Crimson Father

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Crimson Father

Crimson Father overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Rhadophobia, Zoophobia
Item drops
Search (Soul stone) (2 Fly amanita) (3 Lavender) (Soul devour necklace)
Steal (Soul stone shard) (Brain flower stigma)
Overworld data
HP 6 (+1 extra)
Executable True
Gunslinger/Rifle True
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage [Torso] -50 at 5 HP
[Torso] -150 at 4 HP
[Torso] -300 at 3 HP
Bear trap Does nothing
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Battle Theme
Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

The Crimson Father is an Enemy encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


The Crimson Father appears to be a snail-like entity, which lacks the ability to articulate verbal language. However, its bottomless, striking green eyes possess an eerie depth that enables it to establish a profound telepathic connection with its interlocutor. The ideas and concepts conveyed through this connection are often bizarre and unintelligible to humans, attesting to the otherworldly origin of this creature.

The Crimson Father is driven by an insatiable thirst for blood, as evidenced by the blood pools and cadavers scattered throughout its habitat. According to Miro, it appears after an extensive bloodbath or slaughter, much like snails after rain. The creature appears to possess an inexplicable link to the Sulfur God, as it can conjure its likeness in people's minds. Additionally, it wields a ritual dagger that bears an uncanny resemblance to the one used by the Black Witch in combat.

Upon being defeated, the Crimson Father's physical form disintegrates into thin air, leaving behind only its robes. Its head, meanwhile, scurries away from its adversary, perhaps seeking refuge.

Location & Behaviour

  • 4 Crimson Fathers in the basement of Church of Alll-mer
    • 2 Crimson Fathers will run at you
    • 1 Crimson Father does not have a body and cannot be looted
    • 1 Crimson Father can't be fought, will only appear for the cutscene where it walks away from the gate next to cells
  • 3 Crimson Fathers in the basement passageway of Church of Alll-mer leading to Mausoleum Alley
    • 2 Crimson Fathers will run at you

When the Crimson Father sees the player and runs, for 6.67 seconds, its movement speed is increased.


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 1000 130% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 40% None
Head (transformed) 1000 80% 40%
Torso 1425 (5700) 110% None None
Torso (Rot) 1075 (4300) 100% 120% None None
Right Arm 250 None None
Left Arm 250 None None
Right Arm (transformed) 600 None None
Left Arm (transformed) 600 None None
Tentacle 1 20 None None
Tentacle 2 20 None None
Tentacle 3 20 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.



Fear & Hunger Mode

The Crimson Father starts battle by using Occult dagger with their right arm and Mind control with their head. Occult dagger is a slashing attack that deals about 27 damage and has a high chance of inflicting the Bleeding and Infected arm status effects. When Mind control is going to be used, the text "The crimson father is focusing it's attention..." will appear at the top of the screen followed by the attack itself which always inflicts the Confused status effect on a random party member for 3 turns, this can be a problem if it affects a powerful party member but their attack is reduced by 75%, You can prevent the Mind control ability from being used by throwing glass shards at the head.

At the end of the Crimson Father's second turn the text "The crimson father began trembling furiously..." will appear and it's head and arms will transform into stronger versions with more health and different attacks. Both of it's arms will use Tentacles which is a blunt attack that deals about 25 damage while it's head will use Gaping bite which is a slashing attack that deals about 35 damage and has a high chance of inflicting the same status effects as Occult dagger. This phase will continue for the remainder of the fight unless the party can successfully escape in which it will return to phase 1 with the same amount of limbs lost, The transformation can also be prevented by throwing glass shards at the head.

The Crimson Father has three tentacles below it's torso that act as it's legs, destroying these will send the Crimson Father off balance and make it's head vulnerable, Although it's not recommended to target the head because of the high amount of hp it has.

The bear trap will have no effect on this creature despite playing an animation of it's tentacle legs falling off.

Masoχ-S/M Mode



Battle start

  • Crimson Father: “...Your father...”
  • Or
  • Crimson Father: “I'm your father...”


  • The creature doesn't seem to be able to utter spoken words... But the green bottomless eyes of the monstrosity pierce deep into your mind. You hear concepts and ideas linger from seemingly nowhere... You understand that the creature is not from this world, but its motivations lie among humans regardless. You feel an intense lust for blood...
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “It's blood you want, right? I can arrange you some.”
      • Your persuasion efforts have gone to waste. The creature doesn't seem to be willing to have conversation. The crimson father is fixated on you, nothing else seems to be able to satiate its curiousity and lust.
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “Don't care what you are. All living things understand pain.”
      • Your threats don't seem to have effect on the creature. Slowly the thing advances towards you, at a snail's pace.
    • Player: “We both keep going different directions, okay?”
      • You feel the eyes of the creature bury even deeper. Clearly its interests are in you now.
    • Player: “What do you want?”
      • You see faint visions of an unknown god. A god that does not belong to this world. A god that never belonged. Its shape does not make sense even as a feeble vision.
        • Player: [PERSUADE] “I need to know more. Anything will do!”
          • The visions of torn flesh... They start to take more concrete shape. It's the one-eyed god... The one that burns in a pit of sulfur... As the visions become more vivid your head starts to hurt like never before. (-15 Mind)
        • Player: “...”
    • Player: “Prepare to die.”
      • Your threats don't seem to have effect on the creature. Slowly the thing advances towards you, at a snail's pace.
    • Player: Nevermind


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Failure “The body of the crimson father disappeared upon its defeat. No body equals no fertile ground for your seeds.”
Use Heart flower Failure “The body of the crimson father disappeared upon its defeat. No body equals no fertile ground for your seeds.”
Beat it Nothing “There isn't much to kick. Only a sack of clothing and the empty shell left behind by the crimson father.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“The body of the crimson father disappeared upon its defeat. There is only an empty shell left behind. The shell looks fairly typical snail shell to you. But you're not an expert of snails though, so it's not 100% accurate information.”
If Daan is in the party:
“This is pretty weird... The body of the crimson father disappeared upon its defeat. There is only an empty shell left behind. The shell looks fairly typical snail shell to me. But then again I'm not exactly an expert of snails, so it's not 100% accurate information.”
Search (Soul stone) (2 Fly amanita) (3 Lavender) (Soul devour necklace) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour Failure “There is nothing to devour...”
Harvest an organ Failure “There are no organs to harvest...”
Saw off its head Failure “There is nothing to saw off...”
Necromancy Failure “There is no body to bring back life..”


  • Before update 1.8 of Termina the Crimson Father's head/shell layed empty upon the enemies robes after defeat. After the update they now move around the overworld afraid of the player trying to run from you. This patch also gives them ability to sprint towards the player.
  • It was intended for the Mind control to be guardable, however due to how guarding is programmed it does not work.

