can be found in the pit dug out in the Museum's ballroom, accessible by solving the clock puzzle. The bunker is sealed behind a giant mechanized vault door, requiring all 3 Telelectroscopes to be online for the gate to open before the player can progress into the tunnel. These machines are located in the tunnel network beneath Prehevil:


Before entering this location, it is highly recommended that the player's party prepare for the dungeon, as passing through the vault door is a point of no return.

After entering the White Bunker, the party must endure a difficult journey through its winding tunnels full of powerful Bremen supersoldiers. The party's Mind will drain quicker here due to the darkness, and since the tunnels only contain dim lighting and their layout makes it difficult to see ahead, the player should be wary of Elite Troopers which may surprise them while patrolling the area. Some rooms house Flame Troopers, which are incredibly dangerous enemies - they can use their flamethrowers to spew intense jets of flame at the player if spotted outside of combat, which if hit by, will result in instant death after a few seconds of incurable burning.

Once the party reaches the end of the level 3 section (after noticing the Sylvian Trooper) they must prepare once again, as the area ahead contains three consecutive boss battles (The Platoon and Sylvian Trooper duo, Kaiser, and Logic).

After the Platoon duo fight, the party will enter a void room in which they will meet with the leader of the Bremen army, Kaiser. He'll explain that the party (and himself) arrived late for the birth of the Machine God, and after some dialogue he will attack, stating that he wants to prevent anybody from going anywhere near her.

Either on Day 1, or after informing him of the Kaiser's appearance in the temple district, August will make an appearance here, attempting to kill Kaiser by firing multiple green arrows at his head. Despite being wounded, Kaiser will retaliate, killing August and attacking the player's party. This will allow the party to blind Kaiser during his battle.

After defeating Kaiser, the party can then advance through the lone door, finding themselves at the birthplace of the Machine God, Logic. The system will begin to activate self defence protocols, initiating the final battle.

Once Logic's exterior is defeated, her shell will open, revealing her final form. Ending A will then take place.




  • Generator (Found in the northeast of Level 2, must be filled with 2 Gasoline Canisters to activate, provides power to the lock system on the door leading to Logic)



  • 2 Chests (One can be found in the office to the north of Level 1, another in a room full of crates north of the entrance to Level 2)
  • 6 Utility Shelves
  • 3 Toolboxes



Party Talk (Bunker Entrance):
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Is this another bunker?"
    • Abella: "Sooo interesting!"
    • Abella: "Judging from how the railway tracks have been blocked with a cave-in, I think all this was meant to remain hidden."
    • Abella: "Obviously it's not a natural cave-in. That means someone used explosive charges or something."
    • (Near closed vault doors)
      • Abella: "Would you look at this! What could be inside?"
      • Abella: "Let's check the panel and see if we could open the vault doors somehow."
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Abella: "If I'm understanding this correct, the machinery we activated at those previous bunkers - they were both linked to this door and whatever awaits us inside."
      • Abella: "It's really exciting... and scary too at the same time."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "I don't get it... The railway tunnel has been completely destroyed, but someone dug their way in regardless..."
    • Karin: "Is this Bremen's doings?"
    • (Near closed vault doors)
      • Karin: "These doors... This is the jackpot we've been waiting for!"
      • Karin: "Wanna bet all our questions will get their answers once we get inside?"
        • Player: "Don't know about that. I have a lot of questions..."
          • Karin: "I have a good feeling about this. I smell a scoop!"
        • Player: "You're probably right."
          • Karin: "I have a good feeling about this. I smell a scoop!"
        • Player: "I don't care."
          • Karin: "I didn't know my company was this dull-minded."
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Karin: "Are we going in or what?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "What is this place...?"
    • Marina: "Do these tracks lead outside?"
    • (Near closed vault doors)
      • Marina: "How do we open this thing?"
      • Marina: "We didn't come here for nothing, right?"
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Marina: "This looks like something important... If you are sure you are ready, I guess we'll just head in...?"
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "Someone wanted to dig down here real badly..."
    • Daan: "But what for?"
    • (Near closed vault doors)
      • Daan: "I'm guessing the answers would lie behind the door number 1."
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Daan: "Is this an invitation to delve deeper?"
      • Daan: "I'm not sure how I feel about this."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "I'm having a bad feeling about this place..."
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Olivia: "The door opened... Just like that..."
      • Olivia: "I'm having a bad feeling about this... Let's at least prepare properly if we are to head in."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "I think this look similar to some bunkers I saw at the Eastern Union..."
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "I'm ready. Whatever awaits inside."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
    • O'saa is walking around and observing the surroundings.
    • (Near closed vault doors)
      • O'saa: "This door. Can you open it?"
      • O'saa: "I want it open."
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • O'saa: "..."
      • O'saa: "This is it."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "Was that construction site upstairs there just so someone could dig their way down here?"
    • Marcoh: "What could be so important?"
    • (Near closed vault doors)
      • Marcoh knocks the door a couple of times with his first.
      • Marcoh: "....."
      • Marcoh: "I guess no one's home?"
    • (After opening vault doors)
      • Marcoh: "I'm getting bad vibes from all this..."
Party Talk (After entering bunker):
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "The door... It just slammed shut?"
    • Karin: "What does that mean?"
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "..."
    • Marina: "What a coincidence. This is just the way I always wanted to die."
    • Marina: "Buried deep within a secret concrete bunker where absolutely no could possibly find me."
    • Marina: "..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Oh my... The door startled me..."
    • Abella: "I guess now we have to delve deeper, just to find a way out."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "..."
    • Daan: "It's not exactly reassuring to know how much trouble we went through to get that door open for the first time..."
    • Daan: "What's the likelihood that someone else goes through the same trouble any time soon? Like before our oxygen, water or food runs out?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "Surely there is another way out... Right? Right?!"
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "Or another way to open the doors......?"
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "The door..."
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "Not good."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: *Tsk* "One-way ticket? Didn't expect anything less."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "Did we just get shut in?"
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "I don't think we can break the door open as it is..."
    • Marcoh: "We need something with a bit more punch..."
Party Talk (Cable bridges):
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "When all this is finally over. I'll retreat to the nature. That's the only place where I feel at home."
    • Olivia: "I've had enough of these man-made nightmares and endless concrete tunnels."
    • (If repeated)
      • Olivia: "Maybe a botanical garden or a greenhouse for exotic flowers?"
      • Olivia: "I would love to travel and see the full bloom of nature around the world."
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "Once I'm out of here and all this is in the past... I'll out all the dirty laundry I've witnessed so far. Just wait and see."
    • Karin: "The world will know."
    • Karin: "Naturally I'll win an award or two from all that. That's the plan."
    • (If repeated)
      • Karin: "An award or two would go a long way in getting me famous..."
      • Karin: "Not that I'd care for the fame of course! Just who do you think I am?"
      • Karin: "I want to gain more fame so I can work more independently in future. That is the only way to out certain people and certain truths..."
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "What am I going to do when we finally escape all this?"
    • Marina: "I could try to achieve world peace with occult, or start a religion of my own?"
    • Marina: "I'll probably start a small occult store somewhere. Somewhere far away from Prehevil."
    • (If repeated)
      • Marina: "Maybe I'll open an occult store in Rondon. I don't think Vatican City suits me much."
      • Marina: "I want to live somewhere busy. With tons of people around. People who couldn't care less who I or anyone else around them really is."
      • Marina: "Rondon sounds good, yes..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "What to do once all this is just a bad distant memory? I have simple dreams in life really. I'd just like to meet someone, start a family... You know, live very regular ordinary life."
    • Abella: "I've seen enough world. I'll head straight back to Oldegård and its cozy small town atmosphere."
    • (If repeated)
      • Abella: "..."
      • Abella: "Although, seeing all this tech... It is very inspirational to see what you can achieve."
      • Abella: "Maybe I will return to a school? There's still much to learn obviously. Basic mechanics seem so outdated after witnessing all this."
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "What I'll do once we are done?"
    • Daan: "..."
    • Daan: "To be honest I still have unfinished business here... I can't even think what I'd do after all this."
    • Daan: "If such time even comes..."
    • (If repeated)
      • Daan: "It might not be good for me in the long run to dig these matters too much..."
      • Daan: "Once it's all over... Maybe I'll open a practition and work as a doctor..."
      • Daan: "Although that would just mean work, work, work... I need a break. Maybe I'll open up a bar instead?"
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "We are talking about what to do after all this is behind?"
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi: "Dunno. I guess I need to come up with something..."
    • Levi: "For so long I've been nothing but a scope behind a rifle... Just looking for the next moving target..."
    • Levi: "I don't want to go back to that. That much I know for sure."
    • (If repeated)
      • Levi: "..."
      • Levi: "I would like to have a regular life too... That's not too much to ask, is it? Maybe I will pick up piano once more..."
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "When we are done here? Honestly I don't know what I'm going to do."
    • Marcoh: "Maybe I'm ready to retire. I've seen enough for one life time."
    • (If repeated)
      • Marcoh: "Maybe I really can retire. It's time I take the next step in life.
      • Marcoh: "Maybe I will start coaching kids at the gym. That could work."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "What to do after we get out of here?"
    • O'saa: "Ha ha, I'm apologize. I have to admire your naivety."
    • (If repeated)
      • O'saa: "..."
      • O'saa: "Maybe I've travelled the world enough as of now."
      • O'saa: "It's time I head back to Abyssonia and see how that miserable place is shaping up after the war..."


  • The 2 guaranteed shillings that can be looted here are functionally useless, as it's impossible to leave to spend them.

