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Machine god.png

Aliases The Machine God
Relatives Reila Audrey Haas (former self)
Olivia Haas (twin sister)
Franz Haas (father)
Ema Haas (mother)
Inflicted phobias
Phobias None
Biographical information
Date of birth 1942 (as a God)
Place of birth Prehevil (as a God)
Physical description
Gender Female
Species God (unspecified classification)
Human (formerly)
Item drops
Search Nothing
Steal Nothing
Overworld data
Note Cannot be harmed in the Overworld
Battle Theme
Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite.

"The conscience of consensus... Just an avatar for the stream of thought. Join me, in the promised land..."
- Logic, to the protagonist in Ending A.

Logic, also known as the Machine God, is the Boss encountered for Ending A in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. She is a newly-born divine being.


Hidden in the depths of the White Bunker in Prehevil, amid the Festival of Termina, unfolds Kaiser's most audacious project: "Project Logic." This marks the pinnacle of Kaiser's pursuit of technological supremacy—a unique fusion of wires, circuits, and enigmatic machinery, with engineer Reila Audrey Haas serving as the vessel. This deity, Logic, emerges from the fusion of human intellect and potent technology. Her goal is to wield control over communication and information, birthing an immense electronic hivemind that will shape global consciousness and bring about a new world order, creating a shared "paradise" through consensus.

While the deity imparts the wisdom of Logic, there are hints that she still preserves Reila's initial memories even following the rebirthing process. It appears she can draw upon these memories, utilizing them in manners that serve Logic's best interests.

Logic's symbol shows two letter R's back to back. This is an inverse order to the symbol of the God of Fear and Hunger, wherein the two letter R's are facing each other. The God of Fear and Hunger's symbol is in-turn replicating the God of the Depths' symbol, which was simply one R facing the left.



Stats (Phase 1)
Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Logic 1 19600 (28000) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 5% None Blindness, Bleeding, Poisoned, Toxic, Concussion, Irritation
Tank 1 100 5% None All debuffs
Tank 2 100 5% None
Tank 3 100 5% None
Tank 4 100 5% None
Tank 5 100 5% None
Tank 6 100 5% None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.
Stats (Phase 2)
Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Logic 1 19600 (28000) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 5% None Blindness, Concussion, Irritation
Hand of Creation 4000 5% None All debuffs
Hand of Destruction 4000 5% None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Skills (Phase 1)
Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Logic 1 Red Arc Deals 24-36 typeless damage. Always 40% 100%
Red Arc (Alt.) Deals 30-44 typeless damage, hits all party members. Always 20% 100%
Red Arc X2 Deals 24-36 typeless damage, hits twice. Always 40% 100%
Overheat Deals 40-60 Fire damage, hits all party members. Every 4 turns, only if any of the Tanks remain active. 100% 100%
Skills (Phase 2)
Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Logic 1 Moth Swarm Deals 12-18 Otherworldly damage, hits 5 times and heals Logic for the amount of damage dealt. Always 100% 100%
Hand of Destruction Hurting Deals 50 Otherworldly damage, and will inflict Bleeding and arm loss. Always 33.3% 100%
Combustion Deals 0 Fire damage to all party members, can inflict Burning. Always 33.3% 75%
Black Orb Deals 20-24 Otherworldly damage to a single target four times. Always 33.3% 95%
Hand of Creation Loving Whispers Heals a random body part for 160-240 health. Always 100% 100%


Fear & Hunger Mode

The player should utilize the time between the Kaiser fight and entering Logic's chamber to heal their party members. It is recommended that the player uses any remaining Heroin or Pep pills, which will make the fight much easier. It is also recommended to stock up on murky vials which can easily destroy the tanks and apply burning to the main body.

First phase Logic has tanks which will activate at a certain time starting from the end of the first turn, taking another turn to fully activate, and one more turn to use Overheat which deals 40-60 Fire damage to all party members. This process starts every four turns. If all the tanks are destroyed, she will not be able to use Overheat, therefore the player should have at least one controllable party member with extra turns to deal with them, two other controllable party members or use skills or items that can hit multiple targets.

During this phase it is recommended to apply Burning to the main body, destroy the tanks and have healing. If the player can't destroy the tanks, then having Fire resistance equipment and an Evasion buff is recommended.

Second phase

The second phase of the battle will trigger at the end of the thirteenth turn. Players with stronger parties will often be able to end the fight before then. The player should use the thirteenth turn to switch equipment for Otherworldly resistance.

During the second phase, Logic will drastically change in appearance, heal 9999 health and her tanks will be replaced by two large hands: the Hand of destruction and the Hand of creation.

The Hand of destruction will cast either Hurting, Black orb or Combustion

The Hand of creation will use Loving whispers.

The main body will cast Moth Swarm.

It is recommended that the player continue to focus on destroying Logic's main body to try to end the fight as soon as possible, or deal with the Hand of destruction quickly. The player should inflict as many DoT status effects to her as they can, now that she is vulnerable to them.

Note: If the player has choosen the Easy(er) mode, the second phase will become absent in this gameplay.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

The Fear & Hunger mode guide above should apply. Due to an oversight, the enemy buffs from Masoχ-S/M mode are enabled at the start of the fight, meaning she will take 50% less physical and magic damage even in Fear & Hunger mode.



  • Logic: “...” The machine doesn't seem to react to your talk in any way.
    • Player: “Do you understand me?”
      • Logic: “...” No reaction.
    • Player: “Please just let me go...”
      • Logic: “...” No reaction.
    • Player: “I'm going to wreck you.”
      • Logic: “...” No reaction.
    • Player: Nevermind


Logic does not have any interactions since her defeat ends the game.


  • Once the player witnesses her rebirth while playing as Olivia, despite Reila sharing the wisdom of the new god, she will encourage Olivia to join in by mentioning her name, giving the possibility that she still retains some of her original memories intact after the rebirthing process.
  • Logic's symbol shows two letter R's back to back. This is an inverse order to the symbol of the God of Fear and Hunger, wherein the two letter R's are facing each other. The God of Fear and Hunger's symbol is in-turn replicating the God of the Depth's symbol, which was simply one R facing the left.
  • For reasons unexplained, Logic's form seen in Ending A has an artifact attached to her chest that greatly resembles the Cube of the Depths, but with Vinushka's runic symbol (crossed out) engraved on it instead.
  • Logic's Ending A form has some foreign characters on her shoulder. As stated by game creator Miro Haverinen, these are made up characters made to resemble kanji.
Warning! Speculation ahead!

Information below is hinted on, but wasn't directly confirmed in-game.

  • As seen in Telelectroscope and Logic, Logic seems to represent the absorption of humanity within its own technological creations. It talks of a future where people prefer interactions through machine technology and become obsessed with fake friends who exist in the walls. This is similar to the modern age phenomenon of overly relying on the internet as a coping mechanism. In turn, Logic is designed so that each individual human in the system will affect the surrounding world, making mankind's interactions with technology impact people from every corner of the planet similarly to our world's premise for the world-wide-web.
  • The significance of Logic's symbol using an inverse order of the God of Fear and Hunger's symbol may represent the connection between humankind creating more technology as a result of the God of Fear and Hunger's impact. Since Logic was birthed from technology, the inverse order could show how mankind's technology in the modern world is being used to trump mankind's suffering from the Age of Cruelty.

