Small Hut - Toilet

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The Small Hut - Toilet is a Location in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


The toilet is located near the entrance of Old Town - Gate.


The player can attempt to jump into the toilets. Should they do so, they will fall into the pit below, which prove to be inescapable. The only way to progress is to die and/or reload a previous save.




Party Talk (When in outhouse):
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "..."
    • Daan: "What a charming little hut..."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Oof, I'm not sure which one is worse, the smell or the condition of this place!"
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "The state of lavatories tell a lot about their users as well."
    • O'saa: "What do you think it tells in this case?"
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Does the nature call?"
    • Olivia: "..."
    • Olivia: "You know you could do your deeds outside in the forest too?"
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "..."
    • Karin: "..."
    • Karin: "Why are we here again?"
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "I kind of had to go... But not anymore. Not here."
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi is holding breath to the best of his abilities.
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "..."
    • Marina: "You want us to wait outside? You know, while you finish your business here?"
Party Talk (When in the pit):
  • If Daan is in the party:
    • Daan: "Sheeesh... That's what I get for following you blindly."
    • Daan: "Can't blame anyone but myself for this stupidity."
  • If Abella is in the party:
    • Abella: "Oh... The wall is quite slippery..."
    • Abella: "..."
  • If O'saa is in the party:
    • O'saa: "..."
    • O'saa: "Shame on me. I can't believe I followed you down here."
    • O'saa: "I deserve this fate worse than the slaves of the South."
  • If Olivia is in the party:
    • Olivia: "Oh no no no... This can't be happening!"
  • If Karin is in the party:
    • Karin: "So... This happened!"
    • Karin: "What's the general idea? Why the hell did we jump down here!?"
  • If Marcoh is in the party:
    • Marcoh: "..."
    • Marcoh: "There has to be a way up. Don't give up just yet."
    • Marcoh has quiet determination in his voice, but for some reason you don't feel as hopeful...
  • If Levi is in the party:
    • Levi: "..."
    • Levi is quietly looking for a way to climb up.
  • If Marina is in the party:
    • Marina: "..."
    • Marina: "Are we really going to die like this!?"
    • Marina: "This is like the worst way possible!"

