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Kida Tanaka

Tanaka portrait2.png

Tanaka (Enemy).png

Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...

Tanaka (Enemy) rot.png

Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...

Tanaka (Enemy2).png

Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...

Tanaka (Enemy2) rot.png

Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...

Tanaka (Enemy3).png

Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...

Tanaka (Enemy3) rot.png

Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...

Tanaka overworld.png

Aliases The Salaryman
Relatives Unnamed father
Affiliation Unnamed family business
Inflicted phobias
Phobias None
Biographical information
Date of birth August
Date of death 1942 (determinant)
Place of birth Kingdom of Edo (implied)
Physical description
Gender Male
Species Human
Spiritual Information
Soul Latent soul
Item drops
Search (Broken eyeglasses, 20 Shillings, Lucky coin and Gentleman's hat)
Steal (35 Shillings) (25 Shillings) (15 Shillings) (depends on when the player fights him)
Overworld data
Note Cannot be harmed in the Overworld
Battle Theme
Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

"It might be a silly thing for you to hear, but I'm not used to - friends... I've been taught since I was 4 years old to rely only on myself and my own skillsets. I've been prepared for a ruthless business world where softness is weakness. But now I know a true warrior knows how to combine both softness and strength. Because I relied on others, I've grown stronger..."
- Tanaka, in the White Mold Apartments (Rher Dimension)

Kida Tanaka is a Non-playable Side Character and Potential Enemy in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

A salaryman with an important position in his father's company, his business skills are not particularly useful for survival - although he seems to hold a lot of untapped potential. Tanaka is one of the fourteen contestants arriving in Prehevil that were forced to participate in the Festival of Termina.


Tanaka is an Edoan businessman who has travelled far to Europa to take an advantage of the political turmoil to further his family's business. After the end of the second Great War, the borders of Edo reopened and Tanaka's father arranged several meetings for his employees, wanting to expand the family business overseas. He entrusted Tanaka with the role of ambassador to the company, and Tanaka left for one such meeting that was supposed to take place in Prehevil. After the train mysteriously stops functioning, Tanaka begins to panic and initally sets off for his meeting in the city alone.


Tanaka is a timid and polite person, with many constant worries about failing his father and his business. He was raised to only rely on himself and he has a non-stop work mentality, seeming especially anxious that the train stopping will make him late, although he remains kind and helpful to the other people from the train out of formality. Also, his lack of survival skills and over-reliance on himself means that Tanaka more often than not finds himself in danger (or getting killed) more than the other contestants.

Should he survive until later in the game, Tanaka will meet Marcoh and Olivia who will show him the value in comradery working with others, and he will quickly realise the flaws in his way of thinking. The three of them become good friends, with Tanaka and Marcoh putting themselves in danger to acquire a wheelchair for Olivia before returning to the train with it, where Marcoh will then teach Tanaka how to fight. Tanaka becomes a lot more assertive, protective and open to others after all of this, until a certain supply run goes south...

After witnessing Marcoh giving in to his guilt, losing his mind in the White Mold Apartments and moonscorching into Giant, Tanaka will be incredibly distraught, as he not only mourns the loss of one of his only friends but also figures out the purpose of the festival - that the man in their dreams wants the contestants to kill each other or else everyone will turn into monsters and turn on each other regardless. With his newfound strength and courage, he boldly states that he'll set out to avenge Marcoh and attempt to prevent anyone else from turning into creatures like Giant, setting out to face Per'kele himself while continuing the legacy of his fallen ally.

Gameplay traits

Restraining the player

Tanaka will attempt to restrain the player character on the train and the PRHVL Bop if they kill a contestant while he is present. Tanaka shares this behaviour with Abella, Daan, Karin and Marcoh. Once the player is restrained, they will be forced to surrender, as struggling effectively does nothing. After this, the player will wake up, tied up, and be unable to move or act. For a while, they will only have the option to struggle in the ropes. After struggling, they will be given the option to give up and rest, up until Day 3 Night, in which the ropes will have mysteriously untied themselves. The player will be free (albeit with a very low hunger status) and every remaining contestant will have moonscorched by then.


After the intro cutscene outside of the train, Tanaka will make his way west to Outskirts of Prehevil - Broken Shack. If followed there, he will be standing next to the broken shack in shock of the sight of the dead body, and will leave if the area is exited.

If the Well next to the Woodsman's house is jumped into, as long as both the Woodsman and Tanaka are alive, Tanaka will find the player and attempt to find a rope to help them out. Tanaka will then be beheaded by the Woodsman and his body will be thrown in the well, before the Woodsman will unexpectedly throw the rope to the player regardless. After this event, the Woodsman will no longer be hostile unless spoken to more than once.

On Day 1 Morning, Tanaka can be found in Tunnel 7. If the player ventures too far through the tunnels at this time and finds Tanaka's hat, he will have been caught by Needles, who the player can then witness beheading Tanaka with a bonesaw. This event can be easily avoided by leaving Tunnel 7 before entering the long corridor with the elevator to the north, as Needles will not find/catch Tanaka as long as this point is not passed, meaning Abella can be safely recruited without the need for Tanaka to die.

By Day 2 Morning/evening he can be found outside Restaurant Bílý Vůl in Prehevil - Staircase, where he will have found a wheelchair for Olivia in a nearby building. He will also likely be accompanied by Marcoh here, although if both Pav and Marcoh are still alive and Pav has not attempted to assassinate the Kaiser yet, Marcoh will punch Pav on sight, resulting in himself and Tanaka being held at gunpoint. The two of them can be shot and killed here if the player doesn't proceed to attack Pav and doesn't witness the event before Day 2 Night. If both of them are saved, Tanaka will move to the outside of the train, being taught how to fight by Marcoh.

If Marcoh is dead before Day 2 Morning, Pav will not attack and Tanaka's story will end here, as he will move to the train until he moonscorches.

If Marcoh is left on the train by Day 3 Morning, Tanaka will travel with him to the White Mold Apartments (Rher Dimension) and can be found in the room with the statue that holds the Fellatio effigy. After witnessing Marcoh moonscorch into Giant, Tanaka will vow to avenge him, and if the player chooses to attack Tanaka after this point, Tanaka will have increased stats and new skills in combat. After meeting Tanaka in this location, he will either disappear from the game until the cutscene with August at The Hollow Tower on Day 3 night, or will moonscorch into Judgement if the player later re-visits the White mold apartments Rher dimension after collecting the effigy.

If Marcoh is in the party or taken to PRHVL Bop or killed before Day 3 Evening, on Day 3 Morning and Evening, Tanaka will instead be found in the White Mold Apartments locked inside Room 10. He will be immediately hostile upon entering, but will not leave the room despite this. He won't respond to any attempts to speak and will appear "hellbent on killing you," implying he was either possessed or driven mad by the white mold while scavenging. Tanaka will also use his new combat moves here similarly to the Rher dimension.

On Day 3 Night, the player has the opportunity of telling August about the Yellow King's presence at the temple district, if they witnessed the fight between him and Pav beforehand. Doing so will trigger an event on Day 3 Night at The Hollow Tower if Tanaka has survived, where August will have killed Tanaka and will attack the player, having finally decided to take part in the Festival.

On day 3 Night, Tanaka will moonscorch into Judgement in the Museum as long as the scene with August was not triggered.


Stats (Regular)
Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 450 (1800) None None
Torso (Rot) 250 (1000) None None
Right Arm 200 None None
Left Arm 200 None None
Right Leg 200 None None
Left Leg 200 None None
Stats (No jacket)
Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 550 (2200) None None
Torso (Rot) 300 (1200) None None
Right Arm 300 None None
Left Arm 300 None None
Right Leg 200 None None
Left Leg 200 None None
Stats (Headband)
Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 725 (2900) None None
Torso (Rot) 250 (1000) None None
Right Arm 300 None None
Left Arm 300 None None
Right Leg 200 None None
Left Leg 200 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Torso Tackle Deals 13-19 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair. Any arm is destroyed 100% 95%
Right Arm Suitcase Smash Deals 22-34 blunt damage. Always 100% 90%
Skills (Headband)
Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Torso Tackle Deals 13-19 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair. Any arm is destroyed 100% 95%
Left Arm Quick jabs Deals 6-8 Blunt damage, hits twice. Always 100% 90%
Right Arm Right straight Deals 32-42 blunt damage. Always 100% 90%


Fear & Hunger Mode

Tanaka is one of the easiest contestants in the game to face in battle. When against "regular" Tanaka (i.e. Day 1), going for anything besides the torso will waste time and simply prolong the fight. The most efficient strategy to deal with Tanaka is to simply trigger one of the many events that lead to his death (such as in the Well or Tunnel 7), meaning he never has to be fought. However, if you wish to collect the Latent soul, Tanaka is still easy to deal with early, as he is weak to all types of damage meaning his 450 HP torso can be taken out in 1-2 hits from even a mediocre spell or weapon.

If facing Tanaka after his training with Marcoh, the fight will be slightly more difficult but still straightfoward. He will have increased HP, gain the ability to attack twice, and will learn 2 new skills (one is stronger and one is weaker than Suitcase smash) which will allow him to deal notably more damage. Despite the buffs to damage and HP, Headband Tanaka retains his weakness to every type of damage, meaning almost any decent weapon or spell found mid-late game can be used to take him out quickly before he deals much damage.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

Tanaka cannot be fought in Masoχ-S/M mode - see Judgement.


→ See Tanaka/Dialogue

Battle start

  • Tanaka is cautiously measuring you from afar...
  • Tanaka: “I don't know just what you are trying to pull, but know that I'm prepared to answer violence with violence!”
    • Contestant party members:
      • Abella: “We shouldn't be fighting each other! There has to be another way.” (+Hesitation)
      • Olivia: “Aaah! Please stop this fight! There is no reason for this!” (+Hesitation)
      • Karin: “We have a couple of cavepeople here. Violence solves nothing, we can always talk this out!” (+Hesitation)
      • Marcoh: “... Have you lost your mind? Why are we fighting each other?” (+Hesitation)
      • Daan: “Count me out. I want no part in this...” (+Hesitation)
      • Marina: “I don't feel good about this... Do we really have to fight?” (+Hesitation)
      • Levi: “... Do we really have to do this?” (+Hesitation)
      • O'saa: “I have no interest in your quarrel.” (+Hesitation)


  • Tanaka: “We live in the 1940s. We are civilized people, not some bloodthirsty barbarians of the yore. Let's act like it!”
    • Player: “You're right. Let us find peace.”
      • Tanaka: “良い。 I knew you were a sensible one...” Tanaka lowers his guard. He seems to be a bit wary of you still. (Skips 1-2 turns)
    • Player: “Speak for yourself.”
      • Tanaka: “I take it that you only understand one kind of language.” (+Attack buff)
    • Player: “Just give up and we're done with this.”
      • Tanaka: “That's not something we do in my family. I guess I will have to see this through.” (+Attack buff)
    • Player: Nevermind
  • If player offered peace before:
  • Tanaka: “You must think I'm some kind of an idiot? You try to persuade me with your talk while still holding the nefarious thoughts? Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... I don't know what happens. I never let things get to that point.” (+Attack buff, +Speed buff)

Talk (If Tanaka has gone crazy)

  • Tanaka: “...”
    • Player: “What are you doing!?”
      • Tanaka doesn't react to your words in any way. He look almost possessed, or crazed, or hellbent in killing you.
    • Player: “Is something wrong?”
      • Tanaka doesn't react to your words in any way. He look almost possessed, or crazed, or hellbent in killing you.
    • Player: “We don't have to fight!”
      • Tanaka doesn't react to your words in any way. He look almost possessed, or crazed, or hellbent in killing you.
    • Player: “You'll regret attacking me!”
      • Tanaka doesn't react to your words in any way. He look almost possessed, or crazed, or hellbent in killing you.
    • Player: “...”
      • Tanaka doesn't react to your words in any way. He look almost possessed, or crazed, or hellbent in killing you.

Losing left arm

  • Tanaka: “S-stop it! You're mad!"

Losing right arm

  • Tanaka: M-my arm! YOU CUT IT!”

Run (will always fail)

  • Tanaka: “I just can't let you go at this point.”


“Tanaka is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction. He seems to be dead.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“He looks to be dead.”
If Daan is in the party:
“Seems dead to me. Don't know what else to say...”
Search (Broken eyeglasses, 20 Shillings, Lucky coin and Gentleman's hat) (No eyeglasses if he was shot by August) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Tanaka's head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • In a conversation at the PRHVL Bop, Tanaka enlightens the player about the term "Samurai," explaining that it refers to an Edoan warrior. His familiarity with the word and his use of logographic characters akin to the real-life Kanji alphabet strongly suggest his Edoan origins.[1]
  • Needles seems to bear a grudge against Tanaka, judging by their additional unique interactions.
  • Extra dialogue that can be triggered in Judgement's fight implies that Tanaka does crosswords in his free time.
    • Additionally, the filled-out crosswords puzzle that can be picked up from the sink in the house with the TV room was filled out by Tanaka.
  • Tanaka's dialogue in the demo version of the game shows a more outgoing side to him. In the demo, Tanaka was more talkative with the player, and he seemed quite eager to work together with the other contestants, a contrast with his current self. Tanaka mentions that his family history is complicated, and not wanting to bother the player with the details, tells them that his purpose in the festival is simply to "make money". Mind Read dialogue reveals Tanaka'a apparent disgust at his inner fears towards the festival, calling himself weak while cursing himself and his father. It is implied that Tanaka harbours feelings of hatred towards his father, as he refers to him as a "feeble and frail husk of a man", and mentions wanting to "give that old man a beating of his lifetime".
  • According to game creator Miro Haverinen, Tanaka is likely to become the next playable character in a future update for Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, as he was the winner of a popularity poll hosted by Haverinen himself. However, Haverinen emphasized that this decision is not set in stone and may be subject to change in the future.
    • When discussing his concepts for Tanaka as a potential party member, Haverinen expressed interest in making Tanaka a character akin to a clean slate, reminiscent of the Deprived class in the game Dark Souls. Additionally, he mentioned having a unique gimmick in mind for Tanaka that would set his playthrough apart from others.
  • Despite what might be assumed from his outward appearance, Tanaka is one of the contestants that quickly comes to believe in a supernatural explanation for the events at Prehevil. If spoken to on the train during Day 1 Evening/Night, he will say that "some kind of magic" is responsible, viewing the contestant's shared dream as an "evil omen."

