Decrepit Priest

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Decrepit Priest

Decrepit Priest.png

An eerie silence preceeds the dark priest before you.

Decrepit Priest rot.png

An eerie silence preceeds the dark priest before you.

Decrepit Priest2.png

The decrepit priest gives a sadistic wide grin...

Decrepit Priest overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Rhabdophobia, Nosophobia
Physical description
Species Human
Item drops
Search (Soul stone)
Steal (Soul stone) (Brain flower stigma)
Overworld data
HP 7 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage N/A
Bear trap Loses legs in Battle and Overworld
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Note Can be made non-hostile
Reducing Overworld HP does not affect it in Battle
Battle Theme

The Decrepit Priest is an Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Location & Behaviour


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 20 100% 100% 130% 120% 80% 80% 40% None
Head (Grin) 20 80% None
Torso 875 (3500) None None
Torso (Rot) 450 (1800) None None
Right Arm 650 None None
Left Arm 650 None None
Right Leg 300 None None
Left Leg 300 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Torso Tackle Deals 13-19 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair. Arms are destroyed 100% 95%
The priest reaches out for you... Causes a coin flip event if not guarded. After grinning 100% N/A
Right Arm Hurting Deals 50 Otherworldly damage, causes Bleeding status and Arm loss. After grinning 50% 100%
Left Arm Pyromancy trick Deals 26-38 Fire damage, can cause Burning status. After grinning 50% 90%


Fear & Hunger Mode

The priest follows a simple pattern where he grins in the first turn which is just a free turn for the player and an indicator for the priest using one of his hands to attack and using his Coin flip attack in the next turn, his right arm will do Hurting and his left arm will do Pyromancy trick. It is best to attack the head with a magic attack when he is grinning, using a murky vial or a pipe bomb, alternatively if you have 1 party member or an extra turn then just attacking the torso while using 1 rev point each second attack with almost any weapon with 30+ attack will be enough to kill the priest without taking damage, its not worth attacking the arms in this fight.

  • If the average agility on your party is 20 or more, this will make the chance of escaping using the menu Run! 100%, so you can enter the fight, attack the head twice, escape if the attacks missed, repeat.
  • If a character has Analyze, the fight will be a cakewalk just by using Analyze on the first turn and attacking the head on the second turn.
  • If a character has Persuade, the fight with the priest can be halted by giving him a rust-coloured pearl. You will have the option to either attack him while he looks at the pearl or end the fight - if this option is chosen, he will be left in a non-responsive state on the map, admiring the stone. You should be aware that, if awarded with the pearl, the priest from the Mayor's Manor will give chase to You as soon as one leaves the house.

Masoχ-S/M Mode

In Masoχ-S/M mode its best to kill the Priests before giving them the chance to attack because of the huge amount of damage that Hurting will deal. And the best ways to do that are :

  • Getting 20 average agility on the party which will make escaping using the menu Run! guaranteed, so you can just enter the fight, attack the head twice, escape if the attacks missed, repeat.
  • Shooting the priest in the overwrorld twice with a rifle, which will kill both arms of the priest and will make him not only unable to use Hurting or Pyromancy trick but also he will be unable to use his Coin flip attack, this method should be easy seeing that there is a guaranteed rifle in Two-story House 2.
  • Attacking the head of the Priest with any magic attack while they are grinning because the head will have 0% magic evasion if the priest is grinning.



  • The priest makes a sign of a cross with his hands moving from one shoulder to another, then to his stomach, and finally to his forehead.
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “Even the most devout priest has a price... What can I offer?”
      • If player has a Rust-coloured pearl
      • The priest is eyeing your Rust-coloured pearl with a wide grimace...
        • Player: “You want this? You can have it.”
          • Cautiously you roll the pearl to the priest. His eyes are fixated on the thing as it rolls slowly closer.
            • Player: Use this chance to attack him (+Hesitation, currently doesn't work)
            • Player: Let him have the pearl (Battle end)
        • Player: “Forget it.”
          • The priest's expression turn into that of annoyment. You managed to evoke at least some emotion from him. (+Furious)
      • If repeated:
      • The priest's face doesn't even flinch. Like a robot, he keeps on walking towards you with a steady pace.
      • If player doesn't have a Rust-coloured pearl
      • The priest has a blank expression on his face. Your persuasion efforts have gone to waste.
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “Your god won't help you here.”
      • His eyes show great determination and belief in butchering you like a pig. In other words, your threats have no effect.
    • Player: “Please stay away!”
      • The priest's face doesn't even flinch. Like a robot, he keeps on walking towards you with a steady pace. There is no bargaining with him.
    • Player: “Holyman, can you explain me what's going on here?”
      • His expression doesn't change in the slightest. He keeps on walking towards you one step at a time.
    • Player: “Yes, you better make your prayers.”
      • His eyes show great determination and belief in butchering you like a pig. In other words, your threats have no effect.
    • Player: [Requires affinity with Alll-mer] Make the same gesture of Alll-mer with your hands
      • The priest stops upon seeing you mimic his hand gestures.
        • Player: “I too follow the teachings of Alll-mer.”
          • He remains idle. Seems like you got him thinking... (+Hesitation, currently doesn't work)
        • Player: “Our god doesn't want us to shed blood.”
          • He remains idle. Seems like you got him thinking... (+Hesitation, currently doesn't work)
    • Player: Nevermind


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction. The priest retains his mocking grin even after his passing...”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“The skin of the priest is cracking. This is no ordinary dry skin Some kind of external force has slowly withered priest's looks. Other than that, and the sunken glassy eyes, he seems to be in relatively normal condition. His body seems to be vulnerable to piercing attacks and his clothing would catch fire easily.”
If Daan is in the party:
“The skin of the priest is cracking. This is no ordinary dry skin. Some kind of external force has slowly withered priest's looks. Other than that, and the sunken glassy eyes, he seems to be in relatively normal condition. His body seems to be vulnerable to piercing attacks and his clothing would catch fire easily.”
Search (Soul stone) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Priest's head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • The Decrepit Priest in the Mayor's Manor is called Father Oscar
  • In the room that Father Oscar is in, there is an Alll-mer crucifix, inspecting it will reveal that the figurine in it has a wrathful expression.
  • Cutting their head with the Bonesaw and checking it in your inventory will reveal that there's something lingering inside it. It is still unknown what this means.
  • If the player character dies to the Decrepit Priest, especially to his Coin flip grab, your character will wake up with their legs severed on the gigantic cross in the middle of Old Town - Gate, with a circle of villagers dancing around it. after 2 time slot have passed the villagers will disappear, but the player is still stuck. August will suddenly show up and free the player, (If he is still alive) and tell them to run while he distracts the villagers, allowing the player to continue living, but with all party members gone and both legs disabled. This however can be fixed by drawing the Sylvian Ritual Circle.
  • Giving the priest the rusty pearl and sleeping in the bed without killing him will have him still attack you but he will be unable to do anything in battle.

