Empty scrolls are linked to Alll-mer and are employed by his devotees to petition for skills and items. The manner in which an individual composes their request seemingly mirrors the method by which the faithful pray to him when seeking his assistance. The extent of commonfolk's understanding regarding Empty scrolls remains uncertain, but Dark Priests are well-versed in their effects, and these scrolls have been utilized by undisclosed individuals in at least two instances within the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
Empty scrolls are consumable items that require players to have a Quill in their inventory. The Quill itself does not deplete upon using an Empty scroll, meaning only one is required per playthrough.
Upon activation, the Empty scroll prompts a three-verse writing sequence. The initial verse must invariably begin with "O LORD", followed by a choice between "GIVE" or "TEACH" for the second verse, with the third verse dedicated to the player's desire. All verses must be composed in capital letters for the Empty scroll to function correctly. Additionally, certain skills and items have slight variations in wording from their menu descriptions.
Ex. "O LORD (First verse); GIVE (Second verse); ENLIGHTENMENT (Third verse)" will grant the player a Book of enlightenment if they are playing on "Normal mode".
Empty scrolls unlock a myriad of gameplay options that are otherwise unattainable. These include acquiring duplicate copies of unique items, gaining early access to the souls of the New Gods for the Hexen (typically accessible only late-game or through the sacrifice of recruitable characters), and learning exclusive spells like Phase step (which can only be learned via these scrolls) and Mastery over insects (normally reserved for characters with affinity with the God of the Depths).
Below is a list of items that can gathered through the use of Empty scrolls and the required wording for each of them.
Scroll of thievery · Scroll of the highwaymen · Scroll of lockpicking · Scroll of fencing · Scroll of the swordsman · Scroll of the general · Scroll of the wizards · Scroll of the dark mage · Scroll of the wildman · Scroll of marksmanship · Scroll of berserk · Scroll of the long sword · Scroll of pyromancy trick · Scroll of combustion · Scroll of walking on water · Scroll of transmutation · Scroll of pyromancy · Scroll of the black arts · Scroll of the church of healing · Scroll of the church of Sylvian · Scroll of the leeches
Wheat flour· Black vial ·Oil· Nitroglycerin powder · Pinecone · Stick · Guard skin · Pale skin · Lord of flies fur · Book pages I · Book pages II · Book pages III · Torn instruction I · Torn instruction II · Torn instruction III