Moonless (F&H2)

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Moonless Beast overworld.png

Inflicted phobias
Phobias Zoophobia
Biographical information
Date of death 1942 (determinant)
Physical description
Gender Female
Species Wolf (mutated by the darkness of the dungeon)
Item drops
Search (Black steel)
Steal Nothing
Overworld data
Note Cannot be harmed in the Overworld
Battle Theme
Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Location needs a rewrite. Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

This page is about Moonless in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina. For her appearance in Fear & Hunger, see Moonless.

Moonless is an optional Boss encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


"A lone cave wolf who was once driven away from her pack because of her superior strength. The black has its way of changing the nature of wolves."
- The New Gods when asked about Moonless.

Moonless, a cave wolf, was once a member of a pack comprising wolves similar to herself. Her remarkable strength potentially placed her as the matriarch within the group. Nevertheless, this very strength became the cause of her expulsion, as her packmates grew wary of her power. The influence of the blackness, which brought about madness and illness to all living beings in the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger, may have contributed to their decision.

Left to wander the caves in solitude, perhaps trying to secure sustenance for herself and seeking out a new pack, she survived the events portrayed during Fear & Hunger, which took place in 1590.

Over almost four centuries later, Moonless has undergone profound transformations. Her figure has grown into a gargantuan presence. She is now missing her bottom-right eye and two swords, Black Steel and Miasma, are partially impaled within her. The reasons behind these additional changes and the circumstances leading to her impalement remain unexplained. Equally mysterious is her presence in Prehevil and her connection to August.


  • Moonless Beast can be found in Foundations of Decay, at the end of the cave next to the Tunnel 4 entrance


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Lurker in the dark 7000 (14000) 80% 100% 100% 130% 110% 195% None Blindness, Concussion
Head 6000 80% 40% Concussion
Torso 7500 (15000) None None Blindness, Concussion
Torso (Rot) 6000 (12000) None None
Right Paw 1200 None None Concussion
Left Paw 1200 None None
Hind Paws 1800 None None Blindness, Concussion
Miasma 1700 None None All debuffs
Miasma (Awoken) 1000 None None
Black Steel 300 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.



Fear & Hunger Mode

At the start of the battle, Moonless will take her time slowly emerging from the darkness, giving the player 3 free turns for preparation.

When Moonless finally arrives, she will mostly attack with her bites and her paws, occasionally using a howling attack, which drains Mind Points. Once the player deals 2000 damage to her torso, Miasma will awaken, causing it to attack every turn where it deals 20-30 damage and applies Toxic to the player's party. Her biting attack deals 60-90 damage and will cause bleeding, but it can be made significantly less dangerous by using glass shards on her head, as this will make the biting attack miss most of the time. After that, the player should immediately dislodge miasma to avoid the party being poisoned, and then can take care of both of her paws to prevent her from her second damage source, making the howling attack the only potential threat.

It should be noted that the Analyze skill does not work on Moonless.

Masoχ-S/M Mode



Talk (If Moonless is too far away)

  • The creature is too far away to initiate a conversation...


  • The moonless beast is growling at you from a short distance...
    • Player: Throw Rotten meat (+80-120 HP to Moonless)
    • Player: “Sit girl, sit!”
      • Your pleads go to deaf ears. The beast doesn't react to your words in the slightest.
    • Player: “Whose a good girl?”
      • Your pleads go to deaf ears. The beast doesn't react to your words in the slightest.
    • Player: “Bad girl!”
      • Your pleads go to deaf ears. The beast doesn't react to your words in the slightest.
    • Nevermind


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Failure “You cannot penetrate the thick skull of the beast to lay down your seed.”
Use Heart flower Failure “You cannot penetrate the thick skull of the beast to lay down your seed.”
Beat her Nothing “No reaction from the beast. Your kicks probably wouldn't have much effect even if the thing was still alive...”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“The beast seems to have the physique of a normal wolf, only ten times bigger, has three eyes, possibly four and a mouth full of sharp teeth. There doesn't appear to be any signs of mutation. Could this beast have grown to this size on its own, naturally? The sword - if you can even call it that - on its back is a curious thing. It looks almost organic... Like it's alive? It is stuck though, so cannot examine it any closer.”
If Daan is in the party:
“I mean... It's a big dog. That's all there is to it. I'm not a vet, so that's as far as my knowledge goes. The sword - if you can even call it that - on its back is a curious thing. It looks almost organic... Like it's alive? Seems pretty stuck though, so can't examine it any closer...”
Search (Black steel) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Failure “You try to bite in, but your mouth gets full of fur. You don't like the feeling, so you decide not to continue.”
Harvest an organ Failure “You can't move the torso to a proper position to harvest any organs. The beast is too heavy.”
Saw off her head (-1 Bonesaw) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • In Moonless' portrait, she sports a pair of dew claws on her hind legs. Dewclaws are typically seen only in dogs, and not wolves in real life. When dewclaws are seen in wolves in the wild, it is typically a result of hybridization with large domesticated dogs.
  • The code for pulling the Black steel out of Moonless still refers to it as the Red virtue. Considering Heartless One can similarly be seen wielding the Black steel in early unused sprites, it is likely the two swapped places later in development.


