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Aliases Baron Eihner Von Dutch
Inflicted phobias
Phobias Nosophobia
Biographical information
Date of death 1942 (determinant)
Physical description
Gender Male
Species Human
Item drops
Search (3 Heroin)
Steal (Heroin) (2 Rust-coloured pearls)
Overworld data
HP 14 (+1 extra)
Executable False
Gunslinger/Rifle False
Marksmanship False
HP to Damage [Torso] -50 at 13 HP
[Torso] -100 at 12 HP
[Torso] -200 at 11 HP
Bear trap Stuck in place
Booby trap Stuns for 1.33 seconds,
Applies Can't do shit 3 in Battle
Note Only takes 2 damage from Trenchgun when not stunned, 3 when stunned
Battle Theme
Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Proceed at your own risk!

Incomplete page ahead!

This page currently lacks crucial information! Please add onto it.
Reason: Strategy needs a rewrite. Skills are missing.

*Needles gives you a giggle.*

Needles is a Boss encountered in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina.


Needles is an exceedingly cruel individual whose permanent clownish grin belies his heavily scarred and burned muscular physique concealed beneath his clothing. As his moniker suggests, he uses needles in combat and demonstrates a keen understanding of various substances and their effects when injected. Needles apparently takes great pleasure in hunting down the Termina contestants in Prehevil, relishing the process with bouts of laughter. He actively seeks out his targets, displaying an eagerness to eliminate them.

Warning! Speculation ahead!

Information below is hinted on, but wasn't directly confirmed in-game.

When playing as Daan, he will remark that Needles resembles his father-in-law, Baron Eihner Von Dutch. As a doctor with unconventional methods for healing and mending wounds, he held a fascination for Sylvian and her restorative powers. He took Daan under his wing as an apprentice, exchanging his knowledge of modern medical practices for Daan's understanding of the Old God Sylvian. Eihner Von Dutch met his end just before the end of the second great war, in a bizarre ritual to the Sulfur God, seemingly self-inflicting wounds and cuts before ultimately sacrificing his own daughter Elise, Daan's fiancée, in the maddening ceremony. The circumstances of the Baron's transformation into Needles and how he ended up in Prehevil remain a mystery. It is uncertain whether Needles still retains any semblance of his former self as the Baron, if he is merely a vessel being controlled by some other force, or if the resemblance is just a disturbing coincidence.

Location & Behaviour

  • Needles can be found in Tunnel 7, but only under certain conditions:
    • The player is Abella
    • Abella is dead
    • The player doesn't enter the Mayor's Manor before entering Tunnel 7 on Day 1 Morning
    • The player hasn't entered the city

Needles will stalk the player once they enter the city, his appearance is indicated with him laughing and a message stating "You hear distant laughing. It sounds cold and devoid of life...":

If the player leaves the area after he appears at their location in the city, then it will cause Needles to disappear from that area temporarily, permanently if he is killed. (Bug)


Body Part HP Blunt Slashing Piercing Fire Otherwordly Ev. Rate Magic Ev. Resistances
Head 300 100% 100% 100% 110% 100% 75% None None
Head (Hat) 20 75% None
Torso 2400 (6000) None None
Torso (Rot) 1400 (3500) None None
Right Arm 1000 None None
Left Arm 1000 None None
Right Arm (Gun) 1000 None None
Left Arm (Gun) 1000 None None
Right Leg 800 None None
Left Leg 800 None None
  • Note: HP in parenthesis is only used for Damage-over-Time calculations.



Fear & Hunger Mode

Despite his clownish appearance, Needles is one of the toughest enemies one can encounter early in the game, because his attacks can leave the player after the fight with life-threatening status effects, such as bleeding and arm infection. His body parts are surprisingly sturdy (both of his arms have 1000 HP), and his arms need to both be chopped off at once or he will pull out a gun with his free hand and deal a large amount of damage.

Needles' attack with his right hand is Needle Whip, dealing moderate damage and causing infection and bleeding. His other hand uses Mystery Injection, which deals a minuscule amount of damage but poisons the target. This hand can also trigger a coin flip attack which will paralyze the target if failed.

Players can get a headstart by blinding him/lowering his accuracy by throwing Glass Shards at his head. One can get out of the battle with little to no damage by landing a shot directly on Needles' head, but they need to be extremely lucky.

Masoχ-S/M Mode




  • Needles: “...” Needles is just grinning at you with its sadistic smile.
    • Player: [PERSUADE] “Live and let live, we are on the same page, right?”
      • Needles is just laughing at you with exaggerated gestures. He is holding his stomach while pointing a mocking finger at you... Your persuasion didn't seem to work...
    • Player: [INTIMIDATE] “You're going to regret the day you quit the circus.”
      • The expression on the face of Needles becomes deadly serious.
        • Player: “What's the matter? Did I hit a nerve?”
          • The wrinkles around Needles' face get deeper as his expression intensifies... Seems like you managed to infuriate Needles. (+Furious)
        • Player: “Why so serious?”
          • The wrinkles around Needles' face get deeper as his expression intensifies... Seems like you managed to infuriate Needles. (+Furious)
    • Player: “No one needs to die here!”
      • Needles is just laughing at you with exaggerated gestures. He is holding his stomach while pointing a mocking finger at you...
    • Player: “Who are you?”
      • Needles shrugs with its arms stretched wide.
    • Player: “I'll wipe that grin off your face!”
      • The expression on the face of Needles becomes deadly serious.
    • Player: Nevermind
      • Needles is waving its finger around its ear in a mocking manner.


“The monstrosity is down...”
Action Result Flavour text
Use Brain flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Use Heart flower Success “You've laid down the seed for the flower.”
Beat him Nothing “The body of Needles feels muscular and tense even after his apparent death. It feels especially gratifying kicking his lifeless body.”
Medical diagnosis Nothing
“Needles is in top human form clearly. Under his garbs is a muscular body full of scars. Some of the scars look like old burns and some look like old rash of some kind. Because of his strong condition, he doesn't appear to have many weaknesses. Fire always works on his garbs though.”
If Daan is in the party:
“His face... It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... This guy is in top human form clearly. Under his garbs is a muscular body full of scars. Scary. His muscles are still very tense even after his death. Wouldn't want to run into him alone in a dark alley, that's for sure. Because of his strong condition, he doesn't appear to have many weaknesses. Fire always works on his garbs though.”
If Daan is in the party (Stitches was diagnosed before):
  • Daan:“His face... It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... ... It can't be...”
    • Player: “What is it?”
      • Daan: “... My mind is just doing tricks on me. Nasty tricks...”
    • Player: “You recognise him?”
      • Daan: “... My mind is just doing tricks on me. Nasty tricks...”
    • Player: “...”
If playing as Daan:
“His face... There's something that bothers you in his looks... Something familiar. It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... Needles is in top human form clearly. Under his garbs is a muscular body full of scars. Some of the scars look like old burns and some look like old rash of some kind. Because of his strong condition, he doesn't appear to have many weaknesses. Fire always works on his garbs though.”
If playing as Daan (Stitches was diagnosed before):
“It's smeared with makeup and blood... His expression is still frozen in that shit-eating grin despite having gone through a painful death... Beneath it all, there's something very familiar about him... You don't want to even consider the possibility, but he reminds you of your father-in-law, Eihner von Dutch... But that's impossible. Isn't it? Then again, you felt like you just saw the ghost of Elise as well... Your mind must be playing dirty tricks on you...”
Search (3 Heroin) Nothing
Leave Success Nothing
Devour (Unavailable) (Bug) Success “You devoured the remains.”
Harvest an organ Success Nothing
Saw off his head (Head of Needles) Nothing
Necromancy Failure “The soul is too corrupted and frail to be summoned back to the body. The necromancy failed.”


If playing as Daan, upon fighting Needles he will react at the start of the battle:

  • Needles: "..."
  • Needles looks you straight in the eyes as his expression becomes more serious.

Alternatively, if Daan is in the player's party:

  • Needles: "..."
  • The expression of his face becomes more serious all of a sudden.


If Tanaka is alive and Needles is in Tunnel 7, Needles will behead Tanaka after getting far enough into the tunnel. After beheading him, his sprites will show him wearing Tanaka's hat.


If Marina is left unrecruited at the Book Store on Day 2 Evening, Needles will kill her by removing the skin from her face and his sprites will show him wearing her face.

First death interaction

If defeated by Needles for the first time, the game will not end. After the screen fades to black, they will feel something stabbing them in the neck, and awaken chained in Tunnel 5. After some time, a red shadowy figure will appear and approach the player, upon contact it will enter the player's genital area, causing a "massive orgasm" and making them pass out. Afterwards, they will be able to continue the game as normal. Any party members the player currently has will vanish from the party and if any of the party members were contestants, the player can come find their remains around the city.


  • Needles' appearance and behaviour is an obvious reference to Art the Clown from the 2016 slasher movie "Terrifier".
  • Despite Art the Clown appearing most prominently in "Terrifier", Needles performs many actions in-game that are reminiscent of Art the Clown's initial appearances in various short films in the anthology "All Hallows Eve". Both Needles and Art saw off a man's head while pressing him to the floor, injecting their victims and chain them in underground tunnels, and use a cat-o'-nine-tails made from medial equipment.
  • The guns wielded by Needles are 9mm Browning Hi-Power single action pistols, produced since 1935.[1]



All of Needles' Kills.

