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Reila Audrey Haas

Reila overworld.png

Aliases Girl in the dream
Girl in pink
Girl with red shoes
Relatives Olivia Haas (twin sister)
Franz Haas (father)
Ema Haas (mother)
Affiliation Nameless Liberty Underground (formerly)
Biographical information
Date of birth January 1st, 1922 [1]
Place of birth Bremen Empire
Physical description
Gender Female
Age 20
Species Human
Spiritual Information
Soul Radiating soul
Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

Reila Audrey Haas is a major story character in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. She is a very caring, brave, and intelligent engineer with a great aptitude for modern science, although her true identity remains a mystery for much of the game - her first appearances to the player being in an apparition-like state.


Reila was raised in an overbearingly religious household with her sister, Olivia. Her great intelligence was complemented by her kindness and exceptionally high empathy - Reila had a very close bond with her sister and also spent a lot of time going outside and making many friends, while also dedicating herself to studying engineering and new-age technology. When Olivia suffered multiple strokes, Reila pleaded desperately to her parents to get her modern medical treatment, but despite her efforts, Olivia was left indefinitely wheelchair-bound as her parents relied on religious healers, only seeking proper treatment after it was too late.

Later in life, in 1937, Reila and her sister enrolled in the same university in Bremen - both relieved to finally be away from their parents' religious control. During her time at the university, Reila excelled in her field of studies of New Sciences: she worked under a special scholarship in "Operation ein Geist" and got to participate in an exchange program between the Bremen Empire and the Eastern Union in 1939. She was also involved romantically with a professor during her later academic years.

Reila would travel all over the world, keeping in contact with Olivia and telling her about her work through letters. She was soon recruited for an advanced project known only as "Operation Logic" in Bohemia, being eventually promoted to the position of head-engineer. When the Bremen Empire requested the Eastern Union to relinquish control of Prehevil for a peace treaty to end the Second Great War, Reila attempted to signify the sheer importance of Operation Logic to the Union's officials, but they failed to grasp its true potential.

One day, Reila's letters to Olivia stopped coming in. Her parents got information that she was supposedly accused of treason against the Bremen Empire, being kept in East-Bremen State Prison for interrogations about Operation Logic. Eventually, a terrorist group called the Nameless Liberty Underground would break her free from said prison. The professor she was seeing over the years had been executed for the same reason of treason. He and Reila had kept in contact through letters, sent long after she graduated.

In the last letter Olivia found from her sister Reila had, in cryptic writing, talked about 'a cube' and how 'the Eastern Union was desperately trying to replicate the cube'. Her last words voiced concern that the Kaiser of the Bremen Empire was after the 'operation in Prehevil' and how she still had time to act by heading there herself. Acting on her conviction, she journeyed to Prehevil before it could be occupied only to find the compound abandoned, with the Union triggering explosives to block access via railway tracks. Aware that the Bremen Military and the Kaiser would eventually breach through, Reila deemed this her sole window of opportunity, given reports of the Kaiser's imminent arrival.

Unsure of the Logic project's progress, Reila believed she needed to hijack it urgently. The Kaiser's plan to personally launch the system left her with one conclusion: her action must precede his. Confident in her knowledge of the setup, she urged the mobilization of the NLU members in the vicinity to thwart the Kaiser's intention, which marked the beginning of an operation targeting the White Bunker and each of the Telelectroscopes. Reila managed to successfully breach the White Bunker, although the outcome of the missions to claim the Telelectroscopes is uncertain and likely a partial failure [2] - so in the face of uncertainty and Kaiser's arrival being imminent, Reila activated the Logic project prematurely and set herself up as a vessel by entering a lucid dreaming state [3], ultimately ascending as the Machine God.

After arriving at the White Bunker and realizing he had been beaten to ascension again, the Kaiser finally abandons his ego and comes to terms with his role as the one who 'sets the wheels into motion', deciding to act as a guard for Reila in her current fragile state. However, he was ultimately unaware that the contestants of Termina had already activated the Telelectroscopes, putting all of the pieces into place...


Reila is encountered almost exclusively as a spirit/hologram/premonition in various locations, although she will quickly vanish, sometimes after guiding the player towards something. Such locations include:

She will also make an appearance as the final form of Logic in Ending A, and if Olivia is the main character, she will have unique dialogue.


  • Reila is the author of the Coded Letters, as is suggested by several details, such as the first letter of her name fitting the acronym "R", the in-depth knowledge of the Logic project, Reila's connection to the NLU and the mention of her scholarship.
  • While Reila's soul is portrayed as the Radiating soul within the storyline, in terms of gameplay mechanics, players cannot collect it in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. They must obtain it from Samarie within the game.
  • Reila's name is a likely reference to the Gazette song of the same name, supported by the fact that the Nameless Liberty Underground is similarly named after the Gazette album Nil (Nameless Liberty Underground).


  1. [1], NLU Reconnaissance Report 2
  2. Logic was unable to bypass the Festival of Termina and was in a 'frail state' as mentioned by the Kaiser, most likely due to the Telelectroscopes not being active
  3. Brain diagram document
