Elite Trooper

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Elite Trooper

Elite Trooper overworld.png

Affiliation Bremen army
Inflicted phobias
Phobias None
Physical description
Species Human (implied to be the result of a Marriage of Flesh)
Item drops
Search (Rifle .303 Mk I and 3 .303 Ammo) (Bremen elite helmet and Bremen chestplate)
Steal (7 .303 Ammo)
Overworld data
HP 6 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage [Torso] -50 at 5 HP
[Torso] -100 at 4 HP
[Torso] -200 at 3 HP
Bear trap Loses legs in Battle and Overworld
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Note Deals 30 damage to each party member
Using a bear trap on the trooper in Prehevil - Eastern Outskirts will also remove its left arm. (Bug)
Battle Theme
Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite.

The Elite Trooper is an Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. It is one of the soldiers sent by the Bremen Empire to occupy Prehevil.

Location & Behaviour


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 600 90% 90% 90% 90% 120% 80% 40% None
Torso 1500 (6000) None None
Torso (Rot) 925 (3700) None None
Right Arm 1000 None None
Left Arm 800 None None
Right Leg 300 None None
Left Leg 300 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.
While the enemy isn't immune to blindness, if the head is inflicted with Blindness 1 it will show The face mask protects the trooper's eyes! and remove Blindness 1. However, Blindness 2 does not get removed and therefore the rest of the body can be blinded.

Body Part Skill Effect Condition Chance Success Rate
Torso Tackle Deals 16-24 Blunt damage, can knock Olivia off a wheelchair. Arms are destroyed and has at least one leg 100% 95%
Left Arm Shoot Deals 28-42 Piercing damage, can cause Bleeding status. Always 33% 90%
Low bayonet Deals 36-54 Slashing damage, causes Leg loss. Always 33% 90%
Bayonet Deals 36-54 Slashing damage, causes Arm loss. Always 33% 90%
The trooper's arm twitches... Warns the player for a coin flip next turn. At the end of every few turns 100% 100%
The elite trooper lifts his rifle with a steady hand... Causes a coin flip event at the end of the turn if not destroyed or guarded. If Trooper's arm twitched last turn 100% 100%
Rapid fire Deals 28-42 Piercing damage to all targets, can cause Bleeding. Failed coin flip 100% 90%
Right Arm The elite trooper raises his shield for defence Applies Defense buff to every body part. At the end of the first turn 100% 100%
Shield bash Deals 24-36 Blunt damage to a single target. If Left arm was destroyed 100% 95%


Fear & Hunger Mode

The trooper has ability to use the shield which result in heavy buff for his defense stat until his right arm is dismembered and can use their bayonet rifle as a slashing weapon, giving possibility to let a player lose a limb in the combat. Player should be aware that the trooper will use an ability that deals high amount of damage from his aiming attack if they fail the coin flip.

Masoχ-S/M Mode




  • Elite Trooper: “...”
    • Player: “What is going on here?”
      • Elite Trooper: “...” The trooper shows absolutely no reaction to your words...
    • Player: “Stay away, I mean no harm!”
      • Elite Trooper: “...” The trooper shows absolutely no reaction to your words...
    • Player: “Prepare to die Bremen scum!”
      • Elite Trooper: “...” The trooper shows absolutely no reaction to your words...
    • Player: Nevermind


“The trooper is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction, the body feels surprisingly heavy.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“There is something unnatural about the physique of this trooper. You can't quite put a finger on what it is. Their anatomy is just from an uncanny valley if that makes sense. All the proportions look off, just a little bit. They don't seem to suffer from similar symptoms as the villagers and the locals in the city though. This is something else... You wonder if it could it be because of Bremen experiments?”
If Daan is in the party:
“There is something unnatural about the physique of this trooper... I can't quite put a finger on what it is. Their anatomy is just from an uncanny valley if that makes sense... All the proportions look off, just a little bit. They don't seem to suffer from similar symptoms as the villagers and the locals in the city though. This is something else... Could it be because of some unholy Bremen experiments?”
Search (Rifle .303 Mk I and 3 .303 Ammo) (Bremen elite helmet and Bremen chestplate) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Elite trooper head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • Their helmet is modelled after or inspired by the Cassis Crista helmet worn by the Murmillo class of gladiators, with the helmet type itself based on the wide brimmed Greek Boeotian helmet.
    • Their pauldrons is inspired by the lorica segmentata, a type of armor that consisting of metal strips fashioned into circular bands, fastened to internal leather straps.
      • Their breastplate is inspired either by the lorica musculata, or by the Roman Republican era bronze breastplate worn by poorer soldiers like the hastati.
  • Elite troopers are also meant to be able to drop a Ballistic shield and 2 .303 Ammo; however, due to a bug, this never occurs. (Bug)

