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Inflicted phobias
Phobias Nosophobia, Erotophobia
Physical description
Species Human (Moonscorched)
Item drops
Search (2 .303 Ammo) (.303 Ammo) (Gun powder), (Bench grinder and Saw blade), (2 Shillings) (Meat mallet) (Cloth fragment)
Steal (7 Shillings) (2 Cloth fragments) (12-gauge shells)
Overworld data
HP Meat grinder: 15 (+1 extra)
Half-cocooned: 8 (+1 extra)
Rifleman: 0
Executable Meat grinder: False
Half-cocooned: True
Rifleman: True
Gunslinger/Rifle False
Marksmanship True
HP to Damage [Meat grinder] -50 at 14 HP
[Meat grinder] -150 at 13 HP
[Meat grinder] -300 at 12 HP
[Half-cocooned] -50 at 7 HP
[Half-cocooned] -150 at 6 HP
[Half-cocooned] -300 at 5 HP
Note Rifleman deals 10 damage to every party member
Rifleman can only be killed with Execution or Rifle
Battle Theme
Warning! Nudity ahead!

This page contains depictions of genitals and / or sex.

Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

The Mob is a Boss encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.

Location & Behaviour

The Mob is a randomly triggered within the city after walking over certain tiles (as seen in Gallery). When triggered, signalled by a bottle being thrown, the Mob will appear from various places and chase the player. The encounter consists of a Rifleman, Half-cocooned and Meat grinder.

The Mob will be able to spawn in:

The Mob does not make an appearance in Easy(er) mode.


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Meat grinder 2700 100% 100% 130% 100% 120% None None None
Meat grinder (Rot) 1600 None None
Half-cocooned 2000 None None
Half-cocooned (Rot) 1600 None None
Rifleman 1000 120% None None
Rifleman (Rot) 700 None None



Fear & Hunger Mode

The Mob is an extremely dangerous fight due to the high damage its enemies can inflict each turn. As it can spawn unpredictably and its enemies move very quickly in the overworld, the encounter can be very difficult to avoid, and the player will likely not have enough time to use firearms.

The Meat Grinder is by far the most deadly enemy, with its weapon being able to cause devastating, multi-hit damage to a single party member each turn, causing bleeding and dismembering limbs. Both the Rifleman and the Half-cocooned should not be underestimated either, as their attacks can deal moderate to high damage. However the Rifleman may randomly waste their turns over the course of the battle.

They have no targetable limbs, making it impossible to focus on their arms, but there are other ways to hinder their offense.

The encounter can be heavily tilted towards the player's side if they can successfully land a stunning blow on the Meat Grinder. This can be achieved by using a blunt weapon (such as the Pipe Wrench), Abella's Wrench Toss, or by casting Mischief of Rats. You can also use Glass Shards, which have a high chance of blinding the enemy, making them miss some of their attacks. Alternatively, the spell Black Smog can blind all three of them making it safer. On new game+ (provided the player has reached Ending A), it is also recommended to use Red arc since it can stun them.

Using the Rot skill on the Meat Grinder will turn it into a Half-cocooned instead, reducing the threat of the encounter.

Masoχ-S/M Mode




  • (If Half-cocooned is alive)
    • Half-cocooned: “Die! Die! DIE!”
  • (If Rifleman is alive)
    • Rifleman: “...” The rifleman just keeps on aiming at you, not paying attention to your words.
  • (If Meat grinder is alive)
    • Meat grinder: “HRGRAAAAHHH!”
  • The mob seems to be unwilling to negotiate...



“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction, but each kick gives you satisfaction.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by these. The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out. It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”
If Daan is in the party:
“The man has severe burns and malformations around his body, especially on his face. Looks like his eyes are practically blinded by the these... The blisters on his face are festering, but at the same time parts of his face have dried up to crisp seemingly from inside out... It doesn't appear to be caused by fire or explosion of any kind. The results have formed over longer period of time. The body itself is relatively frail. Weak against piercing attacks, fire and otherwordly powers.”
Search (2 .303 Ammo) (.303 Ammo) (Gun powder) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Rifleman head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”

Meat grinder

“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction, but each kick gives you satisfaction.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”
If Daan is in the party:
“This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”
Search (Bench grinder and Saw blade) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Half-cocooned head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “No reaction, but each kick gives you satisfaction.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”
If Daan is in the party:
“This person has started to cocoon into something. There are severe scorchings around his body and the growth has become thick shell-like crust in some parts. It looks like the metamorphosis is only halfway done, there is no telling how he would've ended up if this kept on going. Only piercing and otherwordly attacks seem to penetrate the shell.”
Search (2 Shillings) (Meat mallet) (Cloth fragment) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Half-cocooned head) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


  • Before the 1.8 patch, the Mob did not drop any loot due to a bug.
  • The Meat grinder will turn into a Half-cocooned in combat if Rot is used on him. (Bug)

