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A half-cocooned man swings his mallets furiously!

Half-cocooned rot.png

A half-cocooned man swings his mallets furiously!

Half-cocooned overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Nosophobia, Erotophobia
Physical description
Species Human (Moonscorched)
Item drops
Search (2 Shillings) (Meat mallet) (Cloth fragment)
Steal (7 Shillings) (2 Cloth fragments) (12-gauge shells)
Overworld data
HP 4 (+1 extra) or 8 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage [Torso] -50 at 3 or 7 HP
[Torso] -150 at 2 or 6 HP
[Torso] -300 at 1 or 5 HP
Bear trap Loses legs in Battle and Overworld
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Battle Theme
Warning! Nudity ahead!

This page contains depictions of genitals and / or sex.

The Half-Cocooned is an Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Location & Behaviour

At the start of a run, Half-cocooned 7's location is randomly chosen out of these:

When the Half-cocooned sees the player and charges, for 6.67 seconds, his movement speed will be increased and upon entering battle he will immediately trigger a coin flip. Half-cocooned 7 will not trigger a coin flip if he catches the player while charging.


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 100% 100% 130% 100% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 1125 (4500) None None
Torso (Rot) 325 (1300) None None
Right Arm 1000 None None
Left Arm 400 None None
Right Leg 20 None None
Left Leg 20 None None
Mallet 20 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Torso Tackle Deals 13-19 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair. Arms are destroyed 100% 95%
Right Arm Slam Deals 14-16 Blunt damage. Always 100% 95%
Left Arm Meat mallet Deals 30-46 Blunt damage, can cause Bleeding status. Always 100% 95%
Meat tenderizer Deals 25-37 Blunt damage 3 times, can cause Bleeding status. Failed coin flip 100% 95%
Mallet The mallet is hanging loose... Does nothing. Always 100% 100%
  • Note: The coin flip that initiates Meat tenderizer only happens if you started the fight with the Half-cocooned while he is running at you.


Fear & Hunger Mode

Destroying a half-cocooned's lower "mallet" will cause his head to become vulnerable the next turn, making killing them really easy.
Attacking anything else is a waste of time.

  • Be careful of the Half-cocooned enemies that charges at you in the overworld, initiating combat with them while they are charging at you will cause a coin flip attack to happen in the first turn, it is best to initiate the fight with them when they stop running.
  • The head does not become vulnerable if the legs were destroyed, so using a Bear trap against the Half-cocooned is almost useless.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

The same strategy for Fear & Hunger Mode applies.


Battle start

  • The man raises his meat mallet is clear fury. He clearly has intentions of violence...
    • Player: “Hold on! I don't want to start a fight!”
      • Your words are in vain. The man is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “What is going on here!?”
      • Your words are in vain. The man is clearly out for blood.
    • Player: “I'm ready to defend myself, just so you know.”
      • Your words are in vain. The man is clearly out for blood.


  • Half-cocooned: “You're... dead.”
    • Player: “Stay away from me!”
      • Half-cocooned: “Die! Die! DIE!”
    • Player: “Wait, what is happening here!?”
      • Half-cocooned: “Die! Die! DIE!”
    • Player: Nevermind


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction, but each kick gives you satisfaction.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”
If Daan is in the party:
“This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”
Search (2 Shillings) (Meat mallet) (Cloth fragment) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Half-cocooned head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • Before version 1.8, they didn't have the ability to sprint in the overworld.


