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Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

Diagnosis is a Contestant Skill from Daan's skill tree in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Study fallen enemies and their anatomy to gain knowledge of them. Diagnosis also reveals what strategies might work the best when facing similar foes in the future.


  • Starting skill for party member Daan.
  • Can be learned at the Hexen using a Soul stone if the player is Daan or have killed Daan.
    • does not require any skill to be learnt prior.
    • Can't be learned by party members.


Diagnosis is a passive skill that gives an option to examine defeated enemies in the overworld to find their weaknesses.
The dialogue changes depends on if the skill is learnt by the player or if Daan is a party member.

If the skill is learnt by the player

Janitor: Cannot be diagnosed

Woodsman: “The malformations on woodsman's face look violent and recent. It doesn't look like any sickness you'd be familiar with. Some kind of outside force has altered his looks and strength. The genitalia is especially curious case. From a first glance the obvious conclusion would be that a parasite attached itself there, but on a closer inspection it might actually be some kind of an unnatural growth malformation. Despite the appearance, the physique of this man is pretty close to a normal, rather large person. His body seems to be weak against piercing, blunt and otherwordly attacks.”

Villager (Sickle): “The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by these. The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out. It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Villager (Knives): “The woman has severe burns and malformations around her body, especially on her face. Looks like her eyes are practically blinded by these. The blisters on her face are festering, but at the same time parts of her face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out. It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Villager (Pipe): “The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by these. The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out. It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Rifleman: “The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by these. The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out. It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Vile: “The tall monster of a man seems to have rash all over its body. The rash seems to focus on the neck area and possibly to face and head, but that is impossible to tell because of the mask. The mask itself has melted on the patient's face and formed a light layer of exoskeleton-like crust that continues from the mask to the neck. Despite somewhat large frame, the man seems to be weak against piercing attacks as well as otherwordly powers.”

Moonscorched (Ghoul): “Looks like the skin from the upper half of this person's torso has been peeled off and it's hanging on his waist now. The muscle tissue underneath has started to seemingly harden for whatever reason. The surface feels hard and crispy now. The person has also clawed out his own eyes from the looks of things. This must have been an act of insanity. The body itself is weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Moonscorched (Male): “This person has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. He has been peeling off some of his depraved skin and there are claw marks all over his body. Most likely caused by himself. The tissue under the dry skin has started to decompose. The smell is very rancid. Looks like his body has changed over time because it has been exposed to some outside elements. It looks a like a mix of sun burns and radiation sickness. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Moonscorched (Female): “This person has severe burns and malformations around her body, especially on the face. She has been peeling off some of her depraved skin and there are claw marks all over her body. Most likely caused by herself. The tissue under the dry skin has started to decompose. The smell is very rancid. Looks like her body has changed over time because it has been exposed to some outside elements. It looks a like a mix of sun burns and radiation sickness. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Ronteal: “The creature's body seems almost hollow. Parts of it sink in with the last breaths the creature takes. The surface of the creature is crisp almost like it burned long time ago and then remoisturized over time. Nothing suggests that this creature would have ever been a human are any known animal. The creature seems vulnerable to most physical attacks. Only blunt attacks might just sink in with the physique of the creature and thus not cause any real damage.”

Decrepit Priest: “The skin of the priest is cracking. This is no ordinary dry skin Some kind of external force has slowly withered priest's looks. Other than that, and the sunken glassy eyes, he seems to be in relatively normal condition. His body seems to be vulnerable to piercing attacks and his clothing would catch fire easily.”

Headless: “The creature is without its head. There is only a mouth-like gaping cavity in its place which seems to have muscles to simulate jaws and biting. The obvious reason for this is mutation, although the hole is too symmetric and functional to pass off as a mere mutation. The physique of the beast looks otherwise similar to that of a wolf. The body seems sturdy and strong with no clear weaknesses. Its fur must catch fire easily and there seems to be innate weakness against otherwordly powers.”

Owl cultist: “This thing looks to be human for the most parts. The long-neck mask part however doesn't budge. It's stuck by some unnatural means... The neck especially is a medical curiosity... You can't quite explain what has caused the neck to mutate this long. The body is protected by a light chainmail, so slashing and piercing attacks have little effect. The cloth would catch fire easily however and the person seems to be vulnerable against otherwordly powers.”

Neighbour: “The hulking thing seems to have gone through a large-scale transformation. There are signs in its anatomy that this thing once was a human. Its skin has become scorched and is hard to puncture, its arms have gained mass and they now look more like bags of potatos, and finally its head seems to have transformed in a form that emphasizes mouth and tongue. There is no known medical ailment that could cause something this big. The body seems to be somewhat vulnerable to piercing attacks as well as otherwordly powers.”

Ratkin: “This frail and curious creature seems to share characteristics of both human and rat species. You are not entirely sure whether this thing was originally a human that has mutated to resemble a rat or if it once was a rat that has mutated closer to human. Whatever is the case, it's clear that the creature has none of the positive trait of either species. The body seems weak against pretty much everything, except it has properties that make it durable against otherwordly powers.”

Rat hag: “The old disproportionate body of the rat hag seems surprisingly durable. She clearly was hunched long before whatever changed her body happened. The surface skin that is not covered in rags all suffer from some kind of scorching and rash. The symptoms have spread from her face to chest and bust area, taking over more of her body over time.”

Sew job: “The creature seems to have been sewn together from multiple different humans. The sewing work itself is impressive, but you wonder how exactly the creature is able to function... The thing seems sturdy enough to withstand damage, but because it's just exposed skin, slashing and piercing attacks seem the most effective.”

Soldier: “The soldier looks physically healthy, but his skin is very dry. Unnaturally so. Parts of it are almost glossy because of the hardened flakes on his face. His eyes are also dim. They almost look like the person would suffer from cataract, but it would make no sense to have someone like that in the army, so it could be something else entirely... The soldier is only protected against fire and slashing attacks, but that has more to do with his uniform rather than his physique.”

Half-cocooned: “This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”

Bobby: “This person barely resembles a human anymore despite that most likely being his original form. At least based on his anatomy. There is a thick layer of exoskeleton-like growth all over the person. The surface looks like old burn damage for the most part. In certain places the surface has began to harden into glossy shell. The areas with the least 'burn damage' look like normal skin with severe rash and blisters. Because of the exoskeleton-like surface, most physical attacks and fire damage is reduced. The surface is vulnerable against blunt attack though.”

Inquisitor: “This creature is but a sack of dried up skin that feels oily and viscous. The only thing that feels solid and firm is its head. The somewhat humanoid head makes you wonder if it once was a human, but it has definitely strayed very from that if that is the case. The soft body seem resilient against otherwordly powers and fire, but all physical attacks seem effective.”

Fecal hound: “The skin of the beast looks like a mix of burns and boil damage. Some of the injuries seem to originate from inside the creature. Looks like the beast once had a fur, but it is long gone now. The body seems vulnerable against piercing physical attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Beekeeper: “The creature looks like a mishmash of beehives. Even the insides are completely hollow. There really is no explanation for this. What makes it even more puzzling is the human-like appearance of the creature which suggests it once was a human being.”

Fallen cherub: “The developing body of this child-like creature has gone through severe malformations. Many anatomical points suggest that this creature once was a human child. The prolonged neck and claws are the biggest cases of curiosity, but the skin also looks like it was burned or boiled at some point in time. The skin feels dry and brittle. The creature's frame isn't very sturdy, it's weak against piercing physical attacks as well as otherwordly powers and fire.”

Pillarman: “You are not entirely sure what has caused this man to grow this huge. He is humongous in every sense of the word. Except for his groin area. His muscles are almost bursting out from the torso. The skin is peeled from the top of his head and nailed on the chest and back to expose the disfigured head that is shaped like an anvil. The exposed skull even feels as thick as one. The man doesn't suffer from similar malformations and burns as the people you saw outside. His skin is very pale in fact. Almost like he hasn't seen sun in years. The pillarman has no particular weaknesses other than otherwordly powers having an increased effect on him.”

Crimson Father: “The body of the crimson father disappeared upon its defeat. There is only an empty shell left behind. The shell looks fairly typical snail shell to you. But you're not an expert of snails though, so it's not 100% accurate information.”

Bellend: “The creature has a sturdy shell-like exoskeleton that seems to protect it from most kinds of attacks. Only piercing and otherwordly powers seem to penetrate the surface effectively. The skin, or the surface layer feels like hardened leather that has burned to crisp. The skin gets thicker towards the head of the creature and which is especially well protected. If this creature was once a human, you suspect it is at the end of its metamorphosis by now.”

Death mask: “The person seems to still be alive. At least you can still feel his pulse. This goes against everything you know and understand. The wounds on his body should be lethal but something is keeping him alive. You do not have answers for this.”

Elite Trooper: “There is something unnatural about the physique of this trooper. You can't quite put a finger on what it is. Their anatomy is just from an uncanny valley if that makes sense. All the proportions look off, just a little bit. They don't seem to suffer from similar symptoms as the villagers and the locals in the city though. This is something else... You wonder if it could it be because of Bremen experiments?”

Flame Trooper: “There is something unnatural about the physique of this trooper. You can't quite put a finger on what it is. Their anatomy is just from an uncanny valley if that makes sense. All the proportions look off, just a little bit. They don't seem to suffer from similar symptoms as the villagers and the locals in the city though. This is something else... You wonder if it could it be because of Bremen experiments?”

Needles: “Needles is in top human form clearly. Under his garbs is a muscular body full of scars. Some of the scars look like old burns and some look like old rash of some kind. Because of his strong condition, he doesn't appear to have many weaknesses. Fire always works on his garbs though.”

Meat grinder: “This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”

Father Hugo: “The skin of the priest is cracking. This is no ordinary dry skin Some kind of external force has slowly withered priest's looks. Other than that, and the sunken glassy eyes, he seems to be in relatively normal condition. His body seems to be vulnerable to piercing attacks and his clothing would catch fire easily.”

Centaur: “The skin of the beast looks like a mix of burns and boil damage. Some of the injuries seem to originate from inside the creature. The most bizarre feature is the human torso stemming from the back of the creature. The anatomy of the torso does look like human apart from the prolonged neck and head. The body looks vulnerable to piercing and slashing attacks especially.”

Stitches: “The person looks to have a rather normal female body. A little bit more muscular than usual perhaps, but nothing out of ordinary. She has sewn her mouth partly shut and there appears to be more sewn cuts scattered around her body. Their purpose is unknown to you, but they do distort her face beyond recognition. Because of the sewn cuts, the body is especially weak against slashing attacks that might open the cuts. Also blunt attacks might open the stitches.”

Living flesh: “The living flesh looks to be a lumpy mass of fat and muscles. It is barely able to function. Examining the stitching marks, it looks like the entity consists of multiple different humans that were sewn together. Because the creature's skin is exposed, it is vulnerable to all kinds of attacks.”

Rancid the Sergal: “The creature looks like an animal of sorts. It definitely never was a human. You've never seen anything like it before though.”

Tormented One: “The flayed exterior of this man has all the muscles and veins exposed, yet the tormented one didn't seem to care about it, nor did it affect his performance. There isn't a scientific explanation for this. The body, despite lacking skin is in a top condition. The body has next to no weaknesses apart from small vulnerability against fire.”

Moonless: “The beast seems to have the physique of a normal wolf, only ten times bigger, has three eyes, possibly four and a mouth full of sharp teeth. There doesn't appear to be any signs of mutation. Could this beast have grown to this size on its own, naturally? The sword - if you can even call it that - on its back is a curious thing. It looks almost organic... Like it's alive? It is stuck though, so cannot examine it any closer.”

Sylvian Trooper: “It's hard to tell where the latex suit ends and the trooper begins, but the skin tight outfit does reveal the muscular physique of this person. There is some slightly uncanny about her proportions, but she definitely is one of the more 'normal' foes you've faced so far.”

Gull bros: “The head of the creature really is that of a bird... Or a seagull to be more precise. At first you thought it was just a mask. Somehow rest of the creature is all human. A human in peak physical form, sure, but normal human regardless. You have no explanations for what could've caused this mutation.”

Pocketcat (Daan): “He looks to be dead. The mask looks to be fused with the person's face for whatever reason. You cannot get it off no matter how you try to peel it.”

Chaugnar: “You notice slow and steady breathing. The hulking creature is clearly still alive. It doesn't seem to react to your investigations, so it must be unconscious at the very least. Each muscle in its body is tense and stiff. Even if it's knocked out, the body doesn't relax. The body does look humanoid, but the muscle mass, the rock solid skin and the mutated head does make you wonder if it ever was a human to begin with. The tissue on the head especially looks alien. It is just speculation, but the transformation this creature went through could have started from the head. Maybe an outside organism could have attached itself on the face of this person? Regardless, the creature doesn't seem to have any obvious weaknesses. Only otherwordly powers seem to get through its thick skin.”

Mastermind: “On the first glance the mass on his head looked like a parasite of sorts, but upon closer inspection it looks to be just a growth or a mutation. Your medical knowledge doesn't explain what could possibly cause something like this...”

Mechanical dance: “This thing is more of a machine than an organic being. Although parts of it look very human-like. You have no idea what the thing is.”

Valkyrie: “The creature seems to have a mixture of human and bird physique. The fusion looks so perfect that you cannot tell which is the point of origin in its transformation. You suspect the creature used to a human originally, just based on the monstrosities you've seen in the area so far. Upon closer inspection, the armor on the creature looks organic. It's exoskeleton-like growth. It's very hard and sturdy.”

Giant: “The giant's physique is a complete medical mystery. You can't make any logical sense of it.”

Weeping scope: “The creature clearly has the torso of a human, but the upper body has mutated into the shape of a gun barrel or cannon. You don't really have knowledge on what could cause such a dramatic metamorphosis. From the looks of it, the barrel is even functioning as a firearm of sorts. The barrel feels like hardened leather that's been burned to crisp.”

Cocoon: “Her body looks more or less human, minus the extra limbs, but the real curiosity is the cocoon that grows from the human torso... There was some movement inside the cocoon earlier, so whatever is inside, must have been alive to some extent. You have no idea what could have caused such mutation and growth.”

Dysmorphia: “Her body has gone through some kind of a metamorphosis. The skin feels thick and sturdy. It's almost armor-like. Her head has been peeled open. The skin is stretched on the rim that goes around her head.”

Judgement: “This man has gone through a lot of physical trauma. Glass shards penetrate deep into his skull and arms. You have no idea how he was still alive to begin with. There is also somekind of torture device on his neck. It seems to stretch his neck beyond normal measures. If he wasn't dead now, you don't think he would've survived for very much longer.”

Gentleman: “He looks to be dead.”

Monster: “There is very little humanlike in this monstrosity. Your medical proficiency isn't enough to analyze this beast”

All contestants and Doppelgangers will show the same text which is: “He looks to be dead.” or “She looks to be dead.”

If Daan is a party member

Janitor: Cannot be diagnosed

Woodsman:“The malformations on this man's face look violent and recent. It doesn't look like any sickness I'm familiar with... Some kind of outside force must have altered his looks and physical strength. The genitalia is especially curious case. From a first glance the obvious conclusion would be that a parasite attached itself there, but on a closer inspection it might be some kind of an unnatural growth malformation. Part of the woodsman himself. Madness, I know... Interesting, but yeah, madness. Despite the appearance, the physique of this man is pretty close to a normal, rather large person. His body seems to be weak against piercing, blunt and otherwordly attacks.”

Villager (Sickle): “The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by the these... The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out... It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Villager (Knives): “The woman has severe burns and malformations around her body, especially on her face. Looks like her eyes are practically blinded by the these... The blisters on her face are festering, but at the same time parts of her face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out... It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Villager (Pipe): “The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by the these... The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out... It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Rifleman: “The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by the these... The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out... It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Vile: “The tall monster of a man seems to have rash all over its body. The rash seems to focus on the neck area and possibly to face and head, but that is impossible to tell because of the mask. The mask itself has melted on the patient's face and formed a light layer of exoskeleton-like crust that continues from the mask to the neck. Despite somewhat large frame, the man seems to be weak against piercing attacks as well as otherwordly powers.”

Moonscorched (Ghoul): “Looks like the skin from the upper half of this person's torso has been peeled off and it's hanging on his waist now. The muscle tissue underneath has started to seemingly harden for whatever reason. The surface feels hard and crispy now. As if that wasn't enough, this guy has also clawed out his own eyes from the looks of things. This must have been an act of insanity. The body itself is weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Moonscorched (Male): “This person has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. He has been peeling off some of his depraved skin and there are claw marks all over his body. Most likely caused by himself. The tissue under the dry skin has started to decompose. The smell is very rancid. Looks like his body has changed over time because it has been exposed to some outside elements. It looks a like a mix of sun burns and radiation sickness. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Moonscorched (Female): “This person has severe burns and malformations around her body, especially on the face. She has been peeling off some of her depraved skin and there are claw marks all over her body. Most likely caused by herself. The tissue under the dry skin has started to decompose. The smell is very rancid. Looks like her body has changed over time because it has been exposed to some outside elements. It looks a like a mix of sun burns and radiation sickness. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against slashing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Ronteal: “The creature's body feels hollow. It feels like a half-empty bag of potatos, with the potatos halfway through decomposing. It even smells like that. The surface of the creature is crisp almost like it burned long time ago and then remoisturized over time. Nothing suggests that this creature would have ever been a human are any known animal. The creature seems vulnerable to most physical attacks. Only blunt attacks might just sink in with the physique of the creature and thus not cause any real damage.”

Decrepit Priest: “The skin of the priest is cracking. This is no ordinary dry skin. Some kind of external force has slowly withered priest's looks. Other than that, and the sunken glassy eyes, he seems to be in relatively normal condition. His body seems to be vulnerable to piercing attacks and his clothing would catch fire easily.”

Headless: “I'm no veterinarian, but let's give this a look... The creature is without its head. There is only a mouth-like gaping cavity in its place which seems to have muscles to simulate jaws and biting. The obvious reason for this is mutation, although the hole is too symmetric and functional to pass off as a mere mutation. The physique of the beast looks otherwise similar to that of wolf. Poor doggy. The body seems sturdy and strong with no clear weaknesses. Its fur must catch fire easily and there seems to be innate weakness against otherwordly powers.”

Owl cultist: “This thing looks to be human for the most parts. The long-neck mask part however doesn't budge. It's stuck by some unnatural means... The neck especially is puzzling me... I can't quite explain what has caused the neck to mutate this long... The body is protected by a light chainmail, so slashing and piercing attacks have little effect. The cloth would catch fire easily however and the person seems to be vulnerable against otherwordly powers.”

Neighbour: “This hulking thing seems to have gone through a large-scale transformation. There are signs in its anatomy that this thing once was a human. Its skin has become scorched and is hard to puncture, its arms have gained mass and they now look more like bags of potatos. And finally its head seems to have transformed in a form that emphasizes mouth and tongue. Very charming indeed... Might not come as a suprise, but there is no known medical ailment that could cause something this big. The body seems to be somewhat vulnerable to piercing attacks as well as otherwordly powers.”

Ratkin: “This frail and curious creature seems to share characteristics of both human and rat species. I'm not entirely sure whether this thing was originally a human that mutated to resemble a rat or if it once was a rat that mutated closer to shape of a human being. Whatever is the case, it's clear that this miserable thing has none of the positive trait of either species. Not exactly a winner in gene lottery. The body seems weak against pretty much everything, except it has properties that make it durable against otherwordly powers.”

Rat hag: “The old disproportionate body of the rat hag seems surprisingly durable. She clearly was hunched long before whatever changed her body happened. The surface skin that is not covered in rags all suffer from some kind of scorching and rash. The symptoms have spread from her face to chest and bust area, taking over more of her body over time.”

Sew job: “The creature seems to have been sewn together from multiple different humans. The sewing work itself is impressive... But I have no idea how exactly the creature is able to function... Whatever is the case, the creature doesn't seem to be a product of mutation similar to the rest of the locals. The thing seems sturdy enough to withstand damage, but because it's just exposed skin, slashing and piercing attacks seem the most effective.”

Soldier: “The soldier looks physically healthy, but his skin is very dry. Unnaturally so. Parts of it are almost glossy because of the hardened flakes on his face. His eyes are also dim. They almost look like the person would suffer from cataract, but it would make no sense to have someone like that in the army, so it could be something else entirely... The soldier is only protected against fire and slashing attacks, but that has more to do with his uniform rather than his physique.”

Half-cocooned: “This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”

Bobby: “This person barely resembles a human anymore despite that most likely being his original form. At least based on his anatomy. There is a thick layer of exoskeleton-like growth all over the person. The surface looks like old burn damage, but in certain places the surface has began to harden into glossy shell. The areas with the least 'burn damage' look like normal skin with severe rash and blisters. Because of the exoskeleton-like surface, most physical attacks and fire damage is reduced. The surface is vulnerable against blunt attack though.”

Inquisitor: “This creature is but a sack of dried up skin that feels oily and viscous. The only thing that feels solid and firm is its head. The somewhat humanoid head makes you wonder if it once was a human, but it has definitely strayed very from that if that is the case. The soft body seem resilient against otherwordly powers and fire, but all physical attacks seem effective.”

Fecal hound: “I'm no veterinarian, but let's give this a look... The skin of the beast looks like a mix of burns and boil damage. Some of the injuries seem to originate from inside the creature. Looks like the beast once had a fur, but it is long gone now. The body seems vulnerable against piercing physical attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”

Beekeeper: “This creature... It looks like a mishmash of beehives. Even the insides are completely hollow... I have no explanation for this. I mean it obviously looks human-like otherwise...”

Fallen cherub: “The developing body of this... child has gone through severe malformations. At least I think it was a human child at one point. The prolonged neck and claws are the biggest cases of curiosity, but the skin also looks like it was burned or boiled at some point in time. The skin feels dry and brittle. The child's frame isn't very sturdy, it's weak against piercing physical attacks as well as otherwordly powers and fire.”

Pillarman: “I'm not entirely sure what has caused this man to grow this huge. He is humongous in every sense of the word. Except for where it counts. His muscles are almost bursting out from the torso. The skin is peeled from the top of his head and nailed on the chest and back to expose the disfigured head that is shaped like an anvil. The exposed skull even feels as thick as one. The man doesn't suffer from similar malformations and burns as the people outside. His skin is very pale in fact. Almost like he hasn't seen sun in years. The pillarman has no particular weaknesses other than otherwordly powers having an increased effect on him.”

Crimson Father: “This is pretty weird... The body of the crimson father disappeared upon its defeat. There is only an empty shell left behind. The shell looks fairly typical snail shell to me. But then again I'm not exactly an expert of snails, so it's not 100% accurate information.”

Bellend: “The creature has a sturdy shell-like exoskeleton that seems to protect it from most kinds of attacks. Only piercing and otherwordly powers seem to penetrate the surface effectively. The skin, or the surface layer feels like hardened leather that has burned to crisp. The skin gets thicker towards the head of the creature and which is especially well protected. If this creature was once a human, I suspect it is at the end of its metamorphosis by now...”

Death mask: “I'm confused. I can still feel a pulse from this thing. All the wounds and beating this guy took would suggest that he's good as dead, but no... I don't know. Don't ask me these hard questions. Even I don't have all the answers.”

Elite Trooper: “There is something unnatural about the physique of this trooper... I can't quite put a finger on what it is. Their anatomy is just from an uncanny valley if that makes sense... All the proportions look off, just a little bit. They don't seem to suffer from similar symptoms as the villagers and the locals in the city though. This is something else... Could it be because of some unholy Bremen experiments?”

Flame Trooper: “There is something unnatural about the physique of this trooper... I can't quite put a finger on what it is. Their anatomy is just from an uncanny valley if that makes sense... All the proportions look off, just a little bit. They don't seem to suffer from similar symptoms as the villagers and the locals in the city though. This is something else... Could it be because of some unholy Bremen experiments?”

Needles: “His face... It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... This guy is in top human form clearly. Under his garbs is a muscular body full of scars. Scary. His muscles are still very tense even after his death. Wouldn't want to run into him alone in a dark alley, that's for sure. Because of his strong condition, he doesn't appear to have many weaknesses. Fire always works on his garbs though.”

Meat grinder: “This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”

Father Hugo: “The skin of the priest is cracking. This is no ordinary dry skin. Some kind of external force has slowly withered priest's looks. Other than that, and the sunken glassy eyes, he seems to be in relatively normal condition. His body seems to be vulnerable to piercing attacks and his clothing would catch fire easily.”

Centaur: “I'm no veterinarian, but let's give this a look... The skin of the beast looks like a mix of burns and boil damage. Some of the injuries seem to originate from inside the creature. Can't avoid the elephant in the room either - there's clearly a human body thrown into the mix. I don't even want to guess how that happened... The body looks vulnerable to piercing and slashing attacks especially.”

Stitches: *Daan: “The person looks to have a rather normal female body. A little bit more muscular than usual perhaps, but nothing out of ordinary. She has sewn her mouth partly shut and there appears to be more sewn cuts scattered around her body. Their purpose is unknown to be, but they do distort her face beyond recognition... ... ...” Daan looks shaken up. His eyes are wide as he stares the woman.

    • Player: “What's wrong?”
      • Daan: “... Let's just go. I really need fresh air.”
    • Player: “Are you alright?”
      • Daan: “... Let's just go. I really need fresh air.”
    • Player: “...”

Living flesh: “The thing looks to be a lumpy mass of fat and muscles. It is barely able to function. Examining the stitching marks, it looks like the entity consists of multiple different humans that were sewn together. Could it be an artificial life of some kind? Because the creature is butt-naked, it is vulnerable to all kinds of attacks.”

Rancid the Sergal: “You'll need a veterinarian for this one... I don't think this is a mutation or anything to that nature. It's just an animal, a beast or something along those lines... It did speak though... Maybe it's a bigfoot?”

Pocketcat: “Seems dead to me. Don't know what else to say...”

Tormented One: “The flayed exterior of this man has all the muscles and veins exposed, yet the tormented one didn't seem to care about it, nor did it affect his performance. There isn't a scientific explanation for this. The body, despite lacking skin is in a top condition. The body has next to no weaknesses apart from small vulnerability against fire.”

Moonless: “I mean... It's a big dog. That's all there is to it. I'm not a vet, so that's as far as my knowledge goes. The sword - if you can even call it that - on its back is a curious thing. It looks almost organic... Like it's alive? Seems pretty stuck though, so can't examine it any closer...”

Sylvian Trooper: “It's hard to tell where the latex suit ends and the trooper begins, but the skin tight outfit does reveal the muscular physique of this person. There is some slightly uncanny about her proportions, but she definitely is one of the more 'normal' foes we've faced so far. That's refreshing I guess?”

Gull bros: “The head of the creature really is that of a bird... Or a seagull to be more precise. At first I thought it was just a mask... Creepy. Somehow rest of the creature is all human. A human in peak physical form, sure, but normal human regardless. I have no explanations for what could've caused this mutation.”

Chaugnar: “Notice the slow and steady breathing? This hulking thing is clearly still alive. It doesn't seem to react to us though, so it must be unconscious at the very least... Each muscle in its body is tense and stiff. Even if it's knocked out, the body simply doesn't relax. What kind of monster is this? The body does look humanoid, but the muscle mass, the rock solid skin and the mutated head does make you wonder if it ever was a human to begin with... Look at the tissue on the head. Looks very alien. It is just speculation, but the transformation this creature went through could have started from the head. Maybe an outside organism could have attached itself on the face of this person? Regardless, the creature doesn't seem to have any obvious weaknesses. Only otherwordly powers seem to get through its thick skin.”

Mastermind: “On the first glance the mass on his head looked like a parasite of sorts, but upon closer inspection it looks to be just a growth or a mutation... My medical knowledge doesn't explain what could possibly cause something like this... But I don't think even more educated doctors could crack this one that easy...”

Mechanical dance:
“This is beyond my expertise. I think we'd need an engineer for this job.”
  • Player: “I have no idea what this thing is supposed to be.”
    • Daan: “You haven't even looked at its insides. What's under the hood and all that.”
  • Player: “Are you suggesting it's somekind of a machine?”
    • Daan: “Looks like it. Feels like it. Sounds like it.”

Valkyrie: “I don't think a doctor, or even a vet would be the right person to do the diagnosis here... This is something straight out of a gothic horror novel.”

Giant: “This thing is a mess... I can't make any sense on how it looks the way it does. The surface is very thick and hard... It does looks like some kind of growth or scorched cancer tissue... But why? How? No idea.”

Weeping scope: “The creature clearly has the torso of a human, but the upper body has mutated into the shape of a gun barrel or a cannon. Frankly, I have no knowledge on what could cause such a dramatic metamorphosis. From the looks of it, the barrel is even functioning as a firearm of sorts! The barrel feels like hardened leather that's been burned to crisp.”

Cocoon: “Her body looks more or less human, minus the extra limbs, but the real curiosity is the cocoon that grows from the human torso... There was some movement inside the cocoon earlier, so whatever is inside, must have been alive to some extent. I really have no idea what could have caused such mutation and growth... Any scientific idea that is. Most likely the same shit that happened to the other people in this city happened to her too.”

Dysmorphia: “... What is this even supposed to be? The skin has gone through some kind of a metamorphosis. It's very thick and sturdy. Almost gives her an armor of sorts... The head... It's her face, only peeled open. Charming.”

Judgement: “This man has gone through a lot of physical trauma. Glass shards penetrate deep into his skull and arms. To be honest, I have no idea how he was still alive. There is also somekind of torture device on his neck. The cube thing. It seems to stretch his neck beyond normal measures. If he wasn't dead now, I don't think he would've survived for very much longer.”

Gentleman: “Seems dead to me. Don't know what else to say...”

Monster: “This thing is not human. It's just a grotesque monster. I'm not the right person to analyze it, you'd need a veterinarian or something for this...”

All contestants and Doppelgangers will show the same text which is: “Seems dead to me. Don't know what else to say...”


Stitches if playing as Daan: “The person looks to have a rather normal female body. A little bit more muscular than usual perhaps, but nothing out of ordinary. She has sewn her mouth partly shut and there appears to be more sewn cuts scattered around her body. Their purpose is unknown to you, but they do distort her face beyond recognition. But despite that... She eerily reminds you of someone... The more you entertain the idea, the more certain you become of this haunting realization. No matter how disfigured her face would be, you would always recognize your wife Elise... This woman has her appearance. You are 100% certain of this now. But it's impossible. She is dead... Either you are losing your mind slowly but surely, this place has finally gotten the best of you... Or maybe there is some other sinister reasoning behind all this... You hope that it is only your mind that is crumbling here... You wish Elise has her rest now... ” If diagnosed again: “Elise...”

Needles if Daan is a party member and if Stitches was diagnosed before:

  • Daan:“His face... It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... ... It can't be...”
    • Player: “What is it?”
      • Daan: “... My mind is just doing tricks on me. Nasty tricks...”
    • Player: “You recognise him?”
      • Daan: “... My mind is just doing tricks on me. Nasty tricks...”
    • Player: “...”

Needles if playing as daan: “His face... There's something that bothers you in his looks... Something familiar. It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... Needles is in top human form clearly. Under his garbs is a muscular body full of scars. Some of the scars look like old burns and some look like old rash of some kind. Because of his strong condition, he doesn't appear to have many weaknesses. Fire always works on his garbs though.”

Needles if playing as daan and stitches was diagnosed before: “It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... Beneath it all, there's something very familiar about him... You don't want to even consider the possibility, but he reminds you of your father-in-law, Eihner von Dutch... But that's impossible. Isn't it? Then again, you felt like you just saw the ghost of Elise as well... Your mind must be playing dirty tricks on you...”

Mechanical dance if Daan and Abella are in the party:
Daan: “This is beyond my expertise. I think we'd need an engineer for this job.”
Abella: “... Don't look at me! I have no idea what is happening in this place!”


  • Although it is impossible to get contestant party members in Masochism Mode, the Gull bros do have a unique diagnosis dialogue if Daan was in your party.
