Moonscorched (Ghoul)

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Moonscorched (Ghoul).png

A crazed villager runs straight at you in a blind fury!

Moonscorched (Ghoul) rot.png

A crazed villager runs straight at you in a blind fury!

Moonscorched (Ghoul) overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Nosophobia
Physical description
Species Human (Moonscorched)
Item drops
Search (2 Shillings) (Dried meat) (Tobacco) (Arm and Leg)
Steal (2 Shillings) (Rotten meat)
Overworld data
HP 4 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage [Torso] -100 at 3 HP
[Torso] -200 at 2 HP
Bear trap Loses legs in Battle and Overworld
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Note Some can be made non-hostile
Battle Theme

The Moonscorched (Ghoul) is an Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Location & Behaviour

  • 1 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in Filthy Shack - Lake
    • Can't be fought, will be dying and can be looted and finished off
  • 2 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in Old Town - Slums
    • Can be made non-hostile
  • 1 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in Sewers - Southern Tunnels
    • Can be made non-hostile
  • 7 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in Sewers - Western End
    • 1 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in the top right of the group can be made non-hostile
    • 1 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in the bottom left of the group can be made non-hostile
  • 1 Moonscorched (Ghoul) in the basement of Church of Alll-mer
    • Can be made non-hostile

Once made non-hostile, they will walk around randomly and can be talked to or fought again.


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 100% 120% 100% 130% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 300 (1200) None None
Torso (Rot) 125 (500) None None
Right Arm 20 None None
Left Arm 20 None None
Right Leg 20 None None
Left Leg 20 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Head Nasty bite Deals 11-13 Piercing damage, can cause Infected arm status Always 50% 100%
Nasty bite Deals 11-13 Piercing damage, can cause Infected leg status Always 50% 100%
Torso Tackle Deals 13-19 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair Arms are destroyed 100% 95%
Right Arm Clawing Deals 33-41 Slashing damage, can cause Bleeding and Infected arm/leg statuses Always 100% 100%
Scratch Deals 14-18 Slashing damage, can cause Bleeding and Infected arm/leg statuses Left Arm is destroyed 100% 100%
Left Arm Scratch Deals 14-18 Slashing damage, can cause Bleeding and Infected arm/leg statuses Right Arm is destroyed 100% 100%


Fear & Hunger Mode

The best way to deal with the Ghouls is using the Talk skill and selecting the right options, not only will this end the fight and make them friendly but they will also give you a Lucky coin or a Cloth fragment. Although this doesn't work with some Ghouls in the sewers.

  • If you want to kill them after talking to them and getting the items then just attack the torso twice while using a rev point on the second hit.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

In Masoχ-S/M mode its best to just talk to the ones that can be made non hostile as mentioned in the Location & Behaviour section above to end the fight using the correct options. Its not worth getting hit by all their attacks and getting infected.

  • If you wanted to kill them for some reason then use a slashing weapon like the Kassara or an axe then attack the right arm then the left arm and guard until you have 3 rev points then rev up and attack the torso.


Battle start

  • A man runs straight at you with an obvious killing intent. Even the flayed skin hanging on his waist doesn't seem to slow him down...
    • Player: “Stay back! I don't want to fight!”
      • Your words are in vain. The moonscorched is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “What is going on here!?”
      • Your words are in vain. The moonscorched is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “I'm ready to defend myself, just so you know.”
      • Your words are in vain. The moonscorched is clearly out for blood.


  • Moonscorched: “You miserable piece of--!”
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “Even if you're rotting away there must be something you want?”
      • Moonscorched: “That's right! To rip and tear through your muscle and bone!” The moonscorched drops his guard and lunges at you with even morevigor. (+Defence drop)
      • If repeated:
      • Moonscorched: “You're all talk!”
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “You've got guts. Charging at me unarmed...”
      • Moonscorched: “Ugh. My bare arms are all I need against a loser like you!”
        • Player: “Who are you trying to convince here? Yourself?”
          • Moonscorched: “You're all talk! Is that supposed to intimidate me?” Looks like your threats weren't convincing enough...
        • Player: “What are you going to do once I break those puny arms?”
          • Moonscorched: “... Yap, yap, yap! You just keep yapping!” Despite trying to look brave your intimidation efforts made the moonscorched hesitate a little bit. (+Attack drop)
      • If repeated:
      • Moonscorched: “You're just full of yourself! I'll show ya!”
    • Player: “I mean no harm!”
      • Moonscorched: “Then you're in the worst possible place on earth!”
    • Player: “Stay back or else...”
      • Moonscorched: “Hah! Scared much!?”
    • Player: Ignore it
      • Moonscorched: “Why you little, just who do you think you are!?”
        • Player: Introduce yourself
          • Moonscorched: “As if I'd care!”
        • Player: “What is going on here?”
          • Moonscorched: “Oh I'll tell you what! I'll rip your throat open, that's what!”
        • Player: Ignore it
          • Moonscorched: “Playing it cool? Just keep doing that and I'll rip your throat! I will! Look at this!”
            • Player: “Let's see it! I call your bluff!”
              • Moonscorched: “Ah... Well you are something else... What do you want?”
                • Player: “Give me something and I might spare you.”
                  • Moonscorched: “... I understand. Here, is this enough?” (You got Lucky coin!) or (You got Cloth fragment!) (Battle end)
                  • If repeated:
                  • Moonscorched: “I-I have nothing left...” (Battle end)
                • Player: “Let's call it a truce for now.”
                  • Moonscorched: “... I understand.” (Battle end)
                • Player: “Nothing from you. You are as good as dead.”
                  • Moonscorched: “Ah!” (Battle end)
              • Most ghouls in the sewers have a different reply to this:
              • Moonscorched: “Well you called my bluff wrong! Now die you pathetic fool!”
            • Player: “Sorry, I meant no disrespect!”
              • Moonscorched: “Die!”
            • Player: Ignore it
              • Moonscorched: “Fine! You pathetic fool!”
    • Player: Nevermind

After battle

  • Moonscorched: “You ... YOU... ... Sorry. Nevermind me.”
    • Player: Attack him (Battle start)
    • Player: “What is going on here?”
      • Moonscorched: “The festival of Termina... We can call it a truce for now, but the time will come. The time will come!”
    • Player: Leave


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction from the muscular body of the moonscorched.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“Looks like the skin from the upper half of this person's torso has been peeled off and it's hanging on his waist now. The muscle tissue underneath has started to seemingly harden for whatever reason. The surface feels hard and crispy now. The person has also clawed out his own eyes from the looks of things. This must have been an act of insanity. The body itself is weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”
If Daan is in the party:
“Looks like the skin from the upper half of this person's torso has been peeled off and it's hanging on his waist now. The muscle tissue underneath has started to seemingly harden for whatever reason. The surface feels hard and crispy now. As if that wasn't enough, this guy has also clawed out his own eyes from the looks of things. This must have been an act of insanity. The body itself is weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”
Search (2 Shillings) (Dried meat) (Tobacco) (Arm and Leg) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Moonscorched head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • The Moonscorched ghoul is one of the few enemies in the Fear & Hunger series whose combat encounter can be won/ended through using the Talk skill.


