The Gods

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The universe of the Fear & Hunger series has a rich lore and mythology consisting of multiple Gods and godlike beings that reigned across a rich history for millennia. Mentions of these greater beings are plentiful in both games, many of them directly or indirectly involved in the events that occur.

List of Gods

Below is a compilation of all the Gods depicted within the Fear & Hunger series, along with their official classification when available. The series aims to illustrate how religion evolves within the world, which means that some of these Gods may not be listed as such in one game and may appear differently in another. Additionally, their categories may change over time. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the description of a specific God, readers should assume that the God was initially introduced in the first game of the series, Fear & Hunger.

Old Gods

A clock plate from the Bohemia National Museum at Prehevil. The smaller sphere depicts ten runic symbols of Old Gods. Clockwise: Sulfur (second); Alll-mer (third); Rher (fourth); Sylvian (fifth); Gro-goroth (sixth); Vinushka (eighth); God of the Depths (ninth). Other symbols are currently unknown.

The world of Fear & Hunger does not have one unified religion. Instead, there are several extremely powerful deities known as the Old Gods, who are separately worshipped by different factions in the game's world. They are seen as the true gods of the world, embodying the fundamental and primordial ideas, inspirations, or concepts that exist within it. Information about them can be gathered from specific documents regarding their nature found in the two games currently released. While not all of them have been revealed, ten different runic symbols have been portrayed so far, which could be an indication of their numbers. Despite the revelation of only six (or five, depending on which interpretation of Alll-mer is used) deities, ten distinct runic symbols linked to the Old Gods have been depicted. This portrayal could be an indication of their total numbers, although it is equally plausible that these symbols only represent the Old Gods that this world's civilization knows of.

The series suggests that the origins of some, if not all, of the Old Gods trace back to the mysterious "green hue." This hue is believed to radiate from a void, serving as the plane of these older deities. Described as a realm where reality adopts a green-tinted appearance, the green hue causes discomfort to human eyes. There are instances where servants of these Old Gods also emerge from this green hue, akin to emerging from a sea, hinting at its potential as a portal between different planes of existence. Further revelations regarding this green hue are yet to unfold within the series.

Available lore in both games seems to indicate that some of these older deities have 'departed' from the world, but their traces are very strong remaining energies that are somehow still sentient and influential. Some accounts state that Old Gods never truly fade away, for one cannot extinguish an idea, an inspiration, or a primordial concept once it has taken form.[1] However, not everyone within the game's universe shares a unanimous belief in this perspective.[2]

The power disparity between Old Gods and mankind is immeasurable. Even the traces of Old Gods exhibit formidable strength compared to humans, as evidenced by hostile encounters where a mere gaze from them is sufficient to shatter a person's sanity or body. Those who somehow endure find that the traces eventually lose interest in combat, with no in-game indications that they were ever close to being harmed.


Gro-goroth, the destroyer of man,[3] is the God of destruction and human sacrifice. He wishes for blood to be spilt in his name. Gro-goroth is a curious God, more so than many of the other Old Gods. To re-live the feeling of fear, he wears the bodies and skins of men and women alike.[4] Some believe he still walks among men, masked under the skin of people and hanging bodies, but his presence is fading. Gro-goroth is said to originate from the green hue. His runic symbol depicts an eclipse.


Sylvian, the Goddess of love, lust and creation,[5] created men and women at the dawn of time.[6] She wishes only for an act of love in her name, granting you a bond more serious than you could imagine.[7] Sylvian is also said to originate from the green hue. Many believe she left mankind behind a long time ago, after realizing that they could never love her the same way she loved them. Her first runic symbol has the shape of an opened eye; her second one is an open slit, resembling a vagina.

God of the Depths

The God of the Depths, an old and gigantic being worshipped by outcasts left in the darkness - insects and wretched soulless beings. Their body lies dormant in the altar of darkness in the dungeons of fear and hunger, and within it lies The Gauntlet, a path to the deepest parts of the dungeons. Their three hearts were eventually destroyed and their body used as a vessel to give birth to the God of Fear and Hunger; however, there are hints that the God of the Depths still appears to be active in present days. Their runic symbol is that of a backwards R.


Rher, the Trickster Moon God, also known as the Moon God and Trickster God, is said to be one of the last Old Gods to still observe mankind. He is a jealous kind and would not share the godhood and the world order with humans and the New Gods, because he does not believe men should have the same rights as true Gods. He has many ploys to diminish the influence of the New Gods, but his motivations seem incomprehensible to them. Lady of Moon and Pocketcat are his servants, both bent on killing children as a way to get rid of humanity's potential ascension. He is the main orchestrator of the events in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. During these events, he has a new servant, Per'kele, who acts as his voice and observer. However, it is eventually revealed that Rher has also departed from this world, and Per'kele has used his traces as a decoy, aligning with another God entirely. His runic symbol is two spheres and an omega symbol interlocked, with a dot inside the omega.


Vinushka, the god of nature, is an offspring of Gro-goroth and Sylvian, alternatively known as Ninush in certain accounts. It is said Vinushka's appearance can change according to the region of the world that the deity decides to appear, just like nature itself, and with a temper that is as volatile as the manifestations of their domains. Sources suggest that Vinushka might have been slain by mankind after fighting them in a war caused by people harming nature. Vinushka becomes an available God to worship in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. Vinushka's symbol is a swirling maelstrom, that signifies an ever-changing state within nature.

Ascended Gods

Ascended Gods are on par with the Old Gods in terms of power. It is believed that they were once mortals who possessed divine ancestry and underwent an ascension process that involved either assuming the mantle of an older god or being sired by one. Like the Old Gods, the Ascended Gods have been the subject of human cults and religious practices, indicating a similarly revered status. In Fear & Hunger, the notion of Ascended Gods as a distinct category had not yet been introduced, with the only God known to have ascended in this manner regarded as an Old God (Alll-mer). Nevertheless, it is important to note that there are many occurences in the narrative where the Ascended Gods are still referred to as Old Gods.


Alll-mer, the Ascended One and "the last of the Old Gods", was born in Jettaiah, raised by a virgin mother and supposedly sired by a "False God". He gathered his 12 apostles to bring down the old world order, and usher in a new one (His new world order is called the old world order by the New Gods). Corrupt kings and sultans captured Alll-mer and hung him from the cross, where he ascended into the city of the Gods, Ma'habre. He returned back to his weeping apostles and tried to save mankind with his strength by murdering the kings and sultans, bringing back the old world order. Year 0 marks the birth of his new self, and the start of a new calendar. They say his mortal remains still lie in the ancient tomb, hidden somewhere near the ancient city of Ma'habre. By the time the events of Fear & Hunger 2: Termina take place, it appears his cult has greatly surpassed others in popularity. His runic symbol is a cross, the object he dies on. While Alll-mer was initially acknowledged as an Old God during the events of Fear & Hunger, set in 1590, by the time of Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, occurring in 1942, he is predominantly recognized as an Ascended God.

The God of Fear and Hunger

The God of Fear and Hunger is a being on par with the Old Gods, and like Alll-mer, ascended from a human being. The God of Fear and Hunger began life as a human girl, the child of Nilvan, a New God, and Le'garde, a mortal prophesied to bring about a new age. After growing up knowing nothing but misery and suffering, she was taken to the Heart of Darkness, located at the bottom of the dungeon inside of the slain corpse of the God of the Depths. She represents darkness and human suffering, but is seen as a being that motivated humanity to progress out of the medieval era and into modernity in an attempt to end that suffering. Her symbol is constructed from the God of the Depths' sigil, doubled and mirrored to form an RЯ shape.

New Gods

The grand hall of the gods, where inactive new gods reside.

New Gods were once mortals, who achieved ascension by sitting at the Throne of Ascension in the ancient city of Ma'habre. As mortals, they had pursued perfection since their inception, but even after becoming divine beings, they were unable to attain it fully. In terms of power, they are far inferior to the Old Gods, but they still possess a strength that far surpasses that of humans. While their precise count remains a mystery, it is clear that the New Gods far surpass both the Old Gods and Ascended Gods in quantity.

Each New God is bestowed their title based on the inherent nature of their soul, such as The Dominant One, The Endless One, and so forth. It appears that more than one New God with the same soul type can coexist during their active time, as two active New Gods of Enlightenment are met during the year of 1590. It is worth mentioning that in at least one instance, a human without a soul managed to ascend and transform into a distinct type of New God. However, the games do not currently provide sufficient information to elucidate this phenomenon.

As the series unfolded, it became apparent that New Gods are not completely immortal, and their eventual demise is inevitable—either when their relevance wanes or when confronted by a formidable adversary with the strength to challenge their divinity. However, their "death" is more akin to a prolonged state of inactivity, as they can apparently still be summoned back to the physical realm through specific rituals. Once the reign of a New God has seen its end, the God resides in a Grand Hall with others to let the new ones reign for their time.

The games suggest that despite these New Gods in the Grand Hall portraying themselves as long-forgotten deities who have faded into obscurity, there are subtle indications that they may have clandestinely wielded influence over the world for centuries, all as part of a nefarious scheme for progress, subtly manipulating mortals from afar. In contemporary society, the New Gods are perceived as a secret society exerting control over various nations from behind the scenes: speculation suggests connections between several figures in today's global political landscape and their ranks. Moreover, there is evidence indicating that The New Gods played a role in orchestrating the last two great wars that ravaged the world. Whether they are still viewed as divine beings or simply members of this so-called secret society remains uncertain.


Betel, a New God of Enlightenment, created the grand libraries of Ma'habre to store the immense knowledge the world holds. Betel wished that the archives would one day surpass the knowledge and the wisdom of the older gods. Every new God of Enlightenment would from then on dedicate their cycle at the libraries to a certain subject they would decide themselves.


Nas'hrah, the great wizard of the Eastern Sanctuaries, who acquired immense knowledge of the Old Gods in the year of 410. He succeeded Betel as the master of the Grand Libraries, but eventually came to the conclusion that ascending to the status of a New God would not bring about any substantial change. Rather, it would merely initiate a fresh cycle destined to culminate in the same outcome. Eventually, he cultivated an intense animosity towards the New Gods, harboring a genuine disdain for them and harboring an unwavering desire to destroy their reign. Remarkably, he harbored no fear even in the face of the Old Gods. As of the year 1942, Nas'hrah remains alive, making him the New God with the lengthiest known lifespan.

The Fellowship and the rise of the New Gods

Francóis, The Tormented One and other New Gods sit at a table, as depicted in Termina.

In the year of 809, the kingdoms of the world were slowly rotting away and the grand values mankind once aimed for were displaced by defiled principles and practices. Without the guidance of the Old Gods and in times of great peril, a Fellowship of five people was formed to seek the older gods. Back then, there existed an ancient tomb to the ancient city of Ma'habre that worked as a hub for multiple different planes of existence: a place where a man could meet his maker. It is here, that the Fellowship would demand the rights of self-governing for mankind.

Eventually, all five of them would reach the golden gates of Ma'habre, the very same gates Alll-mer ascended to 809 years prior that would lead them to their confrontation with the older gods. It seemed like the Fellowship had bested all the challenges the gods laid for them, but at the most crucial moment a seed of doubt was planted into the mind of the fifth one: Nosramus, The forgotten one, was a scholar of many arts and sciences, and the older gods would use this to their advantage. They revealed the greater scheme of things and the way they directed the flow of mankind. Many people had gone before the same trials as the Fellowship. Yet nothing had changed for the better for mankind as aeons went by. Nosramus supposedly understood this and thus refused his ascension.

This created a rift between the Fellowship and because of it, only the four other members proceeded with the initial mission. The remaining Fellowship tore down the legacy of the Old Gods and created a new world order. An age where mankind decides its own fate by choosing its own gods. In the end, the Fellowship became New Gods and the forgotten one was never seen or heard from again. Their reign would last until the year of 1590 and then gradually lose its influence over commonfolk, to the point where the tales of the group are currently classified as a simple legend.


Francóis, the Dominating One, initially sought to unify warring lands and gain strength as a New God. Other New Gods disapproved of Francóis' reign and even Francóis concluded that he was nothing more than just a puppet and everything was pointless. It took him numerous life cycles to understand the greater scheme of things: Time is a cycle.


Nilvan, the Endless One, soon saw humanity's boundless potential and the notion that persistence and effort can achieve anything. However, by the late 16th century, Nilvan acknowledged the eventual end of her reign. Desperate for eternal existence, she sought a way to extend her rule. Believing that a man prophesied to unite warring states peacefully held the key, she bore his child, hoping this offspring would be humanity's beacon of hope.


Valteil, the Enlightened One, is the third known New God to reside in the Grand Libraries of Ma'habre, dedicating himself to the pursuit of understanding artificial life and bridging the gap between New Gods and Old Gods.

Tormented One

The Tormented One, a skinless entity tormented by eternal chains for centuries, inflicts his agony upon other creatures within Ma'habre's shrines. Once a mortal poet who believed that true art could only arise from pain and suffering, he clung to these principles even after ascending to godhood.

New Gods Nilvan and Valteil sitting at another table.

Mourning One

Statues of the Mourning One depict a figure covered in shrouds, with long sleeves and a hood that obscures everything except for the face and hands. The area beneath the hood is an empty, black void. These statues are commonly found in the Church of Alll-mer, located in the city of Prehevil, where the Mourning One is revered as a saint, making it one of the few figures in the series to hold such a title. Similar statues are also seen in the Kingdom of Rondon. Although images of the Mourning One were initially glimpsed in Fear & Hunger, the name of the entity only made its debut in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Heartless One

The Heartless One is a newly-introduced New God in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. While little is known about her, it is suggested that she holds a strong animosity towards her divine peers. She was imprisoned within Rher's alternate dimension, specifically in Prehevil's Church of Alll-mer, before the game's events. If the New God is ever freed from her chains, she can be challenged to a duel, and the one who emerges victorious will receive her powerful equipment as a prize.

Radiating One

The Radiating One is a recently-introduced New God featured in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. Little information is currently available on this particular deity. Those who summon him at an Imperfect Circle may interact with him as a kind of merchant, offering valuable items in exchange for rust-colored pearls.

Tainted One

The Tainted One is another recently-introduced New God featured in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. Though there is limited information available about her, she is believed to be one of the New Gods who holds a place within the Grand Hall of the Gods. Those who summon her at an Imperfect Circle may interact with her as a kind of merchant, offering soul stone shards in exchange for severed heads.

Blights and Greater blights

Long before the emergence of humanity, the lizardmen held the status of the dominant lifeforms on the planet. Much like humans, they harbored aspirations of ascending to greater heights. What lingers as a testament to those ancient times are the Blights and Greater blights. Notably, the Greater blight still stands as a formidable rival to the powers of even contemporary New Gods, suggesting that during their prime, their capabilities may have been even more overwhelming.

The nine Chromatic Blights

An age-old stone tablet discovered at an archaeological site in Rondon presents an illustration of "The Nine Chromatic Blights." The designation implies that these nine entities possessed a unique status distinct from the typical Blights, a distinction that remains unexplored in available lore.

Other entities

Below are nine entities that have not been officially stated as Old, Ascended, or New Gods, but hold some degree of notoriety in religious lore that can be found in the series.


Logic, the Machine God, seems to embody the concept of humanity merging with its own technological advancements. This deity can operate the absorption of individuals into a vast network, wherein each human's actions within the system reverberate throughout the world, thus creating a shared "paradise" in consensus. During the events of Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, engineer Reila Audrey Haas is used as a vessel for this Machine God and is still in a weak, early stage of her godhood. The canonical events of the game are yet to be announced and her ascension process differs greatly from the others seen in the series. This leaves open the question of whether Logic can be classified within existing deity frameworks or if she represents an entirely new classification altogether.


First introduced in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, Per'kele makes his debut as an emissary of the Moon God Rher. Over time, the duo of Rher and Per'kele became synonymous with the infamous Festival of Termina, associated with massacres and atrocious acts. However, beneath this facade lies Per'kele's true allegiance to the Sulfur God, manipulating the traces of Rher's power to serve his dark purpose. Accounts of Per'kele and Rher can be found in the annals of the Amon libraries, where he is described as a deity of an unspecified classification.

Sulfur God

The Sulfur God is an obscure entity introduced and referenced extremely vaguely in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. Despite his elusive nature, sparse hints unveil this entity as a mostly forgotten ancient god predating human writing. Legends suggest that the Sulfur God was created during the ascension of Alll-mer - while Alll-mer carved his idol to ascend into godhood, his subconscious, hatred-filled parts were cast deep into the sulfur pits. His symbol alludes to the alchemical symbol of sulfur combined with the alchemical symbol of fire. In Termina it is revealed that Per'kele and the other cultists (Needles and Stitches) actually serve Sulfur, showing that while Termina festivals are started by Rher they have been hijacked to benefit the Sulfur God.


Vitruvia, the architect of the human body, is mentioned in one of Alll-mer's origin stories - a deity that created a reprography of mankind under Sylvian's orders, that would be the likeness of Sylvian herself. As time passed, Vitruvia began to notice flaws in her designs, prompting her to strive for the creation of the flawless human being: Alll-mer. As per the principle of cause and effect, every action having an equal and opposite reaction, there is a tradition of presenting harvested organs as offerings to Vitruvia in the hopes of healing corresponding ailments. As Vitruvia takes orders from Sylvian, indicating a hierarchy of sorts, her divine status may not be on par with that of an Old God. Vitruvia was introduced in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


In the farthest corners of the Eastern Sanctuaries, Yggaegetsu is revered as an ancient warrior deity. During periods of tranquility, Yggaegetsu gains greater prominence, as warriors, deprived of their purpose, wander the world in search of this deity. They yearn to engage in a duel with the powerful being, hoping to find meaning in their lives that would otherwise be devoid of significance.

Iki Turso

Deep within Europa's forests roam the Iki Turso. Beasts aligned with the Old God Vinushka, their connection remains a mystery even to the New Gods. When nature is threatened, these creatures awaken. In Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, one such Iki Turso is encountered, addressed as a "half-god". As well as this Iki Turso claims it is waiting for Vinushka, alluding to the fact it may be a creation of the Old God in a similar fashion to Pocketcat and Rher.

Unnamed fire god

In Fear & Hunger, Nas'hrah briefly mentions an unnamed fire god if one attempts a Marriage of Flesh with him. In this scenario, the proposer is killed by being burned to death, with the act labeled as a "sacrifice for the fire god himself." Notably, both Gro-goroth and Vinushka in the series are linked to fire skills, also raising the possibility that either of these two Old Gods could be the fire god alluded to by Nash'rah instead of a third one. Although its also entirely possible that Nas'hrah is referring to himself.

Unnamed wolf deity

In the northern regions of the world, a wolflike deity has been spotted and spoken about in lore. Very little is known about this entity, but it is rumored that it grants knowledge and skill in exchange for a steep price: the life of a loved one. The wolf deity may be one of the many forms taken by Gro-goroth, who is often described as wearing the skin of both man and beast to conceal his true nature. The fact that some followers of the Old God don a wolf mask further adds to this possibility, which has yet to be confirmed.

Unnamed rat deity

An obscure rat-like deity that is worshipped by the Ratkin. A crudely-crafted amulet that serves as a representation of this deity bears some resemblance to one of the transitional forms assumed by the God of Fear and Hunger before achieving her ultimate state, as well as this one of the inherited domains of the human realm that was passed from the God of the Depths onto The God of Fear and Hunger during ascension was vermin (rats, flies, cockroaches etc.). However, any supposed connection between the two entities remains unverified. This deity was first mentioned in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


  • According to game creator Miro Haverinen, it is natural for diverse cultures in the Fear & hunger universe to worship distinct deities and have their own Gods. He also suggests that these Gods may either be entirely different entities or interpretations of the same Gods in varying ways.
  • Haverinen has also stated that he has been trying to introduce the notion that all the lore concerning Gods in the games is human-created information, and as such, the accuracy of this information remains uncertain. Questions regarding the extent of Gods' interaction with living beings or what qualifies as a "God" are intentionally left open-ended.


  1. Father Hugo's God manifesto, a document found in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
  2. Enki Ankarian's unedited version of Vinushka's Skin Bible, a document found in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
  3. Gro-goroth's Skin Bible, a document found in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
  4. Studies of Gro-goroth I, a document found in Fear & Hunger
  5. Studies of Sylvian I, a document found in Fear & Hunger
  6. Sylvian's Skin Bible, a document found in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
  7. Blood & Flower magic I, a document found in Fear & Hunger
