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Vile overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Zoophobia, Nosophobia
Physical description
Gender Male
Species Human (Moonscorched)
Item drops
Search (2 Shillings) (Meatpie and Moldy bread) (Small key) (Arm and Leg) (Cloth fragment) (Moldy bread) (3 Shillings)
Steal (2 White vials) (Pep pills)
Overworld data
HP 4 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage N/A
Bear trap Loses legs in Battle and Overworld
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Note Reducing Overworld HP does not affect it in Battle
Battle Theme
Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

Vile is a Unique Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


Vile is a villager within the Old Town portion of Prehevil. Wearing a gasmask fashioned to mimic the head of a pig, he carries around a pesticide canister constantly leaking chemicals with which he is seen using to spray fish and also attack bystanders. Vile possibly used to be a fishmonger or an exterminator of pests before the moonlight burnt him.

If one happens to kill Vile and saw off his head, they will notice the mask has been fused to his face. Despite this fusion to his skin, he can partially lift the mask to speak if necessary. Underneath the exposed portion, Vile's row of sharp teeth can be seen and his spoken words become comprehensible whilst the mask is lifted.

Location & Behaviour


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 120% 80% 130% 80% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 875 (3500) None None
Torso (Rot) 200 (800) 100% 100% 120% None None
Right Arm 340 120% 80% 80% None None
Left Arm 340 None None
Right Leg 200 None None
Left Leg 200 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.
Attacking a placed down gas canister when fighting him will do nothing. (Bug)

Vile wields a poisonous spray, dealing 24-36 damage and having a very high chance to poison. His other main attack is clubbing the party with his gas canister, dealing 16-24 blunt damage. Both of these attacks can quickly leave the player in a critical condition if alone, and even with an extra party member.


Fear & Hunger Mode

Vile can be killed with Talk by selecting the dialogue option "What was that?" three times in a row. Unlike others, choosing this line will not end the player's turn upon being selected and instead brings up the talk options once more, possibly hinting for the player to persist in repeating the selection.

After the third repetition, the normal response of "*breathe* *breathe*" will add a final "*BREATHE*" to the line and the game will then state Vile's frustration at your character's lack of understanding. Vile will then proceed to lift his mask partially, exposing his melted skin and grimacing at the player. A coin flip will then occur. Calling the coin correctly will have Vile shout at the player "ONLY- THE VILE-" before accidentally deeply inhaling the pesticides which constantly leak from his canister. Vile will begin to cough blood before expiring, ending the combat immediately.

Besides that, the fastest way to kill him would be to go for the legs, then the head, as all combined have about half as much HP as his torso. But this is difficult without better tools and more party members.

It is recommended to try and completely avoid Vile if possible early in the game, as his stealables and drops are not worth the hassle.

Masoχ-S/M Mode



Battle start

  • A man with a pigskin gas mask is pursuing you furiously!
    • Player: “Hold on! I don't want to start a fight!”
      • Your words are in vain. The man is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “What is going on here!?”
      • Your words are in vain. The man is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “I'm ready to defend myself, just so you know.”
      • Your words are in vain. The man is clearly out for blood.


  • Vile: *breathe* *breathe* You try talking the masked man, but his words are muffled by the gas mask. *breathe*
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “I interrupted your business, I get it. How can I repay it?”
      • Vile: *breather* *breathe* It sounds as if Vile is laughing behind his gas mask. He drops his guard in arrogance. (+Defence drop)
      • If repeated:
      • Vile: *breather* *breathe* Seems like your pleads just aggravate Vile even more! (-Defence drop)
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “You think that bug spray will stop me?”
      • Vile: *breather* *breathe* You can see a faint sign of hesitation in Vile's eyes. He doesn't stop on his heels entirely, but he seems to be questioning his next move. (+Attack drop, applies to the player's party instead)
      • If repeated:
      • Vile: *breather* *breathe* Vile doesn't seem intimidated with your threats. (-Attack drop, applies to the player's party instead)
    • Player: “What was that?”
      • Vile: *breathe* *breathe* He is trying to answer you, but you cannot make any sense of his words because of the mask... *breathe*
        • Player: “What was that?”
          • Vile: *breathe* *breathe* He is trying to answer you, but you cannot make any sense of his words because of the mask... *breathe*
            • Player: “What was that?”
              • Vile: *breathe* *breathe* *BREATHE!* Vile is losing his cool because of your lack of understanding. Furiously he lifts his mask. The mask seems to have melted on his face partially but underneath it you can see a row of sharp teeth grimacing at you. (Coin flip starts)
                • Success:
                  • Vile: “ONLY - THE VILE--” Pesticide is leaking from the canister constantly. Vile took a good breather of his own pesticide without his mask on... *cough* *cough* He is coughing blood. (Battle end)
                • Failure:
                  • Vile: “NO MORE- TALKING! ONLY - THE VILE - SURVIVE! RHER - T-TAKE ME!”
    • Player: “Please don't! I'm just passing through!”
      • Vile: *breather* *breathe* Seems like your pleads just aggravate Vile even more!
    • Player: “Prepare to die!”
      • Vile: *breather* *breathe* Vile doesn't seem intimidated with your threats.
    • Player: Nevermind
  • If coin flip was failed before:
  • Vile: *breathe* *breathe* Vile isn't interested in talking to you any longer...


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction from the foul man. Lifeless eyes beneath the mask remain cloudy.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“The tall monster of a man seems to have rash all over its body. The rash seems to focus on the neck area and possibly to face and head, but that is impossible to tell because of the mask. The mask itself has melted on the patient's face and formed a light layer of exoskeleton-like crust that continues from the mask to the neck. Despite somewhat large frame, the man seems to be weak against piercing attacks as well as otherwordly powers.”
If Daan is in the party:
“The tall monster of a man seems to have rash all over its body. The rash seems to focus on the neck area and possibly to face and head, but that is impossible to tell because of the mask. The mask itself has melted on the patient's face and formed a light layer of exoskeleton-like crust that continues from the mask to the neck. Despite somewhat large frame, the man seems to be weak against piercing attacks as well as otherwordly powers.”
Search (2 Shillings) (Meatpie and Moldy bread) (Small key) (Arm and Leg) (Cloth fragment) (Moldy bread) (3 Shillings) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Vile head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • Vile is one of the few enemies in the Fear & Hunger series whose combat encounter can be won through using the Talk skill.
  • Vile's animal-themed mask is melded to his face in a similar way that the Owl Cultists and Pocketcat have. He has also seemingly grown hooves in place of feet and morphed rows of sharp teeth.
  • In the first game, there is an unused map called MAP 131 with dialogue about spraying fish with gas. The dialogue is inspired by one of Miro Haverinen's dreams and would eventually make it into the Vile's design.
Warning! Speculation ahead!

Information below is hinted on, but wasn't directly confirmed in-game.

  • The dialogue offered when failing the Persuade coinflip (“NO MORE- TALKING! ONLY - THE VILE - SURVIVE! RHER - T-TAKE ME!”) implies that Vile is one contestant who decided to participate in killing fellow Termina contestants during an earlier Prehevil Termina Festival. He seems to have doubled down on killing others to survive as a means to satisfy Rher.


